Why Does Lacroix Taste So Bad? [Sugar & Fasting Info] (2024)

Why Does Lacroix Taste So Bad? [Sugar & Fasting Info] (1)

I’ve tasted a lot of sodas in my time and gave LaCroix a recent taste test.

Overall, it wasn’t spectacular and I thought I would have tasted better, and I wondered why it tastes so bad.

Overall I feel the bad taste is done to La Croix having a very weak flavor profile.

Therefore, it is more similar to drinking soda water or Carbonated water than normal soda.

Fruit flavors only taste good when they have a strong flavor, whereas, La Croix has a very weak flavor and is quite bitter.

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Why does la Croix taste so bad?

The main issue with La Croix is that it has enough flavor that you recognize it, but it’s not strong enough to be delicious.

Based on the opinions of people online you either love it or hate it, and I personally would prefer to drink herbal tea than drink La Croix.

La Croix is not sweet at all, and is very different to say a Fanta, or Lift.

Both are very sweet and full of flavor sugary drinks.

In this article, I will cover whether there is anything unhealthy about La Croix if you can drink too much La Croix.

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Is Lacroix bad for you?

Why Does Lacroix Taste So Bad? [Sugar & Fasting Info] (2)

La Croix is flavored sparkling water that some people absolutely love and appears to be really healthy.

But, I wondered how healthy it is, so I looked into whether there’s anything unhealthy about La Croix Sparkling Water...

So, is la Croix bad for you?

On the whole, there is not anything unhealthy about La Croix. La Croix has only two ingredients: water and natural flavoring. There are no artificial ingredients or toxic chemicals in this type of fizzy drink.

The natural flavoring is very weak and you can hardly taste it.

For that reason, you can drink La Croix as you would water.

It used to be thought that coffee, tea, juice, and sodas don’t count towards your total water consumption for the day.

And as you may know, an adult should aim to drink around 8 glasses of water a day.

Recent scientific findings, however, found that you can count sodas such as La Croix as part of the 8 glasses of water (source: link).

Therefore, you could drink only La Croix all day instead of regular water and still be perfectly healthy.

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Is Drinking Too Much LaCroix Bad for You?

Why Does Lacroix Taste So Bad? [Sugar & Fasting Info] (3)

Being careful what you eat and drink is important, and I was interested to know whether you can drink too much La Croix.

Here’s what I found…

In general, drinking too much La Croix isn’t bad for you. La Croix can be treated as identical to water because the other ingredients are only in trace amounts.

It is possible to drink too much regular water which can lead to a sodium deficiency – called Hyponatremia, which has a range of symptoms.

As long as you don’t drink considerably more than the average recommended amount of plain water or Tap water an adult should consume in a day which is 8 glasses, you’ll be fine.

And if you lift weights or do physical activity like yoga, or rock climbing then you will usually feel a bit thirstier and will need to drink more.

This is perfectly natural and healthy, when you exert your body a lot your sweat out the liquid and dehydrate your body more than if you don’t do much physical activity.

According to the doctors at Mayo Clinic, the symptoms of sodium deficiency caused by drinking too much Tap water are:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Restlessness and irritability
  • Confusion
  • Headache
  • Seizures
  • Muscle weakness, spasms, or cramps
  • Coma
  • Loss of energy, drowsiness, and fatigue

If you develop any of the symptoms it could be caused by drinking too much La Croix.

And if you’re concerned about drinking too much you can track how much you drink in a given day.

1 can is 12 fl. oz. (350 mL) and doing some rough math – you can drink a maximum of around 6 cans of La Croix. Which is the same as 8 glasses of water.

Other than that, none of the ingredients in La Croix can cause any negative effects when you drink a lot of it.

As it’s made of all-natural ingredients.

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Does La Croix Raise Blood Sugar?

Why Does Lacroix Taste So Bad? [Sugar & Fasting Info] (4)

As a diabetic, it’s very important to know what types of foods can give you a boost in blood sugar.

So, then does La Croix raise blood sugar?

On the whole, Like other cold drinks and sugary sodas La Croix does not raise blood sugar.

Fruit and fruit juice are known to cause a quick boost in blood sugar.

And although La Croix does contain fruit juice and fruit extracts it is in such a low amount that it has only a tiny effect on your blood sugar levels.

Doctors at Healthline say that a piece of fruit or a glass of fruit juice is a fast way to raise your blood sugar.

But, La Croix contains the natural flavorof 5% fruit juice, and fruit extracts.

Therefore, you would need to drink 20 cans of La Croix to have the same effect as eating a piece of fruit or drinking a glass of juice.

And as a result, on the whole, drinking one can of La Croix doesn’t raise your blood sugar.

