When Is the Best Time to Rent an Apartment? (2024)

There's a lot to consider when renting a house or an apartment. While a variety of personal factors go into signing a lease—ranging from the regularity of your cash flow to the urgency of a move—knowing what time of year to start hunting for a rental can help you snag a better deal. The real estate market tends to be cyclical and seasonal. By paying attention to these cycles, you might have a better chance of landing your dream home at a price you can afford.

Renters looking for the widest range of choices should plan to move between May and September; for the best prices, between October and April.Here's why that's so—along with other tips for timing your home-hunting.

Key Takeaways

  • The real estate market tends to be cyclical and seasonal; paying attention to these cycles can affect the ease of your search and the price you'll pay for a rental.
  • Apartment inventory is higher between the months of May and September, given the considerable turnover during these months. Rental rates also tend to be higher during the summer months.
  • The lowest rental rates are found during the winter months—October through April—with demand and prices reaching their nadir between January and March.
  • An apartment search should begin in the middle of the month prior to the target move month.

Summer Months Are Best for Rental Selection

The busiest rental and moving period tends to be between the months of May and September. The reason for this is fairly straightforward: A number of life changes tend to occur in these months. Many high school graduates are leaving home for college or jobs. Many college graduates are seeking real estate close to where they will start their careers. And, of course, for families with kids, it's between school years.

Also, it's easier to move during warmerweather—to drive, to load and unload furniture, and carry boxes.

These life changes and weather conditions mean a much higher turnover rate in real estate. Thus, finding an apartment is easier, and there is a wider selection of apartments from which to choose, during the summer season.However, precisely because the summer season sees the highest levels of rental activity,the demand for rental space is also extremely high. This boosts the cost of rates and rental fees, sometimes up to double what might be negotiated during the off-peak seasons of fall and winter.

It can also be a more stressful time to hunt: You might face more competition in your quest for the perfect space. Would-be renters often have to be ready to act fast—sometimes even signing on the spot—if they find a space they like.

The economic crisis seems to be having a variable effect on rents, with year-over-year prices for metropolitan-area apartments between May 2020 and May 2021 decreasing in San Antonio, Tex.; Seattle; Washington D.C.; and Fort Wayne, IND., but increasing in Las Vegas; Houston; Winston-Salem, NC; and Jacksonville, FL. There are also discrepancies depending on the size of the apartment: In New York City, for example, the average rent for a one-bedroom fell over 12%—but rose over 16% for a two-bedroom.

Winter Months Are Best for Rental Savings

As the temperature drops, so do prices. The lowest rental rates are usually found between October and April, particularlyright after the December holiday season. Fewer people are interested in moving—the weather's bad, schools are in session, etc. So individuals renting between the months of December and March typically find the best rental bargains. However, low levels of moving activity and turnover typically mean that it is more difficult to find exactly the type of apartment you would like at this time.

When Is the Best Time to Rent an Apartment? (1)

Rent Price Ranges in 10 Major Cities

How Early to Apartment Hunt

Once you've determined a target moving season, narrow the choice down to a specific month. Let's say that you plan to move in August. The ideal time to begin the search for an appropriate apartment is at the end of the month prior to the target move month; so, in this example, begin the apartment hunt during the last two weeks of July.

While this tactic may seem last minute, it's really optimal,because the majority of renters have leases that expire at the end of a monthor within the first few days of the next month. Renters who are about to leave vacancies will have given or will be giving their 30-day notices during this time, which means you are apt to get the first choice of available space if you begin your apartment search within that time frame.

Individuals willing to take a gamble or who have the flexibility to move on a moment’s notice could employ a different apartment-hunting approach. Waiting until the second week of the move-in month can prove lucrative,as landlords trying to fill vacancies become more eager to secure new renters.

Discrimination during the rental process is illegal. If you think you’ve been discriminated against in the course of your search or application, based on your race, religion, sex, marital status, national origin, disability, or age, there are steps you can take—such as filing a complaint with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)'s Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity.

The Bottom Line

The best time to rent depends largely on your circ*mstances: your desired housing and price, as well as your moving flexibility. Individuals concerned about having the greatest amount of choice in residences should targetMay through September for their searches, while individuals focused primarily on the best prices should time their moves fromOctober through April.

When Is the Best Time to Rent an Apartment? (2024)


What is the best time to rent an apartment? ›

The lowest rental rates are usually found between October and April, particularly right after the December holiday season. Fewer people are interested in moving—the weather's bad, schools are in session, etc. So individuals renting between the months of December and March typically find the best rental bargains.

What is the hardest month to rent an apartment? ›

Most apartment hunters' first and foremost consideration is the rent expectation. That alone would make August, June, and July the worst months to rent an apartment.

