What the CIA's Ridiculously Intense Hiring Process Can Teach Us (2024)

What the CIA's Ridiculously Intense Hiring Process Can Teach Us (1)

The Central Intelligence Agency has perhaps the most intense hiring process in America, and for good reason. Credit: Wikipedia Commons

Aside from perhaps running for President of the United States, the most intense hiring process in America belongs to its own Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), which often takes two years.

The process will almost certainly uncover your deepest, darkest secrets and use them against you. Along with you undergoing every possible assessment out there, from polygraph exams to personality tests, your family, your exes, your neighbors and your friends will all be interrogated.

Along the way, if you lie, or even exaggerate, you’ll be instantly disqualified. Obviously, you can’t take drugs or commit any criminal acts. And you have to be under the age of 35.

All that, for a job that pays below your market value, that you can’t talk about to even your closest friends and comes with the distinct possibility of being killed, tortured or the government denying your very existence.

So what is the CIA really looking for in its recruits? One word: passion.

How The CIA Hires

The CIA’s clandestine service, aka the people going undercover and reporting back information, is anything but easy to get into. As mentioned, the hiring process can take upwards of two years, with candidates and their larger networks forced to endure a multitude of exams.

The requirements to apply for the clandestine service are difficult, but certainly not impossible. All applicants have to have a bachelor’s degree and have earned at least a 3.0 GPA in college. Candidates who can speak different languages are preferred, as well as people who stay abreast of international affairs and have traveled internationally as well.

Candidates have to pass physical tests, so they must be in good shape, and to apply, one has to be under 35 years old. The CIA doesn’t require candidates to have a degree in a certain area, except for more technical positions.

It helps to have been part of the military or taken an internship at the CIA as well. To apply, all candidates must write a one-page cover letter and submit a resume to apply.

The first step in the process is a pretty basic phone interview by a CIA recruiter who, naturally, doesn’t give out their real name. The interview includes questions regarding your knowledge of international affairs (ex. “Who is the leader of Peru?”).

That’s followed by a second interview, again including questions about international affairs. One candidate told a story about how he said he was an expert in the Middle East, so he was only asked questions about Latin and South America in the second interview.

If you pass these two stages, which can take two months after you originally applied, the process begins to become more intense. The CIA will send you instructions to take an online personality and intelligence test, along with a recommend reading list to learn what it means to become an agent.

If that goes well, you’ll be brought in for a series of physical, medical and psychological tests. For the psychological tests, some candidates discuss how they were forced to reveal something they were embarrassed about (i.e. an affair, drug abuse, etc) and then were forced to talk about it to a group of stone-faced observers.

There is also a polygraph exam that has been described by many as exceptionally difficult and revealing. All a candidate’s dirty laundry is revealed and discussed in finite detail, and if there are any inconsistencies, the candidate is rejected.

Included in all this are exceptionally-difficult scenario questions. One candidate told a story where she was asked what she would do if she knew people were coming to a hotel room where she was meeting with a high-placed informant who was spying on said people.

Her answer was that she’d tell the people she was dating him. However, the agency marked her response as a failure, saying instead said she should have actually begun to get intimate with him, so when the people walked in her story was more “credible”.

Next comes the background check, which can take two years. Candidates’ families are interviewed, their friends, their exes and dozens of other people they came in contact with. If any of a candidate’s close friends or family have serious criminal issues, the candidate will be denied.

Overall, only 17 percent of people who are given conditional offers – i.e. offers after the initial screenings – pass the psychology, medical, personality and background exams. During this two-year process, candidates are not allowed to talk about where they're applying, as secrecy remains paramount at the CIA.

What The CIA Is Looking For

So what is the agency looking for?

It isn’t necessarily a perfect person, as there are a few stories online of candidates eventually getting hired despite skeletons in their closet. That said, it is still a pretty high standard, as the agency rejects people with major money issues, any recent drug use or people who cannot pass the physical tests, as an example.

