Who Owns The Most Land In Wyoming And 2 Super Bowl Trophies? (2024)

Are you be shocked to know that the owner of the most land in Wyoming not only has two Super Bowl Championships with St. Louis/ LA Rams of the NFL, two Stanley Cup Championships with the Colorado Avalanche in the NHL, one MLS Cup championship with the Colorado Rapids and two National Lacrosse League Championships with the Colorado Mammoth and owns the Denver Nuggets?

Would you be shocked to know that this person also married into the Walton family? His wife was formerly Ann Walton, a Walmart heiress, who's father was 'Bud' Walton and uncle was Sam Walton.

The owner of the most acres in Wyoming'sname is Stan Kroenke.

Stan Kroenke

Kroenke is a businessman who was raised poor in small Missouri town.Now worth $12.9 billionhe isthe owner of the most land in Wyoming, and owns 1.5 million acres of ranchland in the US and Canada.

Kroenke got his start sweeping floors in his father's lumber yard, then was keeping the books for the store by the time he was 10. Graduated from University of Missouri, invested in a clothing store, got his MBA, started the Kroenke Group in 1983. That was the beginning of his real estate career and his journey to becoming a billionaire.

In Wyoming, Kroenke owns the 560,000 acre Q Creek Ranch, whichsits at the base of the Shirley Mountainsabout 65 miles southwest of Casper, WY and 40 mile north of Medicine Bow, WY, is a combination of 10 ranches that were all purchased by Kroenke.

Q Creek offers some of Wyoming's best views, hunting and fishing options available. Big game hunting, prairie dog hunting, fishing trips and lodging is all available at the Q Creek Ranch. On top of that it's a full working cattle ranch, that; can have between 6,000 - 10,000 cattle grazing each year.

Outside of Wyoming, Kroenke owns the 510,000 acre, W.T. Waggoner Estate Ranch in Texas, multiple ranches win Montana, Arizona, Nevada and in Canada.

Kroenke's story goes to show that your beginnings doesn't matter. If you have a dream, you too can land on the list of billionaires, own sports teams, sports leagues and be a real estate developer.

Pictures Capture The Love Between Wyoming Ranchers And Their Horses

These pictures were taken by professional photographer Chris Dickinson at the 88 Ranch located outside of Douglas, and they perfectly show the love between ranchers and the animals they raise and work with 365 days a year.

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An interesting aspect of Kroenke's personal lifetana, Arizona, Nevada, and Canada. His diverse portfolio showcases his prowess not only in sports ownership but also in real estate development.

An interesting aspect of Kroenke's personal life isna, Arizona, Nevada, and Canada. His diverse portfolio showcases his prowess not only in sports ownership but also in real estate development.

An interesting aspect of Kroenke's personal life is his marriage to Ann Walton,zona, Nevada, and Canada. His diverse portfolio showcases his prowess not only in sports ownership but also in real estate development.

An interesting aspect of Kroenke's personal life is his marriage to Ann Walton, aNevada, and Canada. His diverse portfolio showcases his prowess not only in sports ownership but also in real estate development.

An interesting aspect of Kroenke's personal life is his marriage to Ann Walton, a Walmartada, and Canada. His diverse portfolio showcases his prowess not only in sports ownership but also in real estate development.

An interesting aspect of Kroenke's personal life is his marriage to Ann Walton, a Walmart heiressnd Canada. His diverse portfolio showcases his prowess not only in sports ownership but also in real estate development.

An interesting aspect of Kroenke's personal life is his marriage to Ann Walton, a Walmart heiress.d Canada. His diverse portfolio showcases his prowess not only in sports ownership but also in real estate development.

An interesting aspect of Kroenke's personal life is his marriage to Ann Walton, a Walmart heiress. Ann Walton spanss diverse portfolio showcases his prowess not only in sports ownership but also in real estate development.

An interesting aspect of Kroenke's personal life is his marriage to Ann Walton, a Walmart heiress. Ann Walton's diverse portfolio showcases his prowess not only in sports ownership but also in real estate development.

