What’s so special about Ukraine’s black soil? (2024)

For centuries, Ukraine has been known as Europe’s food basket. But the importance of its contributions to the global food market came under the spotlight in the aftermath of Russia’s military campaign.

Ukraine, the second-largest country in Europe (Russia is the largest), is a major exporter of grains and cereals, including corn.

As Russian shelling and airstrikes damaged roads and cut off Black Sea ports, shipment of Ukrainian wheat was disrupted, leading to an immediate hike in the price of both wheat and flour.

Flatbread, made from flour, is a staple for countries ranging from Egypt and Jordan to Pakistan. Ukraine alone accounts for nearly nine percent of the world’s wheat supply, and disruption in exports has already jacked up prices.

Inflation was already causing headaches for policymakers before Russian troops crossed over into Ukraine on February 24.

As economies opened up after two years of pandemic-related lockdowns, problems with the global supply chains have provoked increased demand, inflating prices across the board

Global food prices are now at their highest since 1974 when adjusted for inflation, says the Food and Agricultural Organisation.

The black prize

While dozens of agrarian economies have vast irrigation systems, few rival Ukraine’s agricultural produce.

The country of 40 million is the world's largest exporter of sunflower oil and a major supplier of corn, barley and rye, among other grains. It consistently ranks as one of the largest grain exporters.

What’s special about Ukraine is that it produces more than it needs to meet domestic demand, leaving a surplus of goods that can be sold on the international market.

In fact, in 2019, Ukraine overtook Russia to become the largest grain exporter when it shipped close to 50 million tons to other countries.

At the heart of Ukraine’s agriculture is its highly fertile soil. Nearly a quarter of the world's most fertile soil, known as Chernozem, is located in Ukraine.

Chernozem is black soil rich in organic matter called ‘humus,’ which is made up of decomposed plants. More than 65 percent of arable land in Ukraine is composed of Chernozem deposits, making it ideal for farming.

Ukraine's surface area under cultivation is vast — so vast, that, at 32 million hectares, it's larger than Italy.

Ukraine has the capacity to produce a lot more grain if modern technology, finances and practices are used to supplement its nutrient-rich soil.

But soil erosion is damaging Ukraine’s arable land. Every year around 500 million tons of soil are eroded mainly due to poor agricultural practices such as large-scale till farming.

Climate change is also impacting “highly productive areas of the country, such as the Steppe area in the south, which currently produces 50 percent of the grain for Ukraine,” the World Bank says.

Key reforms

Despite sitting on vast fertile soil deposits, the productivity of Ukrainian farm output in terms of yield per hectare is lower than that of other countries.

Ukraine’s potential was hamstrung for years by lack of investments in modern technology due to landowners not having access to finance.

Trade in agricultural land was banned in 2001 because of concerns that rich countries and large corporations would scoop up the precious farmlands.

While farmers could lease their holdings, they couldn’t use them as collateral to borrow the money they needed to buy farming tools, like tractors, from banks.

“Limited access to finance, including bank loans, has long been a barrier for small and medium-sized agricultural producers, who produce more than 50 percent of Ukraine's total agricultural output,” a World Bank report said.

Roman Leshchenko, Ukraine’s former agriculture minister, said that the moratorium on land sales became a means for corrupt officials to make money by illegally allotting farm plots to developers.

“Ukrainians have not been able to fully capitalise on these agricultural riches during the thirty years since the country gained independence,” he wrote.

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy lifted the moratorium just last year, hoping that the reforms would help shore up economic growth and attract foreign investment within a few years.

But the conflict has now upended those plans.

What’s so special about Ukraine’s black soil? (2024)


What’s so special about Ukraine’s black soil? ›

Nearly a quarter of the world's most fertile soil, known as Chernozem, is located in Ukraine. Chernozem is black soil rich in organic matter called 'humus,' which is made up of decomposed plants. More than 65 percent of arable land in Ukraine is composed of Chernozem deposits, making it ideal for farming.

Where is the most black soil in the world? ›

There are an estimated 725 million hectares of black soils worldwide. The Russian Federation has the largest area by far, followed by Kazakhstan and China. Black soil distribution strongly correlates with native prairie ecosystems including, but not limited to, other grassland ecosystems with a continental climate.

What is black soil best for? ›

Black soils constitute the food basket for many countries and for the world in general and are often recognized as inherently productive and fertile soils. They are extensively and intensively farmed, and increasingly dedicated to cereal production, pasture, range and forage systems.

