Why is Data the New Oil? - senhasegura (2024)

Performing any task today is much easier than it was a few years ago. With the evolution of technology, the consumer can make purchases faster and more practical, receive optimized ads – which help a lot when purchasing something -, social networks with features that follow the biggest trends, ease of payments and banking transactions, among others.

On the other hand, in exchange for all this comfort, the customer provides their data, which will be used as a resource/raw material by the companies. In this “win-win” relationship, the company makes life easier for customers through the use of data, but also exponentially increases its profits.

Thus, there is much debate among specialists about the reciprocity of this relationship, considering the power and value of data today. Far from being just good things, just like at the time of the industrial revolution, the information and data age also brings some problems, which are constantly debated in search of the best solution within the current scenario.

Such problems revolve around ethical and security issues in the use of data, since not all consumers are fully aware of how their data is used by companies and the great effort to protect this data from hackers, since the Internet is a place “where everyone treads”.

This concern around data integrity is yet another aspect that emphasizes how valuable this resource is to society as a whole. In this article, we will explain the value of data in the information world and the main reasons why it is an essential part of a business strategy. We invite you to keep reading the article and find out why data is the new oil.

Saying that data is the new oil is a smart and simple way to get a sense of where we are standing. However, the author of the statement himself, Ajay Banga, Mastercard’s CEO, added that data is even more valuable than oil, considering that oil is a scarce and finite resource, while data is inexhaustible and only increases.

Furthermore, they can be continuously reused, even after being transformed, to generate new information, while oil is discarded after its transformation. That is, the more data, the more information is generated and the more valuable it becomes.

Most people are aware of the contribution of their data to the economy, but not everyone knows or can measure this value, which leads many people to lose interest in the value of their personal data. Also, the benefits offered “free of charge” by companies work as a form of payment to the user for providing their data, who perceives the exchange as fair.

Nevertheless, this “bargaining” relationship is not always voluntary, since, with the new privacy policies, some companies “force” users to grant permission on their personal data if they want to continue using their tool.

This only increases the users’ lack of control over their data, because between making them available and losing access to the tools’ benefits, the first option seems more sensible. In short, concerning data in the relationship between company and users, everyone wins, but disproportionately.

With the new data protection laws in the countries, a company that fails to comply with regulations or puts customer and user data at risk is punished with huge fines.

This is because personal data such as name, age and date of birth, IP address, or sensitive information such as religious and ideological beliefs, health information, genetic and biometric data, for example, can be used for various purposes, from optimizing/customizing the use of a tool by the customer to increasing the company’s sales or as a criminal weapon.

Therefore, privacy policies are full of strict requirements imposed on companies that work with data collection and storage.

It is important to understand that, from an organization’s point of view, for example, having the raw material is not enough, that is, it is not enough just to obtain the data, but to know how to handle and manage them properly in order to obtain information that generates value.

The consequence of this is valuable returns for companies, both financially and in areas that have an impact on the world. The company that manages to get this increases competitiveness, productivity, and stands out from the crowd.

So, it is not the data itself that makes it so important to companies, but the information and value that can be generated from it.

In this sense, having a good data management policy today is essential for organizations, since, unlike a few years ago, when companies were working with hypotheses to analyze the competition and achieve customer preference, nowadays, data provides us with concrete, accurate information that, when handled correctly, helps drive the business forward.

Therefore, good data management favors:

  • Making the best decisions based on data.
  • More precision in identifying problems.
  • More strategic and precise approaches.
  • Optimization of resources (time, money, and labor).
  • In-depth understanding of customer tastes and behaviors.
  • A greater understanding of the market and the competition.
  • Increase in sales.
  • Closer relationships with customers.

Data is changing the world, as everything that can be done from exploiting it and the fact it is inexhaustible and reusable makes this resource even more valuable than oil.

With the data revolution, not only do companies change the way they work, but the population also changes the way they think and act in society. The trend is for this to increase in the near future.

However, before appropriating this comparison of data with oil and trying to be part of this revolution, it is necessary to bear in mind that not all countries get rich from the sale of oil, and one of the reasons is the poor management of the resource.

With data, it is no different. In this race towards evolution, as Yuval Noah Harari says in the book 21 Lessons For The 21st Century, “those who have the data own the future”, and those who are aware of it and make the best use of them lead the way.

