What Selling Your Business with an Investment Banker Looks Like (2024)

The ultimate goal of selling your business is to maximize value for you as the founder.

An investment banker can help you maximize value by bringing their expertise to the entire deal process. They do so by helping you ensure the deal remains:

  • Competitive. Negotiating in tandem with several interested parties drives valuations up and helps you negotiate out unfavorable terms.
  • Positioned. When presenting, you want to make sure your metrics and company descriptions frame your company in the most positive way possible for buyers.
  • Efficient. The swifter you can reach an optimal outcome, the better.
  • Organized. Setting clear milestones for the process helps ensure quality from bidding parties.
  • Confidential. Confidentiality protects your business from revealing proprietary information to the wrong party.

When working through an investment banker, the deal process typically takes somewhere between 4-6 months, though in some cases can move as quickly as 3 months. Here is what the deal process typically looks like:

What Selling Your Business with an Investment Banker Looks Like (1)

Stage 1: Pre-Marketing

Length: 2-4 Weeks

Before you can take your business to market, you and your investment banker will need to make the necessary preparations, including:

  • Cleaning up your financials
  • Generating marketing materials
  • Creating your buyer/investor list

Cleaning up your financials

Most of the effort spent in this stage is focused on ensuring the company’s internal financials and customer data all neatly tie together and that this information is easy for buyers to audit later on in the process.

Though a company's financials aren't expected to be 100% GAAP, all revenue and expenses should be easily auditable back to original sources.

What Selling Your Business with an Investment Banker Looks Like (2)

What Selling Your Business with an Investment Banker Looks Like (3)

Generating marketing materials

Once your financials are cleaned up, you and your banker will create a Confidential Information Presentation (CIP). Your CIP will be a ~30-page deck laying out key business metrics and explanations for buyers to evaluate your business at a high level.

The general sections within the CIP are:

  • Historical financials and near-term forecast
  • Customer analyses (e.g. revenue by product by customer, retention analysis, revenue composition analysis, etc.)
  • Product information, functionality, and infrastructure
  • Market overview and the company’s growth opportunities
  • Organizational/structural information and cap table

Many of the analyses you include in your CIP will also appear in your management presentation deck. This deck is the lens through which buyers will see your business and is how you will make your first impression with buyers. As such, this deck is a critical document and you should rely on your banker’s expertise when building it out.

Your banker will also help build out a transaction teaser, which is a one-page, anonymous summary about your company to garner interest from potential buyers before they receive the full CIP upon signing an NDA.

What Selling Your Business with an Investment Banker Looks Like (4)

What Selling Your Business with an Investment Banker Looks Like (5)

Creating your buyer/investor list

The buyer list should be a collaborative effort between the banker and you, the selling company.

The banker should take input from the founder on who the founder would like to include or exclude as a potential buyer. In addition, the banker should be able to bring additional buyers to the table through their knowledge of the sector and network of past buyers/investors.

Founders and their bankers should discuss how to approach each potential buyer to take into account preexisting relationships, competitive sensitivities, and custom nuances to each party. For example, if a founder has an existing customer who could be a buyer, then it may make sense to have the founder reach out directly to initiate the conversation.

Another issue to cover as you create your list is letting your investment banker know whether a proposed buyer could pose a competitive threat. Such companies could use the knowledge of your sale against you by notifying your partners or customers to weaken your relationship with them.

What Selling Your Business with an Investment Banker Looks Like (6)

What Selling Your Business with an Investment Banker Looks Like (7)

Summary of Pre-Marketing

The responsibilities of the founder and the investment banker in this phase of the deal process are as follows:

Investment Banker

  • Conduct business and financial diligence to gain a strong understanding of the business
  • Create financial projections
  • Draft a transaction teaser
  • Draft the CIP and management presentation
  • Construct an initial buyer list


  • Provide materials for the banker to finalize business and financial diligence
  • Review initial buyer list and identify any competitively sensitive buyers
  • Review CIP and management presentation
  • Verify transaction NDA

Stage 2: Marketing

Length: 4-8 weeks

When the time comes to take your business to market, you will use the marketing materials you prepared together with your investment banker to frame your business for buyers. The activities you’ll engage with in this stage are as follows:

  • Make initial contact with buyers
  • Execute NDAs and send the CIP to interested buyers
  • Qualify buyers
  • Conduct management presentations
  • Distribute process letters for next steps
  • Receive first-round bids

Make initial contact with buyers

Either you or your investment banker will make initial contact with C-suite management and/or corporate development reps at the target buying company or private equity firm. Initial contact usually involves sharing the anonymous teaser, followed by an opportunity for the buyer to ask a few questions.

