What next for mortgage rates? Lowest fixed rates go back above 4% (2024)

Fixed mortgage rates continue to edge up after almost six months of consecutive rate cuts by lenders.

Since the start of February the average two-year fixed rate mortgage has risen from 5.56 per cent to 5.78 per cent, according to Moneyfacts.

Meanwhile, the average five-year fix has risen from 5.18 per cent to 5.34 per cent.

At the cheaper end of the market, it means there are no longer any five-year fixed rates available below 4 per cent - taking us back to where the lowest rates were in December.

However, the rate rises are not expected to continue for much longer with rates expected to fall slowly over the course of the next year or two.

Is the worst behind us? Mortgage rates have begun rising again after falling back from the highs they reached in the summer

That said, there will likely be an awful lot of financial pain to come for the 1.6 million households remortgaing this year - many of which will be coming off rates of 2 per cent or less.

This pain is expected to continue over the coming years as more people come to the end of their cheaper fixed rate deals.

OBR figures indicate that average mortgage interest rate, when taking into account all households, will hit a peak of 4.2 per cent in 2027. This is up from a low of around 2 per cent at the end of 2021.

However, this is 0.8 percentage points lower than the OBR forecast in November.

The OBR said its latest forecast has been changed as a result of a decline in market expectations for the Bank of England's base rate, which currently sits at 5.25 per cent.

> Best mortgage rates calculator: Check the deals you could apply for

Less painful: Mortgage interest rates are expected to hit a peak of 4.2 per cent in 2027

It's important to distinguish here between the OBR average rate and the market average rate.

The OBR rate includes all fixed and vairable rates that households are currently paying, including those who remain on very low fixed rate deals - hence why it is lower than the market average rate.

The market average rate, as reported by Moneyfacts, takes into account every fixed rate deal currently available to those either buying or remortgaging. This includes the very cheapest rates, but also the most expensive rates - reserved for those with niche circusmtances or poor credit history.

What's happened to the market average rate?

Last year, a succession of base rate hikes and disappointing inflation figures saw average two-year fixed mortgage rates reach a high of 6.86 per cent in the summer, according to Moneyfacts, while five-year fixed rates hit 6.37 per cent.

But with the rate of inflation falling back and the Bank of England holding base rate at 5.25 per cent since August, mortgage lenders began cutting rates.

This rate cutting continued into 2024.In January alone, more than 50 mortgage lenders cut their residential rates - some more than once.

While mortgage rates have crept up in February, the cheapest deals remain a lot more palatable then the highs people had to ensure last summer.

In terms of the lowest rates borrowers can get just above 4 per cent when fixing for five years or just above 4.5 per cent when fixing for two years.

Ultimately, mortgage rates still remain far higher than mortgage borrowers had enjoyed prior to the surge in 2022.

Little more than two years ago, the averages were hovering around 2.5 per cent for a five-year fix and 2.25 per cent for a two-year.

In fact, only as far back as October 2021, the lowest mortgage rates were under 1 per cent.

This is Money'sbest mortgage rates calculator can show you the deals you could apply for and what they would cost.

You can also work out how a different interest rate would change your monthly payments, taking into account any fees, using our true cost mortgage calculator.

What next for mortgage rates?

Mortgage borrowers on fixed term deals should worry less about where the base rate is today, and more about where markets think it to go in the future.

This is because banks tend to pre-empt base rate movements. Lenders change their fixed mortgage rates on the back of predictions about how high the base rate will ultimately go, and how long inflation will last for.

Last year, forecasts for where the base rate would eventually peak fell from a high of 6.5 per cent to 5.25 per cent and then focus turned towards when base rate would be cut.

At the start of this year, markets were pricing in six base rate cuts in 2024 with investors betting on rates falling to 3.75 per cent by Christmas.

They have since rolled back on this following stubborn inflation readings that came in at 4 per cent - slightly higher than the 3.8 per cent the markets had predicted.

