What Rate of Return Should You Offer Your Indie Film Investors? (2024)

Investing in a film is risky business but it can yield high returns if the film is a success. And it's the rate of return that is most important to investors. They invest to create wealth and they are taking a chance on your film to help them do just that.

So what do you offer investors in order to entice them to put money into your film?

The standard rates of return are anywhere from 110% to 125%. This means, should your film make enough money to pay your investors back, they can expect 100% recoupment of their investment plus an interest of 10 to 25 percent (depending on your offer). Of course, you can go lower or higher. It's up to the filmmakers to set the rate of return.

Why these figures? Well, you want to be competitive with other investment vehicles. Over time, the stock market has shown a rate of return of 10% over the long term. So 110% has you on par with the stock market.

So why wouldn't investors just invest in the stock market -- even though the stock market is reeling right now, history tells us it will bounce back eventually?

Good question. Well, investors like to diversify and investing in film may help them to diversify their portfolio nicely. Or maybe they love movies and this is a way for them to be involved in filmmaking. Whatever their reason, a competitive rate of return can help an investor take a chance on your film.

Also, if you have a film that is riskier than others then you may want to go with a higher rate of return in order to make your film more attractive to investors. I have offered 25% a few times because I knew the film was a riskier investment.

What makes a riskier film?

1) First-time director

2) First-time producer

3) Difficult subject matter

4) Niche audience project

5) No name actors

6) High budget required

There are many other factors that could make your film riskier than others. You need to weigh that risk and also the difficulty of finding investors and decide what kind of return you want to provide, accordingly.

Now what about profits? How do you split profits?

The standard split of profits is 50% to Producers and 50% to Investors. Producers can take their 50% of the profits (otherwise known as Back End) and give it out to people like the cast or crew or even vendors in order to attract them to work on their projects. Normally, you do not touch the investor profits when giving out Back End. The Investor 50% remains with investors members only.

For example, you might pay Joe Actor $20,000 in pay upfront but also offer him 2% of the Producer Net Profits.

In addition to offering returns of money, you can also offer credits (like Executive Producer) if an investor brings a significant percentage of the budget to the project.

Just remember, a return from a film investment should never be guaranteed. And you must be extremely clear about that from the start. Shout it from the mountaintops if you have to -- just don't mislead your investors. Investing in film is risky and recoupment and a return is not guaranteed.

The day you can pay your investors back is very exciting for everyone (not just the investors). This means your film was a success. And it usually means you get to make more films and have an easier time finding the money. So make a great film and get that money back so you can keep making more and help indie film survive. We need you to be a success!

What Rate of Return Should You Offer Your Indie Film Investors? (2024)


What Rate of Return Should You Offer Your Indie Film Investors? ›

The standard rates of return are anywhere from 110% to 125%. This means, should your film make enough money to pay your investors back, they can expect 100% recoupment of their investment plus an interest of 10 to 25 percent (depending on your offer). Of course, you can go lower or higher.

What percentage do film investors get? ›

The Investor's Share is typically defined as 50% of the total Net Proceeds. The other 50% of the Net Proceeds goes to the producer (the “Producer's Share”). Any talent and other non-investor third parties who have been promised a back-end share in the movie are paid their percentage out of the “Producer's Share.”

What is the average ROI for movies? ›

The median ROI is -13.12% for an independently financed movie. This is a clear signal of the historic underperformance of these types of films. In contrast, the median of the studio-financed movies is 27%.

How do film investors get their money back? ›

Film industry investors are investing in the movie production; so, somewhat similarly, they receive their return when movie is sold for distribution.

What is the average indie documentary budget? ›

The defining element of an indie film isn't its budget, but rather the lack of financial backing or support from a major studio. Most new filmmakers start with a budget of between $10,000 and $25,000, which comprises both above- and below-the-line costs, as well as postproduction and other costs.

What is a good ROI on film? ›

The standard rates of return are anywhere from 110% to 125%. This means, should your film make enough money to pay your investors back, they can expect 100% recoupment of their investment plus an interest of 10 to 25 percent (depending on your offer). Of course, you can go lower or higher.

