Why Has ARKK Dropped Over 30% This Year And Where Is It Headed? (NYSEARCA:ARKK) (2024)

Why Has ARKK Dropped Over 30% This Year And Where Is It Headed? (NYSEARCA:ARKK) (1)

"It's always darkest just before dawn." - an uplifting proverb with many sources

"It's always darkest just before it's pitch black," - a less uplifting rejoinder

Ark Innovation ETF (NYSEARCA:ARKK) has fallen hard since the beginning of 2022 because its investors have continued to come to their senses. Unfortunately, it is too late for many of them. ARKK is certain to be remembered in financial history as the quintessence of disastrous speculation during the speculative bubble of the early 2020s. In its eight years of existence it is has destroyed more capital for more naive and innocent investors than any other investment vehicle of its time. This judgment may seem brutal and blunt, but there is no substitute for telling the true facts.

Speculative periods of the sort we have recently experienced happen periodically in financial markets. They usually begin with very real innovation which produces changes in the way the economic world operates. A narrative emerges which exaggerates and places a positive spin on innovations of all sorts. In the years leading up to 2000 it was the internet and the dot-com companies which appeared to exploit it. Only a few of these companies survived the 2000-2003 Crash but after twenty years it is easy to remember the few which did with Amazon (AMZN) being the prime example. It's the winners which stick in the popular mind.

Those who bought Amazon early and hung on during the Crash of 2000-2003 have done extremely well. Market legends were built on it. Another popular favorite was Cisco Systems (CSCO), which also survived and continued to have good growth in earnings over the decades that followed. Unfortunately for investors who came in around the 2000 peak Cisco's stock price has not yet recovered its 2000 high. Those who bought Cisco at the bottom of the Crash and added over the following decade have done reasonably well. The success of Amazon serves to obscure the outcome for the majority of investors in dot-com stocks who were wiped out and never returned to the market.

Periods like the present occur when enough time has elapsed from the last such period that most of the investors damaged in the previous market frenzy have disappeared from the scene. After several years of building enthusiasm a new wave of innocents with no memory of the past enter the market. Making money in the market once again looks easy. Vehicles like the Ark Innovation ETF make it look like a piece of cake. Many of the individual stocks held in ARKK looked like long term winners right up to February 2021.

ARKK was the perfect vehicle for a fresh generation of naive investors who overestimated their own competence. Most did not know enough to grasp what they didn't know. Whether ARKK's founder, Cathie Wood, understood what the risks were I can't say. I have no special access to her thinking. The fund made her a household name and also made her a great deal of money. With an expense rate of .75% investors had a substantial hurdle to overcome. Near the top in market prices the Ark ETF management received over $200 million annually taken off the top of Assets Under Management. Don't cry for Cathie Wood or her chief analyst Brett Minton (pictured above). They did fine.

It's entirely possible that Cathie Wood herself was simply a true believer who came upon what seemed at the time to be a great idea. There is no question that she is very smart. A summa cum laude graduate of the University of Southern California she was a favorite student of economist Arthur Laffer. She is frequently described as a devout Catholic and in fact named her ETF after the Ark of the Covenant. That's the same Biblical Ark as in the Harrison Ford movie Raiders of the Lost Ark. If you haven't seen it in a long time, you might give it another look as I recently did. You will enjoy Indiana Jones shooting the bad guy who is doing fancy sword tricks and then crawling all the way under a rapidly moving truck to toss the bad guys out the window. Pay special attention to the final action scene in which the Nazis open the Ark and promptly crumble into dust.

The concept of innovation is virtually irresistible in the contemporary world, and when we see something that looks like innovation its is hard to stop and think in practical terms about the risks and the performance numbers that would be required over many years into the future to justify the valuation and produce satisfactory returns. The Cathie Wood approach seemed to work well enough for a while, long enough to pull in large amounts of cash. Most investors in the Ark Innovation ETF arrived just in time to see 60% of their capital vaporized. Comparatively few investors made money in ARKK. The great majority lost money in a big way. This very good article by Morningstar's Amy Arnott entitled "ARKK: An Object Lesson in How Not To Invest" documented the disaster.

Charts And A Table Tell An Unfortunate Story

The first price chart below by Y Charts contains the entire history of Ark Innovation ETF beginning on November, 5. 2014. It did very little over its first two years, a mere 2% return, but heated up in 2017 with an 87% return mainly due to a single stock, Greyscale Bitcoin Trust (OTC:GBTC), which was up 1600%. Still, by the middle of 2018 the assets under management were a modest $1.1 billion. In the second chart below, an orange bar chart provided by Morningstar, assets had barely become visible before 2017, rose in 2018, and declined in 2019 after 2018 Total Returns were actually negative. The table which follows, Average Assets and Total Returns, puts hard numbers on the the fact that that very few investors owned ARKK early enough to profit from the sharp rise but many owned it during the devastating decline which followed.

