Why Python Should Be the Technology Choice for Your Fintech (2024)

Early on in the processof setting up your fintech startup you will have to make key decisions that are very hard to un-make.

One such decision is your choice of tech stack, chiefly the programming language. If you go wrong here, your costs may skyrocket down the line, putting you in the red despite best intentions.

Your fintech needs a programming language that is easy to handle, scalable, mature, high-performance, and coupled with ready-made libraries and components.

Luckily,Pythonis there to answer all your fintech needs.

Read on to learnwhy Python is the smartest choiceof programming language forfintech.

Why Python Should Be the Technology Choice for Your Fintech (1)

Discovering the application and popularity of Python in fintech

Before joining STX Next, I worked for a promising Polish fintech. While my exploits were short-lived, culminating in a “Best of Show” win at Finovate Europe 2016 (see the videoFinovateEurope 2016: Valuto), I made sure that my next endeavor would keep me connected to the industry.

What I was excited to learn when joining the largest Python software house in Europe was just how prevalent the backend language was among fintechs—both startups and unicorns.

Why Python Should Be the Technology Choice for Your Fintech (2)

For those who may be encountering the term for the first time, fintech combines the tech of Silicon Valley with the financial services of London, New York, or Singapore. According to the annualFintech Report, cumulative investment globally will exceed $150 billion in 2017.

Many who are familiar with fintech may be unfamiliar with its connection to Python. The rise in popularity of Python as a programming language has been demonstrated by the numerous financial industry job postings seekingPython developerssince 2015—right around the time when fintech started to gain mainstream notoriety.

Why Python Should Be the Technology Choice for Your Fintech (3)

Why Python is the most useful programming language for fintech startups

Python is an ideal programming language for the financial industry. Widespread across the investment banking and hedge fund industries, banks are using Python to solve quantitative problems for pricing, trade management, and risk management platforms.

Python also seems to have answers to most challenges raised by the financial industry when looking at analytics, regulation, compliance, and data, which are made easy by the abundance of supporting libraries. (More on those later.)

I don’t want to deter those who are using other server-side languages for their bootstrapped fintechs. Most will allow you to accomplish similar goals and, in fact, many companies use several back-end languages to build out their product.

However, while that’s the case, there are some technologies that will help you to achieve your goals in a far quicker and more intuitive manner. I’m sure that many will have their reasons for why their favorite back-end technology is ideal for fintech, and that’s great, but I intend to put much of the debate to rest in the following paragraphs.

I’ll make my case clear right off the bat: Python is the fastest-growing technology in finance and is perfect for your next venture into fintech. Let me tell you exactly why it’s ideal.

1. HackerRank coding interviews

When choosing a tech stack, it’s important for a fintech CEO or CTO to consider the current and future availability of the labor pool supporting the technologies. This can be done by trackingtrends in education,Stack Overflow traffic, or via recruitment.

A2016 Studyconducted by HackerRank took a look at the most in-demand programming languages across six specific industries: health care, social media, gaming & media, security, finance, and fintech.

The charts, which were created based on data from 3,000 coding interview challenges, show that while many industries demonstrate small discrepancies between top-ranked programing languages, fintech is not even close.

In fact, for fintech, Python outranks the second most frequent programming language in coding interview challenges by 2 to 1. The runner-up? Java, which has dominated financial services software development for the past decade or more.

Additionally, within the study, HackerRank affirms that Python is generally the fastest-growing language in finance.

2. Financial giants that use Python

After reviewing the labor pool and recruitment trends, it’s important to know that the programming language that you ultimately choose has a good track record. Additionally, it shouldn’t put you at a disadvantage when tackling issues typical to the financial industry, such as speed, scalability, and quantitative problem-solving.

Though Python is by no means a new language, its growing popularity across the investment banking and hedge fund industries is a relatively new development. Much of the ubiquity of Python among financial services giants can be attributed to Kirat Singh. If you haven’t heard of Singh, read about how this investment banking guruquit to start his own firm.

His reason for introducing Python? In a 2014 interview given to eFinancialCareers, Singh (a former MD at Bank of America Merrill Lynch) said:

“It is a good scripting language and easily integrated into both the front and back ends, which was one of the reasons we chose it in the first place.”

—Kirat Singh

Python is a core language for J.P. Morgan’s Athena program and Bank of America’s Quartz program. Singh went on to say: “Everyone at J.P. Morgan now needs to know Python and there are around 5,000 developers using it at Bank of America. There are close to 10 million lines of Python code in Quartz and we got close to 3,000 commits a day.”

As of June 2018, Citigroup has joined the growing list of investment banks that want its analysts and traders to have strong Python coding skills. In July, the group addedPython training classesto the curriculum taught to recently hired bank analysts.

