When should a patent application be filed (Bitlaw Guidance) (2024)

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Since the United States is now a first to file country, you should fileyour patent application as soon as possible. You must file within one yearof the first public disclosure of your invention, but it is too early to fileif you cannot explain how the invention will be implemented.

This Guidance is divided into the following topics:

  • First to file explained
  • Deadlines for Filing a Patent Application
  • No Need to Physically Implement Your Invention
  • You Should Complete the Inventive Process before Filing a Non-Provisional Application

First To File Explained

Under current U.S. law (as of the 2011 AmericaInvents Act), patents are awarded to the first inventor that files forpatent protection. This differs from the manner in which United States law usedto operate, which would award the patent to the individual that firstinvented the invention, even if they were not the first to file for patentprotection.

Because the United States now operates as a “first-to-file” country,it is important to file for patent protection as soon as possiblein order to file yourapplication before anyone else files on the same invention. You should know that it is not legal for someone who did not invent anything to learn about your invention from you and then race to file before you file your patent application. This is because only an "inventor" canfile for patent protection, and if someone steals the idea from you, they are not the inventor.Nonetheless, the best way to avoidthis scenario and all of the complicated issues it creates is to file your patent application before you tell others about your invention. For instance,it is almost always best to have a patent application on file before you begin to discuss the invention with possible investment partners or with any companies that maybe interested in making or acquiring your invention.

Deadlines for Filing a Patent Application

When should a patent application be filed (Bitlaw Guidance) (1)

Under U.S. patent law, you must file your patent application within one year of the firstoffer to sell your invention, or within one year of your first public use or disclosure of your invention. This meansthat you must determine the first offer to sell date, or the first public disclosure date. Ifit is more than one year from that date, it will be too late for you to file a patentapplication (See Bitlaw's legal discussion on the noveltyrequirement for more information). In the above chart, this means that you cannot file forpatent protection more than one year from that first public disclosure.

Patent attorneys frequently encounter inventors that need to immediately file a patentapplication in order to have their application meet this one-year deadline. In some instances,it may be necessary to file aprovisional patentapplication as soon as possible, and follow up soon afterwards with a more completenon-provisional application. (See Should you file a provisional patent application? for more information on this topic).

No Need to Physically Implement Your Invention

You do not have to actually make or implement your invention before you file for patentprotection. Many valuable inventions are protected by patents even before the first workingprototype is constructed. However, you are allowed to file for a patent application beforeimplementation only if you can describe your invention in sufficient detail that a personhaving ordinary skill in your technology is able to create your product “without undueexperimentation.”

This requirement is known as the enablement requirement. If you do not know how your inventioncan be implemented (i.e., you do not think that the invention is easily implemented usingcurrent technology), then it is too early to file for patent protection. You may be able tophysically file the application, but it could be subject to rejection from the Patent Officeor a later validity challenge for failing to enable your invention. Additional research orexperimentation is required before the idea is considered inventive enough so that a patentapplication can be filed.

In the context of the above chart, it is not enough to simply conceive of ananti-gravity device to move heavy objects, you must know how such a devicecould actually be implemented. Once you know how to implement it, you can filea patent application that describes the invention in such detail that anotherperson of ordinary skill can implement your invention. It is not necessary toactually build your device since you can file for patent protection before orafter you implement your new invention.

You Should Complete the Inventive Process before Filing a Non-Provisional Application

As explained immediately above, you do not need to build a device before you file for patentprotection as long as you can describe the invention sufficiently to enable someone else tomake the device. Nonetheless, it is important not to file the application before you know your invention will work. If your invention is a physical device, and you are not positivethat the device can be made the way you envision it, then it may be wise to attempt construction of the device before spending your money on a non-provisional patent application. As explained in the guidance provided on Should I file more than one provisional patent application?, it is possible to file multiple provisional applicationsbefore filing a non-provisional application if you are still inventing new aspectsof your invention.

When should a patent application be filed (Bitlaw Guidance) (2)

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Guidance on Filing A Patent Application

These pages provideguidance on filing a patent application with the United States Patent and Trademark Office.

Why should you file a patent application?

What is a patent application?

What rights are created by a patent?

