Which Used Trucks Last the Longest? | Patterson Truck Stop (2024)

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Which Used Trucks Last the Longest? | Patterson Truck Stop (2024)


Which Used Trucks Last the Longest? | Patterson Truck Stop? ›

Patterson Truck Stop's list of the most reliable long-lasting trucks includes the Toyota Tacoma, Chevrolet Silverado 1500, Toyota Tundra, Honda Ridgeline, and, of course, the Ford F-150.

What truck will last the longest? ›

These 16 models are most likely to keep on truckin' the longest.
  • Ford F-350 Super Duty. The Car Connection. Chance of lasting 250,000+ miles: 49.1% Compared to average truck: 1.9x.
  • Toyota Tundra. Toyota Tundra CrewMax. Toyota. Chance of lasting 250,000+ miles: 47.9% Compared to average truck: 1.8x.
  • Ford F-250 Super Duty.
5 days ago

Which truck has the least amount of problems? ›

From Ram to Toyota, most companies offer some type of full-size pickup. And these three, including the 2022 Toyota Tundra, 2022 Ram 1500, and 2022 Chevy Silverado 1500, might have the fewest problems.

What pickup truck breaks down the most? ›

15 Most Unreliable Pickup Trucks
  1. 1 2021 Ford F-150 Hybrid: 4/100 Customer Reliability Rating.
  2. 2 2019 Ford F-350: 4/100 Customer Reliability Rating. ...
  3. 3 2022 Chevrolet Colorado: 5/100 Customer Reliability Rating. ...
  4. 4 2015 Dodge Ram 2500: 11/100 Customer Reliability Rating. ...
Apr 8, 2023

What is the most reliable truck to buy? ›

Based on reliability, the best truck to buy in 2022 is the Toyota Tacoma, which comes in with a Consumer Reports score of 74. This truck is followed closely by the Ford Lightning, which received a 73. Both of these trucks would be a great buy in 2022.

Which trucks last longer Chevy or Ford? ›

Chevy: Reliability Across All Segments. J.D. Power annually assesses each big manufacturer's reputation for reliability by calculating the number of problems experienced per every 100 vehicles sold. (“Problems Per 100” = “PP100”). Their 2020 study found Chevy to rank at 123 PP100, while Ford came in at 126 PP100.

Can trucks last 300 000 miles? ›

Only 1% of vehicles make it past the 200,000 mile mark. Just . 03% of cars roll over the 300,000 mile mark, which is pretty incredible. These are the cars and trucks that are most likely to make it past 300,000 based on statistics.

What trucks are easiest to repair? ›

Easiest Trucks To Restore
  • Ford F-100. Ford's venerable F-Series of trucks has been around since 1948, and one variant in particular, the F100 stands out. ...
  • Chevrolet C10. ...
  • Dodge Power Wagon. ...
  • International Harvester Pickup. ...
  • Chevrolet El Camino.
Dec 7, 2022

What vehicles break down the least? ›

The product evaluation service released its annual auto reliability report this week. The report found that Lexus and Toyota make the most reliable cars, while Jeep and Mercedes-Benz make the ones you can depend on least.

What is the toughest work truck? ›

The Ford workhorse is one of the strongest work trucks on the market. It comes with a 6.2-liter V-8 with dual batteries to help with power when needed on the job site. On the inside, it comes with all the gadgets and technology that would be expected, but without the fuel mileage that the smaller versions have.

What is the most bought work truck? ›

Commercial Truck Trader crunched its user search data and revealed the most popular commercial trucks and truck brands for the year 2022. Rounding out the top five commercial trucks were: 1) Freightliner M2 106, 2) Ford F-550, 3) Ford F-350, 4) Freightliner Cascadia 125, and 5) Ford F-650.

Are trucks with 100000 miles worth buying? ›

For used trucks with gas engines, try to keep the mileage under 100,000 miles. Used trucks with a diesel engine can go a good deal further since diesel engines are easier to maintain than gasoline. 200,000 miles in a diesel engine is about the same wear and tear as 100,000 is for gas.

What year trucks are the most reliable? ›

Most reliable classic trucks
  • 1992-1997 Ford F-Series pickup. Ford F-Series pickups have been the best-selling trucks in the country since 1977. ...
  • 1963-1987 Jeep J-Series. ...
  • 1981-1993 Dodge D/W Series. ...
  • 1984-1989 Toyota pickup. ...
  • 1967-72 Chevrolet C/K pickup.