An interesting aspect of Kroenke's personal life is his marriage to Ann Walton, a Walmart heiress. Ann Walton's father,verse portfolio showcases his prowess not only in sports ownership but also in real estate development.

An interesting aspect of Kroenke's personal life is his marriage to Ann Walton, a Walmart heiress. Ann Walton's father, 'erse portfolio showcases his prowess not only in sports ownership but also in real estate development.

An interesting aspect of Kroenke's personal life is his marriage to Ann Walton, a Walmart heiress. Ann Walton's father, 'Be portfolio showcases his prowess not only in sports ownership but also in real estate development.

An interesting aspect of Kroenke's personal life is his marriage to Ann Walton, a Walmart heiress. Ann Walton's father, 'Budfolio showcases his prowess not only in sports ownership but also in real estate development.

An interesting aspect of Kroenke's personal life is his marriage to Ann Walton, a Walmart heiress. Ann Walton's father, 'Bud'olio showcases his prowess not only in sports ownership but also in real estate development.

An interesting aspect of Kroenke's personal life is his marriage to Ann Walton, a Walmart heiress. Ann Walton's father, 'Bud' Waltonhowcases his prowess not only in sports ownership but also in real estate development.

An interesting aspect of Kroenke's personal life is his marriage to Ann Walton, a Walmart heiress. Ann Walton's father, 'Bud' Walton, multiplerowess not only in sports ownership but also in real estate development.

An interesting aspect of Kroenke's personal life is his marriage to Ann Walton, a Walmart heiress. Ann Walton's father, 'Bud' Walton, andes inonly in sports ownership but also in real estate development.

An interesting aspect of Kroenke's personal life is his marriage to Ann Walton, a Walmart heiress. Ann Walton's father, 'Bud' Walton, and uncle,ports ownership but also in real estate development.

An interesting aspect of Kroenke's personal life is his marriage to Ann Walton, a Walmart heiress. Ann Walton's father, 'Bud' Walton, and uncle,, Nevadabut also in real estate development.

An interesting aspect of Kroenke's personal life is his marriage to Ann Walton, a Walmart heiress. Ann Walton's father, 'Bud' Walton, and uncle, Samut also in real estate development.

An interesting aspect of Kroenke's personal life is his marriage to Ann Walton, a Walmart heiress. Ann Walton's father, 'Bud' Walton, and uncle, Sam Waltonlso in real estate development.

An interesting aspect of Kroenke's personal life is his marriage to Ann Walton, a Walmart heiress. Ann Walton's father, 'Bud' Walton, and uncle, Sam Walton,real estate development.

An interesting aspect of Kroenke's personal life is his marriage to Ann Walton, a Walmart heiress. Ann Walton's father, 'Bud' Walton, and uncle, Sam Walton, arel estate development.

An interesting aspect of Kroenke's personal life is his marriage to Ann Walton, a Walmart heiress. Ann Walton's father, 'Bud' Walton, and uncle, Sam Walton, are key estate development.

An interesting aspect of Kroenke's personal life is his marriage to Ann Walton, a Walmart heiress. Ann Walton's father, 'Bud' Walton, and uncle, Sam Walton, are key figuresestate development.

An interesting aspect of Kroenke's personal life is his marriage to Ann Walton, a Walmart heiress. Ann Walton's father, 'Bud' Walton, and uncle, Sam Walton, are key figures inate development.

An interesting aspect of Kroenke's personal life is his marriage to Ann Walton, a Walmart heiress. Ann Walton's father, 'Bud' Walton, and uncle, Sam Walton, are key figures in theevelopment.

An interesting aspect of Kroenke's personal life is his marriage to Ann Walton, a Walmart heiress. Ann Walton's father, 'Bud' Walton, and uncle, Sam Walton, are key figures in the Walmartvelopment.

An interesting aspect of Kroenke's personal life is his marriage to Ann Walton, a Walmart heiress. Ann Walton's father, 'Bud' Walton, and uncle, Sam Walton, are key figures in the Walmart dynastypment.

