Which of the following is not one of the basic economic questions? a. What to produce? b. How to produce? c. Where to produce? d. For whom to produce? | Homework.Study.com (2024)



Which of the following is not one of the basic economic questions?

O What to produce?

O How to produce?

O Where to produce?

O For whom to produce?


Economics is a scientific branch that studies how households produce, distribute, and consume market commodities. Economics is essential in society as it enables individuals to determine the most viable methods for optimally allocating scarce resources. This encourages the optimal utilization of available economic resources by minimizing waste.

Answer and Explanation:1

c. Where to produce? is not one of the primary economic questions.

The basic economic questions ensure that scarce resources are used well. They...

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Which of the following is not one of the basic economic questions? a. What to produce? b. How to produce? c. Where to produce? d. For whom to produce? | Homework.Study.com (1)

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Scarcity in Economics | Definition & Examples


Chapter 1/ Lesson 1


Learn about what scarcity is in economics. Examine the relationship between scarcity and choice in economics. Find out about economic incentives.

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Which of the following is not one of the basic economic questions?  a. What to produce? b. How to produce? c. Where to produce? d. For whom to produce? | Homework.Study.com (2024)
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