What truck gets the best miles? ›

7 Best Gas-Mileage Trucks For 2022
  1. RAM 1500.
  2. Chevrolet Silverado 1500. Mpg: 23 city | 30 highway. ...
  3. Ford F-150 EcoBoost. Mpg: 25 city | 26 highway. ...
  4. GMC Canyon. Mpg: 20 city | 30 highway. ...
  5. Ford Ranger. Mpg: 21 city | 26 highway. ...
  6. Honda Ridgeline. Mpg: 18 city | 24 highway. ...
  7. Toyota Tacoma. Mpg: 19 city | 22 highway. ...
Dec 12, 2022

What trucks are good on gas and reliable? ›

  • 2023 Ford Maverick Big Idea, Small Truck.
  • 2023 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 Diesel Holdout.
  • 2023 Ford F-150 PowerBoost F-Series Hybrid For The Modern World.
  • 2022 Jeep Gladiator Wrangler With A Bed In Back.
  • 2023 Ram 1500 EcoDiesel 1500, Out.
  • 2023 Hyundai Santa Cruz Suburban Cowboy.
  • 2022 Ford Ranger Jack Of All Trades.
Feb 27, 2023

Which breaks down more Ford or Chevy? ›

When comparing reliability ratings across Ford and Chevrolet cars, on average, Chevy tends to come out on top. The brand's pickups, sedans, and SUVs are some of the top picks when it comes to reliability.

What is actually better Ford or Chevy? ›

Ford and Chevy have been going head to head since the early 1900s. Today, they offer competing lineups of SUVs, trucks, and muscle cars, but Ford is typically favored for higher quality, better value, and marginally improved performance.

What is more reliable Dodge or Chevy? ›

Is the Chevrolet more reliable than Dodge? According to J.D. Power reliability scores, yes! Chevrolet models came out as more reliable than their Dodge counterparts.

Can a truck go 500000 miles? ›

Maintenance Is Important to Longevity

That said, while most gas engines are intended to last at least 200,000 miles on average, a diesel truck that is well-maintained can potentially last 350,000 to 500,000 miles.

Can a truck last 500k miles? ›

Depending on how well you treat your car, you could potentially reach over 500,000 miles. In fact, there's a driver whose car reached even more than that.

Is it worth buying an old truck with 200k miles? ›

Although it may have been well maintained, the purchase of a vehicle with over 200,000 miles on the odometer might lead to significant maintenance costs. At this point, the car is likely nearing the end of its useful life, and you may soon need to either invest a significant sum in repairs or replace it entirely.

What is the most unreliable truck? ›

The 2022 Jeep Gladiator achieved the dubious honor of getting named the most unreliable pickup truck by Consumer Reports. No other truck fared worse for reliability. For the top 10 unreliable car list, it took the third spot, while the 2022 Chevy Silverado 1500 and the GMC Sierra 1500 placed fourth.

What trucks lose value the fastest? ›

So here's the list of the top 10 pickups with the fastest depreciation.
  • Ford F-150. 2022 Ford F-150 | Ford. ...
  • Nissan Titan. 2022 Nissan Titan | Nissan. ...
  • Ram 1500. 2022 Ram 4000 | Stellantis. ...
  • GMC Sierra 1500. 2022 GMC Sierra 1500 AT4 | GMC. ...
  • Chevy Silverado 1500. ...
  • Ford Ranger. ...
  • Toyota Tundra. ...
  • Chevy Silverado 3500.
Feb 24, 2022

What is the cheapest pickup truck to repair? ›

If you're shopping for the cheapest trucks to maintain, you can't go wrong with the Chevy Silverado or the GMC Sierra. As a matter of fact, according to Consumer Reports, these pickup trucks cost their owners roughly $200 in maintenance and repair costs after 10 years of ownership.

Which vehicle will stop first? ›

The lighter car will stop faster because the lighter car has less energy to dissipate than the heavier one, while the tires more equal limits of friction with the road.

What car is ranked #1 in reliability? ›

According to this trusted organization, the most reliable cars for 2021 are from brands such as Audi, Buick, Hyundai, and Toyota. The Consumer Reports study is based on surveying more than 400,000 people who own current-generation vehicles made within the last three years.