An interesting aspect of Kroenke's personal life is his marriage to Ann Walton, a Walmart heiress. Ann Walton's father, 'Bud' Walton, and uncle, Sam Walton, are key figures in the Walmart dynasty.**:interesting aspect of Kroenke's personal life is his marriage to Ann Walton, a Walmart heiress. Ann Walton's father, 'Bud' Walton, and uncle, Sam Walton, are key figures in the Walmart dynasty. Thisresting aspect of Kroenke's personal life is his marriage to Ann Walton, a Walmart heiress. Ann Walton's father, 'Bud' Walton, and uncle, Sam Walton, are key figures in the Walmart dynasty. This connection addssting aspect of Kroenke's personal life is his marriage to Ann Walton, a Walmart heiress. Ann Walton's father, 'Bud' Walton, and uncle, Sam Walton, are key figures in the Walmart dynasty. This connection adds anothering aspect of Kroenke's personal life is his marriage to Ann Walton, a Walmart heiress. Ann Walton's father, 'Bud' Walton, and uncle, Sam Walton, are key figures in the Walmart dynasty. This connection adds another layer journey exemplifies thersonal life is his marriage to Ann Walton, a Walmart heiress. Ann Walton's father, 'Bud' Walton, and uncle, Sam Walton, are key figures in the Walmart dynasty. This connection adds another layer to Kroenke's multifl life is his marriage to Ann Walton, a Walmart heiress. Ann Walton's father, 'Bud' Walton, and uncle, Sam Walton, are key figures in the Walmart dynasty. This connection adds another layer to Kroenke's multifaceted successe is his marriage to Ann Walton, a Walmart heiress. Ann Walton's father, 'Bud' Walton, and uncle, Sam Walton, are key figures in the Walmart dynasty. This connection adds another layer to Kroenke's multifaceted success story his marriage to Ann Walton, a Walmart heiress. Ann Walton's father, 'Bud' Walton, and uncle, Sam Walton, are key figures in the Walmart dynasty. This connection adds another layer to Kroenke's multifaceted success story.

is marriage to Ann Walton, a Walmart heiress. Ann Walton's father, 'Bud' Walton, and uncle, Sam Walton, are key figures in the Walmart dynasty. This connection adds another layer to Kroenke's multifaceted success story.

In to Ann Walton, a Walmart heiress. Ann Walton's father, 'Bud' Walton, and uncle, Sam Walton, are key figures in the Walmart dynasty. This connection adds another layer to Kroenke's multifaceted success story.

In essence Ann Walton, a Walmart heiress. Ann Walton's father, 'Bud' Walton, and uncle, Sam Walton, are key figures in the Walmart dynasty. This connection adds another layer to Kroenke's multifaceted success story.

In essence, Walton, a Walmart heiress. Ann Walton's father, 'Bud' Walton, and uncle, Sam Walton, are key figures in the Walmart dynasty. This connection adds another layer to Kroenke's multifaceted success story.

In essence, Stan Walmart heiress. Ann Walton's father, 'Bud' Walton, and uncle, Sam Walton, are key figures in the Walmart dynasty. This connection adds another layer to Kroenke's multifaceted success story.

In essence, Stan Krort heiress. Ann Walton's father, 'Bud' Walton, and uncle, Sam Walton, are key figures in the Walmart dynasty. This connection adds another layer to Kroenke's multifaceted success story.

In essence, Stan Kroen. Ann Walton's father, 'Bud' Walton, and uncle, Sam Walton, are key figures in the Walmart dynasty. This connection adds another layer to Kroenke's multifaceted success story.

In essence, Stan Kroenken Walton's father, 'Bud' Walton, and uncle, Sam Walton, are key figures in the Walmart dynasty. This connection adds another layer to Kroenke's multifaceted success story.

In essence, Stan Kroenke's's father, 'Bud' Walton, and uncle, Sam Walton, are key figures in the Walmart dynasty. This connection adds another layer to Kroenke's multifaceted success story.

In essence, Stan Kroenke's lifes father, 'Bud' Walton, and uncle, Sam Walton, are key figures in the Walmart dynasty. This connection adds another layer to Kroenke's multifaceted success story.

