Why You Should Never Pay a Collection Agency | Louisville, KY (2024)

You may be tempted to pay a debt collection agency so they’ll stop harassing you. Unfortunately, this can ultimately harm your credit report. Actually, there are many different reasons why you should never pay a collection agency. Your credit report shows each loan you have taken out in the past seven years, but it also covers your repayment history. If you miss payments, they will be updated on your credit report and can negatively impact your credit score. Even if you fully pay a collection agency, this would be considered a credit transaction. Therefore, it will remain on your credit report for seven years. However, there are some debts that have different statute of limitations such as mortgage debt, written contract, and judgments.

If you are struggling with debt and want to stop debt collection calls, contact the O’Bryan Law Offices at 502-339-0222 today! With the help from our experienced team, you can get back on track and out of a stressful financial situation.

Debt Collectors and Your Credit Report

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s debt collection rule requires debt collectors to take certain steps before they can report a debt to a credit reporting agency. Once they have taken those steps, then they can report your debt to a credit reporting agency, as long as they follow other laws about credit reporting.

Before a debt collection agency can report your debt to a credit reporting company, the debt collector must do at least one of the following.

  • Talk to you in person about the debt.
  • Talk to you over the phone about the debt.
  • Mail you a letter about the debt and wait around 10-14 days for a notice that the letter wasn’t delivered.
  • Send you an electronic communication about the debt and wait a reasonable amount of time for a notice that the message wasn’t delivered.

If a debt collector sends you a debt validation letter about a debt, it means they have done what they needed to before reporting your account to the credit bureaus.

What Happens If You Don’t Pay a Debt Collector?

Why You Should Never Pay a Collection Agency | Louisville, KY (1)

It may be tempting to simply ignore debt collectors but that is generally a poor long-term solution. Several potential consequences of not paying a collection agency include further negative impacts to your credit score, continuing interest charges and even lawsuits. Even if you can’t pay the debt in full, it’s often best to work with the collection agency to establish a payment plan.

The stress of having a debt sent to collections can be tremendous, especially with the worries that come from a decreased credit score and a slew of phone calls from debt collectors. You’ve possibly considered waiting out the collection agency and hoping that the problem goes away on its own.

Unfortunately, collection agencies are unlikely to give up on your debt, especially if you owe a substantial amount of money. You can also face continued negative effects from your debt if you try to ignore the debt collector. Consequences of not paying your debt can include the following.

Interest Charges

Even after the debt goes to collections, interest charges can continue to accrue. Any fees or interest rates outlined in your original contract can be charged by the collection agency as well.

The collection agency cannot raise your interest rate or add new fees, but it may choose to continue generating interest or late fee charges if they were part of the original agreement. Ignoring the debt collector doesn’t just fail to make your debt go away, the amount you owe may continue to increase.

Credit Effects

Having an account sent to collections will lead to a negative item on your credit report. The mark is likely to stay on your credit report for up to seven years even if you pay off your debt with the collection agency. It’s also possible that paying off your collection account may not increase your credit score.

However, there are several reasons that paying off your collection account could help your credit situation.

  • The account will be shown as “paid in full” or “settled”. When future creditors look at your report, a collection account that was paid in full sends a more positive signal than an unpaid debt.
  • Updated FICO® models may regard paid collection accounts differently. Changes to how FICO® credit scores are calculated may mean that collection accounts paid in full won’t hurt your score.
  • Sticking to a payment plan could help establish good credit habits. As you work to pay off your debts, you’ll be establishing positive credit behaviors that will benefit you as you improve your credit history.

There may not be an immediate increase in your credit score after paying off a collection account, but it’s a great first step toward creating a more positive credit history for yourself.

Collector Communications

Collection agencies will continue to try to reach out to you unless you pay your debt, especially if you owe a significant amount of money. Collectors are allowed to contact you by phone, mail, fax, or email from the hours of 8a.m. to 9p.m. They are also allowed to contact your friends and family members to try to locate you.

It’s also important to know that collection agencies can continue to reach out to you even after your debt falls off your credit report as long as it is still within the statute of limitations. The statute of limitations on debt in Kentucky are as follows:

  • Oral Contract- 5 years
  • Written Contract- 10 years
  • Mortgage- 15 years
  • Open Contract- 5 years
  • Credit Card- 5 years
  • Judgment- 15 years

Since the longest statute of limitations can be upwards of 10 years, some collectors could be calling you even after the seven years the collection account is on your credit report. You do have the right to request in writing that debt collectors stop contacting you. If they don’t stop contacting you, you can file a complaint with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

However, just because you request for the collection agency to stop communication with you, does not mean that the debt goes away. If you continue to ignore the debt, the collection agency may file a lawsuit against you.


