What Math Skills are Typically Needed in Finance? (2024)

What Math Skills are Typically Needed in Finance?Jocelyn2017-04-22T13:31:50+00:00

Many people automatically equate the world of finance with the many different academic disciplines involved in arithmetic, but most financial professionals lack a well-rounded mathematical education. The modern reliance on technological devices to do our number-crunching faster, and more reliably, than we could ever do it ourselves, has made individual mastery of a broad range of advanced mathematical skills unnecessary. Despite this, there are still a few areas of arithmetic which are widely seen as being useful within the financial industry. A sound mastery of, at least, the basic ideas behind each of these areas can make the difference between whether or not a newly-minted financial professional is able to secure work within their chosen specialty.

Resource:20 Best Online Master of Finance Degree Programs 2016

Here are some of the most strongly supported mathematics skills for students hoping to find employ within the financial industry:

Mental Arithmetic

Most people understand what is involved in basic arithmetic, and would assume (correctly) that basic arithmetic skills are required for financial management. Some are surprised, however, to find out that mental arithmetic (or “fast math”) is still a commonly sought-after skill within the financial industry. Today, most people carry a relatively powerful computer in their pocket; we also have access to personal computers, laptops, and specialized devices in virtually every professional environment. Despite this, someone who understands basic mathematics well enough to crunch a few numbers in their head can save themselves (and those who employ them) a considerable amount of time.


Many banking and investment financial models require a financial management professional to solve for variables. Today, programs like Excel take most of the work out of this process, but a sound understanding of the basic principles of algebra is still widely considered to be extremely helpful. If you understand the fundamental aspects of how the process works, even if you aren’t the one working it, you’re less likely to make a mistake in the process of entering data into an equation. When you find yourself in a position where you need to create or enter equations within a program personally, you are also less likely to make an error if you understand how and why the different symbols are arranged in the way that they are.


Trigonometry is an advanced relative of geometry, itself largely unnecessary in the finance world. Trigonometry isn’t strictly necessary for all aspects of the financial industry, and many professionals are able to get by without it. Anyone who regularly engages in quantitative trading and other exceptionally analytical areas of financial expertise will want to have at least a basic understanding of its principles, however. As with having an operating knowledge of algebra, understanding trigonometry will be helpful in avoiding a range of otherwise common mistakes.

Statistics and Probability

This might be the most important area of mathematics which anybody in the financial industry (particularly if you regularly assist with communications between large corporations) ought to have a sound understanding of. Regardless of whether or not a given financial professional is a genius at arithmetics, they’re still going to be dealing with numbers, constantly, every day. A basic knowledge of statistics helps, not only to understand those numbers for the sake of one’s own functionality, but to make convincing explanations to which other affiliated professionals can relate. Having a basic knowledge of statistics and probability in the financial world is like having a large vocabulary in the educational world — even if you aren’t an English teacher.

Some areas of focus are obviously more crucial depending upon an individual’s chosen field; for example, if you’re going into quantitative trading, you might want to study stochastic systems, due to its usefulness in modeling random behaviors. Overall, what’s really important for an aspiring financial professional is that they’re able to handle basic math and statistics, at least as far as personal comprehension, without needing to keep a textbook on hand.

What Math Skills are Typically Needed in Finance? (2024)


What Math Skills are Typically Needed in Finance? ›

Some of the main math-related skills that the financial industry requires are: mental arithmetic (“fast math”), algebra, trigonometry, and statistics and probability. A basic understanding of these skills should be good enough and can qualify you for most finance jobs.

What math is used most in finance? ›

Algebra. Many banking and investment financial models require a financial management professional to solve for variables. Today, programs like Excel take most of the work out of this process, but a sound understanding of the basic principles of algebra is still widely considered to be extremely helpful.

Do you need calculus for masters in finance? ›

Program candidates must also have a quantitative background that includes courses in probability, statistics, linear algebra, multivariate calculus, numerical analysis, and differential equations.