One thing the CIA is clearly looking for is smart people. And physically fit people. And people who can keep a secret, which obviously is pretty crucial.

But, most of all, the CIA is looking for is people who really, really, really want the job. Again, the CIA doesn’t even pay a great salary – most entry-level workers in the clandestine division make around $40,000 a year – and the process itself is lengthy and incredibly invasive, so only people who are obsessed with becoming an agent are going to stick through it.

Just look at the CIA’s career site for more evidence. The entire site describes how working at the CIA is very meaningful work that’s critical to America’s safety.

“CIA offers a career experience you’d expect at any company,” said one woman on a recruitment video on the CIA’s career site. “The difference is every night, I go home knowing that the work I do really matters. And every day I share my work with a group of colleagues who feel the same way.”

That dedication to the agency is screened throughout the entire process, with no better example than the one cited earlier where the woman essentially had to say she would have relations for the good of her country. And, to further entice people into becoming passionate about the CIA, the readings they suggest during the hiring process reinforce their message.

And while the CIA doesn’t have the best pay, they do have amazing benefits. And it isn’t just standard health and retirement, either, but a gym, gardens, walking paths, intramural sports and more.

The goal, as the CIA writes on its website, is to have the agency “its own community.” The reason is obvious: they recruit people who love the agency, and then foster that loyalty by building an incredibly tight-knit group of workers who lean on the agency for both their income and most of their recreation.

The Business Lesson

Obviously, no company could have a hiring process like the CIA’s. First off, it wouldn’t even be legal (private employers can’t give polygraph exams, as an example), and no company could routinely take two years to hire one person.

Instead, the CIA serves as an example of what the perfect hiring process would look like. Obviously, they are hiring for among the most important positions in America, and they have incredible time and resources to do it.

So what do they look for? Yes, some skills, particularly for the highly-technical jobs. But more than that, they look for intelligence and, first and foremost, passion.

The CIA’s entire premise is to get people completely ingrained into their cultural, a person who is willing to put the agency ahead of everything from their bank account to their own safety. That’s also probably the reason why they want people under the age of 35, because a younger mind is more moldable to the agency’s line of thinking.

And that’s the real business lesson: skills and attitude matter. But, while hiring for any position in any organization, perhaps the most important thing is to find someone who truly believes in your company’s mission and is passionate about their job.

Bottom line, we spend a lot of time in hiring looking at the size of the dog in the fight, i.e. a person’s skills and qualifications. But perhaps what really matters is the size of the fight in the dog, i.e. how much that candidate really wants what you’re offering.

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VoiceGlance is a cloud-based hiring tool used by forward-thinking companies to hire smarter, instead of harder. Learn more here.

What the CIA's Ridiculously Intense Hiring Process Can Teach Us (2024)


What does the CIA teach you? ›

Extensive hand-to-hand combat skills are learned, including martial arts like krav maga, jeet kune do and Brazilian jiu jitsu, and you must learn to fight with improvised weapons.

What is the CIA hiring process like? ›

Hiring Process

Submit your resume via MyLINK. Receive an invitation to apply for a specific position. Successfully complete screening, testing, and interviews.

What disqualifies you from joining the CIA? ›

Recent involvement in criminal or unethical behavior can disqualify you from getting a clearance. This includes pending criminal charges, felony convictions, and a dishonorable discharge. In addition, crimes like illegal downloading of copyrighted material can also be an issue.

Is it hard to get hired by CIA? ›

Challenges with the CIA Hiring Process

One of the challenges that the CIA has faced is an incredibly long hiring process. In order to get a diverse talent pool, the agency needs to shorten the hiring and vetting timeline. People can't remain unemployed for months or years at a time.

Do CIA agents tell their family? ›

You're employed by the CIA, which stands for Central Intelligence Agency. Much of your work is done in secret, and you often work with real-life Spies. The job is so secretive that you won't even be able to tell your family what you do for a living. As a CIA Agent, you can handle different types of assignments.