If a collection agency is intent on getting paid for your debt, it may decide to initiate a lawsuit against you. After the collection agency files a lawsuit with the state, you’ll receive a copy as well as a summons to appear in court.

Consulting with an attorney immediately is ideal, as failing to appear in court will mean that you lose by default. In that case the judge could award the collection agency the ability to do any of the following:

  • Place a lien on your property, which can go on your public record
  • Garnish your wages, which means that your employer may give part of your paycheck to the collection agency before you receive it
  • Freeze some or all of the funds in your bank account

If you do receive a court summons, work with a qualified attorney to help build a case, which will hopefully lead to a settlement with the collection agency. Although, the best approach is to try and avoid lawsuits in the first place, which means making a plan to deal with the debt collectors rather than ignoring them.

What Should You Do With Collections?

Why You Should Never Pay a Collection Agency | Louisville, KY (2)

You should consider the following factors before you decide whether or not to pay a collection agency. It may be good not to pay a collection agency in the following circ*mstances:

  • You don’t have any income or assets, and you don’t plan to change that.
  • You don’t owe that debt.
  • Your plan is to settle the debt for less than what you originally owed.
  • The statute of limitation on debt has expired, meaning the collection agency can no longer pursue legal action against you.
  • The collection agency cannot prove that they own your debt.

However, it may be wise to pay a collection agency in the following situations:

  • You do owe the debt, and the collection agency can prove they own the debt.
  • You want to resolve the debt quickly and you have the funds to do so.

Alternatives to Paying a Debt Collection Agency

Why You Should Never Pay a Collection Agency | Louisville, KY (3)

Settlement Offer

If you have a single older debt and want to stop the collection calls, you may consider a debt settlement negotiation with the collection agency. You can offer to pay the collection agency a certain percentage of the debt and ask that the unpaid debt be written off. Depending on the amount you can afford and how old the debt is, start with 20 cents on the dollar. See how little they are willing to accept and go from there.

One thing you should know about your settlement payment is that it will update the last activity date, meaning that the debt will remain for another seven years on your credit report. To avoid the negative impact, ask the collection agency to purge the debt from your credit report as soon as possible. You can ask them to do this as part of the settlement agreement.

Keep in mind that, when you’re drowning in credit card debt or other obligations, bankruptcy is the only option that will offer you true legal protections against creditors and debt collection agencies. Once you file for bankruptcy, the automatic stay goes into effect. When this happens, if a debt collector contacts you, you can simply have them communicate with your attorney instead.

Debt Management Plan

A debt management plan is basically a debt repayment service offered through a credit counsellor service. It is a plan that aims to fully repay your debts over a period 5 year period. In a debt management plan, the agency combines your unsecured debts together so that you only need to make one monthly payment. The agency then distributes your payment to each of your creditors, with the largest creditors getting a bigger share of the payment.

Debt management plans can be good for people who can fully repay all their debt, but cannot qualify for a debt consolidation loan. They would also benefit from a fixed payment schedule. There are advantages and disadvantages to a debt management plan, which include the following.


  • Stops collection calls.
  • A single monthly payment.
  • Reduced and sometimes zero interest charges.
  • It’s a voluntary procedure- you decide to start the process.


  • You must repay all of your debts.
  • A debt management plan is not legally binding on creditors. Bankruptcy, however, is legally binding.
  • It cannot deal with every type of debt.
  • This action will still appear on your credit report and be visible to future lenders.

Keep in mind that, as with debt settlements, debt management plans do not offer the same legal protections as bankruptcy. The automatic stay in bankruptcy protects consumers from wage garnishment, calls from debt collectors, further collection fees, and other negatives. Filing for bankruptcy is the only way you can be protected from creditors and debt collection agencies. If you are considering debt consolidation in Kentucky, we strongly recommend speaking with an attorney before making any decisions about your finances.

Experienced Louisville Bankruptcy Attorneys

Why You Should Never Pay a Collection Agency | Louisville, KY (4)

If you need help with your credit and financial plans, call our experienced Kentucky bankruptcy attorneys at O’Bryan Law Offices. We have offices in Louisville, Frankfort, and New Albany that can help with any questions you may have about your debt and what options are available to you. Our attorneys have helped both Kentucky and Indiana residents with managing their debt. Call us today at 502-339-0222 to schedule your free case consultation.