What brand of car is the beast? ›

The US Presidential Cadillac - universally known as 'The Beast' - is one of the world's most daunting vehicles, an 18-foot tank with weapons and specs that would even meet with Q's approval.

What is the hardest thing being a truck driver? ›

In fact, some drivers will rack up around 3000 miles each week on the job, which sometimes requires early mornings and late nights to meet deadlines. While many would assume having to maneuver a big truck would be the most difficult part of the job, the long hours are often what truck drivers say is the hardest part.

What is the fastest and strongest truck? ›

The Ram 1500 TRX has the fastest quoted top speed of any production truck at 118 miles per hour.

What truck is easiest on gas? ›

Trucks with Best Gas Mileage
  • 2023 Ford Maverick. Combined Fuel Economy: Up to 26 mpg. Compare Model. ...
  • 2023 Ram 1500. Combined Fuel Economy: Up to 23 mpg. ...
  • 2023 Chevrolet Colorado. Combined Fuel Economy: Up to 23 mpg. ...
  • 2023 Ford Ranger. Combined Fuel Economy: Up to 23 mpg. ...
  • 2023 Ford F‑150. Combined Fuel Economy: Up to 23 mpg.

What engine saves the most gas? ›

Generally, a four-cylinder engine offers better fuel economy than a six-cylinder. Its better fuel economy is mostly due to having less horsepower but also by being smaller and reducing the weight of your car. Add in turbocharging, and there's even more improvement in fuel efficiency and performance.

What is the number one work truck? ›

The Best Class 1 to Class 8 Work Trucks: Comparison Table
NameClassPayload Capacity
Ford RangerClass 12,080 lbs.
Ford Super Duty F-250Class 2b4,260 lbs.
Ford Super Duty F-350Class 34,160 lbs.
Ford Super Duty F-450Class 36,210 lbs.
11 more rows

What truck sits the highest stock? ›

2022 Ram 2500 Power Wagon

A beast on the trial the Ram 2500 Power Wagon sits atop the throne of ground clearances at 14.2 inches! The Ram 2500 achieves this magnificent feat with the use of 32.7 inch tires and taller springs than they use on the Ram 2500.

What is the most common work truck? ›

What are the most popular work trucks and vans?
  • GMC Sierra (Weight 4,567 lbs to 5,414 lbs) ...
  • Ford Transit Connect (Weight 3,979 lbs to 5,724 lbs) ...
  • Toyota Tundra (Weight 4,760 lbs to 5,860 lbs) ...
  • Ford F-150 (Weight 4,154 lbs to 4,930 lbs) ...
  • Toyota Tacoma (Weight 4,140 lbs to 4,285 lbs)

Can trucks last a million miles? ›

A typical semi truck can last up to around 750,000 miles or more. There have even been trucks to hit the one million mile mark! On average, a semi truck drives about 45,000 miles per year. This means that you can probably expect to get about 15 years of use out of your truck.

At what mileage does a truck lose value? ›

If your vehicle has more than 100,000 miles on it, that is a red flag for potential buyers. Even if your car has been dependable over 200,000 miles with relatively few problems, resale value is going to take a huge hit. The average person puts between 12,000 and 15,000 miles on their vehicle in a given year.

What is the average lifetime mileage of trucks? ›

Trucks Have More Longevity Today

This means that when you purchase a modern truck, you can expect it to last for at least 10 years and 100,000 miles. With proper maintenance, you can extend those marks significantly, with the average truck being nearly twice as likely to last for 200,000 miles as the average vehicle.

What is the best age to buy a used truck? ›

In retaining “like new” quality and inheriting a slower depreciation rate, the best used car age for buying is 2-3 years. In fact, Americans are saving up to $14,000 on a 3-year-old vehicle.

How old should a used truck be? ›

The rule of thumb is "If you drive more than 25,000 miles a year and will need a truck for at least 5 years, buy new". A used truck on the other hand can be the best & most cost effective solution in a variety of situations. A quality 4 to 5 year old truck will typically cost 40 to 60 percent less than when it was new.

What is the number one truck of the year? ›

F-150 Lightning Wins MotorTrend Truck of the Year for 2023, Setting Precedent with Unanimous Vote by Judges. DEARBORN, Mich., Dec. 13, 2022 – The new F-150 Lightning electric pickup truck adds the prestigious 2023 MotorTrend Truck of the Year award to its trophy case.

