Why does Japan own so much U.S. debt? (2024)

Japanese investment in the U. S. debt market is largely driven by economic and political factors. Japan has a large current account surplus and limited domestic investment opportunities, which have resulted in Japan’s Institutions owning large amounts of U.

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S. Treasuries. Furthermore, Japan’s ownership of U. S. debt gives it an important role in influencing U. S. policy and providing stability to the U. S. financial markets.

Japan is the second-largest foreign holder of U. S. debt after China, with holdings totaling nearly $1. 3 trillion in September 2020. Japan’s large holdings of U. S. debt can be attributed to Japan’s large trade surplus, low-interest rates, and limited investment opportunities in their own domestic markets.

Japan is also motivated to make large investments in U. S. debt by its need to maintain a sound financial system and support its own economy by protecting the value of its currency.

In addition to economic factors, Japan’s investment in the U. S. debt market is also driven by political considerations. Japan’s ownership of U. S. Treasuries gives it the ability to influence policy in the U.

S. via its role as a major creditor. By owning large amounts of U. S. debt, Japan is able to have a say in U. S. fiscal policy and influence events such as the setting of U. S. interest rates. Additionally, Japan’s ownership of U.

S. debt also provides stability to the U. S. financial markets by providing more liquidity and preventing steep drops in value.

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Which countries own most U.S. debt?

The countries that own the most U. S. debt are China, Japan, and Ireland. China holds the largest amount, with $1. 28 trillion of U. S. debt, followed by Japan at $1. 09 trillion, and Ireland at $311 billion.

Many other countries also hold large amounts of U. S. debt, including Brazil, the United Kingdom, the Cayman Islands, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Taiwan, and Canada. Together, these countries hold around $10.

75 trillion of the total outstanding public debt of $26. 3 trillion, which is owned by individuals, businesses, state and local governments, and foreign entities. China and Japan have long been the two largest holders of U.

S. debt, and they remain so today. However, other foreign governments are also increasingly investing in U. S. debt, particularly as the Federal Reserve continues to keep interest rates low. This has created an attractive investment environment for international buyers.

How much does Japan owe the US?

Japan currently does not owe the United States any money. However, Japan did remain in debt to the United States after World War II. This was primarily due to the costs that the United States incurred in rebuilding Japan and assisting its economy.

The debt totaled approximately $2. 2 billion, and all of it was paid off by 1961. The money was initially borrowed from the Export-Import Bank and then subsequently paid back to the US Treasury. Since the repayment of the debt, Japan and the United States have maintained a strong and healthy economic partnership.

Who owns the US national debt?

The US national debt is publicly held debt, meaning that it is owed to a variety of external entities such as foreign governments, individuals, and institutions. According to the US Treasury Department, the majority of the US Debt (approximately $6 trillion) is owned by the Federal Reserve and other government accounts, primarily Social Security and Medicare.

The public, including foreign governments, individuals, and institutions, own approximately $5. 3 trillion.

The largest foreign owners of US debt are China, Japan, and UK. Together, these three countries own about 36. 4% of the US Debt. China is the largest foreign holder at $1. 09 trillion, followed by Japan at $1.

06 trillion, and the UK at $0. 43 trillion. Other countries, including Switzerland, Ireland, Brazil, and Russia, also collectively own approximately $1. 8 trillion of US debt.

In summary, the majority of the US national debt is owned by US government accounts, while the remaining balance is owned by foreign governments, individuals, and institutions.

Does Japan have more debt than the US?

No, the United States currently has a larger total public debt than Japan. As of November 2020, the United States had a total public debt of roughly $26. 7 trillion, while Japan had a total public debt of roughly $12.

6 trillion. This means that the public debt of the United States is approximately twice the size of the public debt of Japan. According to the World Bank, Japan has the largest public debt-to-GDP ratio (240.

9%) in the world, while the United States has the third-largest public debt-to-GDP ratio (136. 5%). Although the United States has a larger total public debt than Japan, this does not necessarily mean that the United States is more vulnerable to debt crises.

Debt-to-GDP ratio is a more accurate measure of a country’s ability to finance its debt and its risk of defaulting.

Who owes the US the most money?