But Citigroup’s Python training efforts don’t stop there. Beyond the recent hires, they’re also upskilling their managers, even going as far as having the group’s Head of Markets and Securities, Paco Ybarra, take a version of the Python class.

While J.P. Morgan, Bank of America, and Citi should be added to the list of those incumbents that you—as a fintech executive—are attempting to overthrow, this does add some serious weight behind why the language is applicable to financial services in the first place.

Why Python Should Be the Technology Choice for Your Fintech (4)

What makes fintechs and Python a perfect fit

1. Simplicity

Developing a financial services platform is already a complicated enough task. Why not make the job easier by using a language that’s considered by developers to be easy to code and deploy?

Python is becoming known for its easier syntax and for being faster to program with than other traditional languages, such as Java or C++. When I was joining STX Next, our CEO Maciej Dziergwa told me that programmers are able to do as much with 10 lines of Python code as they are with 20 lines of Java, and with less chance of making mistakes. Given how regulated the fintech industry is becoming, it becomes clear why a lower error rate would be important to fintech CEOs and CTOs.

Need more proof?

Let’s use an example to demonstrate how much simpler Python is when compared to other programming languages, by using the way classes and inheritance are handled. Below, you’ll see what the code looks like in Python and in Java.

Why Python Should Be the Technology Choice for Your Fintech (5)

That’s 1 for Python, 0 for Java!

2. Software development costs and time to market

Python is fast.(Cue the crickets.)

Okay, so I’m probably in for some backlash from the developers who are reading this. Python is not widely regarded as the fastest language in terms of performance. However, for someone who’s looking to launch their fintech product, let me explain myself.

When I say “fast,” I’m not referring to CPU cycles but rather a different metric: time to market.

When all is said and done, having a product or web app that’s fast should come second to how quickly you can take your product to market. Just ask any C-level executive. (For the record, I’m not saying that Python’s performance is slow; seePayPal’s 10 Myths of Enterprise Python.)

Today, a company’s most expensive resource is its employees’ time. As a small fintech startup, you have to watch your bottom line. In most cases, you’ll have angel investors or VCs observing you and expecting the same. As a dynamically typed language, Python offers fintechs a much faster alternative to languages that are statically typed.

See this2006 study, which tracked how long it took to write code in various programming languages.

Why Python Should Be the Technology Choice for Your Fintech (6)

When you’re on a budget and need to validate your product on the market immediately, the right server-side language becomes more important. Python offers quicker deployment and less required code.

3. Greater collaboration

As a fintech executive, you most likely come from either a financial, academic, or technological background. Regardless of which one it is, others on your team will probably complement your skill set with one or two of the aforementioned roles.

On top of that, your engineering team will operate in a fast-paced, collaborative environment to create products with team members from various backgrounds and roles. Python, with its simple composition, allows developers to work closer together on projects with professionals such as quantitative researchers, analysts, data engineers, and you—the CEO.

As technologists increase their exposure to the financial side of the business, or vice versa, Python will continue to grow in popularity.

4. Open-source financial libraries

One of Python’s major advantages as a programming language is the availability of a large number of libraries and tools. As a key language for mathematical programming, which is important for finance companies, Python offers many financial and fintech libraries.

Here’s a handy list of some of the best Python libraries used by fintech companies:

  • SciPy(library for scientific and technical computing),
  • NumPy(fundamental package for scientific computing),
  • pandas(flexible and powerful data analysis/manipulation library),
  • pyalgotrade(algorithmic trading library),
  • pyrisk(common financial risk and performance),
  • zipline(a Pythonic algorithmic trading library),
  • quantecon.py(library for quantitative economics),
  • pyfolio(portfolio and risk analytics),
  • pybitcointools(commonsense Bitcoin-themed Python ECC library),
  • finmarketpy(library for backtesting trading strategies and analyzing financial markets),
  • scikit-learn(machine learningalgorithms),
  • ffn(afinancial function library for Python),
  • pynance(open-source software for retrieving, analyzing, and visualizing data from stock and derivatives markets).

Know of a library that should join this list? Go ahead and tell us about it in the comments section.


For fintech founders, selecting the languages and frameworks that form your core product will have serious implications over the lifespan of the product. Languages and frameworks determine the talent you have access to, the kinds of financial products that you can build, how quickly you can validate your product on the market, and—in many ways—how your team will work together.

So if anyone ever asks you about the fintech viability of Python, now you’ll know what to tell them:

  • Python’s simplicity leads tolower error rates and less bug-hunting.
  • Python may not be the fastest performing language, but it’s atop choice for optimal time to market.
  • The straightforward syntax of Python willfacilitate collaborationbetween developers, technical experts, and the C-suite.
  • Finally, Python’s wealth of open source libraries providesready-to-go solutionsfor many common problems in fintech.

Still not convinced, even with all thearguments above? Want to know more about existing fintech executives who have chosen Python for their payments, banking, insurance, and alternative finance fintechs?