What if you cannot afford to enforce your patent rights?

What are the benefits of patent pending status?

How much does a patent application cost?

What makes patent application so expensive?

What is the cost breakdown of a patent application?

What is the cost of a design patent application?

Can't I get a cheaper patent somewhere else?

Is your invention valuable?

How to identify your invention (not my proposed product)?

How to value your invention

Should you trust invention submission companies?

When should a patent application be filed?

What difference do the "first to file" laws make?

What are the deadlines for filing a patent application?

Do you need to create a working model of your invention?

Why should you conduct a patentability search?

What is a patentability search?

How can searches avoid wasteful patent applications?

How can searches improve a patent applications?

When is a search unnecessary (or even unhelpful)?

Should you file a provisional patent application?

What is a provisional application?

Do provisional applications save money?

What are the benefits of a provisional application?

Can I file a provisional application without an attorney?

When should a patent application be filed (Bitlaw Guidance) (2024)


When should an application for a patent be filed? ›

Most importantly, patent applications must be filed within one year of the date an invention is publicly disclosed. For example, if an inventor discusses his invention in a journal article published anywhere in the world, the inventor has one year from the date of publication to file his patent application.

When should a patent be filed and what is the importance of priority date? ›

The filing date is the date when a patent application is first filed at a patent office. The priority date, sometimes called the “effective filing date”, is the date used to establish the novelty and/or obviousness of a particular invention relative to other art.

What are the 3 criteria required to file a patent? ›

Patent applications must satisfy the following three criteria:
  • Novelty. This means that your invention must not have been made public – not even by yourself – before the date of the application.
  • Inventive step. This means that your product or process must be an inventive solution. ...
  • Industrial applicability.

What are the 5 statutory requirements for a patent? ›

The five primary requirements for patentability are: (1) patentable subject matter, (2) utility, (3) novelty, (4) nonobviousness, and (5) enablement.

What is the earliest effective filing date of a patent? ›

The “effective filing date” for a claimed invention in a patent or application for patent is the earlier of: (1) the actual filing date of the patent or the application containing a claim to the invention; or (2) the filing date of the earliest priority application (i.e., the earliest filed provisional, nonprovisional, ...

How do you decide whether to file a patent? ›

How do you decide whether to file a patent application?
  1. Start with a clean sheet. ...
  2. Write down what you have developed which may be new. ...
  3. Consider which of these innovations may be commercially important. ...
  4. Consider what scope of patent protection might be obtained for the ideas.

What is the difference between filing date and priority date? ›

These two terms are often used interchangeably. This can be misleading because they do not always refer to the same date. A filing date is the date you file your application (for trade marks, patents or designs). The priority date is the date your legal right over such trade mark, patent or design commences.

What is priority date and application date? ›

Priority date refers to the earliest filing date in a family of patent applications. Where only a single patent application is involved, the priority date would obviously be the filing date of the sole application.

What is priority period in patent? ›

The priority date of a patent is the date on which you first file a patent application in respect of your invention. The application could be for a Dutch or a Belgian patent, or for a patent in any other country. You can make your invention public from this moment on as your idea has been registered as your invention.

What are the 4 requirements for an invention to qualify of a patent? ›

  • The innovation is patentable subject matter. Patentable. ...
  • The innovation is new (called 'novelty') ...
  • The innovation is inventive. ...
  • The innovation is useful (called 'utility') ...
  • The innovation must not have prior use.
Oct 11, 2022

What are the six steps in applying for a patent? ›

Patent process overview
  • Step 1: Determine the type of Intellectual Property protection that you need. ...
  • Step 2: Determine if your invention is patentable. ...
  • Step 3: What kind of patent do you need? ...
  • Step 4: Get ready to apply. ...
  • Step 5: Prepare and submit your initial application. ...
  • Step 6: Work with your examiner.
Jan 31, 2019

What are 4 types of patents? ›

Learning how to use each kind of patent application will help any inventor better utilize the U.S. Patent Office to protect his or her invention.
There are four different patent types:
  • Utility patent. This is what most people think of when they think about a patent. ...
  • Provisional patent. ...
  • Design patent. ...
  • Plant patent.
Jan 25, 2023

What is the rule of law for patents? ›

The general rules for patents and patent protection is laid out by the U.S. Patent Act in one line. It essentially says that anyone who invents or discovers a new and useful product or process, or anyone that makes a non-obvious improvement to that product or process, is allowed to obtain a patent.

