Where to buy masks in GTA 5? (2024)

GTA 5 players can buy masks from Vespucci Movie Masks.

There are 20 masks to buy at this location. Interestingly enough, Vespucci Movie Masks also sells three inexpensive tank tops for Trevor Philips and eight cheaper T-shirts for Michael De Santa. As the name implies, Vespucci Movie Masks is located in the Vespucci Beach Sidewalk.

It's easily identifiable with a giant monkey head looming over its location. However, GTA 5 players can't buy masks right away. Instead, they must wait for the Masks setup heist mission. This setup mission is for the Blitz Play heist.

Where to buy masks in GTA 5? (2)

After GTA 5 players complete the Masks setup mission, they're free to buy masks anytime they want. In GTA Online, players can purchase masks right away. However, the remainder of this article will focus on what GTA 5 players can acquire at Vespucci Movie Masks.

GTA 5 gamers can walk up to the mask vendor and press the relevant interaction button to buy items. On console, it's the right D-pad. The masks are more expensive than the t-shirts and tank tops that the store sells.

All GTA 5 masks

Where to buy masks in GTA 5? (3)

The Green Monster Mask costs $270.

Where to buy masks in GTA 5? (4)

The Red Monster variant also costs $270.

Where to buy masks in GTA 5? (5)

The PIg Mask costs $200 in GTA 5.

Where to buy masks in GTA 5? (6)

Like with the previous variation, GTA 5 players can buy this version for $200.

Where to buy masks in GTA 5? (7)

Players can opt fo the Silver Skull for $350.

Where to buy masks in GTA 5? (8)

Bone Skull also costs $350.

Where to buy masks in GTA 5? (9)

One can acquire the Space Monkey option for $450.

Where to buy masks in GTA 5? (10)

If GTA 5 players wish to resemble Jason Vorhees, it will cost them $500.

Where to buy masks in GTA 5? (11)

This one costs as much as the previous option ($500).

Where to buy masks in GTA 5? (12)

The following few masks are among the least expensive. The Ape variation costs only $50.

Where to buy masks in GTA 5? (13)

Dark Ape costs $50, like the previous option.

Where to buy masks in GTA 5? (14)

Carnival Orange is almost double the price of the previous two masks. It costs $99.

Where to buy masks in GTA 5? (15)

GTA 5 players can buy the Carnival White option for $99 as well.

Where to buy masks in GTA 5? (16)

This mask also costs $99 like its carnival counterparts. It's also not a libra.

Where to buy masks in GTA 5? (17)

GTA 5 players can also resemble luchadors. The Red Wrestler mask costs $125.

Where to buy masks in GTA 5? (18)

Surprisingly, the Green Wrestler variant costs more than the red one. GTA 5 players can buy it for $150.

Where to buy masks in GTA 5? (19)

This mask costs $25 more than the previous luchador option. Its price is $175 in GTA 5.

Where to buy masks in GTA 5? (20)

The Domino Wrestler variant only costs $85, which is a stark decrease compared to the previous wrestling masks on this list.

Where to buy masks in GTA 5? (21)

Gray Wrestler is the second-to-last option that GTA 5 players can purchase at Vespucci Movie Masks. It costs $150.

Where to buy masks in GTA 5? (22)

The final product from the Vespucci location costs $175 in GTA 5.

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Where to buy masks in GTA 5? (2024)


Where to buy respirator mask gta? ›

Grand Theft Auto Online

It is available to buy after The Fleeca Job Finale from Vespucci Movie Masks. Unfortunately, it does not protect the player from toxins such as Tear Gas, making it a "novelty" item, likely because it has no filter installed.

Can u buy masks in GTA story mode? ›

Drive over to the mission marker to the Movie Mask store at Vespucci Beach and walk up to the counter to begin buying some masks.

Are there face masks in GTA? ›

In Grand Theft Auto V the player can purchase masks from Vespucci Movie Masks.

What GTA store sells masks? ›


Vespucci Movie Masks and Memorabilia is a mask and clothing store in Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online located on Vitus Street in Vespucci Beach, Los Santos, south of the pier on the Vespucci Beach Sidewalk. The store sells novelty masks and graphic T-shirts.

What mission do you get masks in GTA 5? ›

Masks - Mission Details:

Head to the heist marker at Vespucci Beach and buy three masks from the clothing store.

How do you get a clown mask in GTA 5? ›

GTA Online players simply have to go to Vespucci Beach. There is a mask store they can enter.

What are the three masks in GTA V? ›

Masks is one of four missions the player must complete in preparation for Blitz Play in Grand Theft Auto V. The mission can be conducted with any of the three protagonists: Michael De Santa, Franklin Clinton, or Trevor Philips.

Why can't I buy a mask in GTA 5 story mode? ›

However, GTA 5 players can't buy masks right away. Instead, they must wait for the Masks setup heist mission. This setup mission is for the Blitz Play heist.

Can you get a Michael Myers mask in GTA? ›

In the Altruist Cult's camp, there is a face on a rock that looks exactly like Michael's mask. There are also various modifications about the myth. Interestingly, in GTA V Online, players can recreate Michael Myers' outfit by wearing the blue jumpsuit, the Mime Plastic Face mask and having sleek brown hair.

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A balaclava, also known as a balaclava helmet or ski mask, is a form of cloth headgear designed to expose only part of the face, usually the eyes and mouth. Depending on style and how it is worn, only the eyes, mouth and nose, or just the front of the face are unprotected.

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AFAIK, Michael can't wear any hats in GTA V - atleast that's what the forums say about it so far. Franklin and Trevor on the other hand, can wear hats by purchasing it at the in-game store.

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The Mission Face Mask is engineered with next-generation moisture removal technology to help keep you dry and comfortable. This Mission Face Mask is machine washable.

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A post on the GTA Online subreddit showed the newly updated Halloween filters in action. “Just hopped into a new lobby and realized we got that green filter again, Happy Halloween!”

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Those who have experienced the killer clowns and other scary events said they usually spotted it while walking around Los Santos or driving slowly. It may also take up to 20 minutes for something to spawn. But you'll know it when you see it, and be prepared once you do.

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Elisa "Liz" Macallen is a minor character in Grand Theft Auto V and a possible Booty Call for Franklin Clinton.

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The curious case of GTA 5 Cover Girl Shelby Welinder

The court explained the cover featured a "generic twenty-something woman without any particular identifying physical characteristics."

Who is the red head girl in GTA 5? ›

She is a red-haired young woman who works as the head bartender of The Diamond Casino & Resort's casino floor bar, The Solitaire. Not much is revealed about her background in dialogue. Her apparel differs between cutscenes and gameplay – in The Diamond Casino & Resort introduction cutscene, she is seen wearing glasses.

When can you buy masks in GTA 5? ›

In GTA 5, one can only unlock the store once they start heist setups. Thankfully, GTA Online players don't have this restriction. They can go to Vespucci Movie Masks at any point in their run.

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Name: Kelle Weber

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Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.