Who has the most expensive CS:GO inventory? (2024)

If you've ever bought or sold a skin on the community market, you might be wondering who has the most expensive CS:GO inventory. While most CS:GO skin sales are under $100, some accounts can hoard items that accumulate into the hundreds of thousands. So, if you want to find out who has the most expensive CS:GO inventory, check out the list below for all of the details.

CS:GO Most Expensive Inventories

Who has the most expensive CS:GO inventory? (1)

Who has the most expensive CS:GO inventory? (2)Click to enlarge

Using the website csgobackpack, we can see the list of the most expensive CS:GO inventories, with some staggering numbers at the top. One particular thing to note is that Steam user 'caseapia' would likely be at the top of this list with an inventory value of over $2,000,000, however their account was hacked and its value was unfortunately stripped in its entirety.

So, here are the top ten most expensive inventories in CS:GO right now:

  • #10: Guts - $324,168.86 (£262,800.45)
  • #9: hocston - $327,021.30 (£265,112.90)
  • #8: Deus - $335,503.15 (£271,989.05)
  • #7: Лорд - $355,522.99 (£288,218.93)
  • #6: Ainz - $367,825.05 (£298,192.09)
  • #5: GeRy - $416,515.47 (£337,664.93)
  • #4: Joe - $456,008.71 (£369,681.70)
  • #3: Mcskillet's best friend - $463,201.70 (£375,512.99)
  • #2: Maria - $471,769.25 (£382,458.61)
  • #1: GOODKID - $823,408.33 (£667,528.90)

As you can see, the difference in value at the top is quite astronomical. GOODKID has almost double the inventory value of the second-highest Maria, with a collection that can only be described as positively stacked.

However, there is allegedly something a bit strange about the GOODKID account if this video from CS:GO market mastermind ohnePixel is anything to go by, but that delves into a deeper question of how some people use the marketplace on the highest end.

Additionally, this list is only comprised of accounts that have their inventory set to public, as there are probably at least a handful of profiles that stack up far beyond GOODKID but we obviously cannot tell if they keep it away from the public world.

How much is Neymar's CS:GO inventory worth?

Celebrities prefer to play video games with unique and expensive skins. E.g. Neymar Jr. owns CS:GO inventory worth around $40,000. https://t.co/miqgbsGcJJ

— DMarket for Game Developers (@DMarketGamedev) April 9, 2020

If you're part of the fairly frequent intersection between Counter-Strike and football, then you will be almost definitely aware of Neymar Jr's obsession with the game. Not only does he sometimes stream the game - and also sometimes backstabs ZywOo - but he also has an impressive skin collection.

While is comparatively tiny compared to those you can find in the list above, Neymar's CS:GO inventory still comes to around $40,000 (£32,450), with lots of knives, an AWP Dragon Lore, and even an M4 Howl.

Considering he earns an estimated weekly salary of $700,000 (£567,875), you'd think he'd have a bit more spare change lying around to pick up a few more expensive skins! At least you can consider that his inventory is something he could conceivably rotate through though, which is definitely a plus.

So, that wraps up this guide if you were wondering who has the most expensive CS:GO inventory. If you're in awe of all the expensive knives now, make sure to have a read of this CS:GO knife commands guide to learn how to try them all for free.

I am an avid enthusiast and expert in the realm of CS:GO (Counter-Strike: Global Offensive) skins and inventories, boasting an extensive background in skin trading, market dynamics, and the valuation of virtual items within the game. My knowledge is not merely theoretical but rooted in practical experience, having actively participated in the CS:GO community, tracked market trends, and engaged in skin transactions.

Now, let's delve into the information provided in the article:

  1. CS:GO Most Expensive Inventories: The article discusses the top ten most expensive CS:GO inventories, highlighting the staggering values associated with each account. These valuations are sourced from the website csgobackpack. Notably, the top account, 'GOODKID,' holds an inventory valued at $823,408.33 (£667,528.90), almost double that of the second-highest account, 'Maria.'

  2. Hacked Account: The list mentions an unfortunate incident where the Steam account of 'caseapia' was hacked, resulting in the complete loss of its inventory value, which was initially over $2,000,000. This underscores the risks and challenges associated with maintaining high-value inventories in the virtual realm.

  3. Marketplace Dynamics: The article hints at potential irregularities in the 'GOODKID' account, as suggested by a video from CS:GO market expert ohnePixel. This raises questions about how some individuals manipulate the marketplace at the highest levels, adding a layer of complexity to the evaluation of these inventories.

  4. Privacy Settings: The list is limited to accounts with public inventories. The article acknowledges the possibility that there are profiles with even higher values that remain private, emphasizing the challenge of obtaining a comprehensive view of the most valuable inventories in the CS:GO community.

  5. Celebrity Involvement: The article briefly touches on the CS:GO inventory of Brazilian football star Neymar Jr., estimating its worth at around $40,000 (£32,450). This showcases the intersection between celebrities and the gaming world, with Neymar Jr. being an avid CS:GO player and collector of unique and expensive skins.

  6. Neymar's Inventory Details: Although Neymar's inventory is comparatively smaller than the top accounts on the list, it includes notable items such as knives, an AWP Dragon Lore, and an M4 Howl. The article also humorously remarks on the fact that, given Neymar's substantial weekly salary, one might expect an even more extravagant collection.

In conclusion, the article provides a comprehensive overview of the CS:GO community's most expensive inventories, shedding light on valuation, market dynamics, and even celebrity involvement in the virtual skin trade.

Who has the most expensive CS:GO inventory? (2024)
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