What mathematical skills are required for investment banking? ›

There's addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division… and occasionally built-in Excel functions like IRR, Mean, and Median. You never use calculus or differential equations or even geometry / trigonometry. Just arithmetic and sometimes algebra.

Do you have to be good at math to be a treasurer? ›

Being a treasurer requires knowledge of math as it pertains to accounting procedures and business finance. Treasurers analyze, compare and interpret facts and figures, which requires a knowledge of statistics.

Is finance a lot of hard math? ›

While finance requires some mathematics training and some knowledge and skills in accounting and economics, it's not necessarily more difficult than any other field of study, particularly for people with an aptitude for math.

What math is used in finance and business? ›

Mathematics typically used in commerce includes elementary arithmetic, such as fractions, decimals, and percentages, elementary algebra, statistics and probability. Business management can be made more effective in some cases by use of more advanced mathematics such as calculus, matrix algebra and linear programming.

Does finance use a lot of math? ›

While minimal math studies are required for all business majors, finance happens to be one of the most quantitative fields. To learn essential skills such as analyzing and assessing investment performance and financial planning for savings goals, you must acquire a solid foundation in mathematics.

What math does a finance degree require? ›

As a finance major, you study finance-related topics, including math, economics, and statistics. You can expect to take several math classes like accounting, calculus, and business math.

Is accounting hard if you're bad at math? ›

Accounting can be challenging, especially if you're not a math person. This belief is common, and even though accounting requires understanding financial principles, basic math skills are necessary to complete accounting tasks.

What kind of math is used in banking? ›

Financial mathematics focuses on applying mathematical formulas and equations to financial problems, market modeling and data analysis. With this strategy, financial professionals can better understand business performance, including profitability and growth potential.

What math do hedge funds use? ›

Financial Knowledge

A quant should understand the following mathematical concepts: Calculus (including differential, integral and stochastic) Linear algebra and differential equations.

Do you need to be good at math to be a banker? ›

Fundamental Skills for Bankers

Successful bankers exhibit a variety of crucial skills: Strong math and analytical skills: Math is a key element of the banking profession, and aspiring bankers should have strong math skills. Analytical skills are also crucial.

Are finance degrees hard? ›

Is Finance a Hard Major? Finance is a somewhat difficult major. It is much harder than certain liberal arts majors, such as history and philosophy; however, it is not as hard as the "STEM" majors: science, technology, engineering, and math.

Do you take calculus in finance? ›

For example, most higher level finance degrees require advanced calculus courses and beyond. Therefore, undergraduate students in this area might choose to take higher mathematics courses to fulfill their elective requirements.

Do you need to be good at math to be a CEO? ›

Many -- perhaps most -- of the CEOs of top companies have virtually no mathematical knowledge. If their company needs to have someone with mathematical expertise, such a person will be hired.

Is finance harder than accounting? ›

While both finance and accounting can be difficult majors, accounting is considered more difficult because it requires more discipline and a lot of math. Accounting is more complex because it relies on precise sets of arithmetic principles.

Why is finance so hard? ›

Unlike in social and human sciences, careers in the financial field often require professional certifications, so the information that you learn in your degree is specifically tailored to helping you earn those certifications. This is another reason finance degrees are considered to be difficult.

Is finance a stable career? ›

Finance degree jobs can provide relatively high pay, stability, opportunities for advancement and consistent demand projections.

What math do you need for quantitative finance? ›

There are a number of prerequisites for this course: Calculus (multivariable), probability and statistics, linear algebra, and basic programming skills.

Does accounting require calculus? ›

Accounting isn't hard-core math. It's basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Possibly some light, entry-level algebra, but that's it. You don't have to understand calculus.

Do you need calculus for economics? ›

Because the study of economics involves a substantial amount of quantitative analysis, Economics majors are required to complete a course in calculus prior to beginning the courses of the major.

Does finance use a lot of statistics? ›

In the field of finance, statistics is important for the following reasons: Reason 1: Descriptive statistics allow financial analysts to summarize data related to revenue, expenses, and profit for companies.

