Who Invented (American) Football (2024)

The sport we in the United States know and love as football is more properly called gridiron football, for the vertical yard lines that mark the field. Closely related to two ancient English sports—rugby and soccer (or association football)—gridiron football originated at universities in North America, primarily the United States, in the late 19th century. On November 6, 1869, players from Princeton and Rutgers held the first intercollegiate football contest in New Brunswick, New Jersey, playing a soccer-style game with rules adapted from the London Football Association.

While a number of other elite Northeastern colleges took up the sport in the 1870s, Harvard University maintained its distance by sticking to a rugby-soccer hybrid called the “Boston Game.” In May 1874, after a match against McGill University of Montreal, the Harvard players decided they preferred McGill’s rugby-style rules to their own. In 1875, Harvard and Yale played their first intercollegiate match, and Yale players and spectators (including Princeton students) embraced the rugby style as well.

The man most responsible for the transition from this rugby-like game to the sport of football we know today was Walter Camp, known as the “Father of American Football.” As a Yale undergraduate and medical student from 1876 to 1881, Camp played halfback and served as team captain, equivalent to head coach at the time. Even more importantly, he was the guiding force on the rules board of the newly formed Intercollegiate Football Association (IFA).

Thanks to Camp, the IFA made two key innovations to the fledgling game: It did away with the opening “scrummage” or “scrum” and introduced the requirement that a team give up the ball after failing to move down the field a specified yardage in a certain number of “downs.” Among the other innovations Camp introduced were the 11-man team, the quarterback position, the line of scrimmage, offensive signal-calling and the scoring scale used in football today. In addition to his work with the rules board, Camp coached the Yale team to a 67-2 record from 1888 to 1892—all while working as an executive at a watch-manufacturing firm.

In 1920, the American Professional Football Association—later known as the National Football League—was founded in Canton, Ohio, greatly professionalizing the sport. After growing in size and popularity during the first half of the 20th century, the NFL merged with the American Football League, its rival,in 1970, becoming the behemoth it is today.Today, with 32 member teams, the NFL is the largest football league in the United States. And football is by far the country's most popular sport: According to a 2018 Gallup poll, 37 percent of U.S. adults name football as their favorite sport to watch, followed by basketball at 11 percent and baseball at 9 percent.

Who Invented (American) Football (2024)


Who invented the American football? ›

Walter Camp is credited with altering the rules of rugby to create the game of modern North American football we are familiar with today.

Who invented American football and when? ›

While there are many people who contributed to the development of the sport, Walter Camp is considered the father of American football. In 1880, he proposed a set of rules that would make the game more structured and safe. These rules included downs, the line of scrimmage, and the neutral zone.

Who created football not American? ›

And although football may have originated in Canada, one American figure factors greatly in the way it's played today: Walter Camp. Camp, who has been called the “father of American football,” was a Yale student from 1876 to 1881 and played halfback and served as team captain.

Who won the first ever football game? ›

Rutgers University and its neighbor, Princeton, played the first game of intercollegiate football on Nov. 6, 1869, on a plot of ground where the present-day Rutgers gymnasium now stands in New Brunswick, N.J. Rutgers won that first game, 6-4.

Did America invent American football? ›

Closely related to two ancient English sports—rugby and soccer (or association football)—gridiron football originated at universities in North America, primarily the United States, in the late 19th century.

Who is the father of American football? ›

Walter Camp, often called the “Father of American Football,” is considered the single most influential person in the development of traditional football, distinguishing the sport from its rugby and soccer origins. Camp grew up in New Britain, Conn. and enrolled at Yale College in 1876.

Who started football in history? ›

Modern football originated in Britain in the 19th century. Since before medieval times, “folk football” games had been played in towns and villages according to local customs and with a minimum of rules.

What was American football originally called? ›

Meanwhile, in the United States, a sport emerged in the late 19th century that borrowed elements of both rugby and association football. Before long, it had proved more popular than either of them. In full, it was known as gridiron football, but most people never bothered with the first word.

Which country invented football? ›

Who invented soccer? Modern football, or soccer as we know it today, has its rules and roots in England. It began in 1863 with Football Association laying out the rules for the game.

Who was the first American football? ›

What is considered to be the first American football game was played on November 6, 1869, between Rutgers and Princeton, two college teams. They consisted of 25 players per team and used a round ball that could not be picked up or carried.