What is the main goal of the CIA? ›

Our Agency

As the world's premier foreign intelligence agency, the work we do at CIA is vital to U.S. national security. We collect and analyze foreign intelligence and conduct covert action. U.S. policymakers, including the President of the United States, make policy decisions informed by the information we provide.

Are CIA interviews hard? ›

If you're interested in joining their ranks, you'll need to be prepared for their notoriously tough interview process.

Can I join the CIA at 50? ›

Minimum age requirement is 18 years old to apply. There's no maximum age limit for any role at the CIA with the exception of operations officers, which for them is 35.

Is it stressful to be a CIA agent? ›

The difference is in the dedication CIA officers and analysts have to their jobs, knowing that their commitment could prevent the next 9/11 attacks. This feeling, of course, also leads to a stressful work environment, knowing what might be at stake if you happened to go home early one day.

What type of person does the CIA look for? ›

Generally, the intelligence community is looking for those with degrees in geography, library science, history, international studies, politics, national security, statistics, law and accounting, while computer science, cybersecurity and those with degrees in language and foreign cultures are also sought after.

How much do CIA assassins get paid? ›

According to several sources, CIA Assassin salaries typically range from $60,000 to $150,000 per year, depending on various factors such as experience, skill set, and job complexity.

What skills does the CIA look for? ›

Special agents/investigators must possess:
  • An in-depth knowledge of administrative investigative techniques and procedures.
  • The ability to bring together and organize large amounts of data.
  • The ability to draw appropriate conclusions.
  • The ability to work alone or as part of a team.
  • The ability to work under pressure.

What is the average age of a CIA recruit? ›

Most candidates are between 21 and 25 years old. The Clandestine Service (CST) Program (for core collectors, operations officers and collection management officers) is designed for individuals with a bachelor's degree, as well as several years of business/military experience.

What is the average age of CIA employees? ›

The most common age range of Central Intelligence Agency employees is 20-30 years.

What degree is best for CIA? ›

Like other big organizations, the CIA needs people with degrees in business administration, accounting and finance. A degree in international business, which prepares graduates to deal with different cultures and engage in foreign business practices, is a good fit for the CIA.

What happens to CIA agents when they retire? ›

No, the majority of former CIA case officers work as consultants or contractors within the U.S. intelligence community. While returning to work as intelligence consultant is the norm, some few do forge a different path, applying lessons learned from government service to a new life in the private sector.

Can CIA listen to your phone? ›

Is the CIA watching me through my phone? Your smartphone is no exception to CIA mass surveillance. In fact, Stingrays are used by law enforcement agencies to track citizens' movements and record conversations, text messages, names, and phone numbers.

Can a CIA agent pull you over? ›

The CIA Does Not Generally Arrest Suspects – It may come as a surprise to most people but the Central Intelligence Agency has no law enforcement power. The agency's primary function is as a foreign intelligence gathering and analyzing entity. As such, it does not carry out arrests, particularly in a domestic capacity.

Who is number 1 intelligence agency in the world? ›

1. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) - US. The CIA is one of the most renowned intelligence agencies globally, responsible for gathering and analysing intelligence information related to national security issues for the United States.

What are the three pillars of CIA? ›

The three letters in "CIA triad" stand for Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability. The CIA triad is a common model that forms the basis for the development of security systems.

What is the CIA's motto? ›

Central Intelligence Agency
Agency overview
Motto(Official): The Work of a Nation. The Center of Intelligence. (Unofficial): And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. (John 8:32)
Employees21,575 (estimate)
Annual budget$15 billion (as of 2013)
9 more rows

What is the most secret job in the CIA? ›

The most secretive jobs in the CIA – the spies – work in an area officially known as "Clandestine Service." More specifically, these employees are operations and collection management officers who work in foreign countries.