Execute NDAs and send the CIP to interested buyers

Once a buyer expresses interest, the banker sends over a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) for the buyer, prohibiting the buyer from disclosing the identity of the selling company and the information contained in the CIP.

Buyers will often have questions for the investment bank after reviewing the CIP. At Vista Point Advisors, we try to keep the back-and-forth of questions to a minimum at this point until we have identified the buyers who have real interest in the opportunity and are qualified for the transaction.

Qualify buyers

In order to save time and resources, your investment banker will take some time to vet buyers on the list to ensure they meet the minimum qualifications of a buyer. Some dimensions on which to qualify a buyer include:

  • Overall interest
  • Historical experience in the sector
  • Financial capacity to make the purchase
  • Track record of M&A and historical bidding

What Selling Your Business with an Investment Banker Looks Like (8)

What Selling Your Business with an Investment Banker Looks Like (9)

Conduct management presentations

For those buyers who qualify, the banker will schedule 1-hour management presentations over conference call for the founder and their management team to review key concepts from the CIP and field any questions from the buyer.

These presentations are a time for founders and bankers to further narrow down the buyer list based on interest level. Generally, management will participate in 10-20 presentations, depending on the situation. To help management prepare, the banker will schedule a practice session in which the banker will ask common questions and ensure the presentation is consistent with the CIP and other discussions with buyers.

What Selling Your Business with an Investment Banker Looks Like (10)

What Selling Your Business with an Investment Banker Looks Like (11)

Distribute process letters for next steps

Following the presentations, the banker will share with interested buyers a process letter that outlines the information the buyer should provide in their first round bid in the form of an indication of interest (IOI), as well as timelines for when they should submit their bid. Some of the information a buyer should include in their IOI include:

  • Proposed bid
  • Basic details of a proposed transaction structure
  • Diligence topics they would like to address in the next phase

Receive first-round bids

Buyers then share their bids directly with the banker, who evaluates them in comparison with the other bids to determine which parties the selling company should continue engaging with.

Summary of Marketing

The responsibilities of the founder and the investment banker in this phase of the deal process are as follows:

Investment Banker

  • Reach out to buyers with a transaction teaser (when appropriate)
  • Execute NDAs
  • Send out CIPs once NDAs are fulfilled
  • Schedule management presentations for qualified buyers
  • Distribute process letters for next steps
  • Receive bids and IOIs


  • Conduct management presentations

Stage 3: Diligence

Length: 3-6 weeks

After receiving first-round bids, together founders and bankers will narrow down the buyer list to 3-5 potential buyers. These buyers will then have the opportunity to review additional company information through a private data room during the diligence stage. This stage carries out as follows:

  • Accrue and open a data room
  • Schedule half-day, on-site meetings
  • Accept second-round bids

What Selling Your Business with an Investment Banker Looks Like (12)

What Selling Your Business with an Investment Banker Looks Like (13)

Accrue and open a data room

To conduct their diligence, buyers will need access to information beyond what’s included in the CIP. A data room is an online portal for sharing information in a confidential manner so buyers can access the information they need to evaluate a company.

The investment banker will be responsible for setting up the data room, and may even start adding information during stage 2 as they gather information for the CIP. Some common items a banker will include in the data room are:

  • Employee census and historical compensation data
  • Organizational and reporting structure and documents
  • Sales team and pipeline data
  • Forecast model
  • Lease details
  • Key partner agreements
  • Marketing spend and productivity data
  • Customer contracts
  • Employment agreements
  • Option certificates
  • Other items

What Selling Your Business with an Investment Banker Looks Like (14)

What Selling Your Business with an Investment Banker Looks Like (15)

Schedule half-day, on-site meetings

Once buyers have had a chance to review the information in the data room, the investment banker will set up half-day meetings for the buyer to meet the management team in person.

Ideally these meetings will be on-site at the selling company’s headquarters. In cases where management is sensitive to having buyers present during the work day, the meeting can take place at a nearby facility with a potential walkthrough in the evening.