Did you get interested in the subject? We invite you to read our article LGPD: Know What Your Company Needs to Do By August.

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Why is Data the New Oil? - senhasegura (2024)


Why is data considered the new oil? ›

The idea that “data is the new oil” has to do with the similarities in how the two resources become valuable. Just like oil, raw data isn't valuable in and of itself; rather, the value is created when it is gathered quickly, completely, and accurately, and connected to other relevant data.

Do you agree that data is the new oil? ›

Data Is The New Oil: Meaning

Data helps to create insights that yield valuable results as well as helps companies make more efficient and organized decisions. This in return helps to build a better strategy. Big data companies thrive on this data.

Why is data not like oil? ›

Data is the new oil. Like oil, data is valuable, but if unrefined it cannot really be used. It has to be changed into gas, plastic, chemicals, etc. to create a valuable entity that drives profitable activity. so, must data be broken down, analysed for it to have value.

What is the oil and data analogy? ›

The analogy its origin likely meant to point out that oil had a revolutionary influence on its era and so does data contemporarily. But people have become increasingly liberal in invoking the analogy. Even companies that have never mined natural resources can unapologetically state that their 'data is the new oil. '

Why is data more important than oil? ›

Oil requires lots of resources to be transported while data can go around the world in however many milliseconds. Also, as data is used it becomes more useful rather than becoming exhaust or lost providing light or heat. Thus, assuming data's usefulness is done after using it, like oil, is misguided.

Who said that data is the new oil? ›

In 2006, Humby coined the phrase “Data is the new oil”. Michael Palmer expanded on Humby's quote by saying, like oil, data is “valuable, but if unrefined it cannot really be used.

Who said data is more valuable than oil? ›

Here's how brands need to adapt in order to keep up. When British mathematician Clive Humby declared in 2006 that “data is the new oil,” he meant that data, like oil, isn't useful in its raw state. It needs to be refined, processed and turned into something useful; its value lies in its potential.

Do we have enough oil for the future? ›

That being said, at current consumption, we have by some accounts an estimated 47 years of oil left to be extracted. That equates to somewhere in the region of 1.65 trillion barrels of proven oil reserves. Other sources up this estimate a bit, but most agree we have around 50 years left, give or take.

Why is data important in oil and gas industry? ›

The main three big oil and gas industry problems that consume money and produce data are discovery, drilling, and producing oil and gas. Data gathered from refineries and routine safety inspections can be used to develop safety predictive analytics.

Why aren t we producing more oil? ›

The reason that U.S. oil companies haven't increased production is simple: They decided to use their billions in profits to pay dividends to their CEOs and wealthy shareholders and simply haven't chosen to invest in new oil production.

Why doesn't the US extract more oil? ›

The U.S. buys Russian oil in part because they produce a certain type of oil that is able to feed refineries in order to make fuel at top capacities. The Biden administration also points to the 9,000 unused gas and oil leases as a major reason why the U.S. can't increase energy production.

What is causing the oil shortage? ›

The oil glut of 2020 drove crude prices down to -$38 a barrel, forcing U.S. producers to cap wells and lay off workers. Now, oilfield supplies are scarce and expensive and there's a labor shortage. AILSA CHANG, HOST: High gas prices have everyone from truckers to politicians demanding more domestic oil production.

How does oil relate to our life? ›

Oil and natural gas are used in everyday products such as lipstick and deodorant and life-saving medical devices, such as MRI machines and pacemakers. Byproducts from oil refining is used to produce plastics, as well as lubricants, waxes, tars and even asphalt for our roads.

How do you analyze oil? ›

To have your oil analyzed, you must take a sample of the lubricant and ship it to a qualified laboratory. Technicians subject the lubricant to a range of tests to determine the concentration of wear metals, fuel dilution, the lubricant's total base number (TBN), oxidation and other information.

Why is data more important? ›

Data = Knowledge. Good data provides indisputable evidence, while anecdotal evidence, assumptions, or abstract observation might lead to wasted resources due to taking action based on an incorrect conclusion.

Why is more data better? ›

More Data = More Detailed Results

So immediately, the business wants answers that explain why or how the situation is happening.

Why data is so important? ›

#1 For Informed Decision-Making

This is because data is equivalent to knowledge. Thus, owning good data serves as indisputable evidence or justification for a decision – it allows leaders to say, “we've done x because of y.” Essentially, good data is persuasive in and of itself.