Why Has ARKK Dropped Over 30% This Year And Where Is It Headed? (NYSEARCA:ARKK) (2)
Why Has ARKK Dropped Over 30% This Year And Where Is It Headed? (NYSEARCA:ARKK) (3)

The second bar chart below zooms in to show 2020 in month-by-month detail and is followed by a table which provides hard numbers detailing the increase in Assets Under Management as the price of Ark Innovation rose.

Why Has ARKK Dropped Over 30% This Year And Where Is It Headed? (NYSEARCA:ARKK) (4)
Why Has ARKK Dropped Over 30% This Year And Where Is It Headed? (NYSEARCA:ARKK) (5)

The second Y Chart of ARRK's stock price shows the way ARKK took off in 2020 from the pandemic market bottom on March 23, 2020. Growth stocks in general and hyper growth stocks in particular took off into a year-long vertical ascent as the lock down favored businesses that operated at a distance and didn't require direct contact with customers. Extremely low interest rates further advantaged assets with presumed high returns in the distant future. The wind was at the back of Ark Innovation ETF in every possible way. This was Cathie Wood Heaven. It was an environment in which few bothered to look closely at the prospects for speculative market leaders when the pandemic receded, nor did many investors bother to look at what discounted future return would look like if rates began to rise. This is exactly what the most overpriced parts of the market look like in the final stages of a bubble and the early stages of a collapse. The prevailing winds were clearly driving the high-revenue-growth hyper-high-priced hyper-speculative stocks contained in ARK Innovation ETF...until they weren't.

Why Has ARKK Dropped Over 30% This Year And Where Is It Headed? (NYSEARCA:ARKK) (6)

A shorter term chart of ARKK starting at the beginning of 2021 also shows what the end of a bubble and the ensuing crash look like. Notice that ARKK, pumped up by the crazier and more speculative stocks, raced up faster and then fell much harder than even the tech heavy NASDAQ 100 index. I threw in the S&P 500 Index (SPY) just to show what a more balanced cross section of the market was doing. Young, enthusiastic, and inexperienced investors rushed in where angels feared to tread. As ARKK collapsed they were stunned and wondered what had happened to them.

Why Has ARKK Dropped Over 30% This Year And Where Is It Headed? (NYSEARCA:ARKK) (7)

The table below extends the bar charts above into 2022 and provides a graphic image of what happened as ARKK hit its February peak and unraveled. As the stock price began its precipitous decline, investors ran to the exits as if someone had shouted "Fire!" in a jam-packed theater. In a sense, that's exactly what had happened. It's their savings that were on fire. The tragedy is that so few investors won and so many lost. The whole round trip in ARKK provided what can be a useful lesson and the first step on the road to reasonable investing.

Why Has ARKK Dropped Over 30% This Year And Where Is It Headed? (NYSEARCA:ARKK) (8)

That's the story of what happened to ARKK and its investors over the course of its history and the recent past. To assess the future there are two factors:

  1. ARKK's holdings.
  2. What happened to stocks like these in the past.

What Are ARKK"s Holdings And What Can Happen To Stocks Like These?

Below is the full list of ARKK holdings followed by ticker symbol and percentage of the ARKK portfolio. The first twelve holdings amount to about 2/3 of the total dollar value. All have good revenue growth in the rear view mirror, some at a rate of 100% a year, others only around 20-25% and the majority in the middle. I should note that the numbers and holdings were current as I started this article but there have recently been daily changes.

There are two ways of looking at super high growth. On the one hand it is a great thing; on the other hand the highest levels of growth are hard to sustain as each year grows from a higher base. Profits have generally trailed revenue growth, a phenomenon which is not uncommon for growth stocks. None of the ARKK stocks pay a dividend. Using data from the Cash Flow numbers reached through clicking on Financials I noted in parentheses whether or not the company had positive free cash flow:

  1. TESLA (TSLA) 9.33% (positive cash flow)
  2. TELADOC HEALTH INC (TDOC) 7.03% (positive cash flow)
  3. ROKU INC (ROKU) 6.76% (positive cash flow)
  4. ZOOM VIDEO COMMUNICATIONS-A (ZM) 6.14% (positive cash flow)
  5. COINBASE GLOBAL INC -CLASS A (COIN) 5.78% (positive cash flow)
  6. EXACT SCIENCES CORP (EXAS) 5.25% (negative cash flow)
  7. BLOCK INC (SQ) 5.05% (positive cash flow)
  8. UNITY SOFTWARE INC (U) 91332U101 4.85% (negative cash flow)
  9. UIPATH INC - CLASS A (PATH) 4.26% (negative cash flow)
  10. TWILIO INC - A (TWLO) 4.25% (negative cash flow)
  11. SPOTIFY TECHNOLOGY SA (SPOT) 3.89% (positive cash flow)
  12. INTELLIA THERAPEUTICS INC (NTLA) 3.81% (negative cash flow)
  13. BEAM THERAPEUTICS INC (BEAM) 3.77% (negative cash flow)
  14. CRISPR THERAPEUTICS AG (CRSP) 3.10% (negative cash flow)
  15. DRAFTKINGS INC - CL A (DKNG) 2.68% (negative cash flow)
  16. SHOPIFY INC - CLASS A (SHOP) 2.67% (positive cash flow)
  17. PAGERDUTY INC (PD) 2.11% (negative cash flow)
  18. ROBINHOOD MARKETS INC - A (HOOD) 1.82% (negative cash flow)
  19. FATE THERAPEUTICS INC (FATE) 1.80% (negative cash flow)
  20. 10X GENOMICS INC-CLASS A (TXG) 1.58% (negative cash flow)
  21. SIGNIFY HEALTH INC -CLASS A (SGFY) 1.51% (positive cash flow)
  22. INVITAE CORP (NVTA) 1.43% (negative cash flow)
  23. ROBLOX CORP -CLASS A (RBLX) 1.41% (positive cash flow)
  24. PACIFIC BIOSCIENCES OF CALIF (PACB) 1.24% (negative cash flow)
  25. GINKGO BIOWORKS HOLDINGS INC (DNA) 1.20% (no data available)
  26. VERACYTE INC (VCYT) 1.13% (negative cash flow)
  27. TWIST BIOSCIENCE CORP (TWST) 1.05% (negative cash flow)
  28. STRATASYS LTD (SSYS) 0.97% (negative cash flow)
  29. TUSIMPLE HOLDINGS INC - A (TSP) 0.97% (negative cash flow)
  30. SEA LTD-ADR (SE) 0.95% (positive cash flow)
  31. MATERIALISE NV-ADR (MTLS) 0.68% (positive cash flow)
  32. 2U INC (TWOU) 0.54% (negative cash flow)
  33. CERUS CORP (CERS) 0.51% (negative cash flow)
  34. BERKELEY LIGHTS INC (BLI) 0.28% (positive cash flow)
  35. COMPUGEN LTD (CGEN) 0.16% (negative cash flow)

Thirteen of the thirty-five holdings have positive cash flow at the present moment, while twenty-two do not. The holding with the most significant earnings and cash flow is Tesla. Below are the one-year charts of the top five holdings:

Why Has ARKK Dropped Over 30% This Year And Where Is It Headed? (NYSEARCA:ARKK) (9)

Referring to the previous section please look at the graphs for Assets Under Management. Tesla is the stock held by ARK Innovation ETF with the largest reported earnings and cash flow, but most of the money invested in the ETF, and thus in Tesla, came in at the exact peak. You can see this clearly on the above chart. Only a few investors were winners and the vast majority were heavy losers even in Tesla, which is currently the Ark Innovation ETF's biggest winner.

Tesla is also among the ARKK stocks with the most rapid revenue growth and best fundamentals. It has both positive earnings and positive cash flow and has reasonable prospects for strong growth in revenues, earnings, and cash flow in the future. Despite a stock price that is down more than 30% from the high, it sells at a P/E ratio of about 80 and a P/FCF ratio of about 240. It has held up relatively well, but it remains extremely expensive. Nevertheless, if you wanted to take a flyer with any of the stocks held in ARKK (I don't), Tesla would be one of the leading candidates.

An analogous company from the 1998-2000 dot.com Bubble and subsequent Crash would be Cisco Systems (CSCO) which rose to the #1 market cap of all US stocks and was the most heavily weighted stock in both the NASDAQ 100 and the S&P 500. Tesla is currently #5 in the S&P 500. Cisco continued to grow over the 22 years following the dot.com peak although revenue growth leveled off over the past decade. Cisco now sells at a P/E of 16.4. Its stock price has yet to regain its 2000 peak. Think about what happened to the capital of people who bought at the top in early 2000! That's what investors did with Ark Innovations ETF. Here's the chart of Cisco:

Why Has ARKK Dropped Over 30% This Year And Where Is It Headed? (NYSEARCA:ARKK) (10)

It would not be surprising if Tesla continued to succeed, though with gradually slowing growth, it may in two decades have a chart looking somewhat like that. The important thing to remember is that Cisco is one of the few winners which managed to maintain its growth to a reasonable degree. There are many popular stocks from the years leading up to the dot.com crash for which I cannot show charts because they no longer exist.

