Which Country Has The Toughest Education System? - Education Portal for Students in India (2024)

19.04.2023 Grady A. Lowry 0 Comments

Which Country Has The Toughest Education System? - Education Portal for Students in India (1)
Frequently Asked Questions on Education System for International Students – Ques. Which are the hardest education systems in the world? Ans. The countries with the hardest and most difficult education systems include South Korea, Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Finland, etc.

  1. Ques. Which country has the toughest maths syllabus globally? Ans.
  2. The Indian education system has the most difficult maths syllabus globally.
  3. Besides, the toughest exam in the world is IIT JEE from India, which includes Maths, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. Ques.
  4. How is the education system in Germany? Ans.

Germany is the only country that offers industry-relevant education at low or no tuition fees. It follows the European Credit Transfer System, in which full-time students must earn 30 credit points per semester for the completion of a program. Ques. How does the Canadian credit transfer system work? Ans.

Canadian universities follow the European Credit Transfer System in which an undergraduate student must achieve 15 credit scores each semester, and graduate students must achieve 9 credit points. Ques. What makes the United States one of the best education systems in the world? Ans. The most enticing attributes of the United States education system include its versatility, formation of schools/programs, and quality of education.

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      • 0.0.1 Which country has the easiest education system?
    • 0.1 What is the most competitive education system in the world?
    • 0.2 Which university is toughest?
  • 1 Which country students study the most?
    • 1.1 What country has the best test scores?
  • 2 Why Europe is best for education?
    • 2.1 Which country is the smartest in education?
    • 2.2 What are the most stressful degrees?

Which country has the easiest education system?

According to the OECD, students in Finland have the least amount of outside work and homework than any other student in the world.
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What is the most competitive education system in the world?

1. United States – Which Country Has The Toughest Education System? - Education Portal for Students in India (2) The education system of the US is one of the best in the world. According to the QS World University Rankings 2023, 36 USA universities come within the top 150 ranks. Nearly 948,000 international students were studying in the US in 2021/22.77% of these have come from Asia.

  1. As per the Institute of International Education’s Open Doors report, the most popular courses are Business and Management, Computer Science, Engineering, and Mathematics,
  2. Apart from this, the most popular study destinations for students are New York, Texas, and California.
  3. The main highlight of the US universities is their focus on research-oriented learning.

In the American education system, researchers are always at the forefront and always look out to develop something new. Innovation and creativity always remain at the core of their educational philosophy. In the US, regular testing/homework and classroom participation is mandatory for getting a good result.

  • Students are encouraged to discuss the issues and focus on providing ideas.
  • The number of Nobel laureates associated with the University of Chicago validates the university’s focus on producing ideas that make an impact in the world.
  • Till date, 97 Noble Laureates are associated only with the University of Chicago, and 90 of them are listed as ‘UChicago’s Nobel Laureates’.
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The researchers, faculty members, students, and other graduates of the university were awarded Nobel Prize and Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences. Apart from this, currently, there are 18 US cities that are listed in the ‘QS Best Student Cities 2023′ index.
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Which university is toughest?

Top 10 Hardest Colleges to Get Into

SchoolLocationAcceptance Rate (Class of 2026)
1. Harvard Cambridge, MA 3.19%
2. ColumbiaNew York, NY3.73%
3. CaltechPasadena, CA3.92%*
4. StanfordStanford, CA3.95%*

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Which country students study the most?

Which are the most searched for countries for studying overseas?

The Top 10 Countries for Studying AbroadNumber of countries searching to study here the most
1. Canada 36
2. Spain13
3. England10
4. Japan9

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What country has the best test scores?

Ranking results – All PISA results are tabulated by country; recent PISA cycles have separate provincial or regional results for some countries. Most public attention concentrates on just one outcome: the mean scores of countries and their rankings of countries against one another.

In the official reports, however, country-by-country rankings are given not as simple league tables but as cross tables indicating for each pair of countries whether or not mean score differences are statistically significant (unlikely to be due to random fluctuations in student sampling or in item functioning).

