Why Generational Wealth Is Important & How To Build It (2024)

The Great Generational Wealth Transfer is happening now. Between 2016 and 2026, Canadians can expect to see the largest intergenerational transfer of wealth in history. Approximately $1 trillion in personal wealth will be transferred from one generation to the next (from The Silent Generation and Baby Boomers to Generation X and Millennials, to be exact).

But what does this mean? How can you ensure your family is taken care of for generations to come? And how does generational wealth fit into the rest of your estate and retirement planning?

We’ll cover these questions and more in this in-depth look into generational wealth.

What is generational wealth?

Generational wealth—sometimes referred to as legacy wealth or family wealth—is financial assets that are passed down from one generation to the next. For example, from you, to your children, to their children, and so on. Generational wealth can include real estate property, money, investments, stocks, bonds, family businesses, or anything that has a monetary value.

What is generational wealth transfer?

The term general wealth transfer simply refers to the act of transferring generational wealth (i.e. money, property, etc.) to your children or grandchildren. With proper generational wealth planning and management, wealth can be passed down for many generations within your family.

Why is generational wealth important?

Generational wealth is important because it can offer a significant financial advantage to your family. For example, if your children or grandchildren received a financial advantage early on in their life, this could help them pay for their university or college education alleviating the need for student loan debt, or be used for a down payment on a home. This creates a significant advantage to young adults starting their life in the real world.

Having a will in place ensures that your generational wealth is distributed and handled the way you intended. Online wills are the easiest way to do so. Start today →

How much money is considered generational wealth?

For any amount of wealth to be considered generational wealth, it simply has to be passed down by at least one generation; however, there is no definitive number that constitutes generational wealth because wealth is relative. The amount of passed-down family wealth all depends on the recipients and how it is used.

For example, if you received $1 million dollars in generational wealth but only need $250,000 to live comfortably for the remainder of your life, the million would be more than enough to be considered generational wealth and could continue to be passed down to your future generations. On the other hand, if you inherited $1 million dollars but spent it all within your lifetime, the money would not go further than one generation.

During a poll conducted by IPC Private Wealth of Investment Planning Counsel, one in five affluent Canadians said they fear their children will not have anything to pass down to their own children. Reasons for their concern include high cost of living, lack of financial knowledge, splurge spending, and losing their inheritance due to divorce.

Building generational wealth that can be passed down from generation to generation requires a large amount of wealth, strategic financial and estate planning, as well as financially responsible spending by those who inherit it.

Finding a reputable financial advisor is usually important when handling your estate. Find out exactly when having a financial advisor is important for estate planning. →

Creating generational wealth: How does it accumulate?

You can accumulate generational wealth acquiring assets, investing in assets that produce wealth, or simply by saving money that you don't intend to spend during your retirement, with the intention of passing it down to your future generations.

There are many ways to build generational wealth. Here are some of the top methods:

How to build generational wealth

The following are simple strategies you can use to start building generational wealth for your family and loved ones.

  1. Save money
  2. Invest in real estate
  3. Invest in the stock market
  4. Start a family business
  5. Take out life insurance

1. Save money

Saving money is one of the simplest ways to generate wealth. By moving money into a savings account and setting it aside for the next generation, the money will be designated for that purpose and carried out with that intention.

Be mindful, however, that putting money away into a savings account does not guarantee the greatest return. Inflation will always play a role in determining generational wealth as well; the value of $1 today will not be the same value in five years. That’s why it is important to always ensure your savings are generating high interest to secure your family’s financial future.

2. Invest in real estate

Investing in real estate is a common way to create generational wealth. This can include a single investment property or multiple investment properties. Your real estate portfolio can be used to build your estate plan when deciding how to distribute your wealth to future generations. And although real estate values can fluctuate from time to time due to the market, it is still one of the best methods to build and maintain generational wealth.

3. Invest in the stock market

Stock market investments such as index funds are a fanatics way to generate passive income to protect long-term wealth from inflation. A mutual fund or exchange-traded fund (ETF) are perfect examples of investment funds within the stock market that can build generational wealth that can be passed down to your family members.

4. Start a family business

The securities or ownership of a family business can be included in generational wealth. Where there is a successful business to pass down there are often financial and career advantages. Family businesses offer a means of ongoing income, revenue, and money as well as career opportunities that would not otherwise be available to someone outside of the family.

5. Take out life insurance

Life insurance can help you pass down wealth for your family and maximize the amount of wealth that is passed down. There are several tax advantages to having life insurance since no estate taxes are owed on life insurance and life insurance policies are not counted as part of an estate and therefore are not taxed by the federal government.

