Which Exam Board Is The Hardest For A-Level Biology? AQA Vs CIE Vs Edexcel Vs OCR | A Level Biology (2024)

A-Levels are course-based advanced level qualifications, which might lead to further educational development following one of the several paths, including university, training, or work. Considering the experience of A-Level Biology students, it can be stated that doing well on the Biology exam is quite hard due to the nature of the material and the structure of the exam itself.

Luckily,there are several examination boards to choose from in case if you areinterested in applying for an A-Level Biology course. The material that eachboard requires, as well as the exam format, differs accordingly.

Buthow do you choose between the 4 main options?

Itreally depends on the personal preferences along with skills and abilities, soit will not be that easy to give you a direct answer. This article will providesome general information regarding each of the examination boards offering A-LevelBiology qualification, which might be quite helpful for you to make the rightdecision between multiple alternatives: AQA, OCR, Edexcel, or CIE exam boards.

AQA – Assessment and Qualifications Alliance

Starting with AQA, also referred to as Assessment and Qualifications Alliance, it is one of the examination boards offering A-Level Biology course. Among various groups of students, this option is considered to comprise the easiest and most straightforward exam board. There is a number of reasons to think so.

Forinstance, the fact that the students, as well as teachers, can have easy accessto study materials and complementary resources makes the AQA exam board prettyconvenient. Another reason for choosing AQA is that the course is wellorganised, and the questions provided on the exam are not that challenging;Rather, almost every problem is content based which does not cause muchconfusion among the students.

Eventhough the AQA examination board is go-to for the majority of students andstudy centres, it cannot be stated that this might be true for every student.

Thecore content for the AQA examination is the following:

  • Biological molecules (monomers and polymers, carbohydrates,lipids, proteins, nucleic acids, ATP, water, inorganic ions);
  • Cells (cell structure, cell cycle, transport across the cellmembrane, cell recognition and immune system);
  • Organisms exchange substances with their environment (surfacearea to volume ratio, gas exchange, digestion and absorption, mass transport);
  • Genetic information, variation, and relationships betweenorganisms (DNA, genes, and chromosomes, DNA and protein synthesis, geneticdiversity and adaptation, species and taxonomy, biodiversity);
  • Energy transfers in and between organisms (photosynthesis,respiration, energy and ecosystems, nutrient cycles);
  • Organisms respond to changes in their internal and externalenvironments (stimuli, nervous coordination, skeletal muscles);
  • Genetics, populations, evolution, and ecosystems(inheritance, populations, evolution, populations in ecosystems);
  • The control of gene expression (alteration of the sequence,control of gene expression, genome projects, gene technologies).

Continuing with the assessments required for completing the A Level course in Biology are provided in the table below:

Paper 1Paper 2Paper 3
What’s Assessed
Any material from topics 1-4 (including applicable practical skills)
What’s Assessed
Any material from topics 5-8 (including applicable practical skills)
What’s Assessed
Any material from topics 1-8 (including applicable practical skills)
Written exam
91 marks
35% of A-Level
Written exam
91 marks
35% of A-Level
Written exam
78 marks
35% of A-Level
76 marks (short + long answer questions)
15 marks (extended response questions)
76 marks (short + long answer questions)
15 marks (extended response questions)
38 marks (structured questions, practical techniques)
15 marks (critical analysis of experimental data)
25 marks (1 essay chosen from 2 options)

OCR – Oxford, Cambridge, and RSA Examinations

OCR, also referred to as Oxford, Cambridge, and RSA Examinations, also offers an A-Level course in Biology. In contrary to the AQA exam board, OCR is not as favourable for most of the students because of the additional study material. On the other hand, lots of students and teachers have admitted that even though there are some extra topics in the OCR Biology course, the exam questions are more straightforward compared to AQA.

