Why do you want to work here? Bad & good answers to this tough interview question (2024)

“Why do you want to work here?” This is a question often asked in job interviews — and if you’re not prepared for it, finding a good answer can be harder than you think.

So, the next time you're in the hot seat, make sure you're prepared for this challenging interview question. Here at Resume.io, we have the expertise to help you succeed. In the following guide, we will cover these topics:

  • Why interviews ask this all-important question
  • The worst answers that you absolutely need to avoid
  • How you can answer this question like a pro.

Expert tip

Don't let the words confuse you!

Other ways of asking the question include: “Why do you want to work here?” “Why do you want to join our company?” “Why do you want this job?”

So, as you prepare for that make-or-break interview, it’s a good idea to actually ask yourself: “Why do I want this job?”

Why do interviewers ask this question, anyway?

When faced with the "Why do you want to work for us?" question, you may be a little confused. Surely, it doesn't matter what your motivation for applying is, so long as you fit the job criteria.

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While that is true, the hiring manager is trying to find out a few crucial things. Here's what they are hoping to figure out when they ask this question:

  • Whether you’ve done your research. Before you apply for a new job, you should take the time to learn about the business. That means looking at their social media activity, checking out their website, and seeing what articles have been published about them. The interviewer wants to know that you’ve done your homework.
  • Why this particular job is attractive to you. Hiring managers want to feel special too. If you want any old job —and not necessarily this one —it will show in your answer. The interviewer wants to see how dedicated you will be should you land the job and what aspects of it have made you click the “apply now” button.
  • How well you fit the company culture. Company culture is not merely a buzzword. The hiring manager will want to know whether you are the right candidate to work at this particular business. When you answer the "Why do you want to work for us?" question, be sure to explain how your career goals align with the company vision.

3 bad answers to "Why do you want to work for us?"

First of all, let’s consider some unhelpful answers to this question in the chapter below.

Here are some bad answers to the almost inevitable “Why do you want to work for us?” interview question that are likely to send you straight back to the unemployment line:

  1. I could really use the money.
  2. I just need a job right now.
  3. I think this job would be a good stepping stone.

Let’s analyze each of them in turn.

1. “I could really use the money.”

If you admit up front that you’re desperate for the money, employers might conclude that you’re applying for this job out of sheer necessity, not because it’s a good fit for you, and not because you’re a good fit for them.

Additionally, a purely money-driven decision might mean you will change your mind in a month or two… or that you don’t align with the company culture. The result is likely to make all involved parties unhappy.

The worst answers to the “Why do you want to join our company?” question will focus on your needs and wants.

This might seem unfair, because the question was, after all, about what you want. And yet, employers who ask this question are really seeking answers that address what they want.

Expert tip

What’s wrong with being honest?

If you are out of work, you do need the money! But answering “I could really use the money” says that you need any job. You should be answering why you want this job.

2. “I just need a job right now.”

This answer implies you don’t really care which job you apply to, as long as it will support you in the moment. It also implies a serious degree of indifference. Many employers will assume that attitude will transfer to your job duties.

Again, this answer focuses on your needs. And presumably this bad answer is closely related to the first bad answer — that you could really use the money.

But companies don’t make hiring decisions out of charity, pity or altruism. Employers are looking to hire people who will help solve problems and be productive.

3. “I think this job would be a great stepping stone in my career.”

Some employers are justifiably afraid of this very thing — that job candidates are looking for a short-term gig that will add needed experience to their resumes and allow them to jump ship to a bigger, better company before long. But the process of hiring, onboarding, and training a new person is difficult, time-consuming, and costly.

The company is looking for long-term payoff, stability, and retention that will enable it to reap the rewards of its investment in a new hire.

It’s not looking for workers who are going to quit as soon as they can find a better job. A company whose staff is in a constant state of flux and churn will find it hard to accomplish anything.

Always remember that companies are looking for new employees who will make them more efficient and competitive, ultimately improving their bottom line.

Employers are looking for new hires who will make them more money than they will cost them. If you provide any of the answers above, it suggests that you’ll do just the opposite.

Expert tip

Switch up the narrative!

Instead of saying you see the job as a “stepping stone,” switch it up. Answer this interview question by telling your prospective employer that you like the opportunities for growth that the company offers.

Remember, the question is "Why do you want this job?" not "Where do you see yourself in five years?"