Investors are now forecasting that rates will fall to 4.5 per cent by the end of this year – with the first move downwards coming in June.

About what next for mortgage rates?

This is our long-running mortgage rates round-up that looks at the mortgage market and what to consider when looking for a loan.

It has been running for more than eight years and is regularly updated.

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Market expectations are reflected in swap rates. These are agreements in which two counterparties, for example banks, agree to exchange a stream of future fixed interest payments for a stream of future variable payments, based on a set amount.

Mortgage lenders enter into these agreements to shield themselves against the interest rate risk involved with lending fixed rate mortgages.

Put more simply, swap rates show what financial institutions think the future holds concerning interest rates.

As of 8 March, five-year swaps were at 3.88 per cent and two-year swaps were at 4.49 per cent - both trending below the current base rate.

This is slightly up compared to the start of the year when five-year swaps were 3.4 per cent and two-year swaps were 4.04 per cent.

However, it's a lot lower than it was during the summer of 2023.

Only as recently as July, five-year swaps were above 5 per cent. Similarly, the two-year swaps were coming in at around 6 per cent.

You can check best buy tables and the best mortgage rates for your circ*mstances with our mortgage finder powered by London & Country - and figure out what you'll actually be paying by using our new and improved mortgage calculator.

Why did mortgage rates rise?

Mortgage rates first began to increase towards the end of 2021, when inflation began to rise resulting in the Bank of England increasing base rate to try and combat it.

However, rates accelerated after the mini-Budget in late September. The pound tumbled after the then-Chancellor, Kwasi Kwarteng, announced a wave of unfunded tax cuts that unsettled bond markets.

After former Prime Minister, Liz Truss, resigned in October and new Chancellor Jeremy Hunt reversed nearly all of the mini-Budget announcements. The markets calmed down and the cost of borrowing then fell with mortgage rates slowly dropping too.

But following a fresh round of stubbornly high inflation figures in 2023, markets began betting the base rate would peak at 6.5 per cent by the end of the year.

This led to mortgage lenders beginning to whack their rates up again.

However, when June's inflation figures came in lower than market expectations, market forecasts as to where the base rate would peak fell to below 6 per cent.

And after a string of further positive readings on the inflation front, markets settled on a base rate peak of 5.25 per cent (where it is now) and began forecasting cuts in 2024.

What will happen to house prices?

Higher mortgage rates and double-digit inflation had many speculating at the start of 2023 that the housing market was in for an almighty crash. However, no crash has materialised.

Depending on which house price index you follow, property prices may have either fallen slightly over the course of 2023 or be marginally up.

According to the latest figures from the Office of National Statistics (ONS), the average UK house price slipped 1.4 per cent in the year to December, as the mortgage crunch took its toll on property sales.

However, thelatest house price index from Halifax, which relates to its own approved mortgage applications, said that house prices rose by 1.4 per cent in the 12 months to February.

Meanwhile,Nationwide recorded a 1.2 per cent annual rise in February 2024- although this was an improvement on the 1.8 per cent fall recorded in December.

Yearly rise: Nationwide recorded a year-on-year house price rise for the first time in 13 months

Looking ahead, many predictions were downbeat at the start of the year with some forecasters expecting prices to fall by up to a further 5 per cent in some cases.

- Read: Will house prices rise or fall in 2024? All the forecasts - and whether you should trust them

But there are now plenty with a more positive outlook for house prices thanks to a stronger start to the year with more buyers and sellers on the move.

The estate agent Knight Frank said house prices would rise by 3 per cent this yearhaving previously predicted a 4 per cent fall.

It flipped its forecast on the back of falling inflation which it says will lead to falling interest rates, which in turn will help galvanise the market.

Other estate agents are also claiming the market has changed course amid falling mortgage rates.

Simon Gerrard, managing director of Martyn Gerrard estate agents, said: 'On the ground, it's clear the market has turned a corner.

'We've seen a 20 per cent increase in people registering to buy a home compared to this time last year.