Seeking Alpha Factor Grades Take A Dim View Of ARKK But SA Analysts Are Divided

SA Factors Over Six months Now 3M ago 6M ago
Momentum F F A+
Expenses F F F
Dividends D- A+ D-
Risk F F F
Asset Flows A C+ A+

There are no surprises in the "Now" list although the D- Dividend Grade and the A grade for Asset Flows require some explanation. The Dividend Grade is based upon the $.78 disbursem*nt of capital gains which occurred in late December of 2021. What it means is that ARKK sold more winners than losers in its portfolio and delivered a small amount of taxable cash return despite having a dreadful down year over all. It had a little over three times as much the previous year as reflected in return percentages (1.3% versus 4.13%): thus the movement of Dividend Grades from D- six months ago to A+ 3 months ago and back to D- Now. The short message: don't expect much relief by way of Dividends.

The table below explains the marks for Asset Flows:

Asset Class Relative Grade


Asset Class Median

% Diff. to Asset Class

AUM % Change 1M





AUM % Change 6M





AUM % Change 1Y





AUM % Change 3Y





Average Daily Share Volume 3M





Average Daily Dollar Volume 3M





The explanation is there in the numbers. Assets under management have grown over the extended period of three years. Three years ago, as price was running up, a steep rate of increase in AUM was underway. As shareholders began to get out in 2021 the Assets Under Management began to fall and have fallen increasingly as the ETF Crashed. The details are in the charts and tables of the earlier section explaining how charts and a table tell an unfortunate story.

Long term Momentum still seemed wonderful 6 months ago but Crashed to a solid F on 3 and 6 month periods. Expenses are a straight F on all time frames. ARKK is an expensive ETF, period. Just note that its $.75 per share expenses equally its most recent capital gains return. ARKK's risk is a straight F. The message is to get out of it at warp speed in a market which no is longer favorable to risk.

There is no Wall Street coverage of ARKK. The recommendations of SA writers are mixed to negative:

  • Strong Buy: 0
  • BuY: 6
  • Hold: 4
  • Sell: 8
  • Strong Sell: 4

The current Buy recommendations on SA reflect the point of view of this article entitled "ARKK ETF: Performance Is So Bad It's Starting To Look Bullish." Read it to get a view which is the absolute opposite of mine. Of all the possible reasons to buy stocks this seems the weakest to me.

What Should You Do Now? Buy, Sell, Or Hold ARKK?

Of the individual stocks on the ARKK list of holdings I have written about just one, Shopify. In this article entitled "Shopify Stock Price Was Down About 50% in January; Should You Buy or Sell?" I was positive about the company but negative about the price. Shopify is actually a good business. I know about it in some detail because my wife uses it in her small business. I could not, however, recommend buying it at $666 on the day my article was published despite the fact it was down 62% from its all time high of $1763. It closed on the day I wrote this paragraph at a new low of $515, down another 22% from the time of that previous article and 70% from its high. I still can't buy or recommend it because the valuation remains too high. The investors who bought Shopify anywhere near its all time high apparently paid zero attention to valuation. Growth was all that mattered. Any valuation was deemed fine for a fast-growing and sexy stock. That seems to have been the premise for the majority of ARKK holders who rushed in near the top.

So now what? The short answer is that for ARKK holders it's a salvage operation, and not an easy one. There is no simple way to extricate yourself from a large loss. Your best loss is almost always your first loss. Sell when you notice erosion in your position which calls your initial premise into question. Once the cat is out of the box your options are limited. Whatever you do involves taking some lumps. This was one of the first hard lessons the market taught me many decades ago. What can I advise others to do? The only sure answer is to learn from your mistake and take care not to repeat it in the future.

It would not be surprising if the market for Cathie Wood stocks and the Ark Innovation ETF experienced a dead cat bounce. It doesn't mean the position will turn around and go back anywhere near the all time high. What it may provide is an opportunity to get out of a mistake at a little better price. There's no guarantee that you will get a bounce, however, and if you do get a bounce it's anybody's guess how high it will go or how long it will last. Whatever happens in the short run, there are strong odds that neither the Ark Innovation ETF nor the individual stocks it contains will go back to their previous highs any time soon. For a little over a year, since February 2021, the market as a whole has been in a stealth bear market. The speculative Cathie Wood stocks were among the first to crack. They were the leaders in the blowoff top and immediately flipped to become the first big losers on the downside.

The second group to crack were established growth stocks like the FANGs, or whatever they are called now, Amazon, Apple, Meta (FB). Netflix (NFLX), etc - the stalwarts of the NASDAQ 100 (QQQ). If this proves to be a full-fledged bear market the last to decline will be the stocks in the more conservative S&P 500 (SPY). The chart above showing ARKK, SPY, and QQQ give a clear visual representation of the order in which the market turned. A key point to note is that ARK Innovation ETF, a good proxy for the riskiest part of the market, is down 60% from the top, while the other indexes have recently been down about 10%. This suggest the degree to which the holdings in ARKK were overpriced as compared to other growth stocks.