Accept second-round bids

With access to more information and an opportunity to meet with management, buyers will be equipped to make a more detailed second round bid in the form of a letter of intent (LOI), or "term sheet." In the event there is no clear winner, the banker should ask buyers to show stronger closing commitment (such as finalizing quality of earnings audits or drafting a purchase agreement), as well as increase valuation as everything is still non-binding.

What Selling Your Business with an Investment Banker Looks Like (16)

What Selling Your Business with an Investment Banker Looks Like (17)

Summary of Diligence

The responsibilities of the founder and the investment banker in this phase of the deal process are as follows:

Investment Banker

  • Analyze initial and second-round bids and recommend strategies to improve terms
  • Create and manage the data room including all access privileges
  • Add relevant diligence information to the data room
  • Organize and attend on-site meetings


  • Provide diligence information
  • Make relevant personnel available to the banker for questions
  • Evaluate bids along with banker

Stage 4: Documentation

Length: 3-6 weeks

Following second-round bids, the selling company and their banker should be able to select a buyer from among the finalists to begin the closing steps. These steps under the documentation stage are as follows:

  • Finalize third-party diligence under exclusivity
  • Review the proposed purchase agreement
  • Create a funds flow spreadsheet
  • Sign the purchase agreement and initiate wire transfers

Finalize third-party diligence under exclusivity

Once the final buyer is selected, the investment banker will open a relatively short window of exclusivity (~30 days) where the selling company agrees to pause conversations with other buyers. Buyers require this exclusivity period as they will have to expend significant resources to consummate the transaction.

During the exclusivity period, the selected buyer will be able to finalize third-party diligence, such as quality of earnings audits, technology review, and legal review, as well as draft their final purchase agreement.

What Selling Your Business with an Investment Banker Looks Like (18)

What Selling Your Business with an Investment Banker Looks Like (19)

Review the proposed purchase agreement

While most of the terms of the agreement should be tied up by now, your banker will assist you in conducting final negotiations with the buyer to incrementally maximize your value in the transaction.

The banker will also assist in the preparation of the disclosure schedule, which discloses any additional and relevant information about the company that are too extensive to include directly in the purchase agreement, such as contracts, court injunctions, competitive agreements, etc. The selling company’s legal counsel will take the lead on preparing the disclosure schedule.

What Selling Your Business with an Investment Banker Looks Like (20)

What Selling Your Business with an Investment Banker Looks Like (21)

Create a funds flow spreadsheet

A funds flow spreadsheet is a document outlining the eventual transfer of funds when the transaction closes. These spreadsheets are extensive and complicated, detailing the source of all funds, who receives those funds, the accounts the funds come from (including bank account and routing numbers), and other information all down to the penny.

In situations where companies have raised prior rounds of even minimal capital, the banker will carefully examine the various security classes to uncover the specific payment mechanics and details that must be adhered to (commonly referred to as the "cap table waterfall").

When the time comes to create the funds flow sheet, you’ll be happy you hired an investment banker.

Sign the purchase agreement and initiate wire transfers

Once the purchase agreement is finalized and all parties are content, the selling company and the buyer will sign the agreement and initiate wire transfers. These transfers may happen all at once with the signing of the agreement or may be staggered if there are additional steps to fulfill.

Summary of Documentation

The responsibilities of the founder and the investment banker in this phase of the deal process are as follows:

Investment Banker

  • Review and negotiate the purchase agreement
  • Assist in preparing the disclosure schedule
  • Build the funds flow spreadsheet


  • Review purchase agreement
  • Provide information for disclosure schedule

Successful Business to Successful Exit

At Vista Point, we’ve found the optimal transaction process for maximizing valuation and optimizing key terms takes somewhere around 4-6 months. At the end of this period, the final outcome for buyers will depend on a combination of valuation price, the terms of the contract, and the goals of the founder post-transaction (such as whether they want to stay involved or walk away from the business). Regardless of your goals, an investment bank can help you move smoothly through the process and close a successful transaction.

What Selling Your Business with an Investment Banker Looks Like (22)

What Selling Your Business with an Investment Banker Looks Like (23)

What Selling Your Business with an Investment Banker Looks Like (2024)


Do I need an investment banker to sell my business? ›

Selling your business can be a complex and time-consuming process. Hiring an investment bank to help manage the transaction may alleviate some of the burden on you and your management team and increase the likelihood of a successful outcome.

What is a good answer for why investment banking? ›

Answering the “why investment banking” interview question

Fast-paced environment. Exposure to high profile transactions. Surround myself with intelligent and motivated people. Valuation & financial modeling work.