Is data more valuable than oil? ›

Oil has reigned for centuries as one of society's most valuable resources. Throughout history, those who have controlled oil, have controlled the economy. However, in today's “data economy,” it can be argued that data, due to the insight and knowledge that can be extracted from it, is potentially more valuable.

What is the quote about data being oil? ›

Data is the new oil. Like oil, data is valuable, but if unrefined, it cannot really be used. It has to be changed into gas, plastic, chemicals, etc. to create a valuable entity that drives profitable activity.

Is data the new fuel? ›

In 2006, mathematician Clive Humby coined the phrase “data is the new oil.” Since then, it's taken off like wildfire. Today, data fuels business actions, customer experience, new healthcare discoveries and fundamentals in every conceivable industry.

Why is data the most valuable resource? ›

Why Data Is So Valuable. Data has become a valuable commodity, similar to commodities like oil and gold, because most companies have similar types of data available to them. But, of course, there are also many different types of data, and different data holds different value for various companies.

Is data the most valuable resource in the world today not oil? ›

What changed for this to happen? According to The Economist magazine, in the article “The world's most valuable resource is no longer oil, but data”, the power and influence that data holds for technology companies today has the same value as the dominance of large oil companies in the early twentieth century.

When did data become the most valuable resource? ›

Back in 2017, The Economist published a story titled, “The world's most valuable resource is no longer oil, but data.” Since its publication, the topic has generated a great deal of discussion, and “Data is the new oil” has become a common refrain.

Can the US survive on its own oil? ›

You see, the U.S. does produce enough oil to meet its own needs, but it is the wrong type of oil. Crude is graded according to two main metrics, weight and sweetness. The weight of oil defines how easy it is to refine, or break down into its usable component parts, such as gasoline, jet fuel and diesel.

How many years will US oil last? ›

Oil Reserves in the United States

The United States has proven reserves equivalent to 4.9 times its annual consumption. This means that, without imports, there would be about 5 years of oil left (at current consumption levels and excluding unproven reserves).

Can the US supply its own oil? ›

The United States is one of the largest crude oil producers

U.S. oil refineries obtain crude oil produced in the United States and in other countries. Different types of companies supply crude oil to the world market.

Why data is important for any industry? ›

Data can help businesses measure whether certain actions, products or services are profitable and where their greatest expenses might be. Identifying expenses is often the key to increasing profits because businesses can reduce those expenses and keep more of the revenue they earn.

What is the data on US oil production? ›

US Crude Oil Field Production is at a current level of 12.30M, up from 12.20M last week and up from 11.90M one year ago. This is a change of 0.82% from last week and 3.36% from one year ago. US Oil Production measures the daily number of barrels produced in the United States in oil fields.

How to benefit from big data analytics in the oil and gas industry? ›

The use of big data analytics has helped the oil & gas industry to optimize the drilling processes by customizing the predictive models. Such highly customized predictive models can help businesses to predict probable equipment failures.

Where does the US get most of its oil? ›

  • The top five sources of U.S. crude oil imports by percentage share of U.S. total crude oil imports in 2021 were:
  • Canada61%
  • Mexico10%
  • Saudi Arabia6%
  • Russia3%
  • Colombia3%
Nov 2, 2022

Where does the US get its oil? ›

The resulting total net petroleum imports (imports minus exports) were about -1.26 million b/d, which means that the United States was a net petroleum exporter of 1.26 million b/d in 2022. The top five source countries of U.S. gross petroleum imports in 2022 were Canada, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Colombia.

Who has the most oil in the world? ›

Venezuela - 303.806 Billion Barrels

Venezuela holds the largest oil reserves globally, with over 300 billion barrels mainly located in the Orinoco Belt at the southern end of the eastern Orinoco River Basin.

Why does the US export oil instead of keeping it? ›

It often makes more sense for the refineries in the gulf to export some of their gasoline to Mexico, rather than expensively ship their product all the way to the east coast of the U.S., which gets cheaper gasoline from Europe. oil prices down which keeps prices in the U.S. lower.