Many investors have a long enough memory to recall that it worked exactly that way in 2000-2003. The dot.com stocks broke first and hardest, and many disappeared never to rise again. More solid growth leaders were hit hard but most eventually came back to some degree like Cisco. Value stocks like Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A)(BRK.B) suffered a brief and shallow decline and then rallied quickly to new highs and kept on rallying for the rest of the decade.

Most investors probably don't recall the inflationary bear market of the 1970s in which the speculative stocks which often found an excuse to insert the word "electronics" into their names rallied to absurd heights and then crashed the hardest. Many of them never recovered. The Blue Chip one-decision stocks like Coca-Cola (KO) and Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) also rallied to absurd multiples. A famous study by Jeremy Siegel, in support of his book Stocks For The Long Run, showed that if you had the tenacity to hold on to around the year 2000 you did fine. Value stocks, again, did better because less overpriced to start with. Every era repeats the past, but every era is to some degree different.

If there is a single factor that punctured the current bubble in hyper-expensive hyper-growth stocks it was the realization that much higher interest rates were on the way to counteract rising inflation. Stocks like the ones in the long list above have strong top line growth but the majority lack positive current earnings or cash flow. They may or may not have bright futures but the kind of cash flow which will reward shareholders is far into the future. The value of an income stream must be discounted into the future using a denominator that goes in a series starting at 1 for immediate cash flow, (1+D) after a year, (1+D) squared for year 2, out to (1+D) to the N power. D is the discounting factor and N the number of years. It's obvious that a jump in the discounting rate severely damages the value of hyper growth companies which have most of their earnings and cash flow in the future. No single fact better explains the bifurcation in the present market in which stocks with immediate solid earnings are performing better than growth stocks.

ARKK has been a disaster for beginner investors. The fabulous growth rates of some of its stocks were too hard to resist. Many were inflated as businesses which came to the fore during the pandemic lock down. Inexperienced investors projected their growth rates far into the future. The hard thing for many investors to accept at this point is that despite their severe decline most of these companies are still not cheap. Cathie Wood recently referred to her portfolio as "value stocks," but that is one thing they most certainly are not. They are best described as "broken stocks," and broken stocks rarely make quick comebacks. It's undeniable that the price earnings ratios of the stocks in the ARKK portfolio have come down from their peak, but it's still hard to make an argument that valuation of the stocks in ARKK makes much sense.

There's really no satisfying answer to the buy, sell, or hold question. A few of the stocks owned by Ark Innovation ETF will probably succeed and resemble the one-decision stocks from 1970 which did well if you held them for three decades. But which? And are you prepared to wait that long? For the group as a whole you are stuck with the comic Will Rogers suggestion, "Buy stocks. When they go up, sell. If they don't go up, don't buy." The term Hold is probably the least helpful of all advice. It reveals little except a lack of enthusiasm. I won't go there. It's too late to rush for the exits. It's too early to think of buying. Be deliberate. The practical suggestion is to use some skill and some judgment and look for a bounce to get out of your position.

This article was written by

Why Has ARKK Dropped Over 30% This Year And Where Is It Headed? (NYSEARCA:ARKK) (11)




I am a retired professor, a retired investment adviser, and currently a private investor and full-time tennis pro. I bought my first stock in a custodial account in 1958. I am a student of history, particularly military and economic/market history. The intellectual passions of my retirement years have been markets, mathematics, and quantum theory. Recently I have found myself reading book after book on the thoughts and feelings of animals, and I believe they are subtly influencing some of my views. I have a cat I like a lot. I like to travel. I served in Vietnam.

Analyst’s Disclosure: I/we have a beneficial long position in the shares of BRK.B, JNJ, GOOG either through stock ownership, options, or other derivatives. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

Seeking Alpha's Disclosure: Past performance is no guarantee of future results. No recommendation or advice is being given as to whether any investment is suitable for a particular investor. Any views or opinions expressed above may not reflect those of Seeking Alpha as a whole. Seeking Alpha is not a licensed securities dealer, broker or US investment adviser or investment bank. Our analysts are third party authors that include both professional investors and individual investors who may not be licensed or certified by any institute or regulatory body.

Why Has ARKK Dropped Over 30% This Year And Where Is It Headed? (NYSEARCA:ARKK) (2024)


Why is ARKK stock dropping? ›

Rising competition and a lack of moat are primary drivers behind falling growth, which can result in downward valuation "resets." Undoubtedly, many holdings within the ARK ETFs may not be able to reaccelerate growth rates to 2021 levels after the recession has worked its course.

How long will it take for ARKK to recover? ›

ARKK: Buying Momentum Is Working

But eventually, and assuming ARKK ever climbs back to its all-time highs, buying the upswing will play out in the investor's favor. It's really only a matter of patience and diligence. So far, 2023 is shaping up to be the year of recovery for Cathie Wood and ARKK.