What is the ideal percentage for investors? ›

Although that percentage can vary depending on your income, savings, and debts. “Ideally, you'll invest somewhere around 15%–25% of your post-tax income,” says Mark Henry, founder and CEO at Alloy Wealth Management.

Is 10% ROI realistic? ›

Most investors would view an average annual rate of return of 10% or more as a good ROI for long-term investments in the stock market. However, keep in mind that this is an average. Some years will deliver lower returns -- perhaps even negative returns.

Is 7% a good ROI? ›

According to conventional wisdom, an annual ROI of approximately 7% or greater is considered a good ROI for an investment in stocks. This is also about the average annual return of the S&P 500, accounting for inflation.

Is 80% ROI good? ›

Return on Investment (ROI)

This calculation works for any period, but there is a risk in evaluating long-term investment returns with ROI—an ROI of 80% sounds impressive for a five-year investment but less impressive for a 35-year investment.

What percentage do investors get back? ›

But what is a fair percentage for an investor? When it comes to angel investors, the general rule is to offer approximately 20-25% of your business earnings. If you're selling the business in its infancy, this is the amount that investors will expect in returns.

How are indie films financed? ›

Independent films are often financed by investors who have a passion for the project. These individuals provide money to filmmakers in exchange for an equity stake in the film. In this way, they share ownership of the film with other producers and financiers, as well as any profits from its distribution.

Do investors in movies make money? ›

Key Takeaways. Investing in a movies can be lucrative and glamorous, but it is also a sophisticated and highly risky undertaking. Before investing in any project, be sure to do your due diligence and research the project, the producers, the talent, and the potential audience appeal.

How many indie films make money? ›

How likely is it for an indie film to become profitable? Statistically speaking, the picture is quite bleak – 97% of independent feature films fail to turn a profit. Most filmmakers assume they will be in the lucky 3%, not realizing that turning a real profit with a low/micro-budget film is practically unheard of.

What is the most profitable indie movie of all time? ›

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King is the highest-grossing independent film and the first independent film to gross over $1 billion mark, while The Lord of the Rings trilogy is the highest-grossing film franchise estimated with $2.9 billion, distributed by New Line Cinema, despite being owned by Warner Bros.

What is the rate for an indie film director? ›

Independent Film Director Salary
Annual SalaryMonthly Pay
Top Earners$119,000$9,916
75th Percentile$88,000$7,333
25th Percentile$42,000$3,500

Is 30% a good ROI? ›

An ROI of 30% can be good, but it can depend on how long your ROI has been at 30% in previous years.

Is 15% ROI realistic? ›

It is not worth your time to do any investment if it cannot bring you 12 to 15 percent per year. Investing properly is not a gamble. We should not lose money in the stock market on a long term basis. In fact, a near guaranteed return of 15% or higher is a realistic expectation.

What is the ROI 1% rule? ›

What Is The 1% Rule In Real Estate? The 1% rule of real estate investing measures the price of the investment property against the gross income it will generate. For a potential investment to pass the 1% rule, its monthly rent must be equal to or no less than 1% of the purchase price.

What is the 7 percent rule investing? ›

Assuming that you have $100,00 in your retirement savings account, you should withdraw 7%, which is $7,000 every year. Suppose the market gets volatile in the future, and your portfolio value falls to $82,000; the $7,000 withdrawal limit will represent 8.5% of your present portfolio value.

What is a normal return to investors? ›

The average stock market return is about 10% per year for nearly the last century, as measured by the S&P 500 index. In some years, the market returns more than that, and in other years it returns less.

What is the 4 percent rule investing? ›

What is the 4% rule for retirement? The 4% rule states that you should be able to comfortably live off of 4% of your money in investments in your first year of retirement, then slightly increase or decrease that amount to account for inflation each subsequent year.

Is 20% ROI possible? ›

There is no set percentage. Some agencies might be satisfied with a 5-percent ROI, while others might be on the lookout for a higher number like 20 percent for it to be considered good ROI.

How good is a 20% ROI? ›

A 20% return is possible, but it's a pretty significant return, so you either need to take risks on volatile investments or spend more time invested in safer investments.

Is a ROI of 200% good? ›

You've doubled your money, not bad going… An ROI of 200% means you've tripled your money!