Tomake your choice easier, the outline of the material that is covered throughoutthe A-Level Biology OCR course is provided below:

  • Development of practical skills in Biology;
  • Cells, chemicals for life, transport, and gas exchange (cellsand microscopy, water, proteins and enzymes, nucleic acids, the heart,transport systems in mammals and plants, gas exchange in mammals and plants);
  • Cell division, development, and disease control (celldivision and differentiation, meiosis, growth, and development, evolution andclassification, pathogenic microorganisms, the immune system, disease control,cellular basis of cancer and respiratory diseases);
  • Energy, reproduction, and populations (cellular respiration,metabolism, fertility, photosynthesis, food production, environmentalmanagement, population increase, plant reproduction);
  • Genetics, control, and homeostasis (inheritance, populationgenetics and epigenetics, gene technologies, the nervous system, monitoringvisual function, homeostasis, hormonal control of blood glucose, kidneyfunctions/malfunctions).

The structure of the examination itself is also essential along with the material that is covered throughout the OCR course. Therefore, the table below summarizes the assessments given during the typical OCR examination in A-Level Biology:

Component 01Component 02
Fundamentals of Biology
Section A: multiple-choice questions (worth 30 marks);
Section B: short answer questions and extended response questions (worth 80 marks).
Scientific Literacy in Biology
Pre-release Advance Notice Article (worth 20-25 marks);
Short answer questions and extended response questions (worth 100 marks).
Component 03Component 04
Practical Skills in Biology
Emphasises practical skills;
Short answer questions and extended response questions (worth 60 marks).
Practical Endorsem*nt in Biology
Non-exam assessment

Edexcel – Pearson Edexcel International

Edexcel,also referred to as Pearson Edexcel International, is another organization thatoffers A-Level courses in Biology. The benefit of the program is that it issuitable for schools/colleges outside the UK. Despite this, the exam board ofEdexcel has been identified as the trickiest one among the 4 boards that arediscussed in this article.

Oneof the reasons to think so is that Edexcel requires contextualization of thematerial since the questions on the exam are not as straightforward as in thecase of AQA or even OCR. Along with that, the organizational pattern of thecourse is not that convenient, which makes the studying process time-consuming.

Toget a better idea of the material that is required for the Edexcel A-Level inBiology, check out the outline of the units below:

  • Lifestyle, Transport, Genes, and Health;
  • Development, Plants and the Environment;
  • Practical Biology and Research Skills;
  • The Natural Environment and Species Survival;
  • Energy, Exercise, and Coordination;
  • Practical Biology and Investigative Skills.

Thereis an assessment after each unit, each worth 40-90 marks depending on thespecific section. These assessments comprise the following:

  • Objective Questions
  • Structured Questions
  • Short-Answer Questions

CIE – Cambridge International Examinations

CIE,or Cambridge International Examinations, is another organization providing A-Levelcourses in Biology. A-Level in Biology offered by Cambridge is an internationalexam-based qualification for students from all around the world. The examinationrequires a complete understanding of concepts and different biologicalapplications. Furthermore, one of the features highly appreciated by CIE iscreative thinking and problem-solving skills.

Consideringthe depth of the CIE A-Level in Biology, it is recommended to complete thecourse only if you are planning further studies at a university or aim tofollow a career in scientific fields.

Theprimary concepts covered through the CIE A-Level in Biology are listed below:

  • Cell structure;
  • Biological molecules (testing, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, water);
  • Enzymes (mode of action, factors affecting enzyme action);
  • Cell membranes and transport in plants and mammals (fluid mosaic membranes, movement of substances into/out of cells);
  • The mitotic cell cycle (replication and division of nuclei and cells, chromosome behaviour in mitosis);
  • Nucleic acids (structure and replication of DNA);
  • Protein synthesis
  • Gas exchange (gas exchange system, smoking);
  • Infectious diseases and immunity (diseases, antibiotics, vaccination);
  • Energy and respiration
  • Photosynthesis (energy transfer process, limiting factors, adaptations);
  • Homeostasis (in mammals and plants);
  • Inherited changes (phenotype, gene control)
  • Control and coordination (in mammals and plants);
  • Selection and evolution (variation, natural and artificial selection);
  • Biodiversity, classification, and conservation
  • Genetic technologies