The benefits of life insurance are that there is more money to pass down to your heirs and it minimizes your estate taxes. Life insurance can also help provide financial support for dependents in the event of an untimely death.

End-of-life discussions with your family are important. Get the Guide To Discussing End-Of-Life Wishes With Family →

How does generational wealth fit into estate planning?

Did you know that 58% of affluent Canadians have not discussed instructions for their estate with their heirs? In order to distribute any accumulated generational wealth, this will need to be clearly determined as part of your estate planning. To pass down generational wealth, you will need a legal will, a trust, and named beneficiaries.

Of the many reasons you should have a will, having full control over the wealth you leave your family for generations to come is one of the most important. According to PolicyMe's 2022 Canadians and Money Survey, 11% of Canadians made or updated their will/end of life plans in 2021. While finalizing the details of your last will and testament, a trust fund (or trust funds) should be set up as part of your estate planning. Assets placed within a trust avoid probate and certain taxes, further maximizing the wealth passed down to the named beneficiaries within your family.

Take full control over your generational wealth

Once you have generated enough wealth to secure your family’s financial future, it is imperative that you include the details of this wealth within a last will and testament to ensure it is properly handled and distributed. Creating a legal will has never been easier and can even be done online.

Start for free and begin your will today.

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Given the depth and specifics of the article provided, I can confidently address each concept related to generational wealth, drawing from a combination of financial expertise, knowledge of estate planning, and broader economic principles.

Generational Wealth: Generational wealth, often termed legacy or family wealth, refers to assets and financial resources passed down from one generation to another. This wealth isn't just limited to monetary assets; it encompasses tangible assets like real estate, family businesses, stocks, bonds, and other forms of investments. The primary objective behind generational wealth is to provide future generations with a financial foundation, which can subsequently offer them opportunities and advantages, such as education, homeownership, and business ventures.

Generational Wealth Transfer: The act of transferring generational wealth involves strategic planning to ensure that assets transition seamlessly from one generation to the next. Effective generational wealth transfer involves tools like wills, trusts, and other estate planning mechanisms. The process aims to minimize tax implications, avoid probate, and ensure that the wealth serves its intended purpose for future generations.

Importance of Generational Wealth: Generational wealth plays a pivotal role in leveling the playing field for subsequent generations. It can break the cycle of poverty, provide educational opportunities, and offer financial security. Given the rising costs of education and living, a solid foundation of generational wealth can offer significant advantages, ensuring that beneficiaries have resources to pursue their aspirations without being burdened by debt or financial constraints.

Determining Generational Wealth: While there isn't a fixed monetary threshold defining generational wealth, the essence lies in its longevity and ability to benefit multiple generations. The value and impact of generational wealth depend on prudent management, investment decisions, and financial responsibility by beneficiaries. As highlighted, the fear among some affluent Canadians underscores the importance of instilling financial literacy and responsible financial stewardship among heirs.

Building Generational Wealth: Several strategies facilitate the accumulation and preservation of generational wealth:

  1. Saving Money: While savings provide a foundational approach, it's essential to account for inflation and seek avenues offering better returns than traditional savings accounts.
  2. Real Estate Investment: Real estate has historically been a cornerstone of generational wealth, offering appreciation, rental income, and tax advantages.
  3. Stock Market Investments: Diversified investments in stocks, mutual funds, and ETFs can generate passive income, protect against inflation, and facilitate wealth accumulation.
  4. Family Business: Establishing and nurturing a family business can provide ongoing revenue streams, employment opportunities, and serve as a tangible legacy.
  5. Life Insurance: Beyond providing financial security, life insurance offers tax benefits, ensuring that beneficiaries receive the intended wealth without undue tax implications.

Estate Planning & Generational Wealth: Estate planning serves as the linchpin for effective generational wealth transfer. Tools like wills, trusts, and designated beneficiaries streamline the process, ensuring that assets transition according to the benefactor's wishes. By addressing end-of-life wishes, tax implications, and potential disputes, estate planning safeguards the integrity and purpose of generational wealth.

In conclusion, the article underscores the significance of generational wealth in shaping future opportunities, mitigating financial challenges, and preserving family legacies. By adopting strategic financial planning, prudent investments, and comprehensive estate planning, individuals can ensure that their hard-earned assets serve their intended purpose for generations to come.

Why Generational Wealth Is Important & How To Build It (2024)


Why is building generational wealth important? ›

Generational wealth can also give your family a financial “head start” which has the potential to change the trajectory of a family by breaking the cycle of poverty and building a foundation for future success.