What is the best day of the week to rent an apartment? ›

Research shows that the best days of the week to rent an apartment are Mondays and Fridays. Additionally, the most expensive days to rent an apartment are Sundays and Tuesdays. We also recommend trying to rent at the beginning of the day between 9am and 10am for the best prices.

How do I know if my credit is good enough to rent an apartment? ›

In general, a landlord will look for a credit score that is at least “good,” which is generally in the range of 670 to 739. However, that can vary by landlord or property manager, as well as the location in which you're renting.

What month is best to buy an apartment? ›

Families and summer-investors are pushed to move by fall and may offer discounts. December is also a good time to buy, as sellers of second-home condominiums and co-ops are looking at end-of-year tax advantages.

What month do most leases start? ›

Apartment leases typically start on the 1st of the month in the U.S.; however, it is not uncommon for a lease to start mid-month (as many landlords will start a lease the moment the previous tenant moves out and the apartment is cleaned and ready for you to take occupancy).

How long do most renters stay? ›

So, how long does a Tenant stay? A quick google search will tell you that for a single-family rental in the United States, you should expect an average tenancy to last about 3 years. And a multi-family/apartment should stay occupied for roughly 2.5 years. So now you have a benchmark by which to judge your performance.

How long is a lease in most apartments? ›

A lease is term-specific, usually lasting one year. That means that you have agreed to live in the apartment for that period of time. If you need to move away for any reason, you may be held to the terms of your lease.

What time of year is best to rent your house? ›

The best time to rent a house is the summer. Peak rental season runs from May to August. In fact, applications increase by more than 50 percent over these months compared to the winter. There are several reasons people prefer moving in the summer.

What day of the month is best to pay rent? ›

Customarily, the rent is due for the entire lease term, in equal payments, on the first day of each month. Defining the rent due date on the first day of each month creates a comfort zone to the landlord.

Can you negotiate rent? ›

The short answer is, yes. You can negotiate your rent. When you're renting an apartment, the price you pay isn't set in stone. But before you even consider negotiating, you need to make sure you know why you're asking for a discount.

What day is best to move into an apartment? ›

Everyone chooses to move on the weekend because it's when they are off from work. If you can take a day off during the week you will save money and you will have a much better chance of getting the moving truck you want on the day you need it.

What's the lowest credit score to rent an apartment? ›

There's no set minimum credit score to rent an apartment, but you'll have the best luck with a score approaching 670. This score is considered “good” according to FICO scoring models. A score lower than 620 could make renting more difficult.

Does credit really matter when renting an apartment? ›

Your credit scores can be important when you're looking to rent an apartment. That's because the landlord or property manager may pull your credit as part of the screening process. Your credit history can show them how you've managed money in the past and help them determine whether you might be a responsible tenant.

Does renting an apartment improve your credit? ›

Does renting an apartment build credit? Renting can help you build credit if your landlord is reporting your rent payments to the credit reporting agencies. Tools like TransUnion's ResidentCredit make it easy for landlords to report rental payment information.

What is the cheapest month to move into an apartment? ›

The cheapest months to rent are between December and March, or early winter to early spring. Compared to peak months, rental prices during this period tend to be 3.4% lower, with dollar savings coming in at $38 to $139 less for one bedroom apartments and $47 to $176 less for two bedroom apartments.

What days of the week are apartments cheapest? ›

If you want the best deal, apply for your apartment on Monday or Friday. If you apply on Tuesday or Sunday, you might pay more. Also, the best time to look is around 9 or 10 in the morning — that's when property managers are most likely to post new listings.

What time of year are properties cheapest? ›

Winter is usually the cheapest time of year to purchase a home. Sellers are often motivated, which automatically translates into an advantage to you. Most people suspend their listings from around Thanksgiving to the New Year because they assume buyers are scarce.

What time of year do most apartment leases end? ›

Most people sign 12-month leases in the summer, meaning they also end around that time, so this is when the highest number of new apartments are coming on the market.

How do you calculate lease start and end date? ›

Most commercial lease terms are going to be 3-5 years long starting on the first of the month and expiring 3-5 years later at the end of the month-prior to the lease start date. For example: In a 3 year lease that commenced on 2/1/2020 the lease would end on 1/31/2023.

Why is rent so high in Texas? ›

Renters are seeing their housing costs jump as population increases, strict zoning regulations and rising home sales push up rent prices.

Can my girlfriend live with me without being on the lease? ›

Can someone live with you without being on the lease? Yes, someone can live with the tenant without being on the lease. However, it is important to distinguish the difference between a guest and a long-term guest.

