Why a Basem*nt Bathroom Is Well Worth It! – Bathtubber (2024)

Why a Basem*nt Bathroom Is Well Worth It! – Bathtubber (1)

There are several reasons why building a basem*nt bathroom is worth it. For one, you can transform an often dreary space into a warm and usable living area. Also, you will likely see a decent return on your investment.

Adding a basem*nt bathroom can increase your home’s resale value by 10%-20%. It also can turn a wasted space into an enjoyable addition to your home. The average basem*nt bathroom will cost $3,000-$25,000, depending on the existing plumbing and condition of your basem*nt.

This guide will walk you through every question you might have about installing a new bathroom in your basem*nt. Take time to read through each point and ask yourself these same questions. We’re sure that by the end of this article, you’ll be ready to break ground.

4 Reasons Why a Basem*nt Bathroom Is Worth It

Why a Basem*nt Bathroom Is Well Worth It! – Bathtubber (2)

A basem*nt bathroom is worth it for more than just a few reasons. Check them out below:

Resale Value

Installing an additional bathroom anywhere in your home can raise the resale value of your home. Half bathrooms generally increase the value of your home by 10%, while full bathrooms can raise your home’s value by as much as 20%. An added bathroom anywhere in your home can raise the resale value by as much as 20% but, in a basem*nt, that value is even more concrete. Check out this report from the National Association of Home Builders.


No one wants to spend time in a cold and dingy basem*nt. If you’re only using your basem*nt as storage space, you’re not getting much use out of that extra square footage. Renovating your basem*nt and adding a bathroom can transform your basem*nt into a warm and welcoming living area, similar to a second living room or a den.


Likewise, no one likes running up and down the stairs every time they need to use the bathroom. Adding a bathroom to your basem*nt makes it more convenient for your family and friends.


After you and your family get years of joy from your renovated basem*nt bathroom, potential buyers will love the addition of a renovated basem*nt with a bathroom.

How Much Does a Basem*nt Bathroom Cost?

Why a Basem*nt Bathroom Is Well Worth It! – Bathtubber (3)

The total cost of installing a basem*nt bathroom will depend on the overall condition of your basem*nt.

Do you already have a small room cordoned off from the rest of the area? If so, you can install plumbing and fixtures for around $2,000-$3,000.

But if not, you’ll have to renovate your basem*nt to create a small room to house the bathroom fixtures.

Here’s what Basem*nt Guides says:

The overall cost for adding a bathroom in a basem*nt will range somewhere between $3,000 and $25,000. The variance in this cost comes from whether you build in an existing space, or whether the bathroom is an extension to your existing basem*nt.

And according to Angi.com, the total cost to install just the plumbing for a typical basem*nt bathroom can cost $10,000-$15,000.

The cheapest option is to install a basic half-bathroom with just a toilet and a sink. But if you’re willing to spend a little extra, though, a full bathroom with a tub and shower can greatly increase the value of your home.

See our post THIS Is What a Bathroom Is Worth on Appraisal for much more detail.

How to Find the ROI for a Basem*nt Bathroom Remodel

What if you already have a basem*nt bathroom, but you’re thinking of remodeling it and possibly enlarging it? Will it be worth the investment?

Consult the tool that remodeling.hw.net offers called the cost vs value tool. It explains how much of their remodeling investment buyers recouped at the sale of their homes, by year and region of the country.

For example, in 2021, the tool shows that nationally in the US, homeowners who did a mid-range bathroom remodel spent $24,424. They define a mid-range bath remodel as updating a 5×7’ bathroom and replacing all fixtures.

According to the tool, this investment added $14,671 to the resale value of the home, meaning the owners recouped 60.1% of their investment at the sale.

If you are considering a bathroom remodel, be sure to sign up for myFREE pdf full of genius designer hacks that can literally save you thousands of dollars on your bathroom remodel.

What You Need to Know About Zoning

Why a Basem*nt Bathroom Is Well Worth It! – Bathtubber (5)

Finishing a basem*nt and installing a bathroom are no small jobs. You’ll have to install new plumbing, extend electricity to new sections of your home, and even possibly build new rooms.

All of this must be done under the authorization of your local municipality. Therefore, be sure to contact your local zoning office to learn about permits and deed restrictions.

Most states have specific permits for finishing a basem*nt with additional walls and electricity. Some also have permits for added plumbing. While this may seem like more of a headache than it’s worth, understand that zoning laws help protect you and your property.

By working and constructing a bathroom under local zoning laws, you’re guaranteed an efficient and safe environment.

Although it may take a little longer, your bathroom will be built to code, ensuring quality and safety. Every state and municipality has its own zoning laws, so be sure to contact your local office directly. You can find more about state codes here.