Which is the richest soil in the world Ukraine? ›

The chernozems of central Ukraine, among the most fertile soils in the world, occupy about two-thirds of the country's area.

What is the richest soil in the world? ›

The most fertile soils on Earth are the so-called black soils or chernozems. These are found in some areas in North America, Central Europe, Eastern Europe and Russia. It took several millennia and a specific climate and steppe vegetation for them to form.

Why is Ukrainian soil so rich? ›

Nearly a quarter of the world's most fertile soil, known as Chernozem, is located in Ukraine. Chernozem is black soil rich in organic matter called 'humus,' which is made up of decomposed plants. More than 65 percent of arable land in Ukraine is composed of Chernozem deposits, making it ideal for farming.

Does the US have black soil? ›

The Black Dirt Region is located in southern Orange County, New York and northern Sussex County, New Jersey. It is mostly located in the western section of the Town of Warwick, centered on the hamlet of Pine Island.

Which crops grow best in black soil? ›

Wheat, Groundnut and cotton are few of the crops which require black soil for their growth. Cotton requires highly fertile black soil for maximum production. Groundnuts require moderate black sand mixed soils for growth. Wheat is grown in black and loamy soils.

Can you plant vegetables in black earth? ›

Black earth (the real stuff) is a type of soil officially called chernozem. It's very rich in humus, chock full of NPK and ideal for growing most nutrient-dependent plants, including vegetables.

Will grass seed grow in black earth? ›

Scotts Select Black Earth is ideal as a top dressing for gardens. The organic dark soil blend can be used for seeding new lawns and repairing bare spots. Use with grass seed to repair or thicken an existing lawn. Enriched with compost to promote healthy growth.

Where is black soil found in USA? ›

The Great Plains of the US; Northern Kazakhstan, and; Locally in some countries of Central Europe.

Where is the most fertile land in the US? ›

Mollisols found in the Midwestern U.S. are the best for agriculture due to the grasslands that were present thousands of years ago. These prairies produced strong and fertile soils because after each year, the grasses would breakdown and contribute nutrients to the ground.

What is Ukraine's most valuable resource? ›

One of the country's most valuable resources is black metallurgical ore, known as silica iron ore. It is the main component in the production of steel, which is of great importance to the global economy. Ukraine is one of the largest producers of this ore in the world.

Does the US have rich soil? ›

Known for some of the richest soil in the US, the Midwest is home to some of the most productive agricultural soil in North America. According to the USDA, the US contains only about 5% of the world's population, but it provides more than 25% of the world's food supply.

What country has healthiest soil? ›

Found in Ukraine, parts of Russia and the USA, mollisols are some of the world's most fertile soil. This type of soil includes black soils with high organic content.

Which is the poorest soil? ›

Sandy soil essentially consists of small particles formed by weathering rocks. It is also very low in nutrients and poor in holding water, which makes it one of the poorest types of soil for agriculture.

What does Ukraine make the most? ›

More than 55 percent of Ukraine's land area is arable land. Agriculture provides employment for 14 percent of Ukraine's population. Agricultural products are Ukraine's most important exports. In 2021 they totaled $27.8 billion, accounting for 41 percent of the country's $68 billion in overall exports.

What is the most important mineral in Ukraine? ›

Apart from natural gas, Ukraine abounds with minerals such as iron, coal, titanium, and other non-metallic raw materials. It's the leading nation when it comes to reserves of titanium, iron and non-metallic raw materials.

What is Ukraine the highest producer of? ›

The Ukrainian sunflower oil export market is particularly vital to global trade and it makes up more than half of total worldwide exports every year. Not only does it produce a lot but it is responsible for the vast majority of crop imports for many nations.

Which state has largest black soil? ›

Black soil is found in Maharashtra and Gujarat in the maximum amount. It covers most of the Deccan Plateau – parts of Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, and, some parts of Tamil Nadu.

Where is the best soil in the United States? ›

The best states for farmland in the US include Montana, Kansas, Oklahoma, South Dakota, North Dakota, Texas, Iowa, Kentucky, Wyoming, and California. Consider factors like profitability, cost of operation, infrastructure, and availability when selecting a location.

Where is the richest soil in the US? ›

Iowa has some of the most fertile soils in the world. this “black gold” is found in northeast Iowa's gently rolling terrain, molded by climate, water and plant life.