In favorable cases, a difference of 9 points is sufficient to be considered significant. PISA never combines mathematics, science and reading domain scores into an overall score. However, commentators have sometimes combined test results from all three domains into an overall country ranking.
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Why Europe is best for education?

Overview – A stable political environment, a robust economy and a world-class education system are all answers to your question “why study in Europe”. Every year, millions of international students flock to Europe, primarily because of its welcoming culture and proven excellence in future employment.
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Which country is the smartest in education?

Ranked: The 25 Smartest Countries In The World Collectively, we humans are a pretty clever bunch. During our short time on this planet we’ve split the atom, traveled to space, built the limited slip differential and invented an, Yep, all clever stuff.

  1. But (most of) these inventions, discoveries and great leaps forward are collective efforts rather than the inspired genius and toil of one lonely, dedicated man or woman.
  2. Which begs the question (sort of), of which is the cleverest nation in the world? Tokyo is Japan’s capital and a hotbed of intellect, innovation and education.
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It’s also one of the, world’s greatest cities to visit as a tourist. Getty Which people have contributed the most to our advancement as a species? Which does best at school, and which has the highest IQ. All important contributing factors when deciding where to visit next, no doubt.

  1. Luckily though, has done the legwork for you and diligently researched and ranked the top 25 countries in the world by intelligence.
  2. It quantifies intelligence to include the number of Nobel Prizes each nation has won to represent historic intelligence, the current average IQ and ‘education attainment’ to represent the potential intelligence of the next generation.

Despite topping two of the three ranking categories, Singapore only makes 25th on the list. Expect, that to change in the future though Getty Asia and Europe dominate the list, with Japan taking the top spot thanks to its high placing across all three metrics where it came fifth overall in the school test ranking and sixth overall in both Nobel prizes and current IQ.

The US comes in an impressive fourth, although its ranking is flattered greatly by its extraordinary dominance in the Nobel category where at 368 prizes, it has nearly treble the UK in second place. However, in the current IQ the US comes a lowly 28th and school ranking a middling 13th – neither of which bodes well for its future ranking.

And while Europe has an impressive five nations in the current top ten – Switzerland in second, Netherlands in fifth, Russia in sixth, Belgium in seventh and the UK in eighth – it’s Asia that points to the future. Coming in at 25th on the ranking is Singapore – its position greatly skewed by its lowly ranking of 73rd for Nobel prizes when it ranks first in both current IQ and education attainment.

Ranking Country Number of Nobel prizes
1 USA368
2 UK132
3 Germany107
4 France62
5 Sweden30
6 Japan26
6 Switzerland26
8 Russia23
8 Canada23
10 Austria21
11 Netherlands20
11 Italy20
13 Denmark14
14 Norway13
15 Australia12
15 Poland12
15 Israel12
18 Belgium10
18 India10
18 South Africa10
21 China9
21 Hungary9
23 Spain8
24 Ireland7
25 Czech Republic5
25 Argentina5

Current national IQ You’ll have to scroll down to seventh to step out of Asia on this list, with Finland the first Western country to make its mark. Go Asia! While the US doesn’t even make the top 25 for, it’s perhaps surprising to see Mongolia storming into 12th spot with an average IQ bang on 100.

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Ranking Country Average IQ
1 Singapore107.1
2 China105.8
3 Hong Kong105.7
4 South Korea104.6
4 Taiwan104.6
6 Japan104.2
7 Finland100.9
8 Canada100.4
8 Netherlands100.4
10 Liechtenstein100.3
11 Switzerland100.2
12 Mongolia100
13 Macao99.9
14 Estonia99.4
15 Belgium99.3
16 Australia99.2
17 UK99.1
18 Austria99
19 Czech Republic98.9
19 New Zealand98.9
21 Germany98.8
22 Sweden98.6
22 Iceland98.6
24 France98.1
24 Hungary98.1

School achievement No huge surprise given the IQ rankings, but Asia takes the top five spots for pupils achieving an advanced score at school. Russia takes the best of the rest medal in sixth spot while the US comes in at 13th. The UK is nowhere to be seen but if there’s one surprise on the list, it’s most likely Kazakhstan in ninth.