The US government owes the most of its debt to itself. A large percentage of the US Debt is owned by government trust funds, mainly Social Security, and primarily held by the Federal Reserve. Other government accounts like the Medicare and Military Retirement Funds also hold a large portion of the US Debt.

Foreign holders of US Treasury securities make up a large portion of US debt. The US national debt stands at about $20 trillion and about half of it is owned by entities outside of the US. The biggest holders of US debt in terms of foreign ownership are China and Japan, both of whom hold about 6.

4 trillion in US Treasury securities. Other foreign governments, corporations, and foreign investors make up the rest of the foreign-held US debt.

Which country has highest debt in the world?

The United States currently has the highest debt in the world, with a total debt of more than $21 trillion at the end of 2020. Of this amount, $14. 2 trillion is owed to domestic creditors, and nearly $7 trillion is owed to foreign creditors.

The US debt has risen significantly over the past decade, as deficit spending has consistently outpaced growth in revenue. This spending has gone towards incentives to stimulate the economy after the financial crisis, as well as increased military spending, and infrastructure investments.

In addition to being the country with the highest debt in the world, the US also faces one of the highest public debt-to-GDP ratios among developed countries at around 107%. This means that for every $1 in GDP the US produces, it currently owes around $1.

07 in government debt, contributing to the country’s overall debt burden.

Is Japan economy better than America?

Whether Japan’s economy is better than America’s is debatable, as it depends on the parameters being used for comparison. If we take a look at the statistics from an economic viewpoint, Japan currently ranks second in the world in terms of GDP per capita, while the United States ranks seventh.

Moreover, Japan’s public debt accounted for roughly 226% of the country’s GDP in 2019, while the US had debt amounting to 105% of its GDP.

With regard to economic growth, Japan’s GDP growth rate stood at 0. 6% in 2019, while the U. S. recorded a rate of 2. 2%. In terms of inflation, the U. S. is slightly ahead with its 1. 5% inflation rate while Japan’s was 0.

5% in that same year.

It is also worth noting that Japan has a trade surplus, meaning its exports exceed its imports, while the U.S. has a trade deficit, meaning it consumes more goods than it produces.

On the other hand, the United States leads in foreign direct investment (being the world’s largest recipient in 2019) and productivity, thus having a higher overall economic performance than Japan. Furthermore, America enjoys a higher human capital development than Japan, further demonstrating its higher economic advanced.

Ultimately, when it comes to the question of whether Japan’s economy is better than America’s, a definitive answer is not straightforward. While Japan enjoys a slightly higher GDP and is doing better with regards to public debt and inflation, the U.

S. has the upper hand in terms of foreign direct investment, productivity, and human capital development. Thus, it appears that the two countries have their own strong suits and drawbacks.

Why is Japan’s debt huge?

Japan’s debt is huge due to a combination of a series of economic policies and long-term economic stagnation. The economic stagnation, which began in the early 1990s, was caused by a real estate and stock market bubble that burst, leading to a prolonged period of weak economic growth and deflation.

During this time, low interest rates and an expanding public sector fueled borrowing by the government. As a result, the government has accumulated a large amount of debt, with public debt relative to gross domestic product (GDP) rising to over 200 percent in 2018.

This debt is made up mostly of government bonds and other government liabilities.

The current government is attempting to address the issue of Japan’s high debt burden. To reduce the debt burden, one of the current government’s reforms is Abenomics, a three-pronged approach to economic policy.

This includes increasing public spending, implementing monetary easing, and structural reforms. However, the effectiveness of these policies has been mixed and, due to a lack of wage or consumption growth, the level of public debt continues to remain high.

The high debt burden in Japan presents both a challenge and an opportunity. On the one hand, it creates a burden on government finances and limits the government’s ability to respond to future economic and social crises.

On the other hand, if managed properly, the debt could be seen as an opportunity to spur economic growth and create a sustainable economic recovery.

How much U.S. debt is Japan?

As of March 2021, Japan is the second-largest holder of U. S. debt, trailing only China. Japan held $1. 311 trillion in U. S. Treasuries, representing 7. 3% of the total public debt held by foreign countries.

This represents a slight decrease from its peak in October 2020 when it held $1. 321 trillion in U. S. debt. Additionally, Japan is the third-largest holder of U. S. debt in terms of percentage of foreign held debt.