Why You Should Never Pay a Collection Agency | Louisville, KY (2024)


Why You Should Never Pay a Collection Agency | Louisville, KY? ›

Having an account sent to collections will lead to a negative item on your credit report. The mark is likely to stay on your credit report for up to seven years even if you pay off your debt with the collection agency. It's also possible that paying off your collection account may not increase your credit score.

What happens if you refuse to pay a collection agency? ›

However, they may file a lawsuit against you to collect the debt, and if the court orders you to appear or to provide certain information but you don't comply, a judge may issue a warrant for your arrest. In some cases, a judge may also issue a warrant if you don't comply with a court-ordered installment plan.

Is it true you don't have to pay a collection agency? ›

If you refuse to pay a debt collection agency, they may file a lawsuit against you. Debt collection lawsuits are no joke. You can't just ignore them in the hopes that they'll go away. If you receive a Complaint from a debt collector, you must respond within a time frame determined by your jurisdiction.

Can a debt collector sue you in Kentucky? ›

In general, you cannot go to jail for a bad debt. [1] But a creditor can sue you in court and ask for a judgment. [2] If the creditor wins in court and you can't pay what you owe, the creditor may try to take some of your income or property to the pay the debt.

Is it worth paying a collection agency? ›

It's always a good idea to pay collection debts you legitimately owe. Paying or settling collections will end the harassing phone calls and collection letters, and it will prevent the debt collector from suing you.

Is it OK to ignore debt collectors? ›

If you get a summons notifying you that a debt collector is suing you, don't ignore it. If you do, the collector may be able to get a default judgment against you (that is, the court enters judgment in the collector's favor because you didn't respond to defend yourself) and garnish your wages and bank account.

Why you shouldn't pay off collections? ›

Having an account sent to collections will lead to a negative item on your credit report. The mark is likely to stay on your credit report for up to seven years even if you pay off your debt with the collection agency. It's also possible that paying off your collection account may not increase your credit score.

How do I get out of collections without paying? ›

You can ask the creditor — either the original creditor or a debt collector — for what's called a “goodwill deletion.” Write the collector a letter explaining your circ*mstances and why you would like the debt removed, such as if you're about to apply for a mortgage.

What is the 11 word phrase to stop debt collectors? ›

If you are struggling with debt and debt collectors, Farmer & Morris Law, PLLC can help. As soon as you use the 11-word phrase “please cease and desist all calls and contact with me immediately” to stop the harassment, call us for a free consultation about what you can do to resolve your debt problems for good.

Do debt collectors give up? ›

If the debt is not collected, then the debt collector does not make money. In many cases, although you would think that debt collectors would eventually give up, they are known to be relentless. Debt collectors will push you until they get paid, and use sneaky tactics as well.

How long before a debt becomes uncollectible in KY? ›

This means that, according to Kentucky law on oral contracts and verbal agreements, debt collection agencies only have five years to file a lawsuit on a debt since the last action on the account. In other words, the statute of limitations on credit card debt in Kentucky is five years.

What is the Kentucky state law on debt collection? ›

Debt collection in Kentucky does not have a particular state law on debt collectors' practices. On the other hand, the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act provides a level of protection for consumers.

Can a collection agency garnish your wages in Kentucky? ›

Creditors in the state of Kentucky can file suit against you if you have not made regular payments and they can request that your wages be garnished in order to recoup lost funds. If the Kentucky court agrees with the request they can issue a writ to have your wages garnished.

What not to say to debt collectors? ›

If you get an unexpected call from a debt collector, here are several things you should never tell them:
  • Don't Admit the Debt. Even if you think you recognize the debt, don't say anything. ...
  • Don't provide bank account information or other personal information. ...
  • Document any agreements you reach with the debt collector.
Nov 23, 2021

Should I pay off a 5 year old collection? ›

The best way is to pay

Most people would probably agree that paying off the old debt is the honorable and ethical thing to do. Plus, a past-due debt could come back to bite you even if the statute of limitations runs out and you no longer technically owe the bill.

What is the safest way to pay a collection agency? ›

The most secure way to pay a debt collection agency is by mailing a check with a return receipt. This will prove that the collection agency accepted the check.

What happens if you never answer collections? ›

If you continue to ignore communicating with the debt collector, they will likely file a collections lawsuit against you in court. If you are served with a lawsuit and ignore this court filing, the debt collection company will be able to get a default judgment against you.