How long does it take to move out of an apartment? ›

Moving out of a 1 bedroom apartment usually takes between 3-5 hours, whereas moving out of a 3 bedroom apartment takes between 5-10 hours. If you want to hire a moving company to pack AND move for you, add an extra 2-4 hours for packing a 1 bedroom apartment and an extra 6-10 hours for a 3 bedroom apartment.

How long does it take to turn around an apartment? ›

Usually, apartment turnovers will take at least one or two weeks. Even if you have maintenance workers scheduled in advance, the scheduling of painting, cleaning, and finding tenants is likely to take at least 10 days.

What is a good lease term? ›

There is no hard and fast rule about the minimum length a lease should be when it is sold. However, a number of buyers will be discouraged from buying a lease that is nearing or less than 80 years in length. When the length of a lease falls below 80 years, the cost of a lease extension increases dramatically.

What is the shortest lease time? ›

The minimum term for traditional new-car leases is 24 months, so it's safe to say that any contract lasting less than two years is short-term.

What is the longest lease available? ›

So, what is the longest lease in existence? That honour goes to Guinness. In 1759, at the age of 34, Arthur Guinness signed a 9,000-year lease for the St James's Gate Brewery, Dublin, at an annual rent of £45.

How many times monthly income should go to rent? ›

It is recommended that you spend 30% of your monthly income on rent at maximum, and to consider all the factors involved in your budget, including additional rental costs like renters insurance or your initial security deposit.

How late can you pay rent in Florida? ›

In Florida, the landlord must give the tenant three days to pay the rent or move before he or she can legally file for eviction.

How do you ask if rent is negotiable? ›

How to Negotiate Your Rent
  1. Ask the landlord if rent price is open to discussion. ...
  2. Highlight your strengths as a tenant. ...
  3. Inquire about extending the lease. ...
  4. Offer to end the lease in the summer. ...
  5. Research the property's value. ...
  6. Be open to compromise. ...
  7. Negotiate directly, follow up in writing. ...
  8. Have a backup plan.
Feb 27, 2020

How do you politely ask for rent? ›

Five Creative Ways To Ask For Your Rent Payment
  1. Offer An Alternative Payment Method. ...
  2. Set Up A New Collection Date (And Stick To It) ...
  3. Sit-Down Conversation. ...
  4. Set Up Rental Payment Reminders. ...
  5. Offer A Prompt Payment Discount.
Nov 26, 2019

Should you always negotiate rent? ›

Absolutely! If you are concerned about the value you're receiving for the amount you're paying, carrying out an apartment lease negotiation can be a great way to ease your mind by finding out what options are available to you and working out a win-win situation.

What months are best to move? ›

Most Americans move from mid-May through mid-September—or between Memorial Day and Labor Day—which is the peak moving season. However, the best time of the year to move is during the off-season, which is mid-September through April.

What time of the year is it best to move? ›

Spring and fall are typically the best seasons to move, as summer can be extreme in some parts of the country, while winter can be extreme in other parts. However, summer is the most expensive time to move.

When should I start moving out? ›

Signs That It's Time To Move Out
  1. Having too long of a commute.
  2. Not getting along with your parents.
  3. Needing to boost your social life.
  4. Craving the independence of adult life.
  5. Outgrowing a curfew.
  6. Being able to afford the cost of living.
  7. Wanting less restrictions.
  8. Having younger siblings who already moved out.
Oct 18, 2022

What is an OK credit score to rent? ›

Most individuals or companies renting an apartment want credit scores from applicants to be 620 or higher. People with credit scores lower than 620 may indicate a high risk of default on rent owed.

What is a bad credit score? ›

In the FICO scoring model, scores range from 300 to 850. This number represents the likelihood that a borrower will repay a loan. If your credit score lands between 300 and 579, it is considered poor, therefore lenders may see you as a risk.

How can I build my credit fast? ›

The quickest ways to increase your credit score
  1. Report your rent and utility payments. ...
  2. Pay off debt if you can. ...
  3. Get a secured credit card. ...
  4. Request a credit limit increase. ...
  5. Become an authorized user. ...
  6. Dispute credit report errors.
Feb 21, 2022

Does renting hurt your credit? ›

Renting, like every other expense, can have a positive or a negative impact on your credit score–especially if you proactively report your rent payments to a credit bureau or your unpaid rent goes to collections. Chances are, you will see a more positive impact if you pay your rent on time, in full every month.

How accurate is credit karma? ›

Here's the short answer: The credit scores and reports you see on Credit Karma come directly from TransUnion and Equifax, two of the three major consumer credit bureaus. The credit scores and reports you see on Credit Karma should accurately reflect your credit information as reported by those bureaus.

