Why is the Piano Called "The King of Instruments"? (2024)

Why is the Piano Called "The King of Instruments"? (1)

Why is the piano called “The King of Instruments”? It probably won’t surprise you to hear that both musicians and composers around the world love the piano. But how did it get such an illustrious nickname?

First off there’s its size and complexity. The average piano has 88 keys, around 230 strings, and over 7,000 parts! That’s why they’re so heavy. Even the smallest pianos weigh around 300lbs, while the largest grand pianos can weigh over 1,000lbs!

If you ask a pianist or composer why the piano is called the King of Instruments, there’s a good chance they’ll tell you its because of its incredible tonal range and versatility. The piano covers the full spectrum of tones and notes found in all other orchestra instruments. From the lowest note of the double bassoon, to the top note of the piccolo, the piano can create it. This makes the piano capable of producing melody and accompaniment to any song or instrument. Whether it’s showing up in an orchestral piece, a rock song, or a hip hop track, the piano really works with everything.

Finally, there’s the historical factor. The piano was invented in Italy by a man named Bartolomeo di Francesco sometime around the year 1700. He was a harpsichord maker for the Grand Prince of Tuscany. And his official job title? Keeper of the Instruments. So there are some who think that the piano’s nickname descended from that.

With it’s incredible range and versatility, and the powerful sounds and emotions it creates, musicians and composers around the world agree that however it got the nickname, the piano is deserving of its title as King of the Instruments.

Why is the Piano Called "The King of Instruments"? (2024)
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