Why most gas stations don't make money on gas sales (2024)

With gasoline prices on the rise, unit owners may think they are getting greedy. However, the financial data at the pump tells a different story. The price of gasoline is largely responsible for the recent high rate of inflation in the U.S. over the past 40 years - 8.

5% - and tops the list of consumer goods whose prices rose more in 2022 than any other year because of supply problems related to COVID-19 and the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

It's easy to look at a gas station and assume it's cheating you.

However, the gas station business model is a bit ridiculous.

Most gas stations barely make a profit on their core product. When the price of oil goes up, they make an extra profit.

Suffering from low-profit margins, relentless competition, and the obvious threat of electric cars, many stations are relying more than ever on secondary sources of income.

Who owns the gas stations?

Looking at the big signs along the highway - Shell, 76, Chevron, and ExxonMobil - it might seem that all the stations are owned by big oil companies.

Most of the owners are sole proprietors who own only one station.

Because gasoline is usually not very profitable, most of the big oil companies have abandoned retail companies.

According to IBISWorld, the average net profit margin for gas stations is only 1.4 percent of the cost of fuel.

This is well below the average for all industries (7.7%) and lower than other companies with notoriously low-profit margins, such as grocery stores (2.5%) and auto dealers (3.2%).

To understand why, let's take a step back and look at the standard gasoline supply chain.

The Conduits of Profit

Gasoline begins as slow oil. It is produced in our territory, mostly in states like Texas and the North Dakotas.

After being extracted from the oil well, this crude liquid

  1. is sent to a refinery to be refined into gasoline
  2. sent to bulk storage containers using conveyor belts and
  3. transported by truck to gas stations, where it is stored in underground 20,000-gallon drums.

Filling stations typically receive only one of the prices listed on the sign. And after general expenses - labor, utilities, insurance, credit card transactions - the average profit drops from ~$0.03 to $0.07 per gallon.

However, assuming daily sales of $0.05 per 4 mm gallon/gallon, a typical service can make only $200-300 per day on gas.

By contrast, the coins are operated by airline salesmen, and most stations can make $300-500 a month, even after paying the leasing company.

Why haven't stations raised their prices?

First, gas stations know that most consumers choose where to go based solely on price.

They have an interest in keeping those numbers as stable as possible.

And even if they don't, their local competition remains in check.

It is a misconception that gas station owners worship when gasoline prices go up.

They hate it just as much as you do-mainly because competition creates a kind of price trap: the price of gasoline goes up when the price of gasoline goes up.

  • When wholesale gasoline prices rise, many gas stations prefer to stabilize prices and suffer losses rather than give customers to competitors.
  • When wholesale costs go down, many stations are wary of lowering prices for fear of causing them to fall.

Fortunately, most stations don't worry too much about gasoline revenues.

The real money is made in-store.

Today, 80 percent of all gas stations have a store, which is a good thing because it means they can make more money on the gasoline they sell.

According to a survey conducted by the National Association of Castaic Stores, 44% of gas stations visit a store. And of those, one in three often make impulse purchases while out.

  • KFC opened at a gas station. Harland Sanders cooked the first fried chicken in the 1930s and maintained a gas station in North Corbin, Kentucky.

The Hidden Costs: Exploring the Expenses That Eat into Gas Stations' Profits

There's a lot more to running a gas station than meets the eye. From costly regulations to high property taxes, gas station owners are facing a variety of expenses that eat into their profits. In this article, we'll explore the hidden costs that gas station owners face and how they impact the bottom line.

Property Taxes

One major expense that gas station owners face is property taxes. Depending on the location of the gas station, property taxes can be a significant portion of a gas station's operating expenses. In some cases, property taxes can be upwards of tens of thousands of dollars per year.

Key Takeaway:

  • Property taxes can be a significant expense for gas station owners.

Compliance Costs

Governments have strict regulations when it comes to handling hazardous materials, and gas stations are no exception. Compliance costs represent the money spent to meet the legal requirements of environmental regulations, which can be a significant expense for a gas station.

Key Takeaway:

  • Compliance costs can be a significant expense for gas station owners.
  • Environmental regulations require gas stations to spend money to meet legal requirements.

Insurance Costs

Security measures such as surveillance cameras, alarm systems, and guards are necessary to ensure that gas stations are secure, especially at night. Insurance is also required to protect against possible theft, fire, or damage to property. All this adds up to significant expenses and maintenance work required by local governments.

Key Takeaway:

  • Insurance and security measures are necessary to protect gas stations and can be a significant expense for owners.