How Will Drainage Work in a Basem*nt?

Why a Basem*nt Bathroom Is Well Worth It! – Bathtubber (6)

More than anything else, drainage should be your main concern when building a bathroom.

Upstairs and ground-floor bathrooms have the luxury of using gravity to drain away sewage and water but a bathroom built below ground cannot rely on the slope of gravity to move away waste.

That said, you may have to dig deeper into the ground to create enough of a fall for water to drain away.

Speak with your contractor or plumber to establish how they’ll effectively build drainage. They will have to consider these two points:

  • Depth – If your home was built with deep plumbing lines, you may not have to dig deeper into the ground. Your plumber will assess how much fall your plumbing has and, if it’s sufficient, they will simply install new lines. If not, you may need a sewage ejector or deeper plumbing.
  • Size – The size of your current pipes will also affect how quickly a new bathroom drains away waste. If the pipes are too small, your plumber will have to install wider pipes to help ease the flow of sewage.

Checking the Lines

Why a Basem*nt Bathroom Is Well Worth It! – Bathtubber (7)

If your existing sewer lines are deep enough, they may work based solely on gravity. Speak with your local sewage company to find out how deep the lines run and if your bathroom will work without much intervention.

But if your home is connected to a septic tank, you’ll also have to check how deep the septic lines run.

Are the lines are deep enough? If so, your plumber will first determine how quickly the sewage drains from your bathroom. In the case that your home is connected to city sewage, your plumber will also install a backwater valve to prevent sewage from flushing back into your lines. This may require additional permits so speak with your local municipality beforehand.

However, if your drainage lines are not deep enough to work solely off gravity, your plumber will have to remove part of the floor and dig deeper into the ground.

This is usually enough to create the necessary fall to drain away wastewater but, if not, you’ll definitely need a sewage ejector to flush away waste.

Where to Build Your Basem*nt Bathroom

Why a Basem*nt Bathroom Is Well Worth It! – Bathtubber (8)

For the sake of easy plumbing, you should install your basem*nt bathroom directly below the upstairs bathroom.

This way, your plumber can directly link the lower plumbing with the main plumbing without installing intricately twisted pipelines. Your plumber will finish the installation process much faster, saving you a lot more money during construction.

Installing bathrooms one on top of the other also helps with electrical wiring. As with plumbing, if your bathrooms are directly above or below each other, your electrician can simply feed the same wiring down into your basem*nt. This will save you time and money since your electrician won’t have to install intricately twisted interior wires.

How to Design Your Basem*nt Bathroom

Why a Basem*nt Bathroom Is Well Worth It! – Bathtubber (9)

Since your basem*nt bathroom is completely separate from the rest of the house, you can design it however you want. It doesn’t have to match the same design as your other bathrooms. However, you may be limited by one important factor—size.

Considering that you likely won’t have as much room to work within a basem*nt, you’ll have to get creative.

Three-Quarters and Half Baths

If you’re installing a bathroom in a smaller space, consider building a three-quarter bathroom with a sink, toilet, and a standing shower. If that’s too ambitious, stick to a simple half-bathroom with a sink and toilet.

Design Tricks to Make a Small Bathroom Look Bigger

Limited space doesn’t mean you can’t spruce up your design. Mirrors, smaller vanities, and lighting can create the illusion of space even in a smaller bathroom. Read my post on 18 Ways Tile Can Help Your Small Bathroom Look Bigger.

Soft lighting and monochrome colors widen the area by creating contrast and drawing the eye deeper into the room. You can also make more space by building shelves or cabinets around the toilet or vanity to open up more of the room.

Consult Sizing Guides

Check out our sizing guides for help with designing a proportional space:

The Complete Bathroom Vanity Size Guide

What’s the Perfect Size Bathroom Mirror for Your Vanity?

What’s the Perfect Size Bathroom Sink for Your Vanity?

Install Radiant Heated Floors

One energy-saving idea that can greatly increase the use of a basem*nt bathroom is to install underfloor heating. These systems provide uniform heating not only on the bathroom floor but in the air as well. Read about the many benefits in my post Are Heated Bathroom Floors Worth It?

How to Avoid Mold in a Basem*nt Bathroom

Why a Basem*nt Bathroom Is Well Worth It! – Bathtubber (10)

Basem*nts are more susceptible to dampness and humidity than other areas of the house. Poor air circulation and a lack of natural sunlight make it harder for basem*nts to dry out and this is especially true in a bathroom. So how can you avoid a dangerous and potentially costly bathroom mold problem?

Pick Flooring Carefully

Avoid using flooring materials that will absorb water.