Look no further than ourtop 17 fintechs that include Python in their tech stackand9 insurtech companies with Python in their tech stack—and why it’s a fit.

Why Python Should Be the Technology Choice for Your Fintech (7)

Why Python Should Be the Technology Choice for Your Fintech (2024)


Why is Python good for fintech? ›

Data Analysis & Visualization

Making sense of large and complex datasets and visualizing them for further predictive analytics is at the core of many fintech solutions. Python libraries are equipped with robust data visualization, statistical analysis, and machine learning capabilities.

Do you need Python for fintech? ›

Yes, Python is one of the most popular programming languages for fintech development. It's widely used for analytics tools, banking software, and cryptocurrency because of its data visualization libraries, data science environment, and wide collection of tools and ecosystems.

Why is Python important for finance industry? ›

Python's simplicity and flexibility make it a popular programming language in the finance industry because it makes creating formulas and algorithms far easier than comparable programming languages. Python libraries and tools also make it easier to integrate programs with third parties, a common need in fintech.

Which programming language is best for fintech? ›

In this article, we will discuss the top 5 programming languages for Fintech software development and describe the pros and cons of each.
  1. Java. Java is an object-oriented language known for its portability, scalability, and enhanced security features. ...
  2. Python. ...
  3. Golang. ...
  4. Ruby.
Feb 23, 2023

Is Python the best language for finance? ›

Be it simple scripting or advanced web applications, Python has got you covered. Python has made it way easier for developers to use various programming styles including reflecting, functional, etc. It is considered to be one of the easiest and most marketable programming languages to learn.

Is Python worth learning for finance? ›

Banking software

Thanks to its versatility, Python is a great choice for building the next app that will change how we work in finance.

What technology is needed in fintech? ›

They include blockchain technology, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and other big data functions like robotic processing automation (RPA).

How Python is used in banking industry? ›

Python can be used to import financial data such as stock quotes using the Pandas framework. This article will teach you how to use Python for finance. Python is an object-oriented programming language that is open source. The majority of the supporting tools and libraries are open source and freely available.

How hard is Python for finance? ›

Although considered a beginner-friendly programming language, Python presents the same challenges as many programming languages in that, if you do not have previous programming experience, you may need a bit more time and practice to understand Python than if you have knowledge of a programming language.

What is the best purpose of Python? ›

Python is commonly used for developing websites and software, task automation, data analysis, and data visualization. Since it's relatively easy to learn, Python has been adopted by many non-programmers such as accountants and scientists, for a variety of everyday tasks, like organizing finances.

Why do companies prefer Python? ›

Why do companies use Python? Large companies use Python because it's easy to read, easy to learn, and its libraries and frameworks make everything more efficient. Plus, it plays well with other languages like C++ which makes it simple to integrate with preexisting code when a company wants to upgrade or just add on.

What are the 4 areas of fintech? ›

Artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, cloud computing, and big data are considered the four key areas of fintech. Artificial intelligence refers to the intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast with “natural intelligence” displayed by humans and animals.

Does fintech need programming? ›

Finance and FinTech are always receptive to advanced technologies and innovations. Therefore, programming for finance is a crucial undertaking that requires skillful developers to know diversified finance coding languages.

What is the best skill for fintech? ›

Software Development or Programming Knowledge

The foremost entry among the in-demand fintech skills would refer to programming knowledge and software development expertise. Fintech professionals must have the skills of a full-stack developer, with capabilities for adapting to new user requirements.

What is the use of Python in financial modeling? ›

Financial Modeling in Python refers to the method used to build a financial model using a high-level python programming language with a rich collection of built-in data types. This language can be used for modification and analysis of excel spreadsheets and automation of certain tasks that exhibit repetition.

Is Python the most in-demand language? ›

Python, SQL and Java earn the top three spots for in-demand programming skills, according to a new report from Coding Dojo. Developers who want to push ahead in their profession — want to choose a programming language that not only appeals to them but will pave the way for a promising career.

Should I learn Java or Python for finance? ›

You may have heard that Java runs much faster than Python, which is true most of the time. Because of this, high frequency trading, order management and trading execution are almost certainly going to be implemented in a language like C++, C# or Java, rather than Python.

What is finance Python salary? ›

$72K - $103K (Glassdoor est.)

Is Python a high paying skill? ›

The majority of Senior Python Developer salaries across the United States currently range between $126,000 (25th percentile) and $162,500 (75th percentile) annually.

Is Python in demand in future? ›

It is necessary to be versatile in using other operating systems and programming languages. Still, the knowledge pays off when you have to supervise projects by testing and debugging codes. You need to understand Python scripts to detect and fix the bugs in coding. It's among the top python jobs for 2023.

