What's the Difference Between Real Estate and Stock Investments? (2024)

Real Estate vs. Stocks: An Overview

Over the years, we've heard the arguments as to which is the better investment: real estate or stocks. Both have their advantages and disadvantages, and there are several aspects of each that make them unique investments in their own way. To make money with either investment requires that you understand the positives and negatives of both.

Key Takeaways

  • For many decades real estate has generated consistent wealth and long-term appreciation for millions of people.
  • With a stock, you receive ownership in a company. When times are good, you will profit.
  • A good compromise when deciding between investing in the stock market and investing in real estate may be to own a REIT.

Real Estate

Real estate is something that you can physically touch and feel—it's a tangible good and, therefore, for many investors, feels more real. For many decades this investment has generated consistent wealth and long-term appreciation for millions of people. Depending on the location of your real estate, you can enjoy sizable returns on your investment.

There are two main types of real estate: commercial and residential. While other types exist (mobile home parks, strip malls, apartment buildings, office buildings, storefronts, and single-family homes), they generally fall into those two categories. Making money in real estate isn't cut-and-dry, though. Some people take the "home flipping" route, searching for distressed properties, refurbishing them, and selling them for a profit at higher market value. Others look for properties that can be rented to generate a consistent income.

Generally, a down payment of up to 20 percent of the purchase price can be made, and the rest can be financed via a mortgage.

Advantages of Investing in Real Estate

There are many positive benefits to investing in real estate, including depreciation (writing off wear and tear of a commercial property), tax deductions, and, finally, you can sell the property through what is known as a 1031 exchange, and will not have to pay capital gains taxes, as long as you invest the money into a similar property type.

Disadvantages of Investing in Real Estate

Like all investments, real estate also has its drawbacks. Most importantly, the investment is illiquid. When you invest in a property, you usually cannot sell it right away. In many cases, you may have to hold the property for several years to realize its true profit potential. Also, the closing cost can add up to thousands of dollars, and include taxes, commissions, and fees.

Further, real estate prices tend to fluctuate. While long-term prices generally increase, there are times when prices could go down or stay flat. If you have borrowed too much against the property, you may have trouble making the payment with a property that is worth less money than the amount borrowed on it.

Finally, it's often hard to get diversified if investing in real estate. However, diversification is possible in real estate, provided that you do not concentrate on the same community and have a variety of different types of property. That being said, there is an additional way that you can be able to diversify in real estate through real estate investment trusts (REITs), under which you can purchase a trust that is invested in a large portfolio of real estate and will offer you a dividend as a shareholder. However, in general, stocks offer more diversification because you can own many different industries and areas across the entire economy.

A good compromise when deciding between investing in the stock market and investing in real estate may be to own a REIT, which combines some of the benefits of stocks with some of the benefits of real estate.


Using the S&P 500 as a benchmark to illustrate the performance of stocks, the stock market has had an average annual rate of return of 10.31 percent from 1970 to 2016.It's important to use this figure as just a benchmarkfor the performance of U.S. stocks, as there are several other major indexes globally.

With a stock, you receive ownership in a company. When times are good, you will profit. During times of economic challenges, you may see diminishing funds as the earnings of the company drop. Taking a long-term approach and being balanced in many areas can help build your net worth at a much greater rate, compared with real estate.

As with real estate, financing in stocks allows you to use margin as leverage to increase the overall amount of shares that you own. The downside is that, if the stock position falls, you could have what is known as amargin call. This is where the equity, in relation to the amount borrowed, has fallen below a certain level and money must be added to your account to bring that amount back up. If you fail to do this, the brokerage firm can sell the stock to recover the amount loaned to you.

The Advantage of Stocks

Stocks are very liquid, quick and easy to sell. They are also flexible, and can even be reallocated into a retirement account—tax-free—until you start to withdraw the money. Also, many stocks can do considerably better than real estate in one year. Due to the volatility of some stocks, it is not unusual to see companies that are averaging 20 percent or even 50 percent growth in one year.

The Disadvantages of Stocks

Stocks can be very volatile, especially when the economy or the company is facing challenges. Also, stocks are often emotional investments, and your decisions within the market can often be irrational. Finally, bankruptcy is always in the back of the active stock investor's mind, as it should be, as your investment will be dissolved in this instance.

What's the Difference Between Real Estate and Stock Investments? (2024)


What's the Difference Between Real Estate and Stock Investments? ›

If you invest in real estate, you are actually purchasing a tangible, physical land or property. Investing in stocks is entirely different; if you purchase shares of a business, you are buying a claim to a piece of the company itself. The risks associated with each investment type differ.

What is the difference between real estate and real estate stocks? ›

Real estate and stocks are two different asset classes. Real estate is owning properties, buildings, or homes while stocks are owning equity in a publicly traded company. Both types of assets can appreciate in value for capital gains and both can be used to create cash flow.