Alex Lyle, director of Richmond estate agency Antony Roberts, added: 'Since the start of this year, sentiment has improved hugely, largely encouraged by what is happening with mortgage rates.'

What next for the base rate?

Between December 2021 and August 2023, the Bank of England increased base rate from 0.1 per cent to 5.25 per cent, in a bid to curb rising inflation.

But the Monetary Policy Committee has now changed tact and has opted to hold base rate on four consecutive occasions since September.

What it does next will very much depend on the rate of inflation. Its next meeting takes place on 21 March.

Hold: The Bank of England has opted once again to hold the base rate at 5.25% since August

Markets are currently forecasting base rate to go no higher than where it is now. We've reached the peak so to speak.

But if inflation rises again or is more volatile than expected, then there is no reason why the Bank of England won't raise the base rate higher.

In its latest vote on 2 February, the Monetary Policy Committee voted to keep base rate on hold by a margin of six-to-three with two members voting for another 25 basis point hike to 5.5 per cent.

The BoE still thinks consumer price inflation will 'temporarily' fall back to 2 per cent by April, as the impact of previous hikes take effect.

But CPI, which remained at 4 per cent in January, is forecast to rise back to 2.75 per cent by year-end and remain above the bank's target of 2 per cent until 2027.

CPI, which remained at 4 per cent in January, is forecast to rise back to 2.75 per cent by year-end and remain above the bank's target of 2 per cent until 2027

However, Bailey recently told the Treasury Select Committee that investor bets on interest rate cuts this year 'were not unreasonable'.

The Governor had previously warned that expectations of a March base rate cut from its current level of 5.25 per cent were 'premature', driving forecasts back to mid-2024.

Bailey said: 'The marketis essentially embodying in the curve that we will reduce interest rates during the course of this year.

'We do not endorse the market curve. We are not making a prediction of when or by how much [we will cut rates],' he said before adding: 'it's not unreasonable for the market to think about' reductions in borrowing costs.

What mortgage deal should you choose?

Five-year fixed rate mortgages were once the most popular type of mortgage deal.

Now, increasing numbers of borrowers are opting for two-year fixed rate deals in the hope that interest rates will have fallen by the time they come to refinance.

There have also been a higher numbers of borrowers going for tracker mortgages that typically come without early repayment charges and track the base rate.

Although mortgage rates are higher than many people are used to, it may still pay to switch, especially if you are on your lenders' standard variable rate.

And for those coming to the end of a fixed term, switching to another fixed term could be cheaper than sticking with their existing one.

It's also worth considering sticking with your current mortgage lender by what is known as a product transfer. Figures shared exclusively with This is Money showed borrowers are securing better rates by staying put.

Hedging their bets: Many borrowers are opting for two-year fixed rate deals in the hope that interest rates will have fallen by the time they come to refinance

Choosing what length to fix for depends on what you think will happen to interest rates during that time, and what your personal circ*mstances are - for example if you will need to move.

Those opting for a two-year fix are essentially hedging their bets on interest rates falling over the next couple of years.

They'll be banking on the expectation that once inflation subsides, interest rates will come down.

Fixed rates of any length also offer borrowers certainty over what their payments will be from month-to-month.

If rates do begin falling, a tracker mortgage without an early repayment charge could put borrowers in a position to take advantage.

However, for all the potential benefit, a tracker product will also leave people vulnerable to further base rate hikes in the meantime.

Whatever the right type of mortgage for your circ*mstances, shopping around and speaking to a good mortgage broker is a wise move.

For a full rate check use This is Money's mortgage finder service and best buy tables. These are supplied by our independent broker partner London & Country.

Borrowers on their lenders' standard variable rate could save a significant amount by switching to a fixed deal - even as rates rise

Best fixed-rate mortgage deals

We have taken a look at the best deals on the market based on a 25-year mortgage for a£290,000 property - the current UK average house price according to the ONS.

To check up-to-the minute rates based on your own circ*mstances, use This is Money'smortgage finder service and best buy tables.