This highlights Japan’s continued importance as an investor in the U. S. economy.

Who has more debt US or Japan?

The US currently has the highest level of public debt in the world, with a total government debt of approximately $20 trillion dollars. Japan is the second-largest government debtor, with a public debt of approximately ¥1,026,917 billion.

On a relative basis, the US public debt is nearly 5 times higher than Japan’s. This is partly because the US economy is much larger than Japan’s and thus, the US is able to finance its debt with relative ease.

Additionally, the US has a larger population and a greater need to finance social programs such as healthcare, pensions and welfare, which increases their debt burden. In addition, the US has had to increase its debt in order to finance recent government stimulus programs.

Nevertheless, Japan’s public debt is also relatively high. As a proportion of GDP (Gross Domestic Product), Japan’s public debt is nearly 250%, one of the highest ratios in the world. Thus, even though Japan has less debt than the US, it certainly doesn’t lack for it either, and overall Japan has been one of the largest public debtors in the world for the past few years.

How much does the US owe China?

As of May 2020, the United States’ total debt to China is estimated at around $1. 08 trillion. This figure includes both the public debt held by the Chinese government, which is estimated to be around $1.

06 trillion, and the private debt held by Chinese investors, estimated to be about $19 billion.

The US public debt held by China has fluctuated significantly since it peaked in November 2013 – from $1. 316 trillion to its current level, as the US government has regularly made payments on the debt.

The US Treasury has noted that China is currently the largest foreign holder of US public debt, accounting for approximately 20 percent of the foreign-held debt.

The majority of the US debt owed to China is in the form of US Treasury bonds, with China investing heavily in these bonds over the years. China has also been increasing its holdings of other US assets, such as mortgage-backed securities, corporate bonds, and stocks.

The situation with the private debt owed by the US to China is not as straightforward. Private debt investors such as pension funds, insurance companies, mutual funds, and hedge funds hold large amounts of US debt, and it is difficult to estimate the exact amount of US debt held by Chinese citizens.

Although the US government is in debt to China, this debt should not be seen as an immediate cause for concern. China may seem to have a significant amount of leverage over the US because of its holdings of US debt, but in reality this leverage is limited.

The US Treasury has the power to take steps to limit foreign ownership of its debt, and the Federal Reserve wields considerable power when it comes to setting interest rates and the money supply, meaning Chinese investors cannot control US monetary policy.

How does Japan survive with so much debt?

The Japanese economy has, to some extent, managed to survive with so much debt through a combination of creative economic policies, a culture of thrift and saving, and demographic trends that have allowed the country to attract more foreign labor and outside capital.

Japan has implemented several measures to reduce their public debt, such as selling government bonds, cutting government spending and increasing taxes. The government has also implemented an effective monetary policy, aiming to keep interest rates low to encourage consumer and business spending and promote economic growth.

Moreover, Japan has also implemented a culture of thrift and saving. For example, many Japanese households have a long-term approach to savings, which helps to support the economy and pay down debt. There is also a strong sense of responsibility among the people to take care of their community, meaning they are willing to pay higher taxes to support public services.

Finally, Japan’s demographic trends have allowed the country to benefit from foreign labor and capital. Japan has an aging population, and so the country’s workforce is shrinking. To compensate for this, Japan has opened its doors to foreign workers and foreign investments, which has provided a source of capital to help fuel economic growth.

Overall, these measures have allowed Japan to manage its debt and remain an economically stable country.

Why Japan debt is not a problem?

Although Japan has the largest debt-to-GDP ratio in the world, it is not necessarily a problem. That is because Japan has a large balance of payments surplus due to its export-oriented economy, high personal savings rate, and low level of public debt held by households.

Moreover, Japan has a very low interest rate, so it pays little for the debt it has issued. The country has also managed to remain fiscally disciplined. This has provided some reassurance to foreign investors and allowed Japan to maintain its international credit rating.

As such, Japan’s debt is manageable and no risk of a debt crisis is anticipated in the near future.

What country owes the most debt to the US?

The country that owes the most debt to the United States is China. According to the U. S. Treasury Department, as of July 2020, China holds $1. 07 trillion in U. S. debt, making it the largest foreign holder of U.