What truck gets 1,000 miles? ›

Yes, the Ram EcoDiesel Can Go 1,000 Miles per Fill-Up.

What diesel truck has the most mileage? ›

Best Diesel Pickups – iSeeCars
Best Diesel Pickups – iSeeCars
RankVehicleCombined MPG
1Chevrolet Silverado 150027
2Ford F-15023
3GMC Sierra 150026
4 more rows
Feb 12, 2023

Which diesel truck gets best fuel mileage? ›

Which Used Diesel Truck Gets the Best MPG?
  • Jeep Gladiator. While not as powerful as other models on this list, the Jeep Gladiator is great for drivers looking for efficient 4×4 performance. ...
  • Ford F-150. ...
  • GMC Canyon. ...
  • RAM 1500. ...
  • Chevy Silverado 1500.

Are diesel or gas trucks more reliable? ›

Reliability: Compared to gas engines, diesel engines use a simpler design. Because they are heavier and they tend to have fewer moving parts, chances are you'll run into fewer problems throughout the engine's lifespan. Diesel engines may also last much longer than gas engines when all is said and done.

What type of gas is best for trucks? ›

Premium is the highest octane fuel with a 91-94 octane rating. While most cars are fine running on regular gasoline, high-performance engines have features that require premium gas to run their best. Premium gas is often needed for large, heavy-duty vehicles or sports cars.

Can a truck last a million miles? ›

A typical semi truck can last up to around 750,000 miles or more. There have even been trucks to hit the one million mile mark! On average, a semi truck drives about 45,000 miles per year. This means that you can probably expect to get about 15 years of use out of your truck.

What is the life expectancy of a truck? ›

This means that when you purchase a modern truck, you can expect it to last for at least 10 years and 100,000 miles. With proper maintenance, you can extend those marks significantly, with the average truck being nearly twice as likely to last for 200,000 miles as the average vehicle.

Can a truck last 400000 miles? ›

Maintenance Is Important to Longevity

That said, while most gas engines are intended to last at least 200,000 miles on average, a diesel truck that is well-maintained can potentially last 350,000 to 500,000 miles.

How to make a truck last 300000 miles? ›

The key to making your vehicle last 300,000 miles or more is regular maintenance. That means changing your oil at the recommended intervals and following the manufacturer's maintenance schedule. It's all there in that extremely valuable but underutilized piece of literature in your glove box.

Can a diesel last a million miles? ›

Diesel truck owners can hope for a significantly longer truck lifespan compared to their gas counterparts. Experts claim that a good diesel engine can last beyond 1,000,000 miles.

Do diesel trucks last longer? ›

Diesel trucks tend to last twice as long sometimes as gas trucks, some lasting for 500,000 miles or more. This is partly due to diesel fuel acting as a lubricant on the engine, reducing wear and tear.

What truck has over 1,000,000 miles? ›

When Victor Sheppard's 2007 Toyota Tundra reached its 1 millionth mile, almost every component of the truck was still fully functioning except for the sun visor detent on the driver's side and the odometer, which at the 999,999-mile mark had reached its six-digit limit.

What is the lifespan of an engine? ›

Average engine lifespan

For some time, the average lifespan of a car's engine was eight years, or 150,000 miles. New designs, better technology and improved service standards in recent years have increased this average life expectancy to about 200,000 miles, or about 10 years.

What is the most miles driven by a trucker? ›

Most Miles Driven Safely in a Commercial Truck

William Coe, Jr., of Tallahassee, Florida was honored in 2009 for driving 3,001,276 miles safely in a commercial truck. Coe started driving trucks in February 1986 and at the time of the record, had not had a single preventable accident for 23 years.

Is truck driving a hard life? ›

Many experienced drivers might say stress is what makes the job hard. From dealing with other drivers to keeping track of your hours of service to making it to a customer on time, truck drivers have a lot to juggle.

What are the best miles to buy a used truck? ›

Although there's no magic number to look for in the mileage on a pre-owned truck, you'll typically want to look for one with a gasoline engine that has less than 100,000 miles or one with a diesel engine with less than 200,000 miles.

How many miles should you sell your truck? ›

30,000-40,000 miles: Most manufacturers' general warranties expire in that range, and the first major maintenance is usually due. Selling before reaching those benchmarks may get you the best price for your car.

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Name: Golda Nolan II

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Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.