Please bear in mind that the mortgage deals listed below are for those those buying and moving home, The rates for first-time bueyrs and those remortgaing may be slightly different.

Also bear in mind that the mortgage deals below are best in terms of having the lowest rate. They may not be the cheapest deal overall when arrangement fees are also factored in.

Bigger deposit mortgages

Five-year fixed rate mortgages

Allied Irish Banks (AIB) has a five-year fixed rate at 4.09 per cent with a£200 fee at 60 per cent loan to value.

Santander has a five-year fixed rate at 4.17 per cent with a £999 fee at 60 per cent loan to value.

Two-year fixed rate mortgages

Santander has a 4.53 per cent fixed rate deal with a £999 fee at 75 per cent loan-to-value.

Halifax has a two-year fixed rate at 4.6 per cent with a £1,099 fee at 75 per cent loan to value.

A note on rates

Rates can change on mortgages at short notice and sadly lenders do not always inform us when they alter them (especially if they raise rates rather than lower them).

This can lead to occasions when the rates listed here are not available. If you ever spot this situation - or a good rate we have not listed - please email editor@thisismoney.co.uk with mortgage rates in the subject line and we will update the round-up asap.

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Mid-range deposit mortgages

Five-year fixed rate mortgages

AIB has a five-year fixed rate at 4.29 per cent with a £200 fee at 75 per cent loan to value.

Halifax has a five-year fixed rate at 4.38 per cent with a £1,099 fee at 75 per cent loan to value.

Two-year fixed rate mortgages

Santander has a 4.63 per cent fixed rate deal with a £999 fee at 75 per cent loan-to-value.

Yorkshire Building Society has a two-year fixed rate at 4.64 per cent with a £1,495 fee at 75 per cent loan to value.

Low-deposit mortgages

Five-year fixed rate mortgages

AIB has a five-year fixed rate at 4.61 per cent with a £200 fees at 90 per cent loan to value. This is specifically for home movers.

Halifax has a five-year fixed rate at 4.64 per cent with a £1,099 fee at 90 per cent loan to value.

Two-year fixed rate mortgages

Halifax has a two-year fixed rate at 5.05 per cent with a £1,099 fee at 90 per cent loan to value.

Leek Building Society has a two-year fixed rate at 5.05 per cent with a £995 fee at 90 per cent loan to value.

>> Check our our mortgage tracker to compare the latest available deals

Tracker and discount rate mortgages

The big advantage to a tracker mortgage is flexibility.

The can sometimes be the case with discount rate mortgages, which track a certain level below the lenders' standard variable rate.

A fixed-rate mortgage will almost inevitably carry early repayment charges, meaning you will be limited as to how much you can overpay, or face potentially thousands of pounds in fees if you opt to leave before the initial deal period is up.

You should be able to take a fixed mortgage with you if you move, as most are portable, but there is no guarantee your new property will be eligible or you may even have a gap between ownership.

Many tracker deals have no early repayment charges, which means you can up sticks whenever you want - and that suits some people.

Make sure you stress test yourself against a sharper rise in base rate than is forecast.

More shock: Roughly 1.6 million people will face a mortgage shock in 2024 when they remortgage as their low rates come to an end despite the base rate pause today

Can you get a mortgage?

Getting a mortgage is tougher than it once was. You will need to get your finances in order and be prepared for the lengthier application process and in-depth affordability interviews getting a mortgage requires nowadays.

Lenders also apply different standards to what they will lend.

Weigh up the above, check the rates here and in our best buy mortgage tables, have a scout around what the best deals look like – and speak to a good independent broker.

There are a couple of things to look out for if you do decide to fix.

You need to check the bumper arrangement fees are worth paying – if you don't have a big mortgage you may be better off with a slightly higher rate and lower fee.

It's also wise to think carefully about whether you expect to move home soon. A good five-year fix should be portable, so you can take it with you.