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Does LaCroix Break a Fast?

Why Does Lacroix Taste So Bad? [Sugar & Fasting Info] (5)

If you’re doing a fast one of the requirements might be that you can drink water, but you can’t drink juice or soda.

So, does la Croix break fast?

As a general rule, La Croix does break a water fast but not a food fast.

There is a range of different fast types one can do.

Some don’t allow you to eat food, but you can drink water.

Others involve only eating one type of food. So, it does depend on what kind of fast it is.

In some countries around the world, people fast for a fixed amount of time, and can’t eat or drink from sunrise to sunset.

When observing a fast like this drinking La Croix would break your fast.

La Croix can be treated exactly like water.

because it only has a very small amount of fruit juice or fruit extract in it.

So unless there is some other exemption where you can drink water, drinking La Croix will break your fast.

If you are designing your own intermittent fast for health reasons then La Croix would break a fast.

However, water passes through your body extremely quickly unlike food.

Some doctors estimate that it leaves your stomach within 5 minutes.

If you’re planning your own fast, it’s important to get the advice of your family doctor before doing it.

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Does La Croix make you gain weight?

Why Does Lacroix Taste So Bad? [Sugar & Fasting Info] (6)

La Croix is quite healthy and doesn’t contain any artificial flavors or colors.

However, will drinking La Croix make you gain weight?

There are no calories in La Croix and it will not make you gain weight.

La Croix is neutral and overall doesn’t give you any nutrients.

For that reason, La Croix can be thought of as being exactly the same as water in regard to its effect on the body.

Therefore, you can drink as much La Croix as you like and you won’t put on weight.

The main nutrient to look out for in sodas for weight gain is the sugar content.

Popular sodas like Coca-Cola classic also make a zero-sugar version, which tastes just as sweet as co*ke classic.

And it also has zero calories.

Some people don’t like the taste of La Croix and prefer a standard soda like Dr. Pepper or Pepsi.

If you’re trying to lose weight then going with the zero-sugar version of these drinks is a good option to limit your calorie intake.

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how to make la Croix taste better?

Why Does Lacroix Taste So Bad? [Sugar & Fasting Info] (7)

If you brought some La Croix but weren’t too impressed with the taste, you may be wondering what you should add to make it taste better.

Here’s one of the best ways to make it taste better…

Overall, the best thing to do is mix it half and half with sweet fruit juice.

The fruit juice(grapefruit flavor) will dilute the La Croix enough that it will be tolerable.

You can also squeeze half a lemon and add some sugar to make delicious lemonade with a dazzling taste.

The flavor of La Croix is so weak that you can treat it like soda water or seltzer water.

And generally adding anything to sweeten it, and other common flavors will taste good.

You could also experiment with making a coffee soda.

A coffee soda is a soda that isn’t well known but is quite delicious.

It’s a mix of coffee and soda.

You can brew the coffee at home, and then add soda to it.

The citrus flavor of La Croix will go well in a coffee soda, however, it usually won’t be sweet enough.

And for that, you can sweeten it with some syrup.

I recently wrote an article all about cold brew coffee and another unique coffee nitro coffee.

Find it [here, link: what is coffee soda?].

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Which La Croix flavor is the sweetest?

Why Does Lacroix Taste So Bad? [Sugar & Fasting Info] (8)

Most of the La Croix flavors are fruity, and I was wondering what favorite flavor was the sweetest.

Here’s what I found.

On average, mango is one of the sweetest La Croix flavors.

The sweetest flavors or natural flavors are fruit-flavored but not citrus fruits.

For example, strawberry, subtle cherry flavor, orange juice, and peach pear.

Most people say that the best La Croix flavor overall is key lime and faux cherry flavors.

However, other consistent favorites are coconut, tangerine, Pamplemousse (grapefruit), passionfruit, and berry.

Why Does Lacroix Taste So Bad? [Sugar & Fasting Info] (9)

Chris Watson

I’m the owner and blogger here at SodaPopCraft.Com. I’m a soft drinks enthusiast, bringing you all I know and research from the world of Beverages, Soda Pop, Soft Drinks, and many more.

I hope it inspires you to make Healthier, and Creative Drinks at Home.

Read more About Me here & Tweet Me Here.

Why Does Lacroix Taste So Bad? [Sugar & Fasting Info] (2024)


Is there fake sugar in LaCroix? ›

There are no sugars, sweeteners, or artificial ingredients contained in, nor added to our waters.

Is there anything in LaCroix that is bad for you? ›

LaCroix in fact contains ingredients that have been identified by the Food and Drug Administration as synthetic. These chemicals include limonene, which can cause kidney toxicity and tumors; linalool propionate, which is used to treat cancer; and linalool, which is used in co*ckroach insecticide.