How can I get 10% interest? ›

How Do I Earn a 10% Rate of Return on Investment?
  1. Invest in Stocks for the Long-Term. ...
  2. Invest in Stocks for the Short-Term. ...
  3. Real Estate. ...
  4. Investing in Fine Art. ...
  5. Starting Your Own Business (Or Investing in Small Ones) ...
  6. Investing in Wine. ...
  7. Peer-to-Peer Lending. ...
  8. Invest in REITs.

What is the safest investment with the highest return? ›

High-quality bonds and fixed-indexed annuities are often considered the safest investments with the highest returns. However, there are many different types of bond funds and annuities, each with risks and rewards. For example, government bonds are generally more stable than corporate bonds based on past performance.

Is 14% ROI good? ›

While the term good is subjective, many professionals consider a good ROI to be 10.5% or greater for investments in stocks. This number is the standard because it's the average return of the S&P 500 , an index that serves as a benchmark of the overall performance of the U.S. stock market.

Can ROI be 300%? ›

For the example above, an investment of $300 for a return of $200 would be an ROI of -33%. The minus sign indicates that we made less than the initial investment. The second example, with an investment of $500 and a return of $2000 gives an ROI of 300%.

What is a 5x return on investment? ›

In marketing, 500% (aka 5:1 or 5x) is a solid ROI. 1,000% (10:1 or 10x) is considered stellar. A 200%, on the other hand, would be considered disappointing. When you invest in stocks, an annual ROI of 7% is considered the standard, and an ROI above 10% is considered good in real estate investing.

What is a good ROI annually? ›

A good return on investment is generally considered to be about 7% per year, based on the average historic return of the S&P 500 index, and adjusting for inflation. But of course what one investor considers a good return might not be ideal for someone else.

What is a fair percentage for a silent partner? ›

Once your business turns a profit, the silent partner receives 20% of the net profit. The profit is what's left after you subtract business expenses from your total sales revenue.

What is the 8 percent rule investing? ›

To make money in stocks, you must protect the money you have. Live to invest another day by following this simple rule: Always sell a stock it if falls 7%-8% below what you paid for it. No questions asked. This basic principle helps you cap your potential downside.

What is the 50 investor rule? ›

The 50-shareholder limit does not just apply to a company at the registration stage. On the contrary, a proprietary company must not exceed the 50-shareholder limit if it is to retain its status as a proprietary company and avoid a range of regulatory and legal consequences.

How do indie filmmakers make a living? ›

Get a Film Job

That might range anywhere from production-related jobs like cinematography, production sound, ADing, producing or production design, to post jobs like editing, sound mixing, or working in distribution, marketing or at film festivals.

Do indie filmmakers make money? ›

Indie filmmakers can make money through a variety of distribution options, including: Film Festivals: Many indie film.

How do I get investors for an indie film? ›

One option is to attend film festivals and networking events, where you can meet other filmmakers and industry professionals. You can also use online platforms like LinkedIn and AngelList to connect with investors who are interested in the film industry. Keep reading to learn more ways to find film investors.

What is the tax write off for film investment? ›

Film production companies that spend at least $250,000 are eligible to receive up to 17% in tax credits. The base tax credit for production companies that meet the requirements the tax is equal to 9%.

Why invest in indie film? ›

Investing in independent film is not only a good way to help improve the arts and shift spare cash into something worthwhile, but you'll also get a buzz out of being a part of something really exciting.

How do I get investors to invest in my film? ›

  1. Get Funding for a Film Through Grants and Fellowships. ...
  2. Take Advantage of Tax Incentives for Filmmaking. ...
  3. Secure Private Investment to Fund Your Film. ...
  4. Make a Pitch for Product Placement in Your Film. ...
  5. Get Crowdfunding Donations for Your Film.
Jan 13, 2022

How much does Netflix pay for an indie movie? ›

Netflix typically allocates between $100 and $250 million for a single movie. This amount can fluctuate based on the specific film and the desired streaming rights, but it serves as a reliable estimate for the average blockbuster. In some cases, the streaming service may spend even more.