How much oil do we have left? ›

Summary Table
Oil Reserves1,650,585,140,000barrels
Oil Consumption35,442,913,090barrels per year
97,103,871barrels per day
Reserves/Consumption47(years left)

Did the US stop exporting oil? ›

At the time of the embargo, U.S. policies encouraged oil imports over domestic oil production. In response to the embargo and higher domestic gasoline prices, Congress passed the 1975 Energy Policy and Conservation Act, which directed the president to ban crude oil exports except for select types of oil.

Does the US have enough oil refineries? ›

The United States has adequate refinery capacity to process its current and projected crude production, however the free world oversupply of refining capacity will persist through the few remaining years of increasing world crude oil production and thereafter.

Are oil refineries at full capacity? ›

In 2021, oil refinery capacity in the United States amounted to approximately 17.9 million barrels per day. Although refineries are operating at full capacity, they may still have difficulties in meeting daily energy demands.

Who controls the price of oil? ›

Crude oil prices are determined by global supply and demand. Economic growth is one of the biggest factors affecting petroleum product—and therefore crude oil—demand. Growing economies increase demand for energy in general and especially for transporting goods and materials from producers to consumers.

Is the Earth still making oil? ›

By 1906, that number was 126 million barrels per year. Today, the U.S. produces about 6.8 billion barrels of oil every year. According to OPEC, more than 70 million barrels are produced worldwide every day. That is almost 49,000 barrels per minute.

What industry uses the most oil? ›

The transportation sector accounts for the largest share of U.S. petroleum consumption.

What do we need oil for? ›

Some of the more obvious petroleum products include transportation fuels, fuel oils for heating and electricity generation, asphalt and road oil.

What are the three 3 methods for taking an oil sample? ›

Three sampling procedures commonly associated with engine oil sampling include: sampling a pressurized line before the system filter; using a drop tube in the dipstick tube; and procuring a sample midstream from a drain port while draining the engine.

What is oil analysis summary? ›

Oil analysis is a routine activity for analyzing oil health, oil contamination and machine wear. The purpose of an oil analysis program is to verify that a lubricated machine is operating according to expectations.

What is the importance of oil sample analysis? ›

Oil analysis provides an in-depth view of the lubricant in your machinery. With consistent oil testing, small issues can be identified and dealt with before they become big problems. Certain types of wear in specific areas of the equipment are detected through oil analysis.

What conditions can oil analysis reveal? ›

The analysis will tell whether the oil has experienced excessive water contamination. The lab may also look at the acid and base numbers. Acid levels indicate the extent to which the oil is overheating or oxidizing.

What is considered as the new oil in the digital age? ›

Executive Summary. Akin to oil, which powered the age of industrialization, data is the core resource that will fuel the Fourth Industrial Revolution, also known as the digital age that is distinct by the speed of technological breakthroughs.

What is the importance of data in oil and gas? ›

Big data analytics assists in streamlining key oil and gas operations, such as exploration, drilling, production and delivery, in the three sectors – upstream, midstream and downstream.

Why data is called new fuel? ›

Data has never been more important.

We are living through the new digital age, meaning data is more valuable than ever before. Various industry experts have begun using the phrase “data economy” to describe the influence and prominence of big data in today's society, for, without it, society would grind to a halt.

Why is data is fuel of the digital economy? ›

Data is no longer just a byproduct of our digital activities; it has become a valuable commodity that fuels the digital economy. In fact, data is often referred to as the new oil, as it powers the engines of innovation and growth in the digital age.

What fuel will run out? ›

Natural gas, coal, and oil are non-renewable sources of energy, and our reserves are constantly getting emptier.

When did data become more valuable than oil? ›

Back in 2017, The Economist published a story titled, "The world's most valuable resource is no longer oil, but data." Since its publication, the topic has generated a great deal of discussion, and "Data is the new oil" has become a common refrain.

Why is pipeline data important? ›

That is why data pipelines are critical. They eliminate most manual steps from the process and enable a smooth, automated flow of data from one stage to another. They are essential for real-time analytics to help you make faster, data-driven decisions.

How can you benefit from big data analytics in the oil and gas industry? ›

Oil and gas enterprises can employ big data predictive analytics to reduce downtimes and maintenance costs of the refining equipment, thus improving asset management.

What is the importance of data pipeline? ›

Data pipelines, by consolidating data from all your disparate sources into one common destination, enable quick data analysis for business insights. They also ensure consistent data quality, which is absolutely crucial for reliable business insights.

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