The components of the A-Level exam consist of 5 papers which are summarised in the table below:

Paper 1Paper 2Paper 3Paper 4Paper 5
Multiple Choice
20 questions
4 possible options
15.5% of the total mark
Structured Questions
Variable number of questions
Variable mark value
23% of the overall mark
Advanced Practical Skills
Practical work
2-3 experiments
11.5% of the overall mark
Structured Questions
Variable number of questions
Variable mark value
Free response style question (worth 15 marks)
38.5% of the total mark
Planning, Analysis, and Evaluation
Variable number of questions
Variable mark value
Based on practical skills of planning, analysis, and evaluation
11.5% of the total mark


Eventhough the article provides information about the material covered in each ofthe A-Level Biology course along with the grading criteria, it is always a goodidea to check the advantages and disadvantages of the A-Levels directly.

So, in case if you struggle to decide between the 4 exam boards mentioned earlier, the table summarizing all the pros and cons of these examination boards is provided below:

Pros and Cons
AQARelevant depth of the material;
Covers less material compared to OCR, Edexcel, and CIE;
Final essay assessment (might be disadvantageous for students who do not enjoy the interpretation of their knowledge onto the paper);
More straightforward questions compared to Edexcel and CIE, but more confusing than in the case of OCR.
OCRCovers additional topics compared to AQA;
Exam questions are easier and less confusing;
There is no final essay assessment;
More straightforward questions than in the case of AQA, Edexcel, or CIE.
EdexcelThe exam board is too vague;
Not structured and organised appropriately;
Information is less accessible than in the case of AQA and OCR;
There are 6 assessments that make the examination even harder and more time-consuming.
CIEInformation is less accessible than in the case of AQA and OCR;
5 assessments, including the one that requires demonstration of practical knowledge.

In any case, the difficulty of each examination board is entirely dependent upon specific individual’s interests, skills, knowledge, abilities, and preferences. Someone might prefer multiple-choice questions over short/long answer questions, while another one might be keen on practical assignments or essay questions.
AQA is relatively easy for students studying pure Biology, Psychology, Sociology, or similar subjects. On the other hand, OCR is preferable for the ones enjoying Maths, Chemistry, Physics, or related courses.


Assessment and Qualifications Alliance. (2017). “AS and A-Level Biology”. Retrieved from: https://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/science/as-and-a-level/biology-7401-7402

Oxford, Cambridge, and RSA Examinations. (2018). “A level Specification – Biology B (Advanced Biology)”. Retrieved from: https://www.ocr.org.uk/qualifications/as-and-a-level/biology-b-advancing-biology-h022-h422-from-2015/

Pearson Qualifications. (2015). “International Advanced Level Biology – Specification”. Retrieved from: https://qualifications.pearson.com/en/qualifications/edexcel-international-advanced-levels/biology.html

Cambridge International. (2016). International AS & A Level Biology. Retrieved from: https://www.cambridgeinternational.org/programmes-and-qualifications/cambridge-international-as-and-a-level-biology-9700/

Which Exam Board Is The Hardest For A-Level Biology? AQA Vs CIE Vs Edexcel Vs OCR | A Level Biology (2024)


Is AQA biology harder than Edexcel? ›

Edexcel – The time limit of this exam is said to be difficult to cope with. Although, the grade boundaries are quite reasonable therefore it's easier to pass. AQA – The difficulty of the paper may be the same, however, the grade boundaries would be higher compared to edexcel thus making it more difficult.

Is AQA or OCR A Level Biology harder? ›

AQA is relatively easy for students studying pure Biology, Psychology, Sociology, or similar subjects. On the other hand, OCR is preferable for the ones enjoying Maths, Chemistry, Physics, or related courses.