Is football only American? ›

American football has hit the mainstream in other ways as well. The International Federation of American Football (IFAF) has grown to a global community of 120 member nations spanning North and South America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Oceania, making the game a global phenomenon.

Why do Americans call it football? ›

It was until much later (1906) that forward passing was allowed. So because the American game was really just another form of the European football games, it too became known as football.

Who is the oldest NFL team? ›

The Chicago Cardinals founded in 1898 (joined the NFL in 1920), now the Arizona Cardinals) is the oldest NFL franchise. League membership gradually stabilized throughout the 1920s and 1930s as the league adopted progressively more formal organization. The first official championship game was held in 1933.

How old is American football? ›

The sport of American football itself was relatively new in 1892. Its roots stemmed from two sports, soccer and rugby, which had enjoyed long-time popularity in many nations of the world.

What was the oldest NFL game? ›

In 1920, Dayton Triangles team manager Carl Storck attended the first-ever organizational meeting and a few weeks later, on October 3, 1920, the Triangles hosted the first-ever NFL game against the Columbus Panhandles at Triangle Park, winning 14-0.

What sport did America invent? ›

However, volleyball, basketball, skateboarding, snowboarding and Ultimate are American inventions, some of which have become popular in other countries.

How did American football start? ›

According to legend, William Webb Ellis picked up the ball and ran with it during a school football match in 1823, thus creating a new style of play in which running with the ball predominated instead of kicking. Football soon began to be played at colleges and universities in the United States.

Who saved American football? ›

It's America's national sport – but when football almost came to a crashing halt following the deaths of 19 players in 1905, US President Theodore Roosevelt made a decisive play.

Who is known as the king of football? ›

Pelé began playing for Santos at age 15 and the Brazil national team at 16. During his international career, he won three FIFA World Cups: 1958, 1962 and 1970, the only player to do so and the youngest player to win a World Cup (17). He was nicknamed O Rei (The King) following the 1958 tournament.

What is the oldest sport? ›

Sports that are at least two and a half thousand years old include hurling in Ancient Ireland, shinty in Scotland, harpastum (similar to rugby) in Rome, cuju (similar to association football) in China, and polo in Persia.

When was football first called? ›

The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) traces the written use of the word "football" (as "foteballe"), referring to the game, to 1409. The first recorded use of the word to refer to the ball was in 1486, and the first use as a verb in 1599.

Who was the first football game? ›

1869 Rutgers and Princeton played a college soccer football game, the first ever, November 6. The game used modified London Football Association rules.

Did China invent football? ›

According to FIFA, football was already practiced more than 2300 years ago in the city of Lin Zi as a military sport that served to train the troops and check the physical condition of the soldiers. What does CUJU mean? CU which means “to kick” and JU “a type of leather ball”.

Why American football is not popular in the world? ›

Unlike basketball, which only needs a ball and two hoops, American football requires a very specific infrastructure, along with expensive sports equipment, which makes it so difficult to popularize the sport in other countries.

Who made the first football team in the world? ›

The world's first football team. Sheffield Football Club, founded in 1857.

Why is football so popular in America? ›

American football certainly stands out among other sports for its sheer physicality. The combination of strategy, speed, agility, and contact makes it a thrilling spectator sport. Players must outmaneuver their opponents while being prepared to take hits from all angles.

When was the first American football game played in the United States? ›

Rutgers and New Jersey (later known as Princeton) faced off in what is considered to be the first American football game ever played on Nov. 6, 1869. The game took place in New Brunswick, New Jersey, with an audience of about 100 on hand, according to Rutgers.

What's the most popular sport in the US? ›

American football

Where is football most popular in the world? ›

Football is one of the most-watched sports in the U.S. and has about 390 million to 410 million fans worldwide, the majority of which are in the United States.

What is American football called in England? ›

In England, Scotland and Wales, the domestic game is organised by the British American Football Association (BAFA), who operate a series of league competitions as the BAFA National Leagues. The championship game is known as the BritBowl.

Why do Americans say soccer? ›

British university students in the late 19th century nicknamed it “soccer”, a twist on the second syllable of “association”. But while British people stopped using the nickname decades ago, Americans stuck to it.

How big is an American football? ›

Big Game's competitive pro footballs are in line with the dimensions set by all North American pro leagues – approximately 11 to 11.25 inches in length, with a circumference of roughly 28 inches on the long side of the ball and 21 inches on the short side, and a slightly wider nose than collegiate or high school ...