What is the difference between black dirt and topsoil? ›

Black dirt is not the same as topsoil, even though it may look the same. Black dirt typically contains iron and other chemicals, which is what gives it that dark brown or black hue. This material is commonly used in landscaping, gardens, and lawns as well as for filling in low areas or creating walkways.

What is the pH of black soil? ›

The pH of black soil is 7.2 – 8.5. The soil is deficient in nitrogen, phosphate and organic matter but rich in potash, calcium and magnesium. It is soft when wet but forms hard blocks when dry and develops deep cracks. Black soil ranges from heavy clay (ill-drained) to loams (well-drained).

What is black soil also known as? ›

black soils known locally as regur. After those the alluvial soil is the third most-common type. Also significant are the desert soils of Rajasthan, the saline soils in Gujarat, southern Rajasthan, and some coastal areas, and the mountain soils of the Himalayas.

What is the difference between black earth and triple mix? ›

Types of Soil

Triple Mix: A combination of peat moss, compost and top soil. A light soil mixture that is good for top dressing lawns or adding to garden beds to improve the existing soils structure. Black Earth: Mostly soil but will sometimes contain manure or other additives.

What vegetables do not need deep soil? ›

Shallow-Rooted Plants
  • Corn.
  • Broccoli.
  • Spinach.
  • Cabbage.
  • Lettuce.
  • Kale.
  • Chard.
  • Onions.
Mar 23, 2018

What is the best earth for vegetables? ›

The best soil suitable for vegetables includes lots of compost and organic matter such as composted leaves and ground or shredded, aged bark. Whatever you're starting with, incorporate enough organic material so that the amended soil is neither sandy nor compacted.

What is the best top soil for lawn repair? ›

Compost is the most recommended material to use, as long as it is finished and has few fillers. It is common for homeowners to use a mix of the above materials to create a cost-effective blend that is comparable to their existing soil. Most often, a blend of compost and either topsoil/sand is recommended.

Is triple mix better than topsoil? ›

This triple mix combination is widely known as meeting most planting needs. Due to the moss and compost, it is more airy than regular topsoil, which is excellent for your plants – as it holds more air and water.

What is the best top soil for lawns? ›

To get a healthy lawn, your soil will ideally be made up of a balance of sand, silt and clay. This is called loam soil. Loam soil holds moisture but also drains well when you water the lawn. It is able to retain nutrients and allow air flow, making it the most ideal soil for plants.

Where is the best black soil? ›

Northeastern China is an important agricultural base, and its productivity is largely a result of its nutrient-rich black soil. Full of organic matter and among the most fertile soil, it takes 200 to 400 years to form just 1 cm, and it is nicknamed “panda soil”.

Why is Texas soil black? ›

The Houston Black soil developed from calcareous clays and marls that were deposited during the Cretaceous Age (145 to 66 million years ago) from the receding and advancing shorelines of ancient seas. Prairie vegetation contributed to the organic matter and dark color in the surface of these soils.

What is the most common soil in the US? ›

Soils of the United States
7 more rows

Where is most farmland being lost in the US? ›

Low-density residential (LDR) land use includes scattered subdivisions and large-lot housing, which fragments the agricultural land base and limits production. The Plains states are losing some of the most prime farmland in America, according to AFT. Kristopher Reynolds is the Midwest regional director with AFT.

What is the cheapest state to buy a farm? ›

Investing in agricultural land can be a great opportunity to capitalize on the current market, with some states offering highly affordable farmland. North Dakota and Wyoming are two of the most cost-effective states for farming land, followed by Alabama and Kentucky.

Which state is 90% farmland? ›

The United States had 895.3 million acres of land in farms in 2021. Texas had the most land in farms in the United States in 2021 followed by Montana and Kansas.

Does Ukraine have a lot of lithium? ›

Before Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, Ukraine, home to approximately 500,000 tons of high-quality lithium and vast quantities of rare earth elements, was poised to be a key player in the global transition to green technology.

Does the Ukraine have oil? ›

Oil Reserves in Ukraine

Ukraine has proven reserves equivalent to 4.4 times its annual consumption. This means that, without imports, there would be about 4 years of oil left (at current consumption levels and excluding unproven reserves).

What is Ukraine's largest oil export? ›

Ukraine is the world's biggest exporter of sunflower oil by far, ahead of Russia. Over the last decade, Ukraine has exported 45-55% of the global supply of sunflower oil.