What is the best way to build generational wealth? ›

Strategies for building generational wealth include investing in education, financial markets, and real estate, and creating and preserving assets. Maximizing tax benefits and avoiding debt are crucial for building generational wealth.

What is the purpose of generation wealth? ›

Key Takeaways. Generational wealth refers to assets passed from one generation of a family to the next. In some cases, assets are transferred after death in the form of an inheritance. In others, they are passed to the next generation while the giver is still alive.

What is it important to build wealth? ›

Learning how to build wealth is essential for financial security and independence. If you have financial goals, such as buying a house, paying for your kids' college or securing a comfortable retirement, building wealth is the key to achieving those objectives.

What is the most important key to building wealth? ›

While get-rich-quick schemes sometimes may be enticing, the tried-and-true way to build wealth is through regular saving and investing—and patiently allowing that money to grow over time. It's fine to start small. The important thing is to start and to start early. Earn money and then save and invest it smartly.

What is the 3 generation rule wealth? ›

Sixty% of wealth transfers are lost by the second generation, and 90% by the third. Only 10% of wealth passes beyond the third generation. The overall financial environment, income tax regulations, and estate tax laws fluctuate dramatically over a three-generation time-span.

How do you build generational wealth in six steps? ›

Most people don't know six steps to build generational wealth.
  1. Put Money Into The Future. Photo by micheile henderson on Unsplash. ...
  2. Handle Debt Cautiously. Photo by rc.xyz NFT gallery on Unsplash. ...
  3. Make an Estate Plan. Photo by Tierra Mallorca on Unsplash. ...
  4. Use Life Insurance. ...
  5. Use the laws to your advantage.
Dec 12, 2023

How do you build generational wealth with a trust? ›

How to Establish Generational Wealth with Irrevocable Trusts and Permanent Life Insurance
  1. Step 1: Decode the Intricacies. ...
  2. Step 2: Set Up an Irrevocable Trust. ...
  3. Step 3: Purchase a Permanent Life Insurance Policy. ...
  4. Step 4: Make the Trust the Beneficiary. ...
  5. Step 5: Install a Loan Structure. ...
  6. Step 6: Appoint a Trustee.
Jul 5, 2023

What is the saying about generational wealth? ›

As the saying goes, 'from shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves in three generations. ' This means that wealth accumulated by one generation is often lost by the third generation.

What is the problem with generational wealth? ›

The generational wealth gap, or wealth inequality, can lead to a wide range of consequences. Unequal economic opportunity can limit economic mobility, reduce access to education, create disparities in healthcare access, lead to unequal retirement preparedness and even reduce economic resilience and growth.

How much money is considered wealthy? ›

According to Schwab's 2023 Modern Wealth Survey, Americans perceive an average net worth of $2.2 million as wealthy​​​​. Knight Frank's research indicates that a net worth of $4.4 million is required to be in the top 1% in America, a figure much higher than in countries like Japan, the U.K. and Australia​​.

What are the effects of generational wealth? ›

Generational wealth affects social mobility, financial security, and access to resources. First-generation students usually have less generational wealth than their peers. Students can build generational wealth with the help of strong financial literacy skills.

What are the 4 key things you need to build wealth? ›

Here are four strategies to build wealth from self-made millionaires who have done it.
  • Develop multiple streams of income. ...
  • Invest your money — every single day. ...
  • Pay yourself first. ...
  • Change your mindset about money.
Mar 27, 2017

How wealth is important in life? ›

Money gives you security.

Although money can't buy happiness, freedom, security, and the power to pursue your dreams can go a long way towards making you happy. That's why it's so important to work hard, earn money, and learn how to save and invest it.

What does it mean to build generational wealth? ›

Generational wealth is wealth that gets transferred from one generation of a family to the next. It may consist of valuable assets such as cash, real estate, securities, collectibles like antique musical instruments and paintings or ownership of a family business.

What is the legacy of generational wealth? ›

Generational wealth, sometimes called family wealth or legacy wealth, is where there is wealth passed from one generation to the next. This could range from providing funds to help pay for education or a down payment on a home, to substantial wealth expected to sustain multiple generations to come.

What are the advantages of growing up in a rich family? ›

Better Education – Those raised in wealthy households generally live in wealthier neighbourhoods. These neighbourhoods typically have better school systems with better teachers and more educational resources. More Resources – The rich obviously have more resources.

Why is generational poverty important? ›

Major consequences of intergenerational child poverty include health and development concerns. Since many impoverished families do not have the financial means to provide for the basic needs of the family, many children are affected by not getting the nutrients they need for development.

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