Who owns Internet? (2024)

1647 is the number of my newly acquired monster on the road. By law I am the owner of this car and have a certificate issued by a government authority to prove my ownership. 5766 is the number of my car I sold yesterday and the ownership of this car will now be transferred to the new owner in the next few days. Elementary isn't it? Well, not so elementary when it comes to the ownership of the Internet.

Who owns Internet? (1)

There was a joke of sorts making rounds in 1998 that Bill Gates, the richest man in the world, tried to buy Internet. The problem was he couldn't find out whom to make out the check. So, who exactly owns the Internet?

An Owner for the Internet

Either nobody owns the Internet, or everybody owns the Internet, or something in between. In actual terms no one owns the Internet, and no single person or organisation controls the Internet in its entirety. More of a concept than an actual tangible entity, the Internet relies on a physical infrastructure that connects networks to other networks.

In theory, the internet is owned by everyone that uses it. Yet, in reality, certain entities exert more influence over the "mechanics" and regulation of the internet than others. There are organizations that oversee and standardize what happens on the Internet and assign IP addresses and domain names, such as the National Science Foundation, the Internet Engineering Task Force, ICANN, InterNIC and the Internet Architecture Board.

There are many organisations, corporations, governments, schools, private citizens and service providers that all own pieces of the infrastructure, but there is no one body that owns it all. Yet organizations such as such as the National Science Foundation, the Internet Engineering Task Force, ICANN, InterNIC and the Internet Architecture Board are organizations created and largely controlled by US.

The DNS of Internet

Suppose you wish to go to www.hindustantimes.com. The site's true address is a clump of numbers called the IP address. The same is true of every other computer on the Net. But imagine if we had to remember numbers to reach websites. Imagine to open Google if we had to remember its IP address what a task it would be. To solve the problem came the American invention called the DNS i.e. the Domain Name Server concept. Computers are assigned unique names that can be remembered. Then a network of DNS computers keeps track of the numbers behind the names. When you type in a Web address, a DNS machine looks up the correct numerical address and hooks you up.

DNS is a network of thousands of computers, layered on top of the Internet. But all DNS machines ultimately report to 13 root servers, which hold the most basic Internet routing information. These 13 servers are run by a variety of organizations, ranging from the US military, to private corporations, to a European nonprofit group based in Amsterdam. Lots of the servers are located outside the United States. But all of them are overseen by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, which in turn is overseen by the US Department of Commerce.

The Battle of Control

The Internet is a free media and an ultimate celebration of the free world. But the world isn't a free world as yet and the organizations controlling this free media are largely under US control.

Totalitarian regimes don't like the idea of western influences thrust upon them. According to Jon Christian Ryter of Washington Times, "They want the ability to create to create impenetrable cyberwalls around their countries to prevent western demagogues from brainwashing their "subjects" with inflammatory, indoctrinational ideological propaganda that will incite them against their masters."

The UN World Summit on the Information Society met for the first time in Geneva, Switzerland on Dec. 10-12, 2003. For the past decade the UN has been bombarded by complaints from every totalitarian regime in the world that wanted to place cyberborders along the information superhighway -roadblocks to communications with the free world.

The US Connection

Like it or not the Internet is a US creation. The DNS, the concept thru which we type names and a site opens is also a US invention. The Internet's ''root servers," a critical network of computers that makes everything else work is a US creation too. America invented and built the root server system, and still manages it. But now the whole world depends on it, and wants a say in how it's run. A decade ago the Internet just didn't matter and nobody was bothered about who was controlling it. Times have changed and now Internet is a vital means of communication and everybody wants control of it.

Chaos @ Internet

If US relinquishes control there is only one possible scenario. Chaos. Naseem Javed, a reknowned authority on cyberbrading and domain issues, says "Why should the Internet break and how ridiculous is this issue? Imagine if a few printers around the globe got together and jointly decided to replace all our current currencies and their value and choose brand new colors, designs and new values all own their own. Economy? What economy?"

eCommerce is a part of our lives today. It's a part of the global economy today. Internet is a crucial means of communication in our lives. Any breakdown and there definitely will be no winners. Losers we all will be if the issue of control isn't sorted out soon. The Internet belongs to all of us and should remain free from control the way it is. Whether the UN or anybody else, the issue here isn't of US dominance, the issue is of us, the users, who own a part of the Internet. The issue is of keeping this free media alive the way it is.