Do financial analysts use algebra? ›

Analysts use complex mathematical and statistical techniques such as linear regression to analyze financial data. Financial analysts can expect to take complex math courses in college and graduate school, including calculus, linear algebra and statistics.

Is finance or economics harder? ›

Economics varies more though. There are very easy courses you can take, as well as extremely challenging ones—especially at the graduate level. If you're just talking about a basic bachelors degree though, then finance is probably a little harder but not by much.

What math do you need for business? ›

Business majors who wish to focus on finance careers will need a strong calculus background. Knowledge of statistics and probability are also vital for finance careers, and figure prominently in the marketing field too. Algebra and geometry round out the list of college math skills business majors should have.

How hard is business calculus? ›

But, most students would tell you that business calculus is a bit easier than calculus since there is less of a focus on theory and there are less rules to learn for derivatives and integrals. For those that are not mathematically inclined, this can be a relief, but it is still quite a tough course!

How hard is calculus? ›

Calculus is widely regarded as a very hard math class, and with good reason. The concepts take you far beyond the comfortable realms of algebra and geometry that you've explored in previous courses. Calculus asks you to think in ways that are more abstract, requiring more imagination.

Is accounting good for introverts? ›

Good jobs for introverts include accounting, engineering, and technical writing.

What is the hardest accounting class in college? ›

Tax Accounting: Usually some of the most difficult classes for an accounting major as they delve into the minutia of tax codes, though this knowledge is a major source of income for accounting graduates.

Is the CPA exam hard? ›

Very. The overall CPA Exam pass rates hover slightly below 50%. This makes passing the CPA Exam a difficult, but achievable, goal. You'll need to study wisely, set a strategy for managing your time, and call on your support network, but with the right plan and good study materials, you will conquer it.

Is calculus used in banking? ›

Calculus provides comprehensive services in the credit sector of a financial institution, by achieving the improvement of the organization, the structure and functionality and the increase of revenues by the simultaneous reduction of the expected risk.

Is algebra used in banking? ›

Linear algebra is used to study financial trading strategies and expectations. Financial conditions are examined via matrix equations, using rank, column space, and null space arguments.

Do bankers use algebra? ›

Most of the Investment banking team (specifically M&A, Equity Capital Markets, Debt Capital Markets) will use basic Algebra and Arithmetic, however it may vary if you are working on any predictive financial model which doesn't use any of the available templates and you are building a new model from scratch.

Can quants make millions? ›

While the highest earning quants among those working with financial firms can definitely make millions in a year or a couple of years, it is not that easy for quants who chose to trade for themselves. Not all of them make money from trading, let alone making millions. Some even lose their trading capital.

Do hedge funds use R or Python? ›

While C++ is still used in hedge fund situations in which low latency and high performance are needed, and Java also remains a popular option, Python is considered to be the preferred language for hedge fund trading.

What math is used in investing? ›

The P/E Ratio is used to compare the price of a stock to other stocks in the same industry. The market price of a stock is the cost of buying 1 share on the stock market and earnings per share is the annual per-share earnings reported in the company's financial reports.

Can I be a bank teller if I'm bad at math? ›

In addition to customer service, bank tellers will want to demonstrate proficient math skills when it comes to counting and handling large amounts of money. Skills with popular financial software is also preferred.

Do you need math in private equity? ›

Candidates should have an bachelor's degree in an analytical major like finance, accounting, statistics, mathematics, or economics.

Do investment bankers need to know coding? ›

He needs to be well-equipped in the following technical skills and programming languages if he wants to remain successful. Like the rest of us, continued learning is just as crucial to the investment banker.

What is the hardest job in finance? ›

Most stressful job in finance : Investment Banker (M&A or capital markets professional) Jobs in the investment banking division (IBD) were the runaway choice for the most stressful job on Wall Street and in all of financial services, finishing in the top three of every ballot.

What is the hardest business major? ›

Hardest Business Majors
  1. Accounting. The accounting major has been around at most colleges since the beginning, and it is designed to teach students how to manage a business's finances so they can solve various business problems. ...
  2. Management Science. ...
  3. Finance. ...
  4. Entrepreneurial Studies.
Sep 8, 2020

Is finance a stressful career? ›

Drawbacks of a career in finance can include high stress, long working hours, continuing education requirements, and, in some cases, limited job stability.