What are the essential components of a patent application? ›

  • Description of your invention. The description of the invention must always be in written form. ...
  • Drawings. Example of a figure. ...
  • Claims. If a patent is granted, the claims set out what is protected by the patent. ...
  • Preamble and characterising part in claims. Number each claim. ...
  • Abstract. ...
  • Deposit of biological material.

What should be the duration for filing and granting of a patent? ›

The term of every patent granted is 20 years from the date of filing of application.

What can be filed before a period of one year from the date of publication of the grant of the patent? ›

Any person interested may file a post-grant opposition within 12 months from the date of publication of the grant of patents, by providing a notice of opposition to the controller.

What are the stages of patent filing? ›

For every patent you file, you need to mandatorily provide a Form 2 patent specification. You can choose between a provisional and complete patent application, based on the stage of invention. This means that if you are still testing your invention, you need to apply for a provisional patent application.

Are patents first to file or first to invent? ›

This can create a race to the patent office. While the inventor who first created the invention historically received priority in the U.S. system, the America Invents Act changed this rule in 2013. Now, the applicant who first files their patent application receives priority.

Are patents based on first to file? ›

On March 16, 2013, U.S. patent law will transition from a “first to invent” patent system to a “first to file” patent system. The current “first to invent” system is intended to award patents to the first person to invent a claimed invention—even if a later inventor beats the first inventor to the patent office.

What is the reason for filing a patent? ›

A patent is important because it provides you with an exclusive right that can: increase your competitive advantage and help you earn money from your invention. help you achieve a greater share of the market. help to prevent conflicts.

What is considered early filing? ›

Although most federal tax returns are not due until mid-April, taxpayers can often submit their taxes as early as mid-January. Submitting your tax return earlier often means receiving applicable tax refunds earlier. By not rushing, you also have time to avoid mistakes that could lead to an audit.

What is the date for filing? ›

The filing deadline to submit 2021 tax returns or an extension to file and pay tax owed is Monday, April 18, 2022, for most taxpayers.

What is final action vs filing date? ›

Now, the “Date for Filing” determines whether or not you can submit the final immigrant visa application, and the “Final Action Date” indicates whether or not it is expected that an immigrant visa number will be available.

What is the purpose of priority date? ›

Priority date is the date on which an application was filed with the immigration authorities. It is used by the Department of State (DOS) to determine an individual's place in line in the visa queue where there are a limited number of immigrant visas available in a given year.

Is there a time limit on filing a patent? ›

Deadlines for Filing a Patent Application

Under U.S. patent law, you must file your patent application within one year of the first offer to sell your invention, or within one year of your first public use or disclosure of your invention.

What year is patent application priority? ›

What is priority? An applicant who has filed a first patent application for an invention has, for the purpose of filing further patent applications in respect of the same invention, a right of priority for a period of 12 months after the first filing.

What is right of priority examples? ›

The right of priority meets not only a legal objective, but also a strategic and economic objective for a business. For example, after submitting an initial patent application, you can take the time to look at the markets in other countries in order to determine where your patent application would be most lucrative.

Can you patent an idea without a prototype? ›

Many inventors wonder if they need a prototype prior to patenting an invention. The simple answer is “no'. A prototype is not required prior to filing a patent application with the U.S. Patent Office.

How many inventors are allowed on patent application? ›

Yes, a patent can have one or multiple inventors. However, the number of inventors is dependent on those that invented the claimed invention.

What are the 8 easy steps to file a patent? ›

How to File a Patent in X Steps
  1. Search the United States Patent and Trademark Office. ...
  2. Find a patent attorney. ...
  3. Determine what type of patent you need. ...
  4. File a provisional patent application. ...
  5. Become a Registered eFiler. ...
  6. Gather information for your formal application. ...
  7. Complete and review your formal application.
Jan 22, 2016

What are the 3 types of patents? ›

There are three types of patents: utility patents, design patents, and plant patents.