Is CIE A Level Biology hard? ›

For those of you wanting the short answer: A-Level Biology is quite a hard A-Level, even for the most skilled science students. It's a completely different ball game to GCSE, it goes much more into depth and there's a lot more content you need to know.

Is CIE harder than Edexcel? ›

But students consider CIE harder and tougher than Edexcel due to the fact that they have to maintain more of an international standard when compared to Edexcel. Edexcel is more focused on the UK, therefore their difficulty level and course and paper structure is more compliant with the UK system.

Which British exam board is the hardest? ›

The Cambridge board (CIE) is the most difficult board for students in the UK but the easiest for candidates abroad. Whilst Edexcel iGCSE is mainly based in the UK, CIE focuses on facilitating the needs of students abroad.

Is AQA better than Edexcel? ›

Key differences

The AQA papers are equally weighted, putting less pressure on students to do better in one than the other. Edexcel's two papers are split 40%/60% and have a greater emphasis on persuasive and instructional writing.

Is Edexcel Biology easier than Cambridge? ›

Both the exams are considered to be of the same difficulty level over all with differences in opinion regarding subject wise difficulty.

Which A-Level board is the hardest? ›

What are the hardest A-Levels?
  1. Physics. What is the hardest A-Level?
  2. Further Maths. Closely connected to the single Mathematics A-Level, Further Mathematics is also considered one of the hardest A-Levels because it counts as two subjects. ...
  3. Chemistry. ...
  4. Biology. ...
  5. Computer Science. ...
  6. Mathematics. ...
  7. Modern Languages. ...
  8. Psychology. ...

What is the hardest form of Biology? ›

Molecular Cell Biology is one of the hardest Biology degrees to study, and Biology in itself is a very challenging discipline. Studying Molecular Cell Biology is like learning a new language, as there is an incredibly complex vocabulary to describe the structure and function of life at the molecular level.

Is CIE similar to AQA? ›

'CIE A Level' refers to A Level by Cambridge International Examinations (CIE), while 'UK A Level' collectively refers to A Level by Edexcel, AQA, OCR and all other UK examination boards except CIE. Actually, CIE is also an examination board in UK, and it is a department of the University of Cambridge.

Which exam board is closest to CIE? ›

“Cambridge” basically means CIE, Cambridge International Examinations board, and if you are not in the UK it is probably the better option for you. Edexcel, like OCR and AQA, is aimed more at UK students.

Which board is the hardest in the world? ›

Here are the Top 10 Toughest Exam in the World :
  • Gaokao.
  • UPSC Civil Services Exam (CSE)
  • Joint Entrance Examination.
  • Master Sommelier Diploma Exam.
  • All Souls Prize Fellowship Exam.
  • Mensa IQ Test.
  • Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA)
  • Cisco Certified Internetworking Expert (CCIE)
27 Apr 2022

Which Education Board is the hardest? ›

However, in the case of the ICSE Board, students encounter a comprehensive and practical-based syllabus to get an in-depth knowledge of the subject matter. This is one of the prime reasons why ICSE is the toughest board in India.

Is Edexcel or Cambridge better? ›

Generally, students consider that Cambridge is tougher than Edexcel since they have an international standard to maintain while Edexcel is more concentrated and focused on the UK meaning they structure their exams and set the difficulty in a way which is compliant to the UK system.

What are the top 10 hardest A levels? ›

10 Hardest A-Levels For Students
  • Computer Science. ...
  • Biology. ...
  • English Literature. ...
  • Physics. ...
  • Chemistry. ...
  • Further Maths. ...
  • Psychology. ...
  • Modern Foreign Languages. This consists of Spanish, French, and German, all of which are in part derived from Latin.
11 Aug 2022

Is Edexcel easy? ›

Generally, students consider that Cambridge is tougher than Edexcel since they have an international standard to maintain while Edexcel is more concentrated and focused on the UK meaning they structure their exams and set the difficulty in a way which is compliant to the UK system.