Why are Ark funds doing so poorly? ›

The Streak Of Fund Losses Continues In 2023

The ARK Innovation ETF has fallen out of favor with growth investors due to ill-timed investments made by the fund during the COVID-19 pandemic, which saw valuations of innovative startups and technology companies skyrocket before plummeting in 2022.

Will ARKK ever bounce back? ›

It's unlikely that 2023 will result in the same sky-high returns that growth investors saw in 2020. However, if more favorable conditions, such as lower interest rates, can boost growth stocks, it's not impossible that the ARKK ETF could stage something of a comeback.

Should I sell ARKK at a loss? ›

For many investors, selling ARKK right now would mean taking a loss, since most of the assets in the fund didn't enter until late 2020, said Diton. He sees the stocks within ARKK — its largest positions are Zoom Video Communications Inc., Roku Inc.

What is the future outlook for ARKK? ›

Average Price Target

Based on 388 Wall Street analysts offering 12 month price targets to ARKK holdings in the last 3 months. The average price target is $50.09 with a high forecast of $70.57 and a low forecast of $33.25. The average price target represents a 43.53% change from the last price of $34.90.

What is the price prediction for ARKK in 2025? ›

For ARK Innovation ETF Stock (ARKK) price forecast for 2025, a forecast is offered for each month of 2025 with average ARKK price forecast of $91.09, a high forecast of $91.44, and a low forecast of $28.71. The average ARKK price prediction of 2025 represents a +143.63% increase from the last price of $37.39.

Is ARKK a long-term investment? ›

Fund Objective

ARKK is an actively managed Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) that seeks long-term growth of capital by investing under normal circ*mstances primarily (at least 65% of its assets) in domestic and foreign equity securities of companies that are relevant to the Fund's investment theme of disruptive innovation.

Is ARKK a good investment 2023? ›

Which is why ARK Innovation ETF (ARKK) is a favorite investment for 2023. Right now, Cathie Wood's fund is the laughing stock of the investing world as it has fallen over 60% in 2022. Yes, that is about three times worse than the S&P 500. The reason is simple.

What is the best performing ark fund? ›

Like ARK Innovation, ARK Genomic Revolution is bouncing back in 2023 with a 27% gain year-to-date. ARKG's top holding is Exact Sciences, which is also a top holding of ARKK.

Is Cathie Wood better than Warren Buffett? ›

The Cathie Wood Ark Tech Portfolio obtained a 4.42% compound annual return, with a 35.92% standard deviation, in the last 5 Years. The Warren Buffett Portfolio obtained a 10.29% compound annual return, with a 16.73% standard deviation, in the last 5 Years.

What is happening to ark? ›

With the launch of ASA at the end of August, we will be taking down all Official Servers on Xbox, PlayStation, and PC for ARK: Survival Evolved – at that time, the final save-datas from the ARK: Survival Evolved Official Servers will be uploaded for players to re-host on their own servers or play in singleplayer/non- ...

What is the average investor return for ARKK? ›

In the last 5 Years, the ARK Innovation ETF (ARKK) ETF obtained a -0.49% compound annual return, with a 40.66% standard deviation.

What is fair value of ARKK stock? ›

ARK Innovation Valuation

Which of the beaten down stocks is being purchased by ark investment? ›

Cathie Wood's ARK Buys the Slide. Your browser does not support the audio tag. This feature is powered by text-to-speech technology.

Are Ark funds overvalued? ›

In our view, the ARKK fund is a mixture of poor investments. Many of those investments are overvalued, and the fund's overall portfolio of assets are overvalued. We expect that to cause long-term underperformance, and as a result recommend investors look at SARK instead of ARK.

Should I sell my stocks at a loss now? ›

An investor may also continue to hold if the stock pays a healthy dividend. Generally though, if the stock breaks a technical marker or the company is not performing well, it is better to sell at a small loss than to let the position tie up your money and potentially fall even further.

Is Ark innovation a good buy now? ›

Price action suggests that now is the time to buy shares of ARK Innovation. There is one important caveat, however, that every investor should know. Famed investor Cathie Wood's ARK Innovation ETF (ARKK) - Get Free Report is finally showing signs of having a pulse.

What is the price prediction for arkx 2023? ›

Based on the Rule 16, the options market is currently suggesting that ARK Space Exploration will have an average daily up or down price movement of about 1.39% per day over the life of the 2023-05-19 option contract. With ARK Space trading at USD13. 41, that is roughly USD0. 19.

What is the analyst price target for ARKK? ›

Ark Innovation ARKK share price forecast & targets for Intra Day are 35.45, 35.21, 34.5 on the downside, and 36.63, 36.39, 36.86 on the upside.