Credit Card Fees

Many customers today use credit or debit cards to pay for gas. Unfortunately, credit card providers charge gas station owners transaction fees, which can add up to significant expenses. These fees can take a significant bite out of profits and can be one of the most significant expenses a gas station owner faces.

Key Takeaway:

  • Credit card fees can be one of the most significant expenses a gas station owner faces.

Environmental Remediation Costs

If there is any contamination or gas spill that occurs at the gas station, environmental cleanup costs will have to be factored in. These costs could significantly add up and could take a toll on profits.

Key Takeaway:

  • Environmental remediation costs can significantly add up if there is a gas spill or contamination.

Final Thoughts

Running a gas station involves a lot more than just pumping gas and selling snacks. Gas station owners have to deal with daily operating expenses, regulations, and unexpected costs that can wreak havoc on their bottom line. By understanding these hidden costs, gas station owners can take steps to mitigate the impact on their profits by negotiating costs, monitoring expenses, and implementing cost-effective measures.

Key Takeaways:

  • Running a gas station involves dealing with more than just customer service.
  • Owners can take steps to mitigate the impact of hidden charges.

Don't underestimate the hidden expenses involved in running a gas station. While the initial investment may be low, the operating expenses can accumulate quickly, leading to a headache for the owner. By being aware of the financial challenges and potential barriers associated with owning and operating a service station, owners can make more informed decisions that will save them money in the long run.

Innovation and Adaptation: How Some Gas Stations Are Thriving Despite Slim Margins

If you were to start a business venture in the oil and gas industry, one thing that should be on your mind is the slim margins that the business operates at. While many entrepreneurs in this industry focus on earning higher profits, others are pushing their businesses to be more innovative and adaptive. In this article, we will discuss how some gas stations are thriving despite slim margins through innovation and adaptation.

The Challenge of Slim Margins in the Oil and Gas Industry

In the world of oil and gas, the margins are slim. Entrepreneurs looking to start a business in this industry have to deal with the massive expenses of real estate, equipment, and inventory. In addition to these expenses, businesses in this industry have to navigate fluctuations in oil prices that can significantly affect the bottom line.

For years, gas stations have been viewed as commodity businesses that offer gasoline and little else. However, the reality is that gas stations can be more than just a place to fill up your tank. Some entrepreneurs are taking advantage of this by developing innovative and adaptive solutions that generate revenue for their businesses while also improving the customer experience.

Innovative Solutions for Gas Stations

The following are some examples of the innovative solutions that gas stations are implementing:

  • Convenience Stores: Gas stations with convenience stores allow customers to purchase snacks, drinks, and other items in addition to gasoline. This solution provides an extra source of revenue for gas stations and is an example of how they can diversify their operations.
  • Car Washes: Gas stations that offer car wash services not only diversify their operations but also provide an additional service to attract customers. This solution is an example of how gas stations are adapting their businesses to the changing needs of the customer.
  • Electric Vehicle Charging: As the world moves towards electrification, gas stations that offer electric vehicle charging services will be seen as innovative and forward-thinking. This solution provides a strategic advantage to gas stations, as it will attract a new segment of customers.
  • Food Options: Gas stations that offer food options such as fast food chains or sit-down restaurants provide yet another source of revenue for their businesses. This solution is an example of how gas stations can adapt to the changing needs of the customer while providing a comprehensive customer experience.

Advantages of Innovating and Adapting in the Gas Station Business

The following are some of the advantages of innovating and adapting in the gas station business:

  • Increased Revenue: By developing innovative solutions, gas stations can increase their revenue streams beyond just gasoline sales.
  • Differentiation: Innovative solutions differentiate gas stations from their competitors and provide a competitive edge in a crowded market.
  • Improved Customer Experience: By adapting to the evolving needs of their customers, gas stations can provide a comprehensive customer experience that attracts and retains customers.

Key Takeaways

The following are some key takeaways from this article:

  • Gas stations operate on slim margins in the oil and gas industry.
  • Entrepreneurs in this industry are developing innovative and adaptive solutions that diversify their operations and improve the customer experience.
  • Examples of innovative solutions include convenience stores, car washes, electric vehicle charging, and food options.
  • The advantages of innovating and adapting in the gas station business include increased revenue, differentiation, and improved customer experience.

In conclusion, if you are looking to start a business in the oil and gas industry, you should be aware of the slim margins that the business operates at. However, by developing innovative solutions and adapting to the changing needs of the customer, entrepreneurs in this industry can thrive and stand out from their competitors. With the right mindset and approach, gas stations can be more than just a place to fill up your tank.