How to dress like an investment banker? ›

Investment bankers should avoid wearing loud colors or prints, as well as shirts that are too loose or too tight, but clothing fits well. Ill-fitting clothing can be distracting and take away from your professional appearance. In general, investment bankers should aim for a classic and timeless look.

What do companies look for in an investment banker? ›

Investment banks say they look for loyalty, authority, diplomacy, creativity, and high ethical standards.

How much does it cost to hire an investment banker? ›

However, the cost of investment banker hiring can vary a lot depending on location. Additionally, hiring an investment banker for contract work or on a per-project basis typically costs between $45 and $132 an hour.

Why do companies hire investment bankers? ›

Investment bankers help companies and other entities raise money for expansion and improvement. They may be brought in to manage a company's initial public offering (IPO). They may also prepare a bond offering, negotiate a merger, or arrange a private placement of bonds.

What is a good weakness for investment banking? ›

Give a BS answer like “I work too much” or “I'm too much of a perfectionist.” Give a legitimate weakness, like saying that you sometimes lose focus when working on extended projects, or that you have trouble delegating work to others, and then show how you've been working to improve yourself.

How do you stand out in an investment banking interview? ›

7 Tips To Acing Your Investment Banking Interview
  1. Show That You'll Be Easy To Work With. ...
  2. Know Your Stuff. ...
  3. Be Respectful & Reserved. ...
  4. Bring Your Elevator Pitch. ...
  5. Show You Are Eager To Learn. ...
  6. Lay Some Groundwork Beforehand. ...
  7. Get Your Financial Statements Right.

How do you stand out in investment banking? ›

15 investment banking interview tips (how to stand out)
  1. Tip #1: Be prepared to discuss 1-2 deals in depth. ...
  2. Tip #2: Get your industry highlight reel ready. ...
  3. Tip #3: Prep for technical questions first. ...
  4. Tip #4: Practice with REAL financial statements. ...
  5. Tip #5: Know what to expect from your target firm.
Jun 17, 2022

What color suit for investment banking? ›

In the case of being an investment banker, stick to suits with solid, neutral colors like navy, gray, or black. The point is not to be flashy or noticeable, but to look professional and respectable.

What are bankers looking for? ›

Bankers need to assess whether your project is a good risk and whether you will be able to repay your loan. Their risk evaluation will determine whether you can get a loan, but also what the interest rate and conditions will be.

What is the most important quality of a banker? ›

“A banker needs to have good judgment, service orientation and the ability to cope well under stressful circ*mstances. Organizational skills, time management and a strong work ethic are also essential for this job.”

What are the core skills for investment bankers? ›

Investment Banker Qualifications/Skills:
  • Strong communication, networking and interpersonal skills.
  • Ability to work in a fast-paced environment.
  • Skilled in research and analysis.
  • Effective presentation skills.
  • Ability to manage time and projects.
  • Knowledge of relevant regulations related to securities and M&As.

What do investment companies look for? ›

The three key tasks of investment management

Investment management firms need key information such as how much the client has to invest, how much return they want, when they'll need to access their money, and how much they're willing to risk losing.

Who pays the investment banker fees? ›

Types Of Fees and Timeline

The retainer fee is an upfront cost paid by the client to the investment bank. The retainer is determined based on various characteristics of the deal such as due diligence, associated risk, and current market activity.

How much do investment banks charge to sell company? ›

There is a wide range of fees charged on the sale of a business in investment banking. Below is a very rough guideline of ranges that can typically be seen in the industry: $0-10 million: >10% $10-100 million: 3-10%

Do investment bankers have to negotiate? ›

Along with finding the right buyers, investment bankers will take the lead in negotiating the terms — not only purchase price but also the terms and conditions, timing, and other major considerations of the transaction, such as the mix between cash, equity, seller notes, and earnouts.

What is the success rate of an investment banker? ›

Across the industry, even at the firms which saw slight year-on-year falls, the norm seems to be that the crude percentage chance of getting accepted to an investment banking graduate program is a bit more than 1%, but significantly less than 2%.

What are the big 4 investment banks? ›

In the U.S., the top investment banking companies include the Big Four Banks — JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, Citigroup, and Wells Fargo.

Who needs investment bankers? ›

An investment banker works for a financial institution and is primarily concerned with raising capital for corporations, governments, or other entities. The investment banking field is popular because it is typically well paid.