Is it safer to invest in stocks or real estate? ›

Volatility. Although stock market returns generally outperform real estate investments by a significant amount over the long run, investors have to pay a price in the form of volatility. Whereas housing prices may decline by double digits in a terrible year, the stock market can decline by 10% in a matter of days.

What is the relationship between stocks and real estate? ›

Do housing prices track the stock market? There's no official correlation between stock market performance and housing prices. However, overall economic indicators that result from a stock market crash can often reverberate to the property market once stocks dip below 20%.

Why do stocks beat real estate? ›

Historically, the stock market experiences higher growth than the real estate market, making it a better way to grow your money. Stocks are more volatile than housing, making real estate a safer investment. Stocks have no tangible value, whereas real estate does.

What is the difference between real estate investment and stock investment? ›

If you invest in real estate, you are actually purchasing a tangible, physical land or property. Investing in stocks is entirely different; if you purchase shares of a business, you are buying a claim to a piece of the company itself.

What makes more millionaires stocks or real estate? ›

“90% of all millionaires become so through owning real estate.” This famous quote from Andrew Carnegie, one of the wealthiest entrepreneurs of all time, is just as relevant today as it was more than a century ago.

Is it better to save money or invest in real estate? ›

Real estate investment has undoubtedly proven to be the safest type of investment. Real estate is the first choice of almost every investor who saves. Residences, hotels, commercial properties, lands. All these real estate types bring profit to the investor if they are chosen correctly.

What is the main disadvantage of investing in real estate? ›

Real estate investments tend to have high transactional costs, especially in legal and brokerage fees. The process of acquiring a new property is also very long and tedious with lots of legal formalities. Another disadvantage of property investments is that they are not easy to liquidate.

Are stocks a good investment? ›

Stocks offer investors the greatest potential for growth (capital appreciation) over the long haul. Investors willing to stick with stocks over long periods of time, say 15 years, generally have been rewarded with strong, positive returns. But stock prices move down as well as up.

Why investing in real estate is better than investing in stocks? ›

Compared to stocks, real estate can offer a more stable and predictable cash flow. For example, you'll generate monthly rental income if you've invested in a rental property. And, if you're flipping properties, you'll receive a lump sum of cash when the property is sold.

Is real estate always a good investment? ›

Real estate typically outperforms other assets in terms of value appreciation. Furthermore, it is not as susceptible to short-term volatility as the stock market. Whether you rent out an apartment or a business property for income or buy a home, you obtain a physical, usable asset.

Is real estate a good investment in 2023? ›

In my opinion, real estate is one intelligent option to consider in 2023, as it often has excellent returns, tax advantages and provides diversification even in the face of a challenging economic climate. Real estate also has the potential to compound your investment.

What is the best way to invest 50000? ›

Property investment is likely the best way to invest 50k. It would help if you spoke to a financial advisor before deciding to invest money. A savings account is the safest way to invest 50k. You need to know your risk tolerance before deciding where to invest 50k.

Why do most real estate investors fail? ›

Failing to Focus on the Market and Not Staying Educated

In real estate investment, timing is essential, and failing to take the time to study and analyze the market can be a mistake that ends up losing you time and money.

Does real estate appreciate faster than inflation? ›

Looking at the data, inflation-adjusted returns, even factoring in inflation, have almost always been positive in history - meaning that price appreciation for real estate is greater than the inflation rate!

Can I invest in real estate like stocks? ›

Buying Real Estate Stocks

Investing in stocks is a straightforward process. This can be accomplished through any online brokerage account. A major advantage of investing in real estate stocks is that you don't have to have as much money to get started as you would directly buying the physical property.

What kind of property is a stock? ›

Basically, personal property is any property that is not real property. Personal property is not permanently attached to land. In most cases, it is moveable and does not last as long as real property. Personal property includes vehicles, farm equipment, jewelry, household goods, stocks, and bonds.

Is real estate a type of investment? ›

There are several types of real estate investments, but most fall into two categories: Physical real estate investments like land, residential and commercial properties, and other modes of investing that don't require owning physical property, such as REITs and crowdfunding platforms.

What do rich people invest in? ›

Ultra-wealthy individuals invest in such assets as private and commercial real estate, land, gold, and even artwork. Real estate continues to be a popular asset class in their portfolios to balance out the volatility of stocks.

Why 90% of millionaires invest in real estate? ›

Federal tax benefits

Because of the many tax benefits, real estate investors often end up paying less taxes overall even as they are bringing in more income. This is why many millionaires invest in real estate. Not only does it make you money, but it allows you to keep a lot more of the money you make.

Where do billionaires invest their money? ›

Private Equity and Hedge Funds

While they aren't the same thing, these two types of investment tools are popular among billionaires. They appeal to people of high net worth who can afford large investments and higher risk. Such people are sometimes categorized as sophisticated investors or accredited investors.