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5 good answers to ‘Why do you want to work here?’

Okay, we've covered what not to say... So, what about what you should say? Here are some far more promising ways to answer the “Why do you want to work here?” interview question:

  1. I’ve known about your company for a long time and really admire it.
  2. I believe I can make a positive impact here.
  3. The company’s values align with my own.
  4. I love what I’ve heard/read about the company culture.
  5. I admire the company’s work ethic and collaborative spirit.

1. “I’ve known the company for a while and really admire its style / achievements / industry role.”

Instead of putting the emphasis on your needs, focus instead on the company and how it has captured your attention and earned your respect.

This potential employer may be an industry leader that you’ve been watching for years from afar. Or, you might have heard of it for the first time when you saw its help-wanted ad a week ago.

If you can’t demonstrate that you know anything about the company, or that you have concrete reasons for liking and admiring it, it’s going to look like you just wandered in off the street looking for any company that would hire you.

Expert tip

Check out this video for information on what the company is trying to figure out about you when they ask “Why do you want to work here?”

If the latter is true, hopefully, you’ve done your homework to learn everything you can about the company through Google research and media.

You’ve studied its website and its social media presence. You’ve researched its business model and its competitiveness in the market. You’re prepared to speak knowledgeably about the company, why you believe in its mission, and why you would be honored to join its ranks.

“Why do you want to work here?” sample answer:

“I’ve been aware of Bridgemore ever since I was a grad student. The company’s projects were a real inspiration to me as an architecture major. I actually even incorporated some of your designs as examples of modern architectural experiments in my graduate thesis.

When I was put in charge of my first urban project, I always referenced the design principles laid by your founder since he was such a big influence on modern building engineering. I really respect that you guys have been keeping true to those for over 30 years now.”


2. “I believe I can make a positive impact on this company because….”

Going a step beyond a mere familiarity with the company, try to identify specific problems and competitive challenges it faces. Ideally, you can make a convincing case that you have the experience and skills to help solve these problems.

So this answer would suggest that you want to work at this company because you know that you could make a real difference there. Your skill set offers specific solutions that would make the company stronger, better and more profitable.

You know that you wouldn’t just be a clock-puncher at this firm, or a tiny fish in a big pond, but you would be a valued team member whose ideas and actions would position the company to do bigger and better things in the marketplace.

“Why do you want to work here?” sample answer:

“I’ve been involved in digital marketing for the past seven years and I’ve always looked up to Squandrix as an industry leader. But I also think that the strength of this company is the diversity of skill sets it invites into its fold.

I truly believe I have some unique experience in the B2B sector that could transfer into your partnership and affiliate programs and strengthen them as one of the company’s developing directions.”


3. “I was struck by how the company’s values align with my own….”

A company’s “values” represent the sum total of what it believes in and what it’s striving for. If the company has a mission statement, study it closely and be prepared to explain why you support this mission.

Google used to espouse the motto “Don’t be evil,” though as part of its reorganization under Alphabet, it revised the motto to “Do the right thing.” Another tech titan, Apple, adopted the slogan “Think different.” Nike’s “Just do it” is another example of an unforgettable trademark. All of these are good ideas, and all are focused on laudable aims.

Beliefs, values, and a sense of mission are powerful concepts that lift a company — and a potential new hire — above the commonplace objective of just trying to make as much money as possible.

Downplay your personal motives and highlight your agreement with the company’s commitment to environmental sustainability, diversity in hiring, support for the local community, fair business practices, or other selfless pursuits. Flattery may just get you everywhere.

“Why do you want to work here?” sample answer:

“I first heard about Eco-Logic three years ago when your PR department launched the Earth Day awareness campaign that dealt with cleaning up beaches along the Pacific Coast.

I’ve been volunteering with eco organizations for years now and I really loved the impact you guys made. So, I think I would really be in the right place if I could apply my engineering skills to cleaning up the environment.”


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4. “I love what I’ve heard about the company culture because….”

“Company culture” is an idea that was probably foreign to your grandparents in their day, but it’s become a key measure of how companies operate, both as a workplace and as a global citizen.

Casual work attire, free snacks in the break room, ping-pong tables in the office, flexible work schedules,While and generous family leave policies are some of the “company culture” innovations that can improve worker morale and retention.