Why is investment banking so stressful? ›

A career in investment banking can be stressful given several positions in the field like product control accounting positions can be demanding simply because they necessitate frequent engagement with traders. The same is true for management and regulatory reporting positions when deadlines approach.

What are some risks investment banks face? ›

The three largest risks banks take are credit risk, market risk and operational risk.

What are the most common investment banking interview questions? ›

Basic Investment Banking Interview Questions
  • Who is an Investment Banker? ...
  • What are the three financial statements? ...
  • How can a company be valued? ...
  • How to calculate the cost of equity? ...
  • What is higher - the cost of equity or the cost of debt? ...
  • What is the formula for Enterprise Value?
Mar 27, 2023

What is the personality of an investment banker? ›

Investment bankers tend to be predominantly enterprising individuals, which means that they are usually quite natural leaders who thrive at influencing and persuading others. They also tend to be conventional, meaning that they are usually detail-oriented and organized, and like working in a structured environment.

What is the top role in investment banking? ›

Senior Vice President

Sometimes called an executive director or a principal, the senior VP slot is as high as most investment banking professionals get; some even spend their entire careers as vice presidents.

What are the top skills investment banks want? ›

proven strong numerical and analytical skills. excellent team work and team leadership skills. communication and interpersonal skills. project and time management ability.

Is investment banking high paying? ›

Investment banker, investment broker and financial services professional are some of the highest-paying positions in the finance industry. These roles typically require a bachelor's degree in a related field, such as finance or business, and may require additional certifications or licensing.

What are 3 qualities of a good banker? ›

Personal Banker skills and qualifications
  • Excellent attention to detail.
  • Verbal and written communication.
  • Good mathematical and analysis skills.
  • Thorough knowledge of banking and financial services.
  • Ability to use banking and financial programs.
  • Great customer service skills.
  • Problem-solving and critical-thinking skills.
Apr 15, 2023

What are good questions to ask investment bankers? ›

Questions to ask:
  • What is the structure of the investment banking program? ...
  • Can you give me your background? (if they haven't already told you)
  • In your experience, what makes a “good” analyst a “great” analyst?
  • What has been your favorite deal at this bank?
  • How have you enjoyed your experience so far?

How do I connect with an investment banker? ›

There are three main strategies for networking in investment banking: 1) Conducting informational interviews and networking events, where you build connections with bankers over time; 2) cold emailing, where you directly ask about open positions; and 3) cold calling, where you do the same thing, on the phone.

What color means finance? ›

Our findings support the long-held view that blue is the go-to colour for finance brands. Often thought to signify trustworthiness, blue featured in 56% of brand logos, with 35% using it as their main colour.

What shoes do investment bankers wear? ›

The appropriate footwear is the black loafer. Loafers in banking are also referred to as "deal sleds." "The Wall Street dress code has relaxed, but there's still an expectation of conformity," says Patrick Kenger, a personal stylist at Pivot Image Consulting, who works with clients in financial services.

What color represents finance? ›

Green, because it's the color of U.S. greenbacks, is often associated with money.

Which investment bank pays the most? ›

Below is a summary of the top 10 investment banks by first-year analyst pay (New York) in 2023:
  • Lazard.
  • Rothschild.
  • Guggenheim.
  • Bank of America.
  • Citi.
  • Goldman Sachs.
  • JP Morgan.
  • Morgan Stanley.

How much do investment bankers make? ›

Investment Banker Salary and Bonus Report: 2023 Update
Position TitleTypical Age RangeTotal Compensation (USD)
Vice President (VP)28-40$500-$700K
Director / Senior Vice President (SVP)32-45$600-$800K
1 more row

What is a bankers expected salary? ›

Didn't find your job? How much does a Banker make? The average Banker salary is $55,893 as of May 25, 2023, but the salary range typically falls between $50,393 and $61,661.

What makes a successful business banker? ›

A good business banker will take the time to learn about your business and propose solutions that respond to your unique challenges or opportunities. They will not only know the right questions to ask, but also will listen to your answers. Be knowledgeable.

What are the three main functions of an investment banker? ›

Key Takeaways:

Roles of investment banks include the underwriting of new stock issues, handling mergers and acquisitions, and acting as a financial advisor.