Can I drink LaCroix while intermittent fasting? ›

Sparkling water does not have any significant effect on your body during intermittent fasting. Since it is calorie-free and contains no sugar, it will not break your fast.

What is the LaCroix ingredient controversy? ›

A Chicago-based law firm has filed a class-action lawsuitagainst the makers of LaCroix for falsely labeling their ingredients as natural when, “in fact contains ingredients that have been identified by the Food and Drug Administration as synthetic.” The lawsuit specifically notes that LaCroix includes an ingredient ...

What chemicals are in the LaCroix lawsuit? ›

The suit argues that National Beverage misled consumers by labeling LaCroix as “all natural” even though the product is allegedly “manufactured using non-natural flavorings and synthetic compounds.” The class action lawsuit also claims that the chemicals used “include limonene, which can cause kidney toxicity and ...

Is sucralose good or bad for you? ›

Sucralose is an artificial sweetener that is generally considered safe when enjoyed in moderation. However, research on its long-term effects has turned up mixed results. Excessive amounts of added sugar can have harmful effects on your metabolism and overall health ( 1 ).

Did LaCroix win the lawsuit? ›

A lawsuit alleging that LaCroix used ingredients linked to insecticide has been dropped. National Beverage Corporation, the parent company of LaCroix, on Wednesday announced "dismissal with prejudice and complete retraction" of allegations challenging the drink's natural ingredient labeling.

Does LaCroix have aspartame? ›

The Good. For one, LaCroix doesn't have any sugar or artificial sweeteners in it, so in that regard, it does beat most sodas when it comes to sugar content. LaCroix is also vegan, made with "natural flavors" and gmo-free.

Why was LaCroix recalled? ›

"These chemicals include limonene, which can cause kidney toxicity and tumors; linalool propionate, which is used to treat cancer; and linalool, which is used in co*ckroach insecticide." The lawsuit also states LaCroix makers are aware of the alleged unnatural ingredients. National Beverage Corp.

What is the best drink while fasting? ›

Plain or carbonated water contains no calories and will keep you hydrated during a fast. Coffee and tea. These should mostly be consumed without added sugar, milk, or cream. However, some people find that adding small amounts of milk or fat can curb hunger.

How much weight can you lose in a month on intermittent fasting? ›

If you consistently stay active while following intermittent fasting, you can lose as much as 6-8 pounds per month. This estimation is shockingly high when you consider that all you have to do is not eat for select hours throughout the day.

What is the best drink for fasting? ›

## Drinks You Can Have During Intermittent Fasting
  • - Water. Plain water is the best drink to stay hydrated and support your fasting goals. ...
  • - Herbal teas. ...
  • - Black coffee. ...
  • - Apple cider vinegar. ...
  • - Bone broth.
Jul 5, 2023

Does LaCroix have roach killer in it? ›

It doesn't contain co*ckroach insecticide. That story is bogus. It contains linalool. Linalool is a NATURALLY OCCURRING chemical found in flowers and spices.

What state is LaCroix illegal in? ›

It all started with a simple quest to find out more about the sparkling water's ingredients.

Why are LaCroix so addictive? ›

She writes that linalool has similar effects on the brain as recreational drugs like Ritalin, Ketamine, and phencyclidine, AKA angel dust. “Depending on how your brain responds to it, LaCroix water may help you break the ice at parties, relax during exams, or concentrate better during your studies.

Does sparkling water have fake sugar? ›

Aspartame is a low-calorie sweetener often found in diet sodas and artificially sweetened beverages. Plain sparkling water is simply water that has been carbonated, and it contains no added sugars or artificial sweeteners like aspartame.

Is LaCroix really all natural? ›

“There are no sugars or artificial ingredients contained in, nor added to, those extracted flavors.” In another press release several days later, the manufacturer emphasized that “there are no synthetic ingredients in LaCroix” and “all essences contained in LaCroix are certified by our suppliers to be 100 percent ...

Why does LaCroix taste sweet? ›

Why does flavored water, like La Croix or Bubly, taste sweet despite no sweeteners? “Natural flavors”. “Natural flavors” (which isn't very specific and can potentially be made from fruit extract or the secretion of the bile duct in the intestines of the sperm whale) can be sweet.

Does bubbly water have artificial sweetener? ›

Bubly is available for purchase in 12 oz. cans or 20 oz. bottles, with packaging that contains a personal message on the bottle and a greeting printed on the tab or cap. All varieties of bubly are sugar-free and claimed to contain no artificial sweeteners, composed only of sparkling water and natural flavours.

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