What is a good resident score? ›

What is a good TransUnion resident score? A good TransUnion Resident Score that you can have confidence in ranges from 538 to 850. The ResidentScore report also provides a list of score factors that impacted the numerical value assigned along with a detailed report exploring the prospective tenant's history.

What bills help build credit? ›

What Bills Help Build Credit?
  • Rent Payments. Before property management platforms, renters were unable to report rent payments to credit bureaus to build their credit health. ...
  • Utility Bills. ...
  • Auto Loan Payments. ...
  • Student Loan Payments. ...
  • Credit Card Payments. ...
  • Medical Bills.
Nov 28, 2022

Does paying rent with credit card build credit? ›

Pro: It Can Help You Build Your Credit

Two of the major credit bureaus (Experian and TransUnion) now include rental payment information on your credit history if your landlord is proactive about reporting it each month. If you're in your 20's and just starting out, that can help you build up your score.

Does paying utility bills build credit? ›

You cannot usually use utility bills to improve your credit. Most utility bills typically have no impact on your credit score because the information is not generally reported to credit bureaus as they are not credit accounts.

What time of year are apartments most expensive? ›

Rents Are Highest in the Summer and Fall

Across all 10 metro areas in the report, May through October (early summer to early fall) are the most expensive months for rental prices, perhaps making them not the best time to rent an apartment.

Is it smarter to rent or buy an apartment? ›

Buying a house gives you ownership, privacy and home equity, but the expensive repairs, taxes, interest and insurance can really get you. Renting a home or apartment is lower maintenance and gives you more flexibility to move. But you may have to deal with rent increases, loud neighbors or a grumpy landlord.

What city has the highest rent in America? ›

The most expensive rental market in the US remains to be New York. The average monthly rent for a one-bedroom is roughly $3,260. This is about a $500 decrease from 2021, however as demand continues to increase prices are likely to follow.

Where is the highest average rent? ›

Half of America's most expensive cities for apartments are in California: study
RankMetropolitan Statistical AreaMedian One-Bedroom Apartment February 2023 Asking Rent
1Santa Barbara-Santa Maria- Goleta, CA$ 2,186
2Ithaca, NY$ 2,003
3Bridgeport-Stamford-Norwalk, CT$ 1,889
4Salinas, CA$ 1,873
6 more rows
Mar 14, 2023

In what city is rent the most expensive? ›

Most Expensive Cities Around the World to Rent an Apartment
  • Seattle, Washington, US. ...
  • Washington, D.C., US. ...
  • Miami, Florida, US. ...
  • Los Angeles, California, US. ...
  • San Jose, California, US. ...
  • Oakland, California, US. ...
  • Boston, Massachusetts, US. Cost of Rent Index Score: 75.2. ...
  • George Town, Cayman Islands. Cost of Rent Index Score: 76.4.
Apr 30, 2023

Should you always try to negotiate rent? ›

But in our opinion, it's 100% worth it to negotiate rent and get the best price possible for your new home. Since rent prices make up a large portion of our expenses, shaving off even a small percentage of your rent can save you thousands of dollars a year.

Will rent go down in 2023 Texas? ›

While there's no consensus on what rents will do exactly in 2023 — go up a little, go down a little, or stay flat, according to three forecasts — what's clear is they are expected to return to more normal growth patterns, instead of the unsustainable, record rates seen in 2021 and 2022.

Where do people rent the most in Texas? ›

According to a recent Census Bureau report on “predominately renter” cities, College Station is at number one nationally, with nearly 60 percent of its residents in rental housing. Killeen ranks third at 56 percent. “Texas is a young state in terms of demographics,” says Dr.

How much can a landlord legally raise the rent in Texas? ›

There is not a statewide law that places limits on how much a landlord can increase the rent when a lease is renewed. In fact, Texas law only allows cities to establish local rent control ordinances in certain cases.

What are two disadvantages of renting? ›

Cons of Renting:
  • Your landlord can increase the rent at any time.
  • You cannot build equity if you're renting a property. ...
  • There are no tax benefits to renting a property.
  • You cannot make any changes to your house or your apartment without your landlord's approval.
  • Many houses available for rent have a “No Pets” policy.
Oct 31, 2019

What is the main reason to avoid renting to own? ›

A major disadvantage of renting to own is that renters lose their down payment and other non-refundable charges if they decide not to purchase the home. Some sellers may even take advantage of renters by making it difficult or unappealing to purchase the home — with the goal of keeping the down payment.

Why owning is always better than renting? ›

As a renter, you don't build equity over the long term and if you leave, you don't get to take any profits with you. Owning a home can be empowering and emotionally rewarding. The money you spend on your mortgage every month and improving your home yields a long-term investment benefit for you instead of a landlord.

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Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.