Why Factors of Production Are Important to Economic Activity (2024)

Economic growth is the increase in the production of goods and services from one period to the next. As such, the value of these goods and services increases, resulting in larger corporate profits. It has a snowball effect, which often leads to higher stock prices and a rise in employment. Companies have more capital to invest in new ventures and consumers are able to spend more.

As such, economic growth is one of the most-watched indicators, if not the most important. Economists measure it in real terms, which factors in inflation, or in nominal terms. Aggregate growth is commonly measured asa nation's gross national product (GNP) or gross domestic product (GDP).

But how does economic growth work and what factors affect it? It only comes by increasing the quality and quantity of the factors of production, which are the resources used in creating or manufacturing a good or service. Keep reading to learn more about these four factors—land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship—and what makes them so important.

Key Takeaways

  • Economic growth is the increase in the production of goods and services over a period of time and is dependent on the four factors of production.
  • Land is defined as agricultural land, commercial real estate, and natural resources, such as oil, gas, and other commodities.
  • Labor is made up of the individuals who are responsible for the development of goods and services.
  • Capital goods, such as tools, equipment, and machinery, are part of the capital category.
  • The final factor of production is entrepreneurship, which includes the visionaries and innovators who are behind the production process.

Understanding the Factors of Production

The factors of production are inputs that companies need to develop goods and services. This enables them to earn profits. The concept of these factors dates back to neoclassical economics, combining historic economic theories with other ideas, such as the idea of labor. As noted above, the four factors of production are land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship. The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis defines the factors of production as:

"Resources that are the building blocks of the economy; they are what people use to produce goods and services."

We highlight what each of these means below.


When most people think of land, they automatically assume it means agricultural land. While that's true, it isn't the only thing that makes up this factor. Land doesn't just refer to natural resources, but it can also include commercial real estate and renewable resources like forests. Producers also use natural resources that come from the earth, which also fit into this category. These resources include:

  • Oil and gas
  • Coal
  • Silver, copper, and other metals
  • Other commodities

Land is generally considered one of the most important factors of production. Certain industries rely on land more than others. For instance, a real estate developer needs it to make good on its investments. But technology companies and those that rely on automation tend to rely less on land, making it a less significant factor of production.


Labor consists of the people who are responsible for the creation of goods and services (from beginning to end) and the effort they put forth. These individuals include factory workers, managers, salespeople, and engineers who design the machinery used in production. As such, it can take on many forms. For instance, the effort of construction workers who work on a building site and quality control workers who ensure products are ready to go to market make up this category.

Individuals are compensated for their time and effort, and the amount they are paid depends on the skills they bring to the table. People with fewer skills and training tend to earn lower wages while people who are educated and highly skilled get paid more.

Innovation, though, is changing the labor force. Automation, increased technology, and equipment are putting a dent into the need for workers. Companies that continue to innovate their production processes rely less on human labor. For instance, the invention and availability of equipment cut out the need for physical laborers on farms.

As an investor, you can identify investment opportunities in companies that are improving their factors of production.


Although most people think capital is cash, the term here actually describes a number of other assets. Capital goods are also considered capital, which includes manufacturing plants, machinery, tools, or any equipment used in the production process. Capital may also refer to a fleet of trucks or forklifts as well as heavy machinery.

When the economy is flourishing and expands, corporations are able to access capital so they can spend and make investments and continue making profits. During times of economic contraction, though, they must cut costs to preserve capital to ensure they are still profitable. All of this is necessary in order to ensure that they can continue bringing new products and services to market.

Keep in mind, though, that capital only refers to assets used for business purposes and for the production of goods and services. As such, it doesn't apply to anything that is meant for personal use.


Entrepreneurship is the fourth factor and includes the visionaries and innovators behind the entire production process. The entrepreneurs combine all the other factors of production to conceptualize, create, and produce the product or service. They are the drivers behind any technical change in the economic system which has been shown to be a major source of economic growth.

Economists believe that entrepreneurship is one of the most integral parts of the production process. That's because it uses all three of the other factors in the manufacturing of goods and services.

The success of entrepreneurs depends entirely on the development of a business plan. This is a document that business owners use to describe how their company operates, its objectives, and its short- and long-term goals. Once the business plan is developed, entrepreneurs should look for resources, hire personnel, and get access to financing.

The Solow residual is the residual growth rate of output that cannot be attributed to this growth in inputs. Also known as total factor productivity, this residual includes things like the state of technological progress and innovation.