But your new property will need to be assessed and you might need to borrow extra money, and so your lender could still say no. Getting out of a fixed rate typically requires a hefty hit to the pocket from early repayment charges.

What to do if you need a mortgage

Borrowers who need to find a mortgage because their current fixed rate deal is coming to an end, or because they have agreed a house purchase, should explore their options as soon as possible.

This is Money's best mortgage rates calculator powered by L&C can show you deals that match your mortgage and property value

What if I need to remortgage?

Borrowers should compare rates and speak to a mortgage broker and be prepared to act to secure a rate.

Anyone with a fixed rate deal ending within the next six to nine months, should look into how much it would cost them to remortgage now - and consider locking into a new deal.

Most mortgage deals allow fees to be added the loan and they are then only charged when it is taken out. By doing this, borrowers can secure a rate without paying expensive arrangement fees.

What if I am buying a home?

Those with home purchases agreed should also aim to secure rates as soon as possible, so they know exactly what their monthly payments will be.

Home buyers should beware overstretching themselves and be prepared for the possibility that house prices may fall from their current high levels, due to higher mortgage rates limiting people's borrowing ability.

How to compare mortgage costs

The best way to compare mortgage costs and find the right deal for you is to speak to a good broker.

You can use ourbest mortgage rates calculatorto show deals matching your home value, mortgage size, term and fixed rate needs.

Be aware that rates can change quickly, however, and so the advice is that if you need a mortgage to compare rates and then speak to a broker as soon as possible, so they can help you find the right mortgage for you.

> Check the best fixed rate mortgages you could apply for

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Compare true mortgage costs

Work out mortgage costs and check what the real best deal taking into account rates and fees. You can either use one part to work out a single mortgage costs, or both to compare loans

  • Mortgage 1
  • Mortgage 2
Find the best mortgage for you Check the rates you could apply for

Mortgages - a quick guide

1. How big a deposit do I need?

To get the full choice of deals raising a decent deposit is still vital. The benchmark figure is 25 per cent, if you have this then you'll be getting close to the best rates, although for an absolute cheapest deal you're still likely to need 40 per cent.

However, a selection of better deals for smaller deposits is available up to 90 per cent.

2. Should I take a fixed rate?

Most borrowers consider the security of a fixed rate as worthwhile, whereas variable rate deals can be cheaper but leave you exposed to potential rate rises.

If you decide to take a fix you need to carefully consider how long for.

Two-year deals are typcially more expensive at the moment and only offer very short-term security and incur extra costs when you remortgage.

Five-year deals lock you in for longer and come with slightly cheaper rates and no need to remortgage in a relatively short space of time. However, this could count against you if rates begin to fall in the meantime.

3. Should I take a tracker rate?

Tracker rates are essentially a gamble. What looks like a manageable rate now, could soon get very expensive if interest rates rise.

Anyone considering a tracker needs to make sure they are not just storing up a problem for the future.

If the tracker comes with an early redemption penalty that would make it expensive to jump ship, then make sure your finances could take a rise of at least 2 per cent to 3 per cent in interest rates.

For that reason we at This is Money like tracker deals that fit into one of these three categories: no early redemption penalties, a cap to how high the rate will go, or that let you jump ship for a fixed rate if rates rise.

4. Should I get off a standard variable rate?

Standard variable rates are what borrowers slip onto by default when they finish a fixed or tracker deal period.

They can typically be changed by lenders at any time - without the Bank of England moving rates. They may also rise or fall by more than any move in base rate.

Some people currently on SVRs are technically mortgage prisoners, which means they're trapped with inactive lenders that don't provide new mortgage products, whilst being unable to pass the affordability checks of other lenders.

However, these are only a minority - a group fewer than 50,000, according to the FCA.

The vast majority of people on SVRs should in theory be able to either remortgage to a new lender, or failing that, switch to a new deal with their existing lender.

The potential savings from doing so could add up to thousands of pounds a year.

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What next for mortgage rates? Lowest fixed rates go back above 4% (2024)
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