Is it smart to invest all your money in real estate? ›

Real estate has proven itself a worthy investment that provides cash flow and appreciation over time. Whether you're an aggressive or conservative investor, it's a great way to diversify your portfolio and can pay off in the short-term and long-term.

Is investing in real estate better than 401k? ›

Real estate offers a lower capital gains tax rate at the time of sale compared to the tax rate investors will pay at the time of withdrawal from a 401(K).

Is buying real estate the best way to build wealth? ›

Investing in real estate can be an excellent way to grow your net worth. Real estate offers an enviable combination of historically strong returns and passive income, as well as the potential to hedge inflation and the gyrations of the stock market.

What is the best option to invest money? ›

Best Investment Options in India
  1. Direct Equity – Stocks. Direct equity stocks are one of the best investment options for aggressive investors. ...
  2. Equity Mutual Funds. ...
  3. Equity Debt Funds. ...
  4. National Pension Scheme (NPS) ...
  5. Public Provident Fund (PPF) ...
  6. Bank Fixed Deposit. ...
  7. Senior Citizen Savings Scheme (SCSS) ...
  8. Unit Linked Insurance Plans.

What is the biggest disadvantage of real estate? ›

High Cost: The biggest disadvantage with real estate investment is the high capital requirement. To get started, you need to provide for down payments, EMIs, insurance, property taxes, stamp duty and so on.

What can go wrong when investing in real estate? ›

7 Mistakes Real Estate Investors Should Avoid When Buying An Investment Property
  • 1.1. Not Doing Thorough Research.
  • 1.2. Doing Everything On Your Own.
  • 1.3. Not Considering Operating Expenses.
  • 1.4. Overpaying.
  • 1.5. Not Having An Investment Strategy.
  • 1.6. Not Considering Residents' Needs.
  • 1.7. Putting All Your Eggs In One Basket.
Jul 26, 2022

What is a real estate stock? ›

Real estate stocks are companies that own or operate real property. The category includes real estate investment trusts (REITs), a special category of public companies that own real estate.

What is a real estate stock market? ›

What Are Real Estate Stocks? Real estate stocks can involve any publicly traded stock for a business that touches the real estate market in some shape, form, or fashion. These can range anywhere from: real estate brokers. technology companies.

Are REITs the same as real estate? ›

REITs invest directly in real estate and own, operate, or finance income-producing properties. 1 Real estate funds typically invest in REITs and real estate-related stocks. 2. REITs trade on major exchanges the same way stocks that do, and their prices fluctuate throughout the trading session.

Are REITs better than stocks? ›

Because of their lower volatility, REIT returns are less correlated to the stock market. That makes REITs an excellent way for investors to build a diversified portfolio and improve their risk and return profile.

Can you make money on real estate stocks? ›

Real estate can be a great way to make money as an investor. Not only do real estate investments have the potential to produce excellent long-term results but also tax advantages, and they can add diversification to your overall investment strategy.

How to buy real estate like stocks? ›

Best ways to invest in real estate
  1. Buy REITs (real estate investment trusts) REITs allow you to invest in real estate without the physical real estate. ...
  2. Use an online real estate investing platform. ...
  3. Think about investing in rental properties. ...
  4. Consider flipping investment properties. ...
  5. Rent out a room.
May 31, 2023

Are stocks considered real property? ›

Stocks are financial assets, not real assets. Financial assets are paper assets that can be easily converted to cash. Real assets are tangible and therefore have intrinsic value.

Why REIT is better than owning property? ›

Perhaps the biggest advantage of buying REIT shares rather than rental properties is simplicity. REIT investing allows for sharing in value appreciation and rental income without being involved in the hassle of actually buying, managing and selling property. Diversification is another benefit.

Why not to invest in REITs? ›

Summary of Why Investors May Not Want to Invest in REITs

But, REITs are not risk free. They may have highly variable returns, are sensitive to changes in interest rates, have income tax implications, may not be liquid, and fees can impact total returns.

Who owns a REIT? ›

REITs, or real estate investment trusts, are companies that own or finance income-producing real estate across a range of property sectors. These real estate companies have to meet a number of requirements to qualify as REITs. Most REITs trade on major stock exchanges, and they offer a number of benefits to investors.

What is a disadvantage of a REIT? ›

The potential downsides of a REIT investment include taxes, fees, and market volatility due to interest rate movements or trends in the real estate market. REITs tend to specialize in specific property types.

Do REITs pay monthly? ›

How often are REIT dividends paid? Law requires that REITs pay required dividends at least once annually; however, many REITs pay quarterly or monthly. REIT investors should educate themselves on the payment schedule of a potential REIT investments before investing.

Are REITs a high risk investment? ›

Publicly traded REITs offer investors a way to add real estate to an investment portfolio and earn an attractive dividend. Publicly traded REITs are a safer play than their non-exchange counterparts, but there are still risks.

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

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Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.