The Importance of the Factors of Production

If businesses can improve the efficiency of the factors of production, it stands to reason that they can increase production and create higher quality goods at lower prices. Any increase in production leads to economic growth as measured by GDP. This metric merely represents the total production of all goods and services in an economy. Improved economic growth raises the standard of living by lowering costs and raising wages.

Capital goods include technological advances from iPhones, to cloud computing, to electric cars. For example, in the last several years, the technology of fracking or horizontal drilling has led to improved extraction of oil, making the U.S. one of the world's largest oil producers. The innovation couldn't be done without the labor behind the process, from conceptualization to the finished product.

However, as technology helps to increase the efficiency of the factors of production, it can also replace labor to reduce costs as we highlighted above. For example, artificial intelligence and robotic machines are used in manufacturing boosting productivity, reducing costly errors from human beings, and ultimately reducing labor costs.

Of course, nothing gets started without the entrepreneurs who create a vision and the action steps needed to design the production process. Entrepreneurs combine all the factors of production, including buying the land or raw materials, hiring the labor, and investing in the capital goods necessary to bring a finished product to market.

What Are the 4 Factors of Economic Growth?

The four main factors of economic growth are land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship.

How Does Technology Impact Economic Growth?

Technology is a key driver to economic growth by making production processes quicker and more efficient. Increased efficiencies translate to an increase in output. This means that companies are able to produce more goods and services in a shorter amount of time. Keep in mind, though, that technology often leads to automation in the production of goods and services, which often translates to a reduction in jobs.

Is Money a Factor of Production?

Money isn't considered a factor of production but it does help make the production process easier. That's because it isn't actually a productive resource so it isn't directly involved in the production of goods and services. Instead, money is used to pay for raw materials, wages, and other materials.

The Bottom Line

As Parmenides, a Greek philosopher, famously quipped, "Nothing comes from nothing." Economic growth results from better factors of production. This process is clearly demonstrated when an economy undergoes industrialization or other technological revolutions; each hour of labor can generate increasing amounts of valuable goods.

Why Factors of Production Are Important to Economic Activity (2024)


Why Factors of Production Are Important to Economic Activity? ›

Any increase in production leads to economic growth as measured by GDP. This metric merely represents the total production of all goods and services in an economy. Improved economic growth raises the standard of living by lowering costs and raising wages.

Which factors of production is important and why? ›

Land, labor, and capital as factors of production were originally identified by early political economists such as Adam Smith, David Ricardo, and Karl Marx. Today, capital and labor remain the two primary inputs for processes and profits.

What is the most important economic factor in determining production? ›

Labor as a factor of production

Over time, labor has been identified as the main source of economic value by political and economic theorists. Production employees are paid for their time, effort and expertise in wages, meaning nearly all economic ventures must invest in labor to create production and earn profit.

Which of the four factors of production is the most important and why? ›

The four factors of production are land, labor, capital and entrepreneurship. These factors influence economic growth, innovation and consumer habits. In a capitalistic economy, profit is the focus when selecting which factors of production are most important to an entrepreneur.

What is the purpose of production in economics? ›

Production is the process of combining various inputs, both material (such as metal, wood, glass, or plastics) and immaterial (such as plans, or knowledge) in order to create output. Ideally this output will be a good or service which has value and contributes to the utility of individuals.

What are the three important factors of production? ›

Factors of production are the resources used by a company to produce goods and services. The universally recognized factors of production include land, labor, and capital.

What is the most important economic measurement? ›

GDP is important because it gives information about the size of the economy and how an economy is performing. The growth rate of real GDP is often used as an indicator of the general health of the economy.

Why is land as a factor of production important to the national economy? ›

Fundamentally speaking, 'land' is the original source of all material wealth and it is of immense rise to mankind. In spite of being a passive factor, it is an important factor of production. An overall economic prosperity of a country is directly related to the richness of its natural resources.

Which factor of production is the most important quizlet? ›

The three most important factors of production are labor, land, and capital. The demand for factors, such as labor, is a derived demand that comes from firms that use the factors to produce goods and services.

Which factor of production is most important according to Smith? ›

The Wealth of Nations also rejects the emphasis on the importance of land; instead, Smith believed labor was more important, and that a division of labor, or specialization of labor, would create a great increase in production ability.

Why production is the most important? ›

Production is a crucial aspect of any business operation, as it involves the creation and manufacturing of goods or services that are essential for sustaining the company's growth. Without production, businesses would not be able to meet their customers' needs or generate revenue.

What is the most important function of production? ›

Its fundamental goal is to produce products and services in the right quantity, quality, on a schedule, and for optimum money. Production management makes it simple to adopt various technologies and innovative changes in the workplace.