Who are the largest investors in ARKK? ›

Largest shareholders include Morgan Stanley, Shanda Payment Holdings Ltd., Citadel Advisors Llc, Susquehanna International Group, Llp, Citadel Advisors Llc, Bank Of America Corp /de/, Maplelane Capital, Llc, LPL Financial LLC, Goldman Sachs Group Inc, and Susquehanna International Group, Llp.

What is the price prediction for ARKK in 2030? ›

ARK price prediction February 2030: ARK's price for February 2030 according to our analysis should range between $0.78 to $0.89 and the average price of ARK should be around $0.84.

Will ARKK pay a dividend? ›

FAQ. Does ARKK pay dividends? Yes, ARKK has paid a dividend within the past 12 months.

Where to invest in ARKK? ›

Our ETFs are available Through Various Channels
  • Ameriprise.
  • Charles Schwab.
  • Chase.
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  • Fidelity.
  • Firstrade.
  • Interactive Brokers.
  • Merrill Edge.

What is the dividend for ARKK 2023? ›

The current dividend payout for stock ARK Innovation ETF (ARKK) as of May 6, 2023 is USD. The forward dividend yield for ARKK as of May 6, 2023 is 2.01%.

Are Ark ETFS high risk? ›

ARK Innovation Market Sensitivity And Downside Risk

ARK Innovation ETF exhibits very low volatility with skewness of 0.37 and kurtosis of -0.24. However, we advise investors to further study ARK Innovation ETF technical indicators to ensure that all market info is available and is reliable.

What ETF is similar to ARKK? ›

ETF Benchmarks & Alternatives
TickerName5Y Return
CACGClearBridge All Cap Growth ETF45.73%
GDVDPrincipal Active Global Dividend Income ETF-5.96%
DWLDDavis Select Worldwide ETF10.26%
DINTDavis Select International ETF58.78%
4 more rows

What coin is Cathie Wood buying? ›

Cathie Wood's tech-focused investment firm, ARK Invest, bought nearly $18 million worth of Coinbase (COIN) shares shortly after the exchange was threatened with enforcement action from regulators on Wednesday.

What is the outlook on investments in 2023? ›

Lofty earnings expectations: Consensus 2023 earnings projections for the S&P 500 Index sit around $230, a number that bakes in earnings growth of about 5%.

What is the outlook for financial stocks 2023? ›

At the same time as the market is adjusting its expectations for the Fed, we're seeing that earnings have unmistakably inflected and are now coming down. Based on how earning estimates have been progressing, 2023 is increasingly looking like it could be a ‒10% earnings year.

What is the best ARK stock? ›

The largest ARK ETF is the ARK Innovation ETF ARKK with $7.57B in assets. In the last trailing year, the best-performing ARK ETF was PRNT at -17.34%. The most recent ETF launched in the ARK space was the ARK Space Exploration & Innovation ETF ARKX on 03/30/21.

What is the return of ARKK stock in 5 years? ›

Month-End Average Annual Total Returns And Risks As of 04/30/2023
AverageNAV ReturnMarket Benchmark (S&P 500 TR USD) AS OF 04/30/2023
1 Year-23.94+2.66
3 Year-12.64+14.52
5 Year-0.42+11.45
10 Year--+12.20
2 more rows

What are the three Cathie Woods stocks? ›

3 Cathie Wood Stocks for Your April Must-Buy List
  • Oh, what A difference a year makes. ...
  • Wood's top three ETFs by assets are the ARK Innovation ETF (NYSEARCA:ARKK), ARK Genomic Revolution ETF (BATS:ARKG), and the ARK Next Generation ETF (NYSEARCA:ARKW).
  • In 2022, they averaged a total return of -62.8%.
Apr 4, 2023

What is Cathie Wood's favorite stocks? ›

In addition to Block, Inc. (NYSE:SQ), some of Cathie Wood's top stock picks right now include Tesla, Inc. (NASDAQ:TSLA), Coinbase Global, Inc. (NASDAQ:COIN), and Roku, Inc.

What stock does Warren Buffett own the most of? ›

Top Warren Buffett Stocks By Size
  • Bank of America (BAC), 1.01 billion.
  • Apple (AAPL), 895.1 million.
  • Coca-Cola (KO), 400 million.
  • Kraft Heinz (KHC), 325.6 million.
  • Occidental Petroleum (OXY), 194.4 million.
  • Chevron (CVX), 162.9 million.
  • American Express (AXP), 151.6 million.
  • Nu Holdings (NU), 107.1 million.
3 days ago

How many shares does Cathie Wood own of Tesla? ›

Wood's firm disclosed it bought 219,810 shares of Tesla in its flagship Ark Innovation ETF and another 36,213 shares of Tesla in its Next Generation Internet ETF.