Unpacking the Economics: How Gas Station Owners Can Profit Beyond the Pump

Gas station owners have long relied on fuel sales as their primary source of income. However, as the automotive industry shifts toward fuel-efficient and electric vehicles, gas station owners must adapt and diversify their revenue streams to remain competitive. In this blog post, we’ll explore how gas station owners can profit beyond the pump.

Car Wash Services

  • Offering car wash services is a great way to increase revenue for gas station owners. With the convenience of having both fuel and car wash facilities in one location, customers can easily fill up on gas and get a quick car wash at the same time.
  • Car washes can be either self-service or full-service, depending on your preference and budget. Full-service car washes can offer additional services such as detailing and waxing, which allow gas station owners to charge premium prices for a one-stop-shop auto detailing experience.
  • By offering car wash services, gas station owners can increase the number of customers they serve per day, leading to more profits.

Convenience Store

  • Most gas stations these days have convenience stores attached to them. This is because convenience stores can be an excellent source of revenue for gas station owners.
  • With the increasing trend of people preferring convenience over everything else, the potential for increasing profits and profitability lies in upgrading and customizing convenience stores inside gas stations.
  • Convenience stores can sell a variety of products, including snacks, drinks, and everyday essentials such as phone chargers and toiletries, making them a one-stop-shop for customers in need of convenience.
  • In addition to everyday essentials, convenience stores can partner with established brands and sell their products, further increasing revenue.

ATM Services

  • Many customers prefer to use cash when they purchase gas and other essentials at gas stations. By providing ATM services, gas station owners can help customers access their money easily.
  • Furthermore, having an ATM within a gas station can attract customers who may not have otherwise stopped at that location. These new customers can increase the overall number of transactions per day, leading to increased profits.
  • Additionally, some customers who use the ATM may end up shopping in the convenience store or using other services, further increasing the gas station’s overall revenue.

Regional Partnerships

  • Gas station owners can look for regional partnerships to boost their revenue. For example, partnering with a local car dealership or car rental company can mutually benefit both parties.
  • By partnering with a car dealership, gas stations can offer additional services such as oil changes and vehicle maintenance, earning a commission from the dealership for each customer referred.
  • Similarly, partnering with a car rental company can lead to increased customer traffic for the gas station. Car rental customers will need to refuel before returning their rental cars, increasing revenue for the gas station.


Gas station owners must think creatively about how to diversify their revenue streams beyond fuel sales to remain competitive in a changing automotive landscape. Adding services such as car wash facilities, convenience stores, ATM services, and regional partnerships can lead to increased profits and customer traffic.

The Changing Landscape: Why Gas Stations Must Evolve to Stay in Business

Long gone are the days of simply filling up your car with gasoline at a gas station. With the rise of electric and hybrid cars, as well as the growing demand for convenience and technology, gas stations must adapt to stay relevant in today’s changing landscape. In this article, we’ll explore why gas stations must evolve and what steps they can take to remain competitive.

The Rise of Electric and Hybrid Cars

The transition to electric and hybrid cars is well underway, with many major car manufacturers already producing and promoting their eco-friendly models. This means that gas stations must now cater to this growing market by installing charging stations for electric cars. The International Energy Agency predicts that there will be around 125 million electric vehicles on the road by 2030.

Installing charging stations not only attracts electric car owners but also provides an additional revenue stream for gas stations. Charging stations can be monetized through charging fees or special membership programs, allowing gas stations to generate more income while providing a valuable service.

The Demand for Convenience

Consumers today expect convenience, and gas stations that fail to provide it risk losing business. This means offering more than just gasoline, but also services that cater to drivers’ needs. For example, gas stations can provide basic car maintenance services like oil changes and tire rotations, or offer snacks and other grab-and-go items for drivers in a hurry.

It’s also important to have technology that supports convenience. Many gas stations now offer mobile payment options, allowing drivers to pay right from their phones. This not only saves time for the customer but also reduces wait times at the gas pump, leading to a more positive experience for everyone.

The Importance of Branding

In a crowded market, branding can make all the difference. Gas stations that create a strong brand image are more likely to be remembered by customers and be chosen over the competition. This means creating a unique brand identity through a memorable logo, a catchy slogan, and consistent visual branding.

It’s essential for gas stations to also focus on customer service to build a positive brand image. Employing friendly and knowledgeable staff, providing clean facilities, and offering personalized service can all go a long way toward building a loyal customer base.

The Future of Gas Stations

The future of gas stations is all about evolution. As the demand for electric cars continues to grow, so too will the need for charging stations, and gas stations must adapt to meet this need. At the same time, consumers will continue to demand convenience, and gas stations that don’t make it easy for drivers will lose out on business.