What does CIA ask on polygraph? ›

During the background investigation and polygraph testing any inconsistencies will be noted. “We ask directly: give us an example of a time when you were not straightforward or honest—how did that work out, what did you learn, and how have you changed since then?

How smart do you have to be to work for CIA? ›

The CIA normally requires applicants for an agent position to have a GPA of 3.0 or higher from an accredited institution.

What age do CIA agents retire? ›

The minimum retirement age under FERS depends on an employee's date of birth, but ranges from age 55 to 57.

Can you tell someone you work for the CIA? ›

Further, although many CIA employees may state their affiliation with the agency as long as they refrain from revealing classified information, individuals who covertly work for the CIA are forbidden from revealing their true identity to strangers while employed by the CIA.

Where do CIA agents live? ›

While the majority of CIA agents reside in Washington DC, others live and work abroad.

What do most CIA agents major in? ›

CIA officers must have a minimum of a bachelor's degree, and some roles require graduate degrees. Many different degrees can prepare you for a career at the CIA. Criminal justice and political science are the most common, but people with a wide variety of educational backgrounds are encouraged to apply.

Does the CIA have a dress code? ›

Clean and pressed white dress shirt (NY, CA). White undershirts/t-shirts are required for all—colors or logos are not permitted. Undergarments must not be visible. CIA-issued ties are required (NY, CA).

How many hours do CIA agents work a week? ›

How are the working hours at Central Intelligence Agency? 24/7, 365, 7 days a week, 24 hours in a day. How flexible are your working hours at Central Intelligence Agency? Generally the hours are 0830 to 1700..

What are the 4 temperaments of the CIA? ›

The four temperament theory is a proto-psychological theory which suggests that there are four fundamental personality types: sanguine, choleric, melancholic, and phlegmatic.

What schools does CIA recruit from? ›

Among the schools on the CIA's recruitment list are Ohio, Kent and Cleveland state universities, the College of Wooster, Oberlin College, Denison University, Case Western Reserve University and the universities of Akron, Dayton, Cincinnati and Toledo.

Who is more powerful FBI or CIA? ›

The FBI is sometimes called the biggest law enforcement agency on earth. Unlike the CIA, the FBI doesn't operate in countries outside of the U.S. The FBI is the enforcement and investigative arm of the United States Department of Justice. It has jurisdiction over 200+ categories of federal crimes.

What is CIA Black Ops? ›

A black operation or black op is a covert or clandestine operation by a government agency, a military unit or a paramilitary organization; it can include activities by private companies or groups. Key features of a black operation are that it is secret and it is not attributable to the organization carrying it out.

What is the highest paid CIA agent? ›

The top 5 highest paying jobs who knows CIA with reported salaries are:
  • advisory senior manager - $201k per year.
  • advisory manager - $139k per year.
  • advisory specialist master - $135k per year.
  • risk assurance manager - $119k per year.

Are CIA agents trained to fight? ›

Extensive hand-to-hand combat skills are learned, including martial arts like krav maga, jeet kune do and Brazilian jiu jitsu, and you must learn to fight with improvised weapons.

Who is the youngest CIA agent ever? ›

Aldrich Ames
Ames in 1994
BornAldrich Hazen Ames May 26, 1941 River Falls, Wisconsin, U.S.
EducationUniversity of Chicago George Washington University (BA)
Criminal charge18 U.S.C. § 794(c) (Espionage Act)
10 more rows

Who gets recruited for the CIA? ›

You must be a U.S. citizen. You must have at least a bachelor's degree (and outstanding grades) to be considered for non-clerical positions. Being fluent in a foreign language would certainly help. You must complete and pass a medical exam, a polygraph, and an extensive background investigation.

How competitive is joining the CIA? ›

If you read the qualifications, you probably realize it's pretty tough to get into the CIA, especially if you want to be one of the 10% of CIA officers who are field operatives. Your chances will be much better if you've first been honest with yourself about who you are and what you're capable of.

