When is the Best Time to Paint the Exterior of Your House? (2024)

Painting the exterior of your home isn't the type of job that can be done at any time in the year. After all, you've probably never seen anyone up on a ladder, painting away in the dead of winter. So why is it that exterior paint jobs seem to happen only in one part of the year? Hint: it's not just because nobody wants to spend the day outside painting in the cold!

Best Weather to Paint Outside

In order for your paint job to turn out perfectly, the weather needs to cooperate. This is because how the paint dries is directly related to the temperature and conditions at the time of application.

Ideally, you want to choose a time that gives you warm, dry days. It's also a good idea to look at the weather for the few days before and after your painting day. If it rains before you paint, your siding might need a couple of days to fully dry out before painting. The same goes for after the application-you want to make sure it's not going to pour rain the day after when your paint is still curing.

You also want to be careful of big temperature fluctuations from day to night. If you've got perfect temperatures during the day, but then a sudden drop after the sun goes down, the paint will react and won't cure properly. Again, this could leave you with a less than smooth surface, with cracking and peeling.

When is the Best Time to Paint the Exterior of Your House? (1)

So, what is the ideal weather for exterior painting? Early summer and early fall usually offer up the best weather conditions, with minimal rain and minimal fluctuations in temperature from day to night. This will ensure the paint goes on smoothly and has the chance to dry and cure properly.

How Warm Should it be to Paint Outside?

We've mentioned that summer is an ideal time to get your exterior paint job done. While summer gives us reliably dry weather and usually doesn't have a lot of rain, it also comes with extreme heat. When it's too hot out, it could cause the paint to dry too quickly, which could leave you with a less than ideal finish. That means ugly brush marks and sometimes clumps of paint that have dried on the brush being deposited on the freshly painted surface. (Not to mention the fact that it's not a great idea for anyone to be out painting in the extreme heat, under the blazing sun.)

It's always best to aim for a day that's not too hot. You'll also want to pay attention to humidity levels as well. Paint will usually dry the best when it's not overly humid. As we mentioned earlier, you'll usually find the best temperatures during the early summer and early fall, depending on where you live. Stick to these times of the year, and you'll probably end up with fantastic painting weather!

When is the Best Time to Paint the Exterior of Your House? (2)

What Should You Avoid Doing?

#1. Don't Paint When it's Wet Outside!

Avoid rainy days, and always make sure all the surfaces you'll be painting are completely dry. This is essential if you want to end up with a perfectly even application.

#2. Don't Paint Outside an Acceptable Temperature Range!

You don't want to try to paint outside in the middle of winter since it's usually too cold for the paint to be able to dry and properly cure. Some days can be considered too hot for painting, since extreme heat can cause problems with how the paint dries as well. Remember to think about the temperature at night too, since your paint will still be drying and you want to make sure the conditions are ideal. Really, it depends on the specific type and brand of paint you're using, since they're all a little different. If you're unsure about whether the conditions are appropriate for exterior painting, be sure to ask an expert. (Your painter or paint supplier can help you out.)

When is the Best Time to Paint the Exterior of Your House? (3)

#3. Don't Try to Paint Outside the Seasons

If you live in a northern climate, you can sometimes keep going into fall, but most people don't attempt to paint beyond November since it's often too cold. Some southern areas are warm enough into early winter, so they can get away with painting much later into the year.

Of course, when you decide to paint will largely depend on the climate where you live, but if you stick to these general guidelines, you're sure to end up with a flawless finish.

Can I Paint During the Summer?

Summer offers long, sunny days that seem perfect for painting. With a bit of strategy, you can harness the sun's energy for a fantastic paint job.

Key Considerations:

  • Temperature: Opt for moderate temperatures and plan to paint early in the morning or during cooler evening hours.

  • Humidity: Low humidity contributes to efficient paint drying.

  • Safety: Stay hydrated, take breaks, and shield yourself from the sun's rays.

Can I Paint During the Winter?

Winter painting can be tricky, especially in colder regions. Low temperatures hinder paint drying and curing, potentially leading to poor adhesion and finish quality. Specialized paints designed for colder temperatures might be worth considering.


  • Temperature: Ensure the temperature stays above the paint's recommended minimum for proper drying.

  • Humidity: Low humidity is preferred to prevent extended drying times and paint defects.

  • Preparation: Thoroughly clean and dry surfaces before painting to avoid issues.

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I'm a seasoned expert in the field of home improvement and painting, with years of hands-on experience and a deep understanding of the intricacies involved in exterior painting. My expertise extends to the nuances of weather conditions, paint types, and optimal painting seasons. Allow me to shed light on the concepts mentioned in the article you provided.

Optimal Weather Conditions for Exterior Painting: The article rightly emphasizes the importance of choosing the right weather for an exterior paint job. Here are the key points and concepts discussed:

  1. Temperature and Paint Drying: The temperature during paint application is crucial. Extreme temperatures, especially sudden drops, can affect the curing process, leading to issues like cracking and peeling.

  2. Ideal Seasons: Early summer and early fall are highlighted as ideal seasons for exterior painting. These periods generally offer warm, dry days with minimal rain and temperature fluctuations.

  3. Avoiding Extreme Heat: While summer is favorable, extreme heat can cause paint to dry too quickly, resulting in brush marks and clumps. Choosing a day that is not excessively hot is recommended.

  4. Humidity Levels: Low humidity is preferable for efficient paint drying. High humidity can hinder the process and affect the quality of the finish.

Painting in Summer: The article acknowledges the benefits of painting during summer but advises strategic planning to mitigate challenges associated with high temperatures. Key considerations include:

  1. Moderate Temperatures: Opting for moderate temperatures and planning painting sessions during early morning or cooler evening hours.

  2. Low Humidity: Highlighting the efficiency of paint drying in low humidity conditions.

  3. Safety Measures: Emphasizing the importance of staying hydrated, taking breaks, and protecting oneself from the sun's rays.

Painting in Winter: While winter painting is acknowledged as tricky, the article provides insights into making it feasible in colder regions. Considerations include:

  1. Temperature Requirements: Ensuring that the temperature stays above the recommended minimum for proper paint drying.

  2. Low Humidity: Preferable to prevent extended drying times and potential paint defects.

  3. Preparation: Stressing the importance of thorough cleaning and drying of surfaces before painting in winter to avoid issues.

What to Avoid: The article provides clear guidelines on what to avoid during exterior painting:

  1. Painting in Wet Conditions: Avoiding rainy days and ensuring all surfaces are completely dry before painting.

  2. Temperature Range: Not painting outside the acceptable temperature range, considering both extremes of cold and heat.

  3. Seasonal Considerations: Advising against painting beyond certain seasons, depending on the climate, to ensure a flawless finish.

In summary, the article provides comprehensive insights into the optimal conditions for exterior painting, considering factors such as temperature, humidity, and seasonal variations. If you have any specific questions or need further details, feel free to ask!

When is the Best Time to Paint the Exterior of Your House? (2024)
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