Wood, linoleum, and laminate floors might look nice in an upstairs bathroom but they will likely warp and rot within a year if installed in a bathroom in the basem*nt.

Instead, stick with tile, stone, cement, or ceramic flooring. If this sounds boring, try to find exciting tile patterns or beautiful stonework to liven up the area.

Install a Smart Bathroom Fan

And consider adding a smart bathroom fan with a humidity sensor. These fans will automatically turn on when the humidity rises above a preset level. (See this post for my favorite smart bathroom fans.)

So Is a Basem*nt Bathroom Worth It for You?

Why a Basem*nt Bathroom Is Well Worth It! – Bathtubber (11)

Installing a basem*nt bathroom might not be easy but it’s certainly worth the investment. A new bathroom can increase the value of your home and transform your basem*nt from wasted space into an enjoyable living area.

Before you break ground, though, secure all the appropriate zoning permits, assess your home’s existing plumbing and wiring, and speak with a licensed contractor to create an efficient and stylish design.

Tags: basem*nt bathroom, bathroom remodel, cost, real estate, value on resale

To dive into the world of basem*nt bathrooms, let's break down the concepts highlighted in the article.

  1. Resale Value:

    • Impact on Home Value: Adding a bathroom, be it a half or full one, significantly boosts a home’s resale value. Studies, like the National Association of Home Builders' report, validate this, indicating an increase in home value by 10% to 20% with additional bathrooms.
    • Cost Variation: The cost of installing a basem*nt bathroom ranges widely, from $3,000 to $25,000, contingent upon existing plumbing and basem*nt conditions.
  2. Usability:

    • Transformation of Space: A basem*nt bathroom can convert a dreary space into a warm, usable living area, effectively expanding the home’s functional space. This renovation turns underutilized storage areas into welcoming extensions of the living space.
  3. Convenience:

    • Improved Accessibility: Adding a bathroom to the basem*nt provides greater convenience, eliminating the need to climb stairs for bathroom use. It enhances the overall accessibility and comfort for both residents and guests.
  4. Marketability:

    • Desirability for Buyers: Renovations like a basem*nt bathroom can make a property more appealing to potential buyers. The added value and utility of a finished basem*nt with a bathroom increase the market appeal of the home.
  5. Cost Considerations:

    • Cost Ranges: The cost of installing a basem*nt bathroom varies widely. It can range from $2,000 to $3,000 if there's already a designated space. However, a complete renovation to create a bathroom space could cost between $3,000 and $25,000.
    • Plumbing Costs: Plumbing installation alone might cost $10,000 to $15,000, highlighting the potential expenses involved in these renovations.
    • Return on Investment (ROI): Consultation of tools like remodeling.hw.net's "cost vs. value" tool helps homeowners evaluate the potential ROI for remodeling or enlarging existing basem*nt bathrooms.
  6. Zoning and Legal Considerations:

    • Permits and Regulations: Undertaking basem*nt renovations involves adhering to local zoning laws, securing permits, and ensuring compliance with safety and quality standards set by municipalities.
  7. Drainage Concerns:

    • Challenges of Below-ground Bathrooms: Basem*nt bathrooms face drainage challenges due to the lack of natural gravity for waste disposal. Solutions like digging deeper into the ground or installing specific plumbing systems are necessary for efficient drainage.
  8. Optimal Placement:

    • Strategic Installation: For easier plumbing and wiring, it’s advisable to position the basem*nt bathroom directly below an existing upstairs bathroom, simplifying the installation process and reducing costs.
  9. Design Considerations:

    • Space Limitations: Given the limited space in basem*nts, creative design becomes crucial. Three-quarter or half bathrooms might be more practical for smaller areas.
    • Optical Illusions: Design tricks like mirrors, appropriate lighting, and strategic placement of fixtures can create an illusion of more space in a smaller basem*nt bathroom.
  10. Additional Features:

    • Heated Flooring: Underfloor heating systems provide comfort and are a valuable addition to basem*nt bathrooms.
    • Mold Prevention: Using moisture-resistant materials, smart ventilation solutions, and appropriate flooring can help prevent mold issues, essential for basem*nt environments prone to dampness.
  11. Assessment of Worth:

    • Investment Worthiness: Despite the challenges, the article argues that installing a basem*nt bathroom is a worthwhile investment, citing increased home value and the transformation of wasted space into a functional area.

The article essentially covers the financial aspects, design considerations, logistical challenges, and the potential benefits associated with installing a basem*nt bathroom, offering a comprehensive guide for homeowners considering this renovation.

Why a Basem*nt Bathroom Is Well Worth It! – Bathtubber (2024)


Is it worth it to put a bathroom in the basem*nt? ›

A bathroom in your basem*nt is useful if you have guests over a lot or if you have a rental unit. Also great if your family spends a lot of time in the basem*nt. A bathroom remodel is also a smart investment to increase the value of your home.