By embracing new technology and evolving their offerings, gas stations can stay ahead of the curve and remain competitive in today's changing landscape.

  • Offering charging stations for electric cars can provide an additional revenue stream for gas stations
  • Providing basic car maintenance services and offering grab-and-go items can cater to drivers' needs for convenience
  • Creating a strong brand image through visual branding and customer service can build a loyal customer base
  • Evolving offerings and embracing new technology can keep gas stations competitive in today's landscape

According to a report by Technavio, the global gas station market is expected to grow by $48.7 billion by 2024. By adapting to the changing market, gas stations have a huge opportunity to capitalize on this growth.

Gone are the days of simply filling up your car with gas. The rise of electric and hybrid cars, the demand for convenience, and the importance of branding mean that gas stations must evolve to stay relevant in today’s landscape. By embracing these changes, gas stations can ensure their continued success and profitability in an increasingly competitive market.

Seeking Sustainable Solutions: Can the Gas Station Industry Overcome Its Profitability Challenges?

If you're a driver, chances are you've filled up at a gas station at some point. But, have you ever thought about the challenges the gas station industry faces in terms of profitability and sustainability? Here's a look into the industry and the solutions being explored to overcome these challenges.

Profitability Challenges Faced by Gas Stations

Running a gas station is no small feat. With volatile fuel prices, increased competition, and rising real estate costs, there are many challenges that gas stations face that can impact their profitability. Some of the key challenges include:

  • Fluctuating Prices: As the price of fuel changes frequently, it can be difficult for gas station owners to maintain a consistent profit margin.
  • Competition: With more gas stations popping up, it can be harder for individual stations to compete and attract new customers.
  • Real Estate Costs: The cost of owning or leasing land for a gas station can be high, which can eat into profits.
  • Changing Consumer Habits: With the rise of electric and hybrid vehicles, as well as remote work, there has been a decline in the number of people who need to fill up their gas tanks regularly.

Sustainable Solutions for the Future

To overcome these challenges, gas station owners are exploring sustainable solutions to improve their profitability in the long term. Here are some of the key areas being explored:

Alternative Fuels

Many gas stations are now offering alternative fuels, such as biodiesel, ethanol, and electricity, in addition to traditional gasoline. This can help attract new customers who may be looking for more eco-friendly options for their vehicles.

Convenience Stores and Services

Gas stations are also looking beyond just selling gasoline. Many are adding convenience stores, car washes, and other services to their stations to attract more customers and increase profits.

Tech Innovations

Technology is also playing a role in the gas station industry. Gas stations are now adopting tech innovations, such as mobile payment options, digital signage, and smart pumps, to improve the customer experience and streamline operations.

Sustainability Initiatives

Finally, gas stations are embracing sustainability initiatives to reduce their environmental impact and improve their long-term profitability. For example, many are switching to LED lighting, investing in renewable energy, and reducing waste through recycling programs.

Key Takeaways

  • The gas station industry faces many challenges that impact their profitability, including fluctuating fuel prices and increased competition.
  • To overcome these challenges, gas stations are exploring sustainable solutions, including alternative fuels, convenience stores and services, tech innovations, and sustainability initiatives.
  • By adopting these solutions, gas stations can improve their profitability in the long term and adapt to changing consumer habits.

While the gas station industry may face challenges, many innovative solutions are being explored to overcome these hurdles. As sustainability becomes an increasingly important issue, gas stations will need to adapt and evolve to remain competitive and profitable in the years to come.

The Surprising Truth Why Gas Stations Struggle to Turn a Profit on Fuel Sales

Gas stations are ubiquitous in America, and their prices have become a key concern for many drivers. Most people are genuinely unaware of why gas prices seem to randomly fluctuate, and why some gas stations struggle to stay in business. In this article, we're going to take a deep dive into the world of gas stations and reveal the surprising truth about why they struggle to turn a profit on fuel sales.

The Gas Station Business Model:

The gas station business model seems simple. They sell fuel and everything else is just icing on the cake. However, the reality is that the majority of the profits from a gas station come from the convenience store or fast food restaurant inside the station, not from the fuel itself. Generally, fuel sales result in a profit margin of only a few cents per gallon, while the profits from selling snacks or other goodies can be much higher.

Fuel Prices Are Not the Culprit:

The price of gas fluctuates seemingly daily, so it's understandable that many drivers think that gas prices are the root of the issue. But the reality is that most of the time, gas stations are making only a few cents per gallon sold. They're not making a killing from overcharging for gas, so why do they seem so profitable?