Is the most profitable movie genre? ›

CharacteristicRevenue in billion U.S. dollars
6 more rows
May 16, 2023

What is the most profitable film ever made? ›

Some of the most profitable movies of all time include films such as "Avatar,” which had a production budget of approximately $237 million and grossed over $2.9 billion at the box office, making it the highest-grossing movie of all time, and"Titanic” which had a production budget of $200 million and grossed over $2.2 ...

What was the cheapest movie biggest profit? ›

The Blair Witch Project would go on to earn an astounding $248 million and is widely regarded as the most profitable, widely seen low budget film of all time.

What is the highest grossing movie with inflation? ›

Gone with the Wind

What is the #1 money making movie? ›

But 2009's Avatar still holds the top spot. These stats, of course, are skewed by rising ticket prices and increases in population. Adjusted for inflation, no movie can match the $8.2 billion haul that Gone with the Wind's $390 million box-office receipts since its 1939 release would be worth in today's dollars.

How much does a producer make on an indie film? ›

Independent Film Producer Salary
Annual SalaryMonthly Pay
Top Earners$96,500$8,041
75th Percentile$74,000$6,166
25th Percentile$33,000$2,750

What is the most expensive part of making a movie? ›

Marketing: The most important part of how to make a movie as well as an expensive magic potion that it requires is its marketing.

What is considered a low budget film? ›

A low-budget movie is a movie that's (usually) financed through self-financing or small private funding. There's some conjecture as to what the low-budget movie range is (especially when accounting for inflation) – but most analysts agree anything below $5 million USD can be characterized as low-budget.

What percentage of a film budget goes to the director? ›

Typical points for cast and crew are 1-5% for the lead actors, 3% for the writer, 5-7% for the director, 5-10% for producers (producers who put the project together typically start out at 50%, and give away points to the actors, writer, director etc, usually ending up with 10-20 %).

What is a typical angel investor percentage? ›

What percentage do angel investors take? The percentage of ownership that angel investors typically take in a company can vary, but typically it is between 10-20%.

Do investors get a percentage of the company? ›

Most investors take a percentage of ownership in your company in exchange for providing capital. Angel investors typically want from 20 to 25 percent return on the money they invest in your company.

How much do indie film directors make? ›

How much does an Independent Film Director make? As of May 14, 2023, the average annual pay for an Independent Film Director in the United States is $70,041 a year. Just in case you need a simple salary calculator, that works out to be approximately $33.67 an hour. This is the equivalent of $1,346/week or $5,836/month.

What is a Tier 3 budget for a movie? ›

Tier 3 is the final budget level covered under IATSE's Low Budget Agreement. Independent films that qualify as Tier 3 include Under the Skin and If Beale Street Could Talk. The production costs of a Tier 3 film budget must be greater than 11 million dollars but less than 15 million dollars.

How are profits in film divided? ›

In the profit-sharing model, the distributor gets a percentage (anywhere from 10-50%, usually) of the movie's overall net profits (its “box office”). The model is chosen on what will benefit both the distribution company as well as the studio making the film. Many major studios have their own distribution companies.

What is a good ROI for angel investors? ›

On average, potential angel investors expects to see a return of about 27% or 2.5 to 3 times their initial investment within 5 to 7 years. This means that if an angel investor invests $100,000 into a company, they expect to see a return of $250,000 to $300,000 over the next 5 to 7 years.

What do angel investors get in return? ›

The more money an angel investor gives your business, they more they'll expect a bigger return on investment (ROI). The ROI expectation varies between angels and the specific investing opportunity. It's not uncommon for an angel investor to expect a 30% return on their money.

What is a typical angel investor check size? ›

Typically, the threshold to become a major investor is $100,000 check size in angel seed deals. Now, it can be higher, it can be 500K. It can be lower, it could be 50K. But $100,000 is typically the average we see most of the time.

How much should I ask an investor for? ›

If your company is early stage and has a valuation under $1M, don't ask for a $5M investment. The investor would be buying your company five times over, and he doesn't want it. If your valuation is around $1M, you can validly ask for $200K–$300K, and offer 20–30% of your company in exchange.

Do investors get paid monthly? ›

It is far more common for dividends to be paid quarterly or annually, but some stocks and other types of investments pay dividends monthly to their shareholders. Only about 50 public companies pay dividends monthly out of some 3,000 that pay dividends on a regular basis.

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Name: Tish Haag

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Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.