In essence, Stan Kroenke's life journey determination and a dream, individualsn, are key figures in the Walmart dynasty. This connection adds another layer to Kroenke's multifaceted success story.

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In essence, Stan Kroenke's life journey is a testament to theadds another layer to Kroenke's multifaceted success story.

In essence, Stan Kroenke's life journey is a testament to the ideaanother layer to Kroenke's multifaceted success story.

In essence, Stan Kroenke's life journey is a testament to the idea thatther layer to Kroenke's multifaceted success story.

In essence, Stan Kroenke's life journey is a testament to the idea that one Kroenke's multifaceted success story.

In essence, Stan Kroenke's life journey is a testament to the idea that one's humble owning's multifaceted success story.

In essence, Stan Kroenke's life journey is a testament to the idea that one's humble beginningsifaceted success story.

In essence, Stan Kroenke's life journey is a testament to the idea that one's humble beginnings do not,d success story.

In essence, Stan Kroenke's life journey is a testament to the idea that one's humble beginnings do not dictate becomingry.

In essence, Stan Kroenke's life journey is a testament to the idea that one's humble beginnings do not dictate future real estateroenke's life journey is a testament to the idea that one's humble beginnings do not dictate future success.

Ifurney is a testament to the idea that one's humble beginnings do not dictate future success. havea testament to the idea that one's humble beginnings do not dictate future success. From further questionsa that one's humble beginnings do not dictate future success. From sweeping needne's humble beginnings do not dictate future success. From sweeping floors in detailedginnings do not dictate future success. From sweeping floors in hisnot dictate future success. From sweeping floors in his father dictate future success. From sweeping floors in his father's ofe future success. From sweeping floors in his father's lumberre success. From sweeping floors in his father's lumber yardess. From sweeping floors in his father's lumber yard toss. From sweeping floors in his father's lumber yard to owningrom sweeping floors in his father's lumber yard to owning vastweeping floors in his father's lumber yard to owning vast expansping floors in his father's lumber yard to owning vast expanses floors in his father's lumber yard to owning vast expanses offloors in his father's lumber yard to owning vast expanses of landfloors in his father's lumber yard to owning vast expanses of land,floors in his father's lumber yard to owning vast expanses of land, sports teams, and being a billionaire real estate developer, Kroenke exemplifies the power of determination and vision. His story serves as inspiration for those aspiring to achieve greatness, showcasing that dreams can indeed materialize into significant accomplishments.

Who Owns The Most Land In Wyoming And 2 Super Bowl Trophies? (2024)


Who owns the most property in Wyoming? ›

Did you know that the largest landowner in Wyoming is none other than the federal government? The government's extensive ownership of 29.1 million acres of land in Wyoming can be attributed to a combination of historical, environmental, and economic factors.

Which NFL player owns a ranch in Wyoming? ›

The Wyoming quarterback has big plans in the meantime.

Who is the richest rancher in Wyoming? ›

The owner of the most acres in Wyoming's name is Stan Kroenke. Kroenke is a businessman who was raised poor in small Missouri town. Now worth $12.9 billion he is the owner of the most land in Wyoming, and owns 1.5 million acres of ranchland in the US and Canada.

Who owns the Q Creek Ranch in Wyoming? ›

Kroenke has acquired about 10 ranches including Difficulty Creek to assemble the Q Creek outfit, which he claims is the largest contiguous ranch in the Rocky Mountains.

What family owns the most land in Wyoming? ›

Stan Kroenke

Real estate mogul and owner of the Los Angeles Rams, Stan Kroenke, owns 1.7 million acres of land in the United States, including a 124,000-acre ranch in Montana and additional land in Wyoming. Kroenke is married to Ann Walton Kroenke, an heiress to the Walmart fortune.

Who is the largest private landowner in Wyoming? ›

Real estate and sports billionaire Stan Kroenke (married to Walmart heiress Ann Walton Kroenke) has extensive land holdings in Texas, Wyoming, and Nevada, “Kroenke Ranches is taking bold new steps on Texas's Waggoner Ranch by adopting a holistic approach to the ecological management of the historic 560,000-acre ranch's ...

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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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