Real Issue: The Vicious Competition:

The biggest challenge that gas stations face is the fiercely competitive market. There are gas stations on every corner, and each of them is fighting for a slice of the pie. People often choose a station to fuel up at based on price, convenience, and loyalty to a brand.

For example, the national average profit margin for a gallon of gasoline is just 10 cents. This 10 cents is divided among the producers, refiners, transporters, and retailers. This means that the retailers are just earning a few cents per gallon of gas sold, and they need to sell hundreds of thousands of gallons a day to make a profit.

  • Gas stations have to deal with legal regulations, environmental restrictions, and safety requirements which entail expensive maintenance and operational costs.
  • The cost of utilities, rent, marketing, and staff salaries also significantly affects the profitability of gas stations.
  • Competition not only arises from rival stations but also from convenience stores, restaurants, and online retailers, which nowadays sell gas by private labeling.

What Can Gas Stations Do About It?

If gas stations can't make much money from the fuel itself, what can they do to be profitable?

  • Increase sales from the convenience stores attached to their stations. By doing so, their non-fuel profits will increase significantly, and it will allow them to offer cheaper gas prices.
  • Offer loyalty programs to customers and incentives to bring them back, allowing customers to feel appreciated hence choosing the station over a competitor.
  • Diversify their services like car washes or mechanical repairs. They can provide quick maintenance and oil changes without the need for going to another shop, which is convenient for the customer as they have all their needs fulfilled in one location.

Key Takeaways:

Gas stations need to juggle many costs that impact profitability from rent, staff salaries, utility bills, marketing, and others. Fuel sales have a slim profit margin, leaving non-fuel items and services to generate more revenue. Strong competition exists not just between neighboring stations but also between convenience stores, restaurants, online retailers, and other gas providers. To stay ahead of the game, gas stations need to boost their non-fuel sales and diversify their services.

Next time you pass by a gas station, remember that the profits made from fuel sales might not be as much as you think. But the snacks, cigarettes, and hot dogs inside can be what keep that station running.

Beyond the Numbers: Understanding the Unique Challenges of the Gas Station Industry

The gas station industry is a crucial part of the global economy. It is an industry that has a significant impact on our everyday lives. However, behind the scenes, there are unique challenges that the industry faces. In this article, we will explore these challenges and how technology is helping to address them.

Empowering the Modern Gas Station

The modern gas station is no longer just a place to fill up your car. It has become a one-stop shop for consumers, offering convenience stores, fast-food outlets, and even car washes. This shift in focus has brought about new challenges for the industry. In particular, gas station owners must find ways to manage their operations effectively to ensure that profitability remains high.

  • Challenge: Managing multiple sources of revenue can be complicated
  • Solution: Implementing technology to streamline operations
  • Key Takeaway: A centralized point-of-sale system can help manage all aspects of the business, from fuel sales to in-store purchases

Fueling Customer Loyalty

With so many options available to consumers, gas station owners must find ways to build and maintain customer loyalty. This is particularly important given the fierce competition within the industry. By providing a positive customer experience, gas station owners can differentiate themselves from their competitors.

  • Challenge: Building customer loyalty is difficult in a competitive market
  • Solution: Utilizing technology to create a personalized experience for customers
  • Key Takeaway: Customer loyalty programs and personalized promotions can help build a strong customer base

Staying Ahead of Industry Trends

The gas station industry is constantly evolving, with new technologies and industry trends emerging regularly. To remain competitive, gas station owners must stay up-to-date with the latest developments within the industry.

  • Challenge: Keeping up with industry trends is time-consuming and difficult
  • Solution: Utilizing technology to provide real-time insights and analytics
  • Key Takeaway: Real-time data analytics can provide valuable insights into key industry trends and consumer behaviors

The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic

The gas station industry, like many others, has been significantly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. With changing consumer behaviors and strict safety regulations, gas station owners have had to adapt quickly to ensure business continuity.

  • Challenge: Adapting to changing consumer behaviors and safety regulations is a complex process
  • Solution: Utilizing technology to implement contactless payments and drive-thru services
  • Key Takeaway: Implementing contactless payment systems and drive-thru services can help ensure business continuity during a pandemic


Despite the challenges that the gas station industry faces, technology is helping to provide solutions and empower gas station owners to succeed. By implementing centralized point-of-sale systems, personalized customer experiences, real-time analytics, and adapting to changing consumer behaviors, gas station owners can overcome these challenges and thrive in a highly competitive market.

Why most gas stations don't make money on gas sales (2024)
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