How do you scare off a debt collector? ›

Top 7 Debt Collector Scare Tactics
  1. Excessive Amount of Calls. ...
  2. Threatening Wage Garnishment. ...
  3. Stating You Have a Deadline. ...
  4. Collecting Old Debts. ...
  5. Pushing You to Pay Your Debt to “Improve Your Credit Score” ...
  6. Stating They “Do Not Need to Prove Your Debt Exists” ...
  7. Sharing Your Debt With Family and Friends.
Dec 1, 2022

What's the worst a debt collector can do? ›

While debt collectors can't threaten you or mislead you, they can apply pressure to collect payment. This pressure can include daily calls, frequent letters, or talk about pursuing a lawsuit for payment on the debt — as long as they stay within the bounds of the law.

Is it better to pay off collections or let them go? ›

A fully paid collection is better than one you settled for less than you owe. Over time, the collections account will make less difference to your credit score and will drop off entirely after seven years. Finally, paying off a debt can be a tremendous relief to your mental health.

Can collections hurt you? ›

Collection accounts have a significant negative impact on your credit scores. Collections can appear from unsecured accounts, such as credit cards and personal loans. In contrast, secured loans such as mortgages or auto loans that default would involve foreclosure and repossession, respectively.

Do collections go away if you don't pay? ›

A debt doesn't generally expire or disappear until its paid, but in many states, there may be a time limit on how long creditors or debt collectors can use legal action to collect a debt.

What not to do with collections? ›

What Not to Do When a Debt Collector Calls
  1. Don't Give a Collector Your Personal Financial Information. ...
  2. Don't Make a "Good Faith" Payment. ...
  3. Don't Make Promises or Admit the Debt is Valid. ...
  4. Don't Lose Your Temper.

What is a goodwill letter asking for forgiveness? ›

What is a Goodwill letter? Generally, Goodwill letters are also known as forgiveness removal letters. It is a letter you may send to your creditor requesting that they take a bad entry off of your credit reports. You can certainly repair your credit by writing a Goodwill letter to a creditor, which is quite simple.

What is a drop dead letter? ›

You have the right to send what's referred to as a “drop dead letter. '' It's a cease-and-desist motion that will prevent the collector from contacting you again about the debt. Be aware that you still owe the money, and you can be sued for the debt.

What is the 777 rule with debt collectors? ›

One of the most rigorous rules in their favor is the 7-in-7 rule. This rule states that a creditor must not contact the person who owes them money more than seven times within a 7-day period. Also, they must not contact the individual within seven days after engaging in a phone conversation about a particular debt.

What is the credit secret loophole? ›

A 609 Dispute Letter is often billed as a credit repair secret or legal loophole that forces the credit reporting agencies to remove certain negative information from your credit reports.

How serious are debt collectors? ›

Unfortunately, a debt in collections is one of the most serious negative items that can appear on credit reports because it means the original creditor has written off the debt completely. So when a debt is sent to collections, it can have a severe impact on your credit scores.

Can my bank account be garnished in Kentucky? ›

A Kentucky non-wage garnishment gives your creditor permission to directly tap into your bank account, which means that they can take some or all of the money in your account.

What is exempt from garnishment in Kentucky? ›

For example, Social Security benefits, workers' compensation benefits, retirement income, and unemployment benefits can't be garnished by most creditors. Any alimony or child support payments that you receive will also generally be treated asexempt from garnishment, just as they would be if you filed for bankruptcy.

At what point does a debt become uncollectible? ›

In California, the statute of limitations for consumer debt is four years. This means a creditor can't prevail in court after four years have passed, making the debt essentially uncollectable.

How do I respond to a summons for debt collection in Kentucky? ›

Once you've reviewed the Summons and Complaint, follow these three steps to respond to the debt collection lawsuit:
  1. Answer each allegation mentioned in the Complaint.
  2. Include affirmative defenses.
  3. File the Answer with the court and send a copy to the plaintiff's attorney.
Mar 21, 2023

How long is debt time barred in Kentucky? ›

Statute of Limitations by State
Statute of Limitations by State (in years)
50 more rows
Oct 16, 2022

How long does a judgment last in KY? ›

For both open account and written contracts, the statute begins to run from the date of default. Kentucky Judgments (both domestic and foreign judgments domesticated in Kentucky) are valid for fifteen (15) years and can be renewed.

How much can be garnished from your paycheck in Kentucky? ›

Limits on Wage Garnishment in Kentucky

On a weekly basis, the garnishment can't exceed the lesser of: 25% of your disposable earnings for that week, or. the amount by which your disposable earnings for that week surpasses 30 times the federal minimum hourly wage.

What is the most that can be garnished from wages? ›

The Debt Collection Improvement Act authorizes federal agencies or collection agencies under contract with them to garnish up to 15% of disposable earnings to repay defaulted debts owed to the U.S. government.

