Which method almost always produces the most depreciation in the first year? a. Units-of-production b. Straight-line c. Double-declining-balance d. All produce the same total depreciation | Homework.Study.com (2024)

Business Economics Depreciation


Which method almost always produces the most depreciation in the first year?

a. Units-of-production

b. Straight-line

c. Double-declining-balance

d. All produce the same total depreciation


The units-of-production, double-declining method, and the straight-line method are examples of the cost allocation methods used by companies to depreciate assets.

Answer and Explanation:1

Answer choice: c. Double-declining balance


The double-declining balance method almost always produces the highest depreciation...

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Which method almost always produces the most depreciation in the first year? a. Units-of-production b. Straight-line c. Double-declining-balance d. All produce the same total depreciation | Homework.Study.com (1)

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Depreciation Expense| Definition, Types & Formula


Chapter 5/ Lesson 14


Learn about different methods of depreciation and depreciation expense, including: straight-line and declining methods, as well as the difference between physical depreciation and economic depreciation.

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  • Impairment losses may be reversed under: | |GAAP | IFRS |a. |Yes |Yes |b.|Yes | No |c.|No |Yes |d.|No | No
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  • Which of the following statements is correct regarding impairment testing and impairment losses? a. The other asset group should be tested for an impairment loss before goodwill is tested. b. Impairment testing may be conducted concurrently for the othe

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Which method almost always produces the most depreciation in the first year?  a. Units-of-production  b. Straight-line  c. Double-declining-balance  d. All produce the same total depreciation | Homework.Study.com (2024)


Which method almost always produces the most depreciation in the first year? a. Units-of-production b. Straight-line c. Double-declining-balance d. All produce the same total depreciation | Homework.Study.com? ›

Answer and Explanation:

Which method always produces the most depreciation in the first year? ›

Compared to other depreciation methods, double-declining-balance depreciation results in a larger amount expensed in the earlier years as opposed to the later years of an asset's useful life.

Which method will result in the highest depreciation in the first year? ›

Answer and Explanation:

The declining balance method (DBM) gives the highest depreciation in the initial year.

Which depreciation method has the highest depreciation? ›

The double declining balance depreciation method typically results in the highest depreciation expense during the first year of an asset's life. This method applies a constant depreciation rate to the asset's beginning book value each year.

Which method provides a higher depreciation amount in the first year of the assets use? ›

the double-declining method provides a higher depreciation in the first year of the asset's use, followed by declining depreciation amounts. This is why it is called accelerated depreciation method.

What is the most depreciation in the first year? ›

New cars lose around 20% of their value in the first year, and they'll be worth about 40% of what you paid after five years. This process is called depreciation. Depreciation measures how much value your car loses over time due to wear and tear, age and mileage.

Which depreciation method offers the highest tax advantage for the first year? ›

Accelerated depreciation methods formula is an accounting concept which allows firms to depreciate their assets at a faster rate in the initial years of the asset's life. Through this method, businesses can reduce their taxable income in those years when the depreciation expense is higher.

Which depreciation method allows for higher depreciation expense in the first year? ›

Accelerated depreciation is any method of depreciation used for accounting or income tax purposes that allows greater depreciation expenses in the early years of the life of an asset.

Which depreciation method reports the highest net income in the first year? ›

Depreciation calculation and amortization valuation under Straight line method determines the highest net income in the first year. Under this method the depreciation amount remains the same through-out the life of a fixed asset and depreciation occurs uniformly.

Which method of depreciation will result in the largest amount of depreciation expense in the first year of a plant assets life? ›

Double declining balance depreciation allows for higher depreciation expenses in early years and lower expenses as an asset nears the end of its life. This is considered an accelerated depreciation method.

What is the easiest method of depreciation? ›

Straight-line depreciation is the simplest method for calculating depreciation over time. Under this method, the same amount of depreciation is deducted from the value of an asset for every year of its useful life.

What are the 4 methods of depreciation? ›

The four methods for calculating depreciation allowable under GAAP include straight-line, declining balance, sum-of-the-years' digits, and units of production. 2. The best method for a business depends on size and industry, accounting needs, and types of assets purchased.

Is straight line depreciation the most depreciation method? ›

Straight line depreciation is the most commonly used and straightforward depreciation method for allocating the cost of a capital asset. It is calculated by simply dividing the cost of an asset, less its salvage value, by the useful life of the asset.

Which method produces the highest amount of depreciation in the earliest years? ›

The double declining balance (DDB) method is a widely recognized and utilized accelerated depreciation technique in accounting and finance. This approach allows businesses to depreciate assets more rapidly during the initial years of their useful life, resulting in higher depreciation costs earlier on.

Which depreciation method provides for more depreciation at the beginning of an assets life? ›

Accelerated Depreciation is an accounting method that allows the owner of an asset to depreciate the asset more quickly by using a shorter period of depreciation than the traditional straight-line method.

Which depreciation method will result in a greater depreciation expense in the first year of the life of a given depreciable asset? ›

An accelerated depreciation method will result in greater depreciation expense in the early years of an asset's useful life and less depreciation expense in the later years as compared to the straight-line depreciation method.

Which depreciation method produces greater depreciation expense in the first year? ›

The declining balance method is an accelerated depreciation system of recording larger depreciation expenses during the earlier years of an asset's useful life and recording smaller depreciation expenses during the asset's later years.

Which depreciation method would give you the highest expense in the first year of the fixed assets life? ›

Answer and Explanation: Explanation: Accelerated depreciation methods record higher depreciation expense in the earlier years of the assets life. For example, double declining method records twice the rate of the straight line method.

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