In a broader sense, a company’s culture reflects all of its values and priorities, as discussed above. Obviously, you shouldn’t tell an interviewer that you want to work at the company because it offers free soft drinks.

But don’t hesitate to say that you like everything you’ve heard about the company culture, both within its walls and in its approach to the outside world. This speaks to your genuine interest in working for a company that cares about people.

“Why do you want to work here?” example answer:

“Something that I feel the game development industry could really improve upon is the crunch culture. While I realize the necessity of hard work (and sometimes even overtime), I really loved what your CEO said recently in her interview about how one of the core values of the company is maintaining the mental health and creativity of its employees as its main source of productivity. I admire that approach and think combining that with a good work ethic is truly awesome.”


5. “I’m impressed by the collaboration that drives your work ethic, and I want to belong to that kind of team.”

This answer suggests that you’re not a lone wolf looking out for no. 1 who just wants to sit in a cubicle all day and be left alone. You’re seeking a sense of belonging, a team to work with, a community where each member brings out the best in each other.

This answer hits all the notes mentioned above:

  • You’re focused on the company, not on your own personal needs.
  • You want to make a positive impact on the employer.
  • The company’s values align with your own.
  • You admire a company culture that cares about people.
  • You want to be part of a winning team.

Corollary question

When you finish answering this interview question, you may get this follow-up: What brands do you admire? You have just stated that you admire the company at which you are interviewing. Okay, you had that prepared because you knew that question was coming.

The follow-up gives your interviewer more insight into what attracts you to businesses and their culture in general. It also allows you to exhibit your personality a bit.

“What brands do you admire: example answer:

"I admire Trendy Company X because of its innovative strategy. They saw a need and filled it with an affordable, fashionable product and then expanded from detailing to brick-and-mortar shops. On top of that, they have marketed their charity efforts and have encouraged consumers to engage in charitable activities as well."


Not to put too fine a point on it, but when you answer the interview question: “Why do you want to work here?” (or “ Why are you interested in this position?” or “Why do you want this job and why should we hire you?” or “Why do you want to work for this company?” or anything similar) make sure you are telling your future employer how you will help them and not the other way around.

Place your emphasis on company values, culture, and achievements and how you will not only fit in but make a contribution. Let the company know you are eager to work for them.

As John Fogerty said, “Put me in, Coach, I’m ready to play — today!”

Key takeaways

  1. Before you answer this interview question, take a moment to think about why the interviewer has asked it. This approach will help to shape your answer.
  2. Honesty is the best policy… unless you’re only in it for the money. Avoid being brutally honest if your reason for wanting the job is only self-serving.
  3. Showcase your company knowledge here. Letting the hiring manager know that you’ve done your research is key.
  4. Don’t get caught off guard. Make sure you prepare for this key interview question well in advance!

From my understanding, this article aims to tackle the pivotal interview question: "Why do you want to work here?" It's a query that often stumps interviewees, but the piece expertly breaks down the nuances and importance of providing a strong, tailored response.

Firstly, the article outlines the motives behind this question, delving into the interviewer's intentions. It's not just about showcasing qualifications; it's about demonstrating research, understanding the company culture, and aligning personal goals with the company's vision. The article emphasizes that generic responses centered on personal needs ("I need the money" or "I just need a job") are discouraged as they fail to address the company's needs.

It goes on to dissect poor answers and provide better alternatives. For instance, it discourages using the job as a stepping stone or solely focusing on personal gain. Instead, it advises candidates to highlight their admiration for the company's achievements, express how they can contribute positively, showcase alignment with the company's values, praise the company's culture, and express a desire to be part of a collaborative team.

Moreover, it offers sample responses to illustrate how candidates can structure their answers effectively. These examples emphasize research, specific contributions the candidate can make, alignment with company values, appreciation for the company culture, and a desire to be part of a thriving team.

The article also mentions a corollary question that might follow, asking about admired brands, further emphasizing the importance of understanding and appreciating a company's ethos.

Key takeaways from the article include the importance of honesty coupled with a focus on how you'll benefit the company, showcasing comprehensive knowledge about the company, and proactive preparation for such crucial interview questions.

In essence, this article serves as a comprehensive guide, offering insights into the thought process behind the question and providing actionable steps for candidates to craft compelling responses that go beyond generic answers.

Why do you want to work here? Bad & good answers to this tough interview question (2024)
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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.