Is the CIA family friendly? ›

The Agency offers great support for families, bolstering a sense of “Agency family.” The most heartfelt experience as a CIA officer? We adopted our child while on an assignment.

Who is the longest serving CIA officer? ›

Allen Welsh Dulles (/ˈdʌlɪs/ DUL-iss; April 7, 1893 – January 29, 1969) was the first civilian director of central intelligence (DCI), and its longest-serving director to-date.

What are three interesting facts about the CIA? ›

CIA Secrets: Five Quirky Facts about the Spy Agency
  • The CIA employs magicians. Among the many tricks the CIA had at its disposal during the Cold War was a top-secret manual of deception written by magician John Mulholland. ...
  • Langley has a secret Starbucks. ...
  • CIA operatives travel with spy gadgets.

Can you join the CIA without a college degree? ›

It's possible to get a job at the CIA without a college degree. However, most CIA jobs require candidates to have at least a bachelor's degree. Aspiring CIA agents, operations officers, analysts, computer specialists and more all need to get a four-year degree before applying.

Does CIA pay for Masters? ›

We offer financial needs-based scholarships for undergraduate and graduate students. In addition to a year-round salary, scholarship recipients will get up to $25,000 in tuition assistance per calendar year. All recipients must be either entering or attending an accredited university.

What martial arts does CIA use? ›

It's expected that Secret Service agents would be highly trained in weaponry and combat. They are, after all, protecting the President, but some Secret Service agents are more highly trained than others. Some are trained in a Russian Martial Art called Systema.

What good things does the CIA do? ›

At the CIA, our mission is to preempt threats and further U.S. national security objectives by: Collecting foreign intelligence that matters; Producing objective all-source analysis; Conducting effective covert action as directed by the president; and.

What skills do CIA agents learn? ›

Special agents/investigators must possess:
  • An in-depth knowledge of administrative investigative techniques and procedures.
  • The ability to bring together and organize large amounts of data.
  • The ability to draw appropriate conclusions.
  • The ability to work alone or as part of a team.
  • The ability to work under pressure.

Can I join the CIA without a degree? ›

It's possible to get a job at the CIA without a college degree. However, most CIA jobs require candidates to have at least a bachelor's degree. Aspiring CIA agents, operations officers, analysts, computer specialists and more all need to get a four-year degree before applying.

How long is the CIA training? ›

CIA training can be completed in 18 months. Those seeking to become CIA agents must meet the requirements for the Clandestine Service and Professional Trainee Programs. The Professional Trainee (PT) Program for aspiring CIA agents: Staff operations officers.

What power does the CIA have? ›

The Center of Intelligence." Unlike the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), which is a domestic security service, the CIA has no law enforcement function and is mainly focused on overseas intelligence gathering, with only limited domestic intelligence collection.

Who does the CIA look for? ›

Generally, the intelligence community is looking for those with degrees in geography, library science, history, international studies, politics, national security, statistics, law and accounting, while computer science, cybersecurity and those with degrees in language and foreign cultures are also sought after.

What is the most secretive CIA unit? ›

The Special Activities Division (SAD) is the Central Intelligence Agency's (CIA) covert paramilitary operations unit. They are one of America's most secretive and lowest profile special ops organizations.

Can you tell people if you work for CIA? ›

Further, although many CIA employees may state their affiliation with the agency as long as they refrain from revealing classified information, individuals who covertly work for the CIA are forbidden from revealing their true identity to strangers while employed by the CIA.

What's higher than a CIA? ›

The NSA is led by the Director of the National Security Agency (DIRNSA), who also serves as Chief of the Central Security Service (CHCSS) and Commander of the United States Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM) and is the highest-ranking military official of these organizations.

How much do CIA Black Ops agents make? ›

The average salary of a CIA agent

The average salary for a CIA agent is $81,207 per year . Salaries range from $25,000 to $169,000 per year. Your actual salary will depend upon your skills, experience and which branch of the CIA you enter and the position you hold.

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Name: Duncan Muller

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Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.