S. debt. Overall, foreigners own about a third of the $21. 6 trillion of outstanding U. S. debt, up from 17 percent in 2000. Japan is the next largest holder of U. S. debt with $1. 05 trillion and Ireland is a distant third with $316.

6 billion. Other major foreign holders include the United Kingdom, Brazil, Switzerland, Luxembourg and Taiwan. Foreign entities own more than half of the total U. S. government debt held in the form of Treasury bills, notes and bonds.

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Why does Japan own so much U.S. debt? (2024)


Why does Japan own so much U.S. debt? ›

Because Japan exports so many goods to the U.S. and other nations, the country frequently develops an account surplus in dollars - the currency the U.S. and other countries give Japan in exchange for their products.

Does Japan own the most U.S. debt? ›

According to usafacts.org, as of January 2023, Japan owned $1.1 trillion in US Treasuries, making it the largest foreign holder of the national debt. The second-largest holder is China, which owned $859 billion of US debt.

Why does Japan owe so much money to the US? ›

Japan currently does not owe the United States any money. However, Japan did remain in debt to the United States after World War II. This was primarily due to the costs that the United States incurred in rebuilding Japan and assisting its economy.

What percentage of U.S. debt is owned by Japan? ›

Investors in Japan and China hold significant shares of U.S. public debt. Together, as of September 2022, they accounted for nearly $2 trillion, or about 8 percent of DHBP. While China's holdings of U.S. debt have declined over the past decade, Japan has slightly increased their purchases of U.S. Treasury securities.

Who owns most of the US debt? ›

Many people believe that much of the U.S. national debt is owed to foreign countries like China and Japan, but the truth is that most of it is owed to Social Security and pension funds right here in the U.S. This means that U.S. citizens own most of the national debt.

Could the US ever get out of debt? ›

Eliminating the U.S. government's debt is a Herculean task that could take decades. In addition to obvious steps, such as hiking taxes and slashing spending, the government could take a number of other approaches, some of them unorthodox and even controversial. Below are some of these options.

Which 5 countries own the most U.S. debt? ›

Top Foreign Holders of U.S. Debt
RankCountryShare of Total
1🇯🇵 Japan14.7%
2🇨🇳 China11.9%
3🇬🇧 United Kingdom8.9%
4🇧🇪 Belgium4.8%
6 more rows
Mar 24, 2023

Which country has no debt? ›

The 20 countries with the lowest national debt in 2022 in relation to gross domestic product (GDP)
CharacteristicNational debt in relation to GDP
Macao SAR0%
Brunei Darussalam2.06%
Hong Kong SAR4.26%
9 more rows
May 11, 2023

How much does Russia owe the US? ›

How much does Russia owe? About $40 billion US in foreign bonds, about half of that to foreigners. Before the start of the war, Russia had around $640 billion US in foreign currency and gold reserves, much of which was held overseas and is now frozen.

Is America in debt to China? ›

China and Japan are the largest foreign investors in American government debt. Together they own $2 trillion — more than a quarter — of the $7.6 trillion in US Treasury securities held by foreign countries.

Does any country owe the US money? ›

For a long time, the biggest holder of U.S. debt was China. But did you know that in late 2016, Japan overtook China as the biggest foreign holder of U.S. debt? Japan and China are, by far, the two biggest holders of U.S. debt – but the top five is filled with countries that you might not expect.

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Monthly forex reserves in 84 countries and territories worldwide 2023. Of all the countries in the world, China had, by far, the largest international reserves in 2022, with 3.46 trillion USD in reserves and foreign currency liquidity.

Why does the US owe so much money? ›

Since the government almost always spends more than it takes in via taxes and other revenue, the national debt continues to rise. To finance federal budget deficits, the U.S. government issues government bonds, known as Treasuries.

Why does China buy U.S. debt? ›

Key Takeaways. China invests heavily in U.S. Treasury bonds to keep its export prices lower. China focuses on export-led growth to help generate jobs. To keep its export prices low, China must keep its currency—the renminbi (RMB)—low compared to the U.S. dollar.

How much debt can the US handle? ›

The debt limit caps the total amount of allowable outstanding U.S. federal debt. The U.S. hit that limit—$31.4 trillion—on January 19, 2023, but the Department of the Treasury has been undertaking a set of “extraordinary measures” so that the debt limit does not yet bind.