What is the next big thing in fintech? ›

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI software for financial companies will allow for faster transactions. It's also helping financial banks handle large transactions. AI is great for customer convenience too. Customer service software uses chatbots and other smart systems to guide users.

What are the five fintech trends? ›

Table of Contents:
  • List of 5 FinTech Trends with the impact on the Financial Industry.
  • 1.1. Digital Payments.
  • 1.2. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.
  • 1.3. Blockchain Technology.
  • 1.4. RegTech (Regulatory Technology).
  • 1.5. Embedded Finance.
  • FinTech solutions developed by Railwaymen.
  • 2.1. CreateCoin.
Feb 24, 2023

What are the five elements of fintech? ›


When it comes to the elements that contribute to the success of fintech, think Basic: Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Security, Internet of Things (IoT) and Cloud.

How in demand is Python? ›

Python is very popular

Additionally, Stack Overflow's 2022 Developer Survey revealed that Python is the fourth most popular programming language, with respondents saying that they use Python almost 50 percent of the time in their development work [2] .

How to manage finances with Python? ›

Let's see how we can better manage our money using the following 5 Steps.
  1. Step 1: Import Python Libraries. ...
  2. Step 2: Get the Data. ...
  3. Step 3: Manipulate the Data and Customize your transactions' categories. ...
  4. Step 4: Design your Monthly Report. ...
  5. Step 5: Build the Final Dashboard.
Oct 7, 2020

Is Python a stressful job? ›

Is Python developer a stressful job? Python developers encounter stress like most other developers. Stress for programmers is not exclusive to Python developers. Whether you're a Python developer or not, it's important to find ways to handle stress as a software developer.

How long does it take to learn Python for finance? ›

In general, it takes around two to six months to learn the fundamentals of Python. But you can learn enough to write your first short program in a matter of minutes. Developing mastery of Python's vast array of libraries can take months or years.

What is the easiest job in Python? ›

Now that you know how easy it can be to learn, here are our top 7 jobs you can get knowing Python:
  • Python Developer. ...
  • Full Stack Developer. ...
  • Data Scientist / Data Analyst. ...
  • Data Engineer. ...
  • Machine Learning Engineer. ...
  • Product Manager. ...
  • Performance Marketer.
Feb 8, 2023

Why is Python the most powerful? ›

General on Python

Python is an interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language. High-level because of the amount of abstraction, it is very abstract and uses natural language elements, which are easier to use and understand. It makes the whole process simpler and more automated than lower-level languages.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Python? ›

Other Python advantages are its portability, versatility, large user base, and free & open source license. Some of the disadvantages of Python include its slow speed and heavy memory usage. It also lacks support for mobile environments, database access, and multi-threading.

What are 3 big companies which use Python? ›

That way you can see what great real world opportunities there are for Python developers out there.
  • Industrial Light and Magic. ...
  • Google. ...
  • Facebook. ...
  • Instagram. ...
  • Spotify. ...
  • Quora. ...
  • Netflix. ...
  • Dropbox.

What are the technical strengths of Python? ›

It is a platform independent programming language. It is a very simple high level language with vast library of add-on modules. It is excellent for beginners as the language is interpreted, hence gives immediate results. The programs written in Python are easily readable and understandable.

What are 3 pillars of fintech innovation? ›

  • Capital Formation.
  • Credit and Risk Solutions.
  • Data & Distribution.
  • Economics & Country Risk.
  • Sustainability.
  • Financial Technology Solutions.

What are 3 examples of fintech? ›

Examples of FinTech
  • Digital Lending and Credit. FinTech giant Kabbage directly funds small business loans and is powered by transactional data to help make incredibly quick lending decisions. ...
  • Mobile Banking. ...
  • Mobile Payments. ...
  • Cryptocurrency & Blockchain. ...
  • Insurance. ...
  • Trading. ...
  • Banking as a Service (BaaS) ...
  • Global FinTech Solutions.

What are the 3 categories of fintech? ›

Fintech covers a wide range of use cases across business-to-business (B2B), business-to-consumer (B2C), and peer-to-peer (P2P) markets.

Why Python is best for blockchain? ›

Developers can use Python to code a blockchain without the need to write much code. Python simplifies developers' lives as it is a scripted language and doesn't need to be compiled. Python also offers the option of pre-compiling the code, and this makes it helpful for developers to work in blockchain.

Why is Python good for Blockchain? ›

It is advanced as well as highly efficient

Talking about Python, we cannot overlook its advanced features. The way it has been built up makes it highly functional in the case of blockchains. It makes the storing of information and data secure and safe. You can rest assured that the data is not tampered with or altered.

Do I need to know programming for fintech? ›

Computer Programming - Careers in FinTech vary, from Financial Analyst to Data Scientist. Most programmers need to learn Python, SQL, C++, or Java. Depending on the position, one may also need skills in Ruby, PHP, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.