Ranking Country % of students achieving advanced scores
1 Singapore71.37
2 South Korea66.85
3 Hong Kong66.66
4 Taiwan63.21
5 Japan58.01
6 Russia38.46
7 China38.27
8 Macao37.02
9 Kazakhstan32.64
10 Liechtenstein32.06
11 Switzerland31.93
12 Ireland30.03
13 US29.84
14 Hungary29.40
15 Israel29.19
16 Belgium28.76
17 Estonia27.97
18 Denmark27.51
18 Portugal27.51
20 Norway27.49
21 Poland26.83
22 Lithuania25.47
23 Finland25.29
24 Netherlands25.15
25 Cyprus25.02

Ranked: The 25 Smartest Countries In The World
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What are the most stressful degrees?

Some of the hardest majors tend to win the admiration of employers and attract higher starting salaries the easiest. But before you reap the fruits, you will have to work hard and focus more than other college students first. College majors in the STEM field tend to be the most stressful, such as engineering and architecture.

The same is true for many of those in the medical or healthcare field, including nursing and neuroscience. There are also stressful majors from other fields, such as accounting and related areas. Deciding on a major is one of the most personal and difficult decisions college students have to make. And thinking about choosing one that is known to be packed with grueling coursework is already stressful enough! No matter your reason for getting an idea of the most stressful majors, be it to complete one to have a higher salary after graduation or dodge one to keep failing grades away, read on.

Below, we will talk about some college majors that will certainly flex your brain and put your motivation, commitment and discipline to the test.
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Which Country Has The Toughest Education System? - Education Portal for Students in India (3)

Grady A. Lowry

Certainly! The article delves into various aspects of global education systems, focusing on the rigor of educational programs, competitiveness, study destinations, and comparisons of different countries based on factors like test scores, toughest universities, and stressful degrees. Let's break down the concepts:

  1. Hardest Education Systems in the World: The article mentions South Korea, Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Finland as having challenging education systems.

  2. Toughest Math Syllabus: India is cited for having the most difficult math syllabus globally, and the IIT JEE exam in India is regarded as one of the toughest exams, covering Math, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology.

  3. Education System in Germany: Germany offers industry-relevant education with low or no tuition fees. It follows the European Credit Transfer System, requiring full-time students to earn 30 credit points per semester.

  4. Canadian Credit Transfer System: Canadian universities also follow the European Credit Transfer System, with undergraduate students aiming to achieve 15 credit scores each semester and graduate students needing 9 credit points.

  5. Attributes of the US Education System: The US system is highlighted for its versatility, quality of education, research-oriented learning, mandatory testing, and classroom participation. Specific focus areas include Business, Management, Computer Science, Engineering, and Mathematics.

  6. Toughest Universities: Institutions like Harvard, Columbia, Caltech, and Stanford are listed among the toughest colleges to get into.

  7. Most Studied Countries: Canada, Spain, England, and Japan are among the most searched-for countries for studying overseas.

  8. Best Test Scores: Rankings based on PISA results highlight countries like Singapore, China, Hong Kong, South Korea, and Japan for their high test scores in mathematics, science, and reading.

  9. Europe's Strength in Education: Europe is touted for its stable political environment, strong economy, and quality education, attracting millions of international students yearly.

  10. Smartest Countries in Education: Japan tops the list based on factors like Nobel Prizes, average IQ, and education attainment, followed by countries like Singapore, China, and South Korea.

  11. Most Stressful Degrees: STEM fields like engineering, architecture, medical and healthcare majors (nursing, neuroscience), and other challenging fields like accounting are highlighted as some of the most stressful majors in college.