What is the factor product relationship in economics? ›

The factor product relationship or the amount of resources that should be used (optimum input) and consequently the amount of product that should be produced (optimum output) is directly related to the operation of law of diminishing returns.

Who owns the factors of production in market economy? ›

In a free-market (capitalist) economy, individuals own the factors of production: Businesses produce products. Consumers choose the products they prefer leading the companies that produce them to make more profit.

What is the production process in economics? ›

The production process is defined as the process in which the factors of production, i.e. inputs of resources, are turned into products or services. Factors of production means capital, labour, technology, land, and other resources that are used to create output, or goods and services.

What are the factors used to evaluate the performance of an economic system? ›

National income, output, and spending are three key variables that indicate whether an economy is growing, or in recession. Like many other indicators, income, output, and spending can also be measured in per capita (per head) terms.

How do you achieve economic growth? ›

Economic growth is driven oftentimes by consumer spending and business investment. Tax cuts and rebates are used to return money to consumers and boost spending. Deregulation relaxes the rules imposed on businesses and have been credited with creating growth but can lead to excessive risk-taking.

What are the three most important measures of an economy? ›

In addition to GDP, two of the other most significant measures of economic growth are the Consumer Price Index (CPI), which measures pricing power and inflation, and the Monthly Unemployment report, including weekly non-farm payrolls.

What are the factors of production in economics? ›

The four factors of production are land, labor, capital and entrepreneurship.

What is the most important factor for creating economic growth in a country? ›

There are three main factors that drive economic growth: Accumulation of capital stock. Increases in labor inputs, such as workers or hours worked. Technological advancement.

Why is capital an important factor of production? ›

In economics, capital refers to the assets—physical tools, plants, and equipment—that allow for increased work productivity. By increasing productivity through improved capital equipment, more goods can be produced and the standard of living can rise.

Which is the most about factor of production? ›

Among the three factors of production, we found that labour is the most abundant factor of production.

What role do the factors of production play in an economy quizlet? ›

Factors of Producton. The resources available to an economy, namely Land, Labour, Capital and Entrepreneur, for the production of goods and services. Utility. The value, or satisfaction, that people derive from the goods and services they consume and thwe activities they pursue.

What are the factors of production which of these factors is most important how are they interlinked with each other? ›

The four factors of production are land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship. These factors are essential in the production process of goods and services. They work together to create a final product that can be sold in the market. Land refers to the natural resources that are used in production.

Are factors of production common to all productive activities? ›

Four traditional factors of production are common to all productive activity: natural resources, labor (human resources), capital, and entrepreneurship. Many experts now include knowledge as a fifth factor, acknowledging its key role in business success.

Which of the following best describes the factors of production? ›

Which of the following best describes factors of production? The resources necessary to produce goods and services.

What are the two most important factors in economics according to Smith? ›

Smith's most prominent ideas–the "invisible hand" and division of labor–are now foundational economic theories.

What are the 4 factors of production and give an example of each? ›

Labor#2, #6
Capital#3, #5
Jun 15, 2021

Why is capital important as a factor of production? ›

It increases the productivity of employees and in turn, the economy as a whole. Importance to technology and specialisation alongside a growing population has left manufacturers to arrange for more capital and allied resources to fulfil the demands. Capital accumulation is said to be the core of economic development.

What are the factors of production also known as? ›

There are four basic resources or factors of production: land, labour, capital and entrepreneur (or enterprise). The factors are also frequently labeled "producer goods or services" to distinguish them from the goods or services purchased by consumers, which are frequently labeled "consumer goods".

Who owns the factors of production in a market economy? ›

In a free-market (capitalist) economy, individuals own the factors of production: Businesses produce products. Consumers choose the products they prefer leading the companies that produce them to make more profit.

What is the importance of production theory in business? ›

In economics, production theory explains the principles in which the business has to take decisions on how much of each commodity it sells and how much it produces and also how much of raw material ie., fixed capital and labor it employs and how much it will use.

What is an example of production in economics? ›

What is an example of Production? An example of production is the manufacturing of cars. Cars are made by assembling parts together. For example, rubber tires are added to metal bodies to make seats installed before the car is driven off the production line.

What does factors of production mean in economics capital? ›

Capital, or capital goods, as a factor of production, refers to the money that is used to purchase items that are used to produce goods and services. For example, a company that purchases a factory to produce goods or a truck that is purchased to do construction are considered to be capital goods.

What is the use of production function in decision making on a farm? ›

Firms use the production function to determine how much output they should produce given the price of a good, and what combination of inputs they should use to produce given the price of capital and labor.

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