What happens if the US defaults on its debt? ›

U.S. debt, long viewed as ultra-safe

Its debt, long viewed as an ultra-safe asset, is a foundation of global commerce, built on decades of trust in the United States. A default could shatter the $24 trillion market for Treasury debt, cause financial markets to freeze up and ignite an international crisis.

What happens if US hits debt ceiling? ›

Potential repercussions of reaching the ceiling include a downgrade by credit rating agencies, increased borrowing costs for businesses and homeowners alike, and a dropoff in consumer confidence that could shock the United States' financial market and tip its economy—and the world's—into immediate recession.

When was the last time the US was not in debt? ›

When was the last time the U.S. was debt free? January 1835 was the first and only time all of the government's interest-bearing debt was paid off, according to the Treasury Department.

How can the US pay off its debt? ›

Raising taxes can generate revenue that the government can use to pay down debt as well as invest in programs that support the economy. But it can cut into tax revenue and hurt the economy if the government raises taxes too high. Finding the correct balance is expressed by a concept known as the "Laffer Curve."

Which country is richest by debt? ›

According to data published by London-based investment fintech Invezz, Japan, Greece, Italy, Portugal, and the US are the top five nations with the highest level of government debt.

Who does the US borrow money from? ›

The federal government borrows money from the public by issuing securities—bills, notes, and bonds—through the Treasury. Treasury securities are attractive to investors because they are: Backed by the full faith and credit of the United States government.

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Who owns China debt? Most of China's local government debt, one of the most regular issuers of domestic debt, is held by state-owned or state-controlled financial institutions. For decades, China's local governments have relied on off balance sheet borrowing through local government financing vehicles (LGFVs).

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Japan has the highest percentage of national debt in the world at 259.43% of its annual GDP.

Is China in a debt crisis? ›

China's $23 Trillion Local Debt Crisis Threatens Xi's Economy - Bloomberg.

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China's debt overhang far exceeds the burdens facing the United States. As recently as 2020, total debt in the United States relative to GDP exceeded China's. But as of mid-2022, China's relative debt burden stood 40 percent higher than America's.

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But guess who else the U.S government owes money to? That would be México. México holds about $34 billion on U.S debt.

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Nearly all of that debt – about $31.38 trillion – is subject to the statutory debt limit, leaving just $25 million in unused borrowing capacity. For several years, the nation's debt has been bigger than its gross domestic product, which was $26.13 trillion in the fourth quarter of 2022.

How much debt does China owe? ›

In this line, data acquired by Finbold indicates that as of April 12, China's national debt amounted to $14.34 trillion, ranking second globally. This value reflects a year-on-year (YoY) increase of $3.81 trillion, or 36.18%, compared to the $10.53 trillion recorded in 2022.

How likely is the US to default? ›

There's just a 2% possibility the U.S. government will default on its loans, according to analysts at Deutsche Bank, despite days of stalled-out negotiations.

How much money does America have? ›

As of September 30, 2022: More than three-fourths of the federal government's total assets ($5.0 trillion) consist of: 1) $877.8 billion in cash and monetary assets; 2) $406.9 billion in inventory and related property; 3) $1.4 trillion in net loans receivable (primarily student loans); and 4) $1.2 trillion in net PP&E.

Who is buying U.S. debt 2023? ›

As of January 2023, the five countries owning the most US debt are Japan ($1.1 trillion), China ($859 billion), the United Kingdom ($668 billion), Belgium ($331 billion), and Luxembourg ($318 billion).

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The French “Commercial” Debt

The total “commercial” debt owed by France to the United States was given by M. Clémentel as $609,357,000.

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States With the Least Debt in 2020

Mountain states, such as Idaho, Montana, Utah and Wyoming made the top-10 list, as did upper Midwest states like Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dakota. Alaska takes the No. 1 spot, with a tiny debt ratio of only 14.2%.

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About 20% of the total debt is held by the Federal Reserve, just over 9% is owed to Social Security, roughly 4% is owed to the military's retirement fund and another 3% is owed to the civil service's retirement and disability fund.