What is the oldest NFL logo? ›

The oldest logo in the NFL, which is still being used belongs to the Dallas Cowboys. The current Cowboys logo was first used in 1964 and has not been changed since.

What team is no longer in the NFL? ›

As of 2023, the most recent franchise to become defunct was the Dallas Texans in 1952, which folded after playing one season. However, even before the Texans had played their last game, the NFL had awarded a new franchise to an ownership group in Baltimore which acquired the Texans' player contracts and other assets.

Who is the NFL owned by? ›

The simple answer is that no one entity owns the NFL. Perhaps the best way to describe who owns the league is that the 32 NFL teams own the league. Therefore, the NFL and its brand lie in the hands of the NFL franchise owners. A number of teams are owned by just one person, while others have dual ownership.

Who are the original 8 NFL teams? ›

In 1943, the NFL also had eight existing teams again: the Dodgers, the Redskins, the Bears, the Cardinals, the Giants, Packers, the Detroit Lions, and the Philadelphia-Pittsburgh Steagles (the wartime player shortage resulted in the merging of the Eagles and Steelers in one season).

Is the MLB older than the NFL? ›

In the US, MLB is the oldest professional sports league. Major League Baseball consists of 30 teams. Out of these 30 teams, 15 teams play in the National League and the other 15 in the American League.

What's the farthest thrown football? ›

It's a third quarterback, however, who has the longest pass ever recorded in game -- and it happened in Week 14. According to Pro Football Focus, Cleveland Browns quarterback Baker Mayfield made NFL history throwing an incomplete Hail Mary pass that was over 70 yards on Monday night against the Baltimore Ravens.

Who was the oldest QB in NFL history? ›

The former Chicago Bears quarterback, George Blanda, is graded the oldest player and quarterback to ever play in the league, retiring at age 48 in 1976.

Who made the first NFL team? ›

The Chicago Cardinals founded in 1898 (joined the NFL in 1920), now the Arizona Cardinals) is the oldest NFL franchise. League membership gradually stabilized throughout the 1920s and 1930s as the league adopted progressively more formal organization.

Where did football originally come from? ›

The game of football takes its form. The most admitted story tells that the game was developed in England in the 12th century. In this century, games that resembled football were played on meadows and roads in England. Besides from kicks, the game involved also punches of the ball with the fist.

When was the American Football Ball invented? ›

The first footballs were made from inflated pig bladders, each one an unpredictable size and shape. This roundish ball is where the term “pigskin” comes from. Back then, players mostly kicked the ball.

What was invented first football? ›

Indeed, the earliest form of football is understood to be 'cuju' which was played in China during the Han dynasty from 206 BC to 220 AD. 'Cuju' translates literally as 'kick ball' and the aim of the game was to kick the ball into a net. Like later forms of the game in England, cuju outlawed the use of the hands.

Was football invented by China? ›

According to FIFA, football was already practiced more than 2300 years ago in the city of Lin Zi as a military sport that served to train the troops and check the physical condition of the soldiers. What does CUJU mean? CU which means “to kick” and JU “a type of leather ball”.

Who was the first NFL player? ›

8, 1936. Since that time, there has been a college draft held every year resulting in a competitively balanced league. The first-ever Heisman Trophy winner, Jay Berwanger from the University of Chicago, was the first player ever taken in an NFL draft.

What is the oldest football team? ›

The oldest still active football club is the First Vienna Football Club founded on the 22nd of August 1894. Their early rivals, the Vienna Cricket and Football-Club, was founded only one day later.

Why is it called football? ›

It is widely assumed that the word "football" (or "foot ball") references the action of the foot kicking a ball. There is an alternative explanation, which is that football originally referred to a variety of games in Medieval Europe, which were played on foot.

Why do footballs have laces? ›

The laces on footballs originally served one purpose: keeping a leather cover tightly closed over the inflated pig's bladder that gave the ball its shape. Thankfully pig bladders were replaced by rubber bladders in the late 1800s.

Why are footballs shaped? ›

A football is a prolate spheroid, and it's shaped that way because that's also the shape of an inflated pig's bladder, which is what the first footballs were made of. Soccer balls were also made of pig's bladders, but as soon as technology permitted, those balls got rounder, which made them easier to kick.

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