What is a poor man's patent? ›

A poor man's patent is essentially writing out a description of your invention and then mailing that written description to yourself. This postmarked envelope supposedly acts to create the date of your invention as the date this written description was postmarked.

What is the most important section of a patent? ›

A patent application has many parts, such as the title, bibliographic information and an abstract. But, from our current purposes, the two most important parts of a patent application are the detailed description of the invention and the 'claims' which are usually at the end of the specification.

What is Form 5 in patent application? ›

DECLARATION TO BE GIVEN WHEN THE APPLICATION IN INDIA IS FILED BY THE APPLICANT (S) IN THE CONVENTION COUNTRY: - We the applicant(s) in the convention country hereby declare that our right to apply for a patent in India is by way of assignment from the true and first inventor(s). .

What is the patent application process? ›

The patent process for obtaining patent protection involves 1) a patentability opinion, 2) preparation and filing of the patent application, 3) prosecution of the patent application, 4) issuance, abandonment, or appeal of the patent application, and 5) maintenance fees.

What Cannot be patented? ›

What cannot be patented?
  • a discovery, scientific theory or mathematical method,
  • an aesthetic creation,
  • a scheme, rule or method for performing a mental act, playing a game or doing business, or a computer program,
  • a presentation of information,
Jan 4, 2023

What is the most commonly issued type of patent? ›

Types of Patents
  • Utility Patents. Utility patents, also known as “patents for invention,” are the most common patents. ...
  • Design Patents. Design patents are issued in connection with new, original, and ornamental design that is contained within or applied to something that is manufactured. ...
  • Plant Patents.
Oct 15, 2022

Is Coca Cola a patent? ›

The coca-cola recipe was registered for the patent in 1893. However, the recipe that has changes over time but it will not have paptent again. They have a good reason to do so. To obtain a patent, the inventor is required to disclose the recipe fully that will be available for the public after 20 years.

What are the two types of patent application? ›

Types of patent applications and proceedings
  • Provisional Application for Patent.
  • Nonprovisional (Utility) Patent Application Filing Guide.
  • Guide to Filing a Design Patent Application.
  • Plant Patent Application.
  • Filing a new international application under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) PCT Legal Administration.
Nov 16, 2017

Why would you apply for a patent application? ›

A patent is important because it provides you with an exclusive right that can: increase your competitive advantage and help you earn money from your invention. help you achieve a greater share of the market. help to prevent conflicts.

What do you need to file a patent application? ›

Submit your initial application with all the required parts needed for obtaining a filing date and include the correct fee.
  1. Parts of Application to be filed together.
  2. Application number, filing date, and completion of application.
  3. Patent Application Filing Fees.
  4. Payment of Fees.
  5. Required Filing Fees.
Jan 31, 2019

What is the difference between patent and patent application? ›

Before your patent is granted, you have a patent pending. A US patent application is a request to obtain a patent.

What is the most important part of a patent application? ›

The claims are the most important section of a patent application. These essentially comprise a parts list that describe in legal terms the metes and bounds of the invention. In many ways these can be analogous to a legal description of a property. In terms of claims, the fewer elements, the more broad the patent is.

What happens when you file a patent application? ›

Upon filing of your patent application, it will be deemed “patent pending.” In the meantime, one of two things can generally occur: the USPTO places the patent application in a queue for examination – a wait that often takes many months or years; or after the wait, a Examiner examines the filed patent application to ...

Can you file a patent without a lawyer? ›

No, the use of an attorney or registered agent is not required for filing a patent application. However, an attorney or registered agent is often a useful resource and the USPTO recommends the use of such for preparing a patent application and conducting the proceedings in the USPTO.

What is the first document you should file in the patent process Why? ›

Information Disclosure Statement: At the earliest stage of applying, the inventor must submit references regarding themselves and their inventions. Before any further action can be granted during the patent process, this statement must be presented.

Can you file a patent application without drawings? ›

Separate from the specification, a patent application is required to contain drawings if drawings are necessary to understand the subject matter to be patented. Most patent applications contain drawings. The drawings must show every feature of the invention as specified in the claims.

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Name: Corie Satterfield

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Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.