These concepts cover a wide spectrum of the global education landscape, from the intensity of educational systems in different countries to the competitiveness of universities, preferred study destinations, and stress levels associated with particular majors. If you want to delve deeper into any of these topics or have specific questions, feel free to ask!

Which Country Has The Toughest Education System? - Education Portal for Students in India (2024)


What is the rank of India in toughest education system? ›

India stands at 33rd rank according to the 2020 survey. Although it is sad to see India not even in the top 10 list, there is a progressive growth in education in India. In 2018, it stood at 40th rank and in 2019 it stood at 35th.

Which country has the strictest education system? ›

South Korea, Finland, America and Russia have some of the world's toughest education systems, according to a new guide. Singapore, China, Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Africa complete the top 10 list of countries with difficult education systems published by mastersdegree.net, a Kosovo-based education platform.

Is the Indian education system hard? ›

The Indian education system is known to be challenging and rigorous, particularly in academic competition.

Is US education better than India? ›

Overall, higher education in the US offers more opportunities for practical exposure, research, and global exposure, while higher education in India focuses more on theoretical learning and specialization in the chosen field of study.

Which country has the hardest education system? ›

Hong Kong

The education system of Hong Kong is built around intense testing and high expectations. This means Hong Kong students consistently snag top spots in global math, science, and reading rankings, except those solely based on test scores.

Why USA education is better than India? ›

USA: The US takes a more practical approach to teaching, placing emphasis on interactive and student-centered teaching methods that incorporate lectures, seminars, case studies, projects, and research. Such a hands-on learning approach encourages critical thinking and creativity in students.

Which country is safest for Indian students? ›

Iceland. It is the safest country in the world for Indians and other international students or workers. Iceland is the world's most peaceful nation, as ranked in the Global Peace Index for 2023.

What is the hardest education system in Asia? ›

Singapore also has one of the most difficult education systems, highlighted by the Singapore-Cambridge GCE A-Level exam with very challenging questions. The education system in Singapore is build on a structure of six years in primary school, four to six in secondary school, and then one to three in tertiary education.

Which country has the most stressful school? ›

The United States ranks first as the country with the most stressed students.

Which country has the easiest education system? ›

Finland. Finland has also been internationally lauded for formulating the best education system in the world because the country has meticulously designed an educational apparatus that is at par with other countries across the globe.

How good is Indian education system? ›

The Indian education system promotes a balanced approach to education, emphasizing both academic excellence and extracurricular activities. Students are encouraged to participate in sports, arts, and cultural activities, fostering their overall growth and well-being.

Is Indian education is good or bad? ›

However, the state of Indian education now is significantly better than it was in the past. The government is making a number of efforts to enhance the current Indian educational system. Significant changes in education have enabled students to gain practical knowledge and make it accessible to all.

Is American syllabus harder than Indian? ›

Syllabus - The syllabus is quite the same. Mathematics is more difficult in India and language (English) is 100x more difficult in the US. The US syllabus has greater depth.

Which education is the toughest in the world? ›

One of the toughest courses in the world is the study of medicine. After all, learning about the many intricacies of the human body is definitely not an easy feat! The course duration is usually five years, and one needs to complete another three years if one wishes to specialise in any particular medical field.

Is the most toughest exam in India? ›

UPSC is the toughest exam in India. It is an exam to select the candidate for various civil services of the government of India like Indian Administrative Service (IAS), Indian Police Service (IPS), and Indian Foreign Service (IFS). It is highly prestigious and competitive among Indians.

Is India is best for education? ›

The modern education system in India has a number of benefits. Most are the result of innovation, research, and technology. The current Indian educational system is more accessible, adaptable, and practical as a result of these and other aspects.

What is the position of education in India? ›

India has a 69.3 per cent adult literacy rate. More than 20 universities from India's higher education system are anticipated to rank among the top 200 worldwide by the year 2030.

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