What backs the US dollar? ›

Fiat standard

Today, like the currency of most nations, the dollar is fiat money, unbacked by any physical asset. A holder of a federal reserve note has no right to demand an asset such as gold or silver from the government in exchange for a note.

What countries rely on the US dollar? ›

In addition to five U.S. territories, 11 countries adopted the U.S. dollar as their official currency: Ecuador, El Salvador, Zimbabwe, The British Virgin Islands, The Turks and Caicos, Timor and Leste, Bonaire, Micronesia, Palau, Marshall Islands, and Panama.

How many countries rely on the US dollar? ›

The American dollar was introduced as the official currency of the United States in 1785 and is used as official currency in 17 countries. In addition, there are numerous countries where the U.S. dollar is readily accepted even in regular retail transactions.

Which countries owe the US the most money? ›

  • Japan.
  • China.
  • The United Kingdom.
  • Belgium.
  • Luxembourg.

What countries have more debt than the US? ›

Japan tops the ranking with central government debt of 221 percent of GDP, followed by Greece, Sudan, Eritrea, and Singapore. Not long ago, the U.S. was among the least indebted countries.

Is Japan the only country with a debt to GDP ratio of over 100%? ›

By comparing how much a country owes and how much it produces in a year, economists can measure a country's theoretical ability to pay off its debt. Japan, Sudan, and Greece top the list with debt-to-GDP ratios well above 200%, followed by Eritrea (175%), Cape Verde (160%), and Italy (154%).

Which country has the highest debt? ›

Here are the 25 countries with the highest debt-to-GDP ratios:
  • Bahamas. Debt to GDP Ratio: 95.6% ...
  • United Kingdom. Debt to GDP Ratio: 101% ...
  • Mozambique. Debt to GDP Ratio: 101% ...
  • Belgium. Debt to GDP Ratio: 105% ...
  • France. Debt to GDP Ratio: 112% ...
  • Spain. Debt to GDP Ratio: 113% ...
  • Canada. Debt to GDP Ratio: 113% ...
  • Sri Lanka.
May 18, 2023

What country has no debt? ›

The 20 countries with the lowest national debt in 2022 in relation to gross domestic product (GDP)
CharacteristicNational debt in relation to GDP
Macao SAR0%
Brunei Darussalam2.06%
Hong Kong SAR4.26%
9 more rows
May 11, 2023

Does China owe the US money? ›

As of January 2023, the five countries owning the most US debt are Japan ($1.1 trillion), China ($859 billion), the United Kingdom ($668 billion), Belgium ($331 billion), and Luxembourg ($318 billion).

Is there a country that has no debt? ›

Learning about Countries and Their Debt

The best example can be taken from Hong Kong (it is a one of the debt free countries), whose economy has the least debt to GDP ratio. It is an almost debt free country. It has a well-regulated financial system and large foreign reserves.

Why is the US in so much debt? ›

Flashpoints that greatly contributed to the debt over the past 50 years include the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the 2008 financial crisis and the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic -- the latter two prompting sweeping stimulus measures from Congress that cost trillions of dollars.

Why is Japan GDP so high? ›

Japan is one of the largest and most developed economies in the world. It has a well-educated, industrious workforce and its large, affluent population makes it one of the world's biggest consumer markets.

When a country is in debt who do they owe? ›

The national debt of a country represents the sum of past annual deficits and the total that it owes creditors. Economists use the ratio of debt to a nation's gross domestic product as an indicator of a country's financial sustainability.

What happens if a country refuses to pay its debt? ›

Trade Embargo

Foreign creditors are often influential in their home country. Hence after default, they convince their countries to impose trade embargos on the defaulting nations. These embargos block the inflow and outflow of essential commodities into a nation thereby choking its economy.

Who holds most of China's debt? ›

But other experts argue the risk of a hard landing is low. China has little overseas debt, and a high national savings rate. In addition, most of the debt is state owned – state-controlled banks loaned funds to state-controlled firms – giving the government the ability to manage the situation.

How much is China in debt? ›

In this line, data acquired by Finbold indicates that as of April 12, China's national debt amounted to $14.34 trillion, ranking second globally. This value reflects a year-on-year (YoY) increase of $3.81 trillion, or 36.18%, compared to the $10.53 trillion recorded in 2022.

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