Can debt collectors take money from your paycheck? ›

Who Can Garnish My Wages in California? If you work in California, creditors, debt collectors, and debt buyers can garnish your wages for past-due consumer debt, such as credit card debt, back rent, car loans, medical bills, or payday loans. Generally, creditors must get a court order judgment to collect consumer debt.

What is debt shaming? ›

One controversial tactic in debt collection is a relatively new term, debt shaming. This involves some level of public disclosure by the collector to bring attention to a debtor who has not satisfactorily paid their debt.

What is debt collector harassment? ›

Debt collectors violate the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) when they harass, oppress, or abuse you. It's harassment when debt collectors: Place repetitious phone calls or use electronic communications – such as text, email, and social media messages – intended to harass, oppress, or abuse you or any person.

How much in collections is bad? ›

A collection on a debt of less than $100 shouldn't affect your score at all, but anything over $100 could cause a big drop. In many cases, it doesn't even matter how much it is if it's over $100. Whether you owe $500 or $150,000, you may see a credit score drop of 100 points or more, depending on where you started.

What age is most in debt? ›

The average American debt totals $59,580, including mortgages, auto loans, student loans, and credit card debt. Debt peaks between ages 40 and 49, and the average amount varies widely across the country.

Can I pay original creditor instead of collection agency? ›

Working with the original creditor, rather than dealing with debt collectors, can be beneficial. Often, the original creditor will offer a more reasonable payment option, reduce the balance on your original loan or even stop interest from accruing on the loan balance altogether.

What happens if you ignore a debt collector? ›

If you get a summons notifying you that a debt collector is suing you, don't ignore it. If you do, the collector may be able to get a default judgment against you (that is, the court enters judgment in the collector's favor because you didn't respond to defend yourself) and garnish your wages and bank account.

Is it better to pay the company or collections? ›

It's important to try and pay the original creditor before a debt gets sent to collections. In some cases, the original creditor may be able to reclaim the debt from collections and work out a payment plan with you. A collection account on your credit report harms your credit score considerably.

How do I get around paying collections? ›

9 Ways to Turn the Tables on Debt Collectors
  1. Don't Wait for Them to Call. Consider picking up the phone and calling the debt collector yourself. ...
  2. Check Them Out. ...
  3. Dump it Back in Their Lap. ...
  4. Stick to Business. ...
  5. Show Them the Money. ...
  6. Ask to Speak to a Supervisor. ...
  7. Call Their Bluff. ...
  8. Tell Them to Take a Hike.
Mar 26, 2013

How do I get away with not paying debt collectors? ›

9 Ways to Turn the Tables on Debt Collectors
  1. Don't Wait for Them to Call. Consider picking up the phone and calling the debt collector yourself. ...
  2. Check Them Out. ...
  3. Dump it Back in Their Lap. ...
  4. Stick to Business. ...
  5. Show Them the Money. ...
  6. Ask to Speak to a Supervisor. ...
  7. Call Their Bluff. ...
  8. Tell Them to Take a Hike.
Mar 26, 2013

How long can you ignore collections? ›

How Long Can You Ignore Debt Collections? While it's not wise to ignore a debt collector, you might be able to put them off long enough so that you don't end up in court. A debt collector has a certain period of time (typically three to six years) to file a lawsuit against you to collect the money you owe.

What not to say to collections? ›

If you get an unexpected call from a debt collector, here are several things you should never tell them:
  • Don't Admit the Debt. Even if you think you recognize the debt, don't say anything. ...
  • Don't provide bank account information or other personal information. ...
  • Document any agreements you reach with the debt collector.
Nov 23, 2021

What happens if you ignore collections? ›

Ignoring or avoiding the debt collector may cause the debt collector to use other methods to try to collect the debt, including a lawsuit against you. If you are unable to come to an agreement with a debt collector, you may want to contact an attorney who can provide you with legal advice about your situation.

What do I say to creditors if I can't pay? ›

Explain your current situation. Tell them your family income is reduced and you are not able to keep up with your payments. Frankly discuss your future income prospects so you and your creditors can figure out solutions to the problem.

How do you beat a collection agency? ›

Summary: If you're being sued by a debt collector, here are five ways you can fight back in court and win: 1) Respond to the lawsuit, 2) make the debt collector prove their case, 3) use the statute of limitations as a defense, 4) file a Motion to Compel Arbitration, and 5) negotiate a settlement offer.

What is called debt trap? ›

A debt trap means the inability to repay credit amount. It is a situation where the debtor could not be able to repay the credit amount.

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