Does a bathroom in the basem*nt add value? ›

If you're looking to increase the value of your home, adding a bathroom to your basem*nt is a great place to start. Adding this new function can increase the value of your home by up to 20%, so it's worth considering.

Why basem*nt bathroom benefits? ›

Increased Convenience: A basem*nt bathroom provides added convenience for you, your family, and guests. It eliminates the need to climb stairs every time nature calls, especially during nighttime or when entertaining in the basem*nt area.

Should I put a full or half bath in my basem*nt? ›

If you're planning on adding a guest bedroom, then a three-quarter or full bathroom might make the most sense. If there's plenty of room to wash up and the basem*nt bathroom will be mostly used for convenience, then a half is sufficient.

Does a basem*nt bathroom need a floor drain? ›

Basem*nt floor drains may not look great on your concrete floor, but they are actually mandatory according to the most recent building codes in the US. They allow the excess moisture in the basem*nt to drain safely away from your home instead of pooling.

Do basem*nt bathrooms need to be vented? ›

Yes. Finished basem*nt bathrooms must always be fitted with proper ventilation.

What adds most value to basem*nt? ›

Finished basem*nts can add a lot of extra living space, or a specialty area such as a game room, man cave or entertaining area with a bar. Other important upgrades include kitchens and bathrooms. Sometimes a few new fixtures or a new countertop and new door faces are well worth the price.

What is the ROI on a basem*nt bathroom? ›

Average ROI: Homeowners can expect an ROI of approximately 50-75% on a basem*nt bathroom addition. This means that for every $1,000 spent on the project, the home's value could increase by $500 to $750.

Can you put a full bath in a basem*nt? ›

Full bathrooms are nice when you're converting your basem*nt into a guest space. That way, they don't have to trudge their things upstairs to take a shower. But make sure to add a high-power ventilation fan to draw out excess moisture since basem*nts tend to be damp even without a bathroom.

Is it easy to put a bathroom in a basem*nt? ›

The reason installing a bathroom in the basem*nt can be so challenging is that, unless you're trying to figure out how to finish a roughed-in bathroom, you're going to have to make a plan for new plumbing. This is where a basem*nt bathroom design can quickly get expensive.

How can I make my bathroom look better in my basem*nt? ›

Improve your basem*nt bathroom with good lighting, a decorative mirror, wall decor, a new paint job, wallpaper, or patterned tile finishes on walls and/or flooring. For a bigger upgrade, try a new sink vanity, install a shower, or replace the toilet.

Does adding a bedroom and bathroom in basem*nt increase home value? ›

Does Adding a Bedroom in the Basem*nt Add Value? Typically yes, adding a basem*nt bedroom adds value to your home in some way. Especially if the area was previously unfinished, the value of finishing a basem*nt, whether or not this project includes adding a bedroom, can be significant.

Where is the best place to put a basem*nt bathroom? ›

Ideally, the new bathroom should be located as close as possible to the current plumbing and electrical wiring. It's always a good idea to put your basem*nt bathroom directly below the one on the floor above.

How much does it cost to add a bathroom to a basem*nt? ›

Cost to Build a Bathroom in the Basem*nt

The space is already built out, plus critical services like plumbing and electrical are often nearby and sometimes even exposed. Expect to pay between $9,000 and $16,000 to add a bathroom in the basem*nt.

What is a good size for a basem*nt bathroom? ›

Basem*nt bathrooms are usually very streamlined in design and optimize of space. The basem*nt bathroom is meant to be practical and functional with and efficient use of floor space in mind. A minimum three-piece bathroom size is 5 feet wide by 8 feet long.

Is it hard to build a bathroom in a basem*nt? ›

The reason installing a bathroom in the basem*nt can be so challenging is that, unless you're trying to figure out how to finish a roughed-in bathroom, you're going to have to make a plan for new plumbing. This is where a basem*nt bathroom design can quickly get expensive.

How easy is it to put a bathroom in a basem*nt? ›

While adding a bathroom in your finished basem*nt can be useful and a solid investment, there are some challenges that come with below ground plumbing. You'll need to consider drainage and ventilation when designing your below-ground bathroom. It's a job best left to a professional.

Can you put a shower and toilet in a basem*nt? ›

While traditional basem*nt showers require you to drill into shower base and concrete to add a drain, a Saniflo system sits on top of concrete floors. Even better, a single Saniflo system makes it possible to hook a toilet, sink, and shower up to the same macerator and pump, which makes plumbing a breeze.

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Author: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

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Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.