What majors don t require calculus? ›

The following majors do not require Calculus
  • Anthropology.
  • Art and Art History.
  • Classics.
  • Communication.
  • English.
  • Environmental Studies.
  • Ethnic Studies.
  • History.

Is calculus or statistics better for finance? ›

AP Stats is more important for business and especially marketing majors. Statistics concepts are used in nearly every role in the business world, whereas the same cannot be said for calculus. AP Stats will allow you to develop your spike, and it is more likely to be a boost to your GPA than AP Calc.

What kind of calculus is used in finance? ›

Integral calculus is useful for pricing financial derivatives. The price of a derivatives contract is calculated as the present value of expected future payoffs that depend on the future asset price distribution.

What are most CEOs degrees in? ›

Economics, business administration, and engineering are the most popular subjects studied by top CEOs. On average, 34.6% of top CEOs have a master's or doctorate degree and. 22.3% of top CEOs have a Master of Business Administration (MBA), 16.4% of top CEOs studied abroad; and.

Does a genius have to be good at math? ›

The intellect of an individual and mastering math is often perceived to be linked, but the connection is not clear. Many people who excel in their workplace or fields often have gaps in numbers. These people can be good examples to show that math may not result in the geniusness of a person.

What degrees do CEOs hold? ›

Here's a list of the most common degrees for CEOs:
  • Finance. Finance majors study a wide range of topics, such as accounting, financial analysis and investment management. ...
  • Business. ...
  • Computer science. ...
  • Healthcare administration. ...
  • Management. ...
  • Engineering. ...
  • Political science. ...
  • Communications.
Jun 24, 2022

Is finance mostly math? ›

As a finance major, you study finance-related topics, including math, economics, and statistics. You can expect to take several math classes like accounting, calculus, and business math.

Does finance use calculus? ›

Calculus can be considered as the mathematics of motion and change. It is a BIG topic with applications spanning the natural sciences and also some social sciences such as economics and finance.

What kind of math do financial analysts use? ›

Analysts use complex mathematical and statistical techniques such as linear regression to analyze financial data. Financial analysts can expect to take complex math courses in college and graduate school, including calculus, linear algebra and statistics.

Do people in finance use calculus? ›

Calculus is used in finance to model the behavior of financial markets, such as stock prices, bond yields, and interest rates. It is used to help determine the optimal investment strategies and to price financial derivatives.

Does finance or accounting require more math? ›

While both finance and accounting can be difficult majors, accounting is considered more difficult because it requires more discipline and a lot of math. Accounting is more complex because it relies on precise sets of arithmetic principles.

How mathematical is finance? ›

Financial analysts often use mathematics to analyze market data, find patterns in data and predict risks. Financial risks can fall under these categories: Market risk: Market risk refers to financial risks in the company's target market, including market changes.

Does finance use linear algebra? ›

Many papers in statistics and quantitative finance make heavy use of linear algebra, so you need to have a working knowledge of it in order to read and apply them to your trading.

Do you have to be good at math to work at a bank? ›

Bank tellers need strong math skills to count and handle large amounts of money.

Do financial managers do math? ›

Financial managers need strong skills in certain branches of mathematics, including algebra. Ability to understand international finance and complex financial documents also is important.

What math is financial algebra? ›

Advanced Algebra with Financial Applications is a college-preparatory course that uses sophisticated mathematics to become financially responsible. The course employs advanced algebra, probability and statistics to solve financial problems occurring in everyday life.

Do accountants actually use calculus? ›

Accounting isn't hard-core math. It's basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Possibly some light, entry-level algebra, but that's it. You don't have to understand calculus.

Do you need calculus for business finance? ›

Calculus is essential for business majors. Usually, the prerequisite is that students complete a calculus course at the college level, and added is a similarly leveled statistics course. Business majors with plans to focus on finance careers need strong calculus backing.

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