What skills are good for investment? ›

Skills Required to Become a Successful Investor
  • Financial Literacy. ...
  • Lifelong Learning Attitude. ...
  • Value Investing. ...
  • Emotional Intelligence. ...
  • Awareness at its Peak. ...
  • Strong Fundamental Analysis. ...
  • Solid Investment Strategy. ...
  • Avoid Procrastination and Be Frugal.

What are 3 characteristics to look for when investing in a company? ›

Stable earnings, return on equity (ROE), and their relative value compared with those of other companies are timeless indicators of the financial success of companies that might be good investments.

How do I attract investors to my business? ›

15 Ways Startup Founders Can Attract Investors
  1. Increase Traction. ...
  2. Achieve Target Outcomes. ...
  3. Be Clear About Financial Goals. ...
  4. Demonstrate Your Company's Value. ...
  5. Know Your Market And Your Team. ...
  6. Present A Solid Business Plan With A Strong ROI Forecast. ...
  7. Discuss The Trajectory Of Your Company.
Apr 20, 2023

What are the 4 types of investments? ›

Different Types of Investments
  • Mutual fund Investment. ...
  • Stocks. ...
  • Bonds. ...
  • Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) ...
  • Fixed deposits. ...
  • Retirement planning. ...
  • Cash and cash equivalents. ...
  • Real estate Investment.

Do I need an investment banker? ›

Having an Investment Banker is Advisable When:

A business moves from owner-operator to non-owner management. Capital is a constraint.

When you sell a business who gets the money in the bank? ›

In conclusion, 99% of the time, the cash in the bank is for the seller to keep. And that should be considered by sellers as part of their proceeds of sale when planning on how much the sellers will net after the closing costs and taxes that affect the sale.

Should I use an investment banker? ›

If you have been approached by a buyer, and you have convinced yourself that they are a serious, qualified buyer with high integrity, before you start providing financial or other information to them, you should hire an investment banker.

What financials are needed to sell a business? ›

Buyers typically ask for the following:

Three to five years of profit & loss (P&L) statements. Balance sheets. Bank statements. Federal income tax returns.

What do investment bankers do simple? ›

Essentially, investment banks serve as middlemen between a company and investors when the company wants to issue stock or bonds. The investment bank assists with pricing financial instruments to maximize revenue and with navigating regulatory requirements.

What happens to the cash in business when you sell? ›

Normally, cash is not included as an asset when selling a business. This means the business owner (Seller) keeps all cash when selling a business, including petty cash, money in bank accounts, and cash equivalents.

When a business is sold what happens to the debt? ›

There are three options for how to handle debt at the closing. The seller could pay off the debt with cash prior to the closing. The buyer could assume the debt. The debt could be paid at closing through escrow out of the seller's proceeds before they are released to the seller.

What is it called when you take money from your own business? ›

Business owners can pay themselves through a draw, a salary, or a combination method: A draw is a direct payment from the business to yourself. A salary goes through the payroll process and taxes are withheld. A combination method means you take part of your income as salary and part of it as a draw or distribution.

What are the disadvantages of investment banker? ›

Hours: Without question one of the biggest drawbacks are the hours that Investment Bankers work. It is not unusual to be expected to work through the night when deal flow is high. Working weekends is also common when deals are close to being struck. The markets might be closed but the Investment Bank is open 24/7.

What are the negatives of investment banking? ›

The downsides of an investment banker's life are lengthy working hours, unpredictable work nature, stress, no error tolerance, work pressure, and conducting unimportant tasks.

What are the disadvantages of investment banks? ›

High Levels of Competition

One of the biggest disadvantages of Investment banking is the stiff competition. Investment banking may be a very competitive industry due to the high pay available within the sector and the competitive nature of investments.

What 3 financial statements do investors require? ›

The income statement, balance sheet, and statement of cash flows are required financial statements. These three statements are informative tools that traders can use to analyze a company's financial strength and provide a quick picture of a company's financial health and underlying value.

What are 3 important financial statements for a small business? ›

The three essential financial statements to run your small business are your balance sheet, your income statement and your cash flow statement.

How do I sell my business and avoid capital gains? ›

How to Avoid Capital Gains Tax on Sale of Business
  1. Negotiate wisely. As mentioned, you and the buyer will have competing interests with regard to the allocation of the purchase price. ...
  2. Consider an installment sale. ...
  3. Watch the timing. ...
  4. Sell to employees. ...
  5. Explore Opportunity Zone reinvestment.
Sep 8, 2022

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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.