Puneet Mehrotra is a web strategist atwww.Cyberzest.comand editswww.MidnightEdition.comyou can email him on puneet@cyberzest.com

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Who owns Internet? (2024)


Who has the ownership of Internet? ›

No one owns the internet

No company or government can claim ownership of it. The internet is more of a concept than an actual tangible entity, and it relies on a physical infrastructure that connects networks to other networks. The concept is similar to being a room full of people who all speak different languages.

Who controls the Internet answer? ›

The simple answer is no one. There isn't a CEO or president of the Internet. In fact, no one person, company, or government runs the Internet.

Who owns the Internet quizlet? ›

Nobody owns the internet, and only one organization controls the internet in its entirety.

Who owns the backbone of the Internet? ›

The Internet backbone can be simply defined as the core of the Internet. Here, the largest and fastest networks are linked together with fiber-optic connections and high-performance routers. Internet networks are primarily owned and operated by commercial, educational, government or military entities.

Where does Internet come from? ›

ARPANET and the Defense Data Network officially changed to the TCP/IP standard on January 1, 1983, hence the birth of the Internet. All networks could now be connected by a universal language.

Who owns the Internet Reddit? ›

Since 2018, Reddit has been owned and operated entirely by Advance Publications. The current CEO is Steve Huffman, who co-founded the platform in 2005. In early 2019, Reddit confirmed it had raised a further $300 million through series-D funding, from which $150 million were invested by Chinese investors Tencent.

Does the government control the Internet? ›

Federal laws. With a few exceptions, the free speech provisions of the First Amendment bar federal, state, and local governments from directly censoring the Internet. The primary exception has to do with obscenity, including child p*rnography, which does not enjoy First Amendment protection.

Where is internet data stored? ›

While people often think of the Internet as an immaterial object, the data that makes up the Internet is actually stored at a very physical location: data servers.

Does ICANN own the Internet? ›

ICANN doesn't control content on the Internet. It cannot stop spam and it doesn't deal with access to the Internet. But through its coordination role of the Internet's naming system, it does have an important impact on the expansion and evolution of the Internet. What is the domain name system?

Is no single person or government agency control or owns the Internet? ›

No single person or government agency controls or owns the internet. The W3C is responsible for maintaining all networks and content on the Internet. Users typically pay additional fees for mobile hotspot and tethering services.

Which of the following oversees research for the Internet? ›

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) oversees research and sets standards and guidelines for many areas of the Internet.

Who is responsible for maintaining the Internet quizlet? ›


How many companies control the Internet? ›

It may be hard to picture today, but the Internet was originally conceived as a decentralized network of computers. Today web servers have been largely consolidated into the hands of five multi-billion-dollar corporations: Amazon, Microsoft, Google, Apple and Facebook.

Does Google own the Internet backbone? ›

Google makes billions from its cloud platform. Now it's using those billions to buy up the internet itself — or at least the submarine cables that make up the internet backbone.

What city has the fastest Internet in the US? ›

Fastest City Leaderboard: February, 2022
RankCityDownload Speed
1 -Boydton (Virginia)1779.47 MBPS
2 ↑Washington (Virginia)1536.67 MBPS
3 ↑Ellenwood (Georgia)937.6 MBPS
4 ↑Hampton (Georgia)937.15 MBPS
96 more rows
Feb 7, 2022

What 5 companies own the Internet? ›

It may be hard to picture today, but the Internet was originally conceived as a decentralized network of computers. Today web servers have been largely consolidated into the hands of five multi-billion-dollar corporations: Amazon, Microsoft, Google, Apple and Facebook.

Who created the Internet and who runs it? ›

BOB KAHN (1938–) AND VINT CERF (1943–) American computer scientists who developed TCP/IP, the set of protocols that governs how data moves through a network. This helped the ARPANET evolve into the internet we use today. Vint Cerf is credited with the first written use of the word 'internet'.

Where is the Internet located? ›

Today, the internet is basically housed in the data centers located in the Washington-area suburb, which is the biggest data center market in the world. “The internet itself is really comprised of these peering points that are housed inside data centers.

Where is Internet data stored? ›

While people often think of the Internet as an immaterial object, the data that makes up the Internet is actually stored at a very physical location: data servers.

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