What is the most used exam board in the UK? ›

The three most popular UK exam boards are AQA (Assessment and Qualifications Alliance), OCR and Pearson Edexcel.

What is the biggest exam board in the UK? ›

AQA (Assessment and Qualifications Alliance) is one of the main examination boards in England and currently accounts for more than half of the GCSE and A-level qualifications taken and marked in the UK each year.

What is the largest exam board in the UK? ›

AQA is the largest examination board for GCSEs and GCE A Levels in England.

Are 2022 A-Levels easier? ›

Pupils' GCSE and A-level exams will be graded more generously than in pre-pandemic years - to make up for the disruption Covid has had on learning. National exams are going ahead this year across the UK, for the first time since the pandemic began.

Which has a better reputation CIE or Edexcel? ›

CIE is the Cambridge International Examination and EDEXCEL is offered by a subsidiary of the Pearson publishing company. Both examinations are highly respected and have equal value in regard to further studies or employment.

What are the top 5 hardest A Levels? ›

The 12 hardest A-Level subjects are Mathematics, Further Mathematics, History, Chemistry, Biology and Physics. The list also includes English Literature, Art, Psychology, Computer Programming and Music. You might be looking at some of these subjects and thinking, “No way! I could pass those in my sleep”.

Which is the easiest board to study? ›

The CBSE Board syllabus is far easier compared to ICSE. The CBSE syllabus features an additional compact structure and fewer subjects.

What is the most difficult examination? ›

  • Gaokao.
  • IIT-JEE (Indian Institute of Technology Joint Entrance Examination)
  • UPSC (Union Public Services Commission)
  • Mensa.
  • GRE (Graduate Record Examination)
  • CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst)
  • CCIE (Cisco Certified Internetworking Expert)
  • GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering, India)

Why biology is harder than physics? ›

Biology only seems so hard because it has been defined by a set of very hard questions. Physics only seems easy because centuries of effort by deeply insightful thinkers have produced a set of answerable questions. What makes biology so challenging, ironically, is our closeness to it.

Which is harder maths or biology? ›

Ans. Biology will be significantly tougher than math. In Bio, there will be a few application questions, but they will mostly be surface-level thinking problems. Question 2.

Which of the three sciences is the hardest? ›

Generally, physics is often deemed to be the hardest of all the sciences, especially as an A level qualification. Physics involves a lot of complex maths content – an aspect that most students struggle with.

Is CIE and CIE the same? ›

There is NO difference to the abbreviation of CIE and CAIE for Cambridge International. It is simply a slight change of name of Cambridge International. CIE stands for the Cambridge International Examination.

What is the difference between Edexcel and CIE? ›

CIE is Cambridge International Examinations and is a sister company to OCR, which offers GCSEs and A-levels etc. Edexcel is a subsidiary of the publisher Pearson, and it offers IGCSEs alongside the full range of UK qualifications. They are both respected bodies in the UK and their qualifications have equal value.

Is Pearson Edexcel the same as AQA? ›

Key differences between AQA and Edexcel

Edexcel's Level 1 and Level 2 reading and writing assessments are set and verified by Edexcel, but marked by individual centres. The Edexcel assessments are on demand, whereas AQA provides the specification through entry periods, four times a year.

What is D * D * D equivalent to in A levels? ›

A final grade of DDD is equivalent to achieving 3 grade A's at A-level and attracts the same UCAS points for university. It is a popular and successful route into higher education.

What does D * mean in A levels? ›

This type of qualifications is given a ranked grade, this is because the awarding body recognises that the student has achieved the qualification and recognises highest to lowest levels in performance. The highest-grade being Distinction star and the lowest grade Pass. Possible grades: DS* = Distinction star.

What is the fastest way to memorize Biology? ›

Study Strategies for Biology
  1. Make learning a daily routine.
  2. Flesh out notes in 24-48 hour cycle. “ ...
  3. Study to understand, not just to memorize words.
  4. Learn individual concepts before integrating it together.
  5. Use active study methods.​
  6. You need to test yourself frequently to truly gauge how much you comprehend.