Is ARK going to close? ›

Not only have the developers announced that Ark 2 is once again delayed, but they've revealed that ARK servers will shut down in the not too distant future. Studio Wildcard made the announcement at the weekend, citing the team's mental welfare as a main contributing factor.

Where is ARK moving to? ›

Ark Investment Management is permanently closing its New York office and relocating to St. Petersburg, Florida, the company announced Wednesday.

What will happen to ARK 1? ›

Ark 2 Delayed to End of 2024, Ark 1 Will Be Replaced by UE5 Remaster, Survival Ascended. Yes, we know that's a lot of information jammed into one title. Developer Studio Wildcard has announced that Ark 2 is delayed to the end of 2024 on Xbox, Game Pass, and PC.

What percentage of dividends does ARKK stock pay? ›

Capital Growth and Dividends
Apr 2023(*)0.000.00%
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What is a realistic rate of return on investments? ›

A good return on investment is generally considered to be about 7% per year, based on the average historic return of the S&P 500 index, and adjusting for inflation. But of course what one investor considers a good return might not be ideal for someone else.

What is a good average of return in invested stock? ›

Generally speaking, if you're estimating how much your stock-market investment will return over time, we suggest using an average annual return of 6% and understanding that you'll experience down years as well as up years.

What is the Morningstar rating for ARKK? ›

Morningstar has published a new analysis of the $7.2bn ARK Innovation ETF (ARKK) and the $237m American Beacon ARK Transformation Innovation fund (ADNPX). Both funds have been rated 'negative' by the Chicago research shop since April 2022, when they were downgraded from 'neutral. '

What is the volatility of ARKK? ›

ARKK implied volatility (IV) is 42.5, which is in the 2% percentile rank. This means that 2% of the time the IV was lower in the last year than the current level. The current IV (42.5) is -3.8% below its 20 day moving average (44.2) indicating implied volatility is trending lower.

What are the returns on ARKK funds? ›

Performance Overview
  • 14.40%YTD Daily Total Return.
  • -31.83%1-Year Daily Total Return.
  • -12.30%3-Year Daily Total Return.

Will ARKK recover in 2023? ›

So far, 2023 is shaping up to be the year of recovery for Cathie Wood and ARKK. Those who have followed the moving-average strategy would have avoided sharp losses in 2022, and yet participated in about two-thirds of the 2023 rally.

Will Ark funds recover? ›

It's unlikely to recover, given the economic reopening from COVID-19 and the rise of video-conferencing alternatives. Despite the epic fall, ZM stock remains a top holding (at just shy of 10% of the flagship ARKK ETF) going into 2023.

Why is ARKK tanking? ›

ARKK is being negatively impacted by macroeconomic factors including increasing interest rates, inflation fears, and the 10-year Treasury. ARKK may not rebound in 2022 as macro forces prevail, and other ETFs or individual company holdings may be better choices.

What's happening to Ark invest? ›

After beating the S&P 500 and many ETFs for years, Ark Invest — led by Cathie Wood — saw its ETFs drop significantly in 2022. The move came due to several macro issues. Also, many of the high-growth technology companies Ark Invest has in its funds saw severe pullbacks on valuation and growth concerns.

What is the fair price for ARKK? ›

$ 37.33
CloseChgChg %

What is the best ARKK fund? ›

ARKG's top holding is Exact Sciences, which is also a top holding of ARKK. Other ARKG top holdings include Pacific Biosciences (NASDAQ:PACB) , Teladoc (NYSE:TDOC), CRISPR Therapeutics (NASDAQ:CRSP), and Ginkgo Bioworks (NYSE:DNA).

What ark stock should I buy? ›

Some of the best ARK stocks include Tesla, Inc. (NASDAQ:TSLA), Zoom Video Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ:ZM), and Roku, Inc. (NASDAQ:ROKU).

Does Ark invest in Netflix? ›

Cathie Wood-led Ark Investment Management on Tuesday sold the remaining shares that it held in Netflix Inc (NASDAQ:NFLX) to fully cut its exposure in the streaming video-on-demand company.

Does Ark invest in Tesla? ›

Stock picker Cathie Wood's Ark Invest bought Tesla's dip in a big way on Thursday, boldly forecasting the electric vehicle company will surge to a more than $6 trillion valuation over the next four years on the same day its stock tanked 10%.

Which is better Berkshire Hathaway or Ark Innovation ETF? ›

ARKK - Volatility Comparison. The current volatility for Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (BRK-B) is 3.45%, while ARK Innovation ETF (ARKK) has a volatility of 9.02%. This indicates that BRK-B experiences smaller price fluctuations and is considered to be less risky than ARKK based on this measure.

What is the price target for ARKK in 2030? ›

Ark (ARK) Price Predictions 2023 - 2031
YearMinimum PriceAverage Price
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