Why is the US losing soil? ›

Climate change, the spread of intensive agriculture, deforestation and industrial activity have accelerated the loss of soils in almost every country in the world.

Are we running out of top soil? ›

A full 90 per cent of the Earth's precious topsoil is likely to be at risk by 2050, according to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, FAO. In a bid to protect soil globally and help farmers, the FAO warned on Wednesday that the equivalent of one soccer pitch of earth erodes, every five seconds.

Is US soil depleted? ›

Over time, the damage has built up: More than 50 percent America's topsoil has eroded away. In areas of the Southeast, the country's original breadbasket, it's almost all gone. Soil, at its base, is 50 percent gas and water, and roughly 45 percent minerals such as sand, silt and clay.

What country has the most livable land? ›

The world has 15.749 million km(2) of arable land. (Arable land is land ploughed or tilled regularly, generally under a system of crop rotation). India has the most arable land in the world followed by the United States, Russia, China and Brazil.

Which country has the most unused land? ›

Greenland is the largest country with no arable land, while the smallest nation—the small city-state of Vatican City—has none as well.

What country has the most soil contamination? ›

China has categorized 16 percent of all its soils — and 19 percent of its agricultural soils — as polluted. There are approximately 3 million potentially polluted sites in the European Economic Area and the West Balkans.

What is the rarest soil in the world? ›

Serpentine soil is an uncommon soil type produced by weathered ultramafic rock such as peridotite and its metamorphic derivatives such as serpentinite.

What is the most valuable soil in the world? ›

The most fertile soils on Earth are the so-called black soils or chernozems. These are found in some areas in North America, Central Europe, Eastern Europe and Russia.

Which soil is richest in human? ›

Explanation of correct Option:
  • Clayey soil particles are small in size and are tightly packed and so it is not aerated well and retains water.
  • Due to its small particle size and water, humus gets easily mixed with it.
  • Thus, clay has the highest humus content.

Where is black soil in USA? ›

Located in southern Orange County, New York, the Black Dirt Region is home to some of the most fertile soil in the world. Most of the region is found in Warwick, NY and centered on the hamlet of Pine Island.

Which state has the most black soil? ›

Black soil is found in Maharashtra and Gujarat in the maximum amount. It covers most of the Deccan Plateau – parts of Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, and, some parts of Tamil Nadu.

What is the best soil in the United States? ›

Mollisols are the best soils for farming because they contain large quantities of organic matter. Mollisols found in the Midwestern U.S. are the best for agriculture due to the grasslands that were present thousands of years ago.

Which is the most profitable crop in black soil? ›

The correct answer is Cotton. Cotton is the most suitable cash crop for black soil.

Which crops grow best in the black soil? ›

Wheat, Groundnut and cotton are few of the crops which require black soil for their growth. Cotton requires highly fertile black soil for maximum production. Groundnuts require moderate black sand mixed soils for growth.

Is black soil fertile or not? ›

Black soils are carbon-rich and highly fertile soils known as the world's food basket due to the variability of crops they sustain. For decades, these fertile soils have been widely cultivated and have played a key role in global agricultural production of cereals, tuber crops, oilseed, pastures, and forage systems.

Why is Iowa soil so rich? ›

Iowa's rich soil developed under prairie plants and was held tightly by them. When prairie plants die, their decomposition returns nutrients to the soil, creating a rich, black silty soil. When Iowa land was first plowed, the settlers found 14 to 16 inches of topsoil.

Is black dirt good for a garden? ›

The more organic matter it has, the darker the soil will look (like what you may see sold in bags or bulk as "black dirt"). This type of soil is very easy to dig in and supports healthy plant growth.

What states have the worst soil? ›

Answer and Explanation: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency identifies which states have the worst soil pollution. According to recent research, states such as New York and California are some of the most polluted.

What states have the richest soil? ›

The best states for farmland in the US include Montana, Kansas, Oklahoma, South Dakota, North Dakota, Texas, Iowa, Kentucky, Wyoming, and California. Consider factors like profitability, cost of operation, infrastructure, and availability when selecting a location.

What is the other name for black soil? ›

black soils known locally as regur. After those the alluvial soil is the third most-common type. Also significant are the desert soils of Rajasthan, the saline soils in Gujarat, southern Rajasthan, and some coastal areas, and the mountain soils of the Himalayas.

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