What is the difference between AQA and CIE as level? ›

CIE exams are all carefully designed and written to be fair and accessible to students absolutely anywhere in the world. AQA, OCR, Edexcel and the Welsh exam board's exams all assume a UK-based candidate, with a British cultural background and understanding of life.

What is CIE similar to? ›

Both CIE and EDEXCEL are internationally recognized examination boards that open doors for numerous opportunities for higher studies and work. Both examinations are similar with variations in the examination papers and exam structure.

Do universities accept Edexcel A Level? ›

Universities | Pearson qualifications. Pearson Edexcel sets the standard for worldwide recognised qualifications aligned to the British educational system and accepted by universities worldwide.

Which country has hardest exam? ›

Gaokao (China)

Each year, millions of students in China take the gaokao, taken by students in their third and final year of high school typically from June 7 to June 8 or 9. It's China's version of the American SAT and British A-level tests, and is known as one of the hardest exams in the world.

Which board is best in world? ›

ICSE Board has better acceptability than any other board, particularly in foreign lands. While CBSE Boards are also widely accepted, students with an ICSE certification get the upper hand in foreign schools and universities.

Which GCSE paper is the easiest? ›

What are the easiest GCSE subjects?
  • Geography.
  • Film Studies.
  • Religious Studies.
  • Media Studies.
  • Hospitality and Catering.
  • Business Studies.
  • Drama.
  • Physical Education.
17 Nov 2021

Which a level board is the hardest? ›

What are the hardest A-Levels?
  1. Physics. What is the hardest A-Level?
  2. Further Maths. Closely connected to the single Mathematics A-Level, Further Mathematics is also considered one of the hardest A-Levels because it counts as two subjects. ...
  3. Chemistry. ...
  4. Biology. ...
  5. Computer Science. ...
  6. Mathematics. ...
  7. Modern Languages. ...
  8. Psychology. ...

What is the difference between AQA and Edexcel combined science? ›

The main difference is that AQA books are geared to the exams set by AQA, and Edexcel to those by Edexcel. So unless you are taking the Edexcel exam (which, by the sound of it, you aren't) this book will be of limited use to you.

Which is the hardest science IGCSE? ›

On top of being regarded one of the hardest IGCSE subjects, Physics is also well-known for it's Maths content.

What is the lowest pass in GCSE? ›

What do pupils need to pass their exams? Pupils will have needed a 4 for a "standard pass" and 5 for a "strong pass".

Which GCSE paper is the hardest? ›

The hardest GCSE to pass is Double Science with 58.1 percent of students getting a four or lower in 2021.

Is AQA same as CIE? ›

For the A Level examination, there are many examination boards such as CIE, OCR, Edexcel, AQA and others. 'CIE A Level' refers to A Level by Cambridge International Examinations (CIE), while 'UK A Level' collectively refers to A Level by Edexcel, AQA, OCR and all other UK examination boards except CIE.

What is the hardest combination of A Levels? ›

However, if you're wondering “what is the toughest subject in A Levels?”, the answer is Further Mathematics. Not far behind are Modern Foreign Languages and just behind them is Chemistry. So, if you're curious about the hardest A-Level combination, those three will give you a good idea.

Is combined science easier than triple? ›

Triple Science also tends to be a bit more difficult than Combined Science but you will often be given more lessons per week than if you were taking Combined Science.

How do you get A 9 in GCSE biology? ›

Classwork Tips for GCSE Biology
  1. Aim to understand as much as possible when you go through each topic with your teacher. ...
  2. Identify your weakest topics and spend more time on these. ...
  3. Spaced repetition, spaced repetition, spaced repetition.

What is the difference between AQA OCR and Edexcel? ›

GCSE exam format

Edexcel and AQA both have their non-calculator as paper 1, whereas OCR differs by placing the non-calculator paper in the middle of the series. Additionally, each paper for OCR is out of 100 marks rather than 80.

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