What Makes Stable Value Attractive - Stable Value (2024)


Plan sponsors have a unique opportunity to offer a stable value product which is specifically designed to meet the needs of their plan participants and can only be offered inside a tax qualified plan. Stable value has a low correlation to other asset classes while providing a distinctive combination of benefits for plan participants: principal preservation; consistent, positive returns generally higher than money market funds; and liquidity for participant benefit payments. The ability for stable value funds to provide bond-like returns with exceptionally low return volatility provides investors with an attractive risk/return profile.

Educating plan participants on the long term value of staying invested in their stable value option after retirement will help retain assets in the plan, given there are no stable value solutions available to them if they roll their retirement assets into an IRA rollover account. From our most recent paper, Who Invests in Stable Value and Why, we learned that stable value is most heavily used by individuals near and in retirement. Those same individuals will also most likely have the highest account balances. Encouraging those participants to remain invested in the plan can also benefit all participants by helping keep overall costs lower, as a higher asset base generally pays a lower expense ratio.

Capital Preservation Options

All tax qualified retirement plans are required to offer a diversified and broad range of investment options including a low-risk option. Low-risk options typically include a money market, ultra short term bond, short term bond, and stable value. Each asset class has advantages during different stages of a business cycle or during specific economic events that can cause it to outperform the others, however stable value is enduring and has historically outperformed.

What Makes Stable Value Attractive - Stable Value (1)

While stable value and money market are the only true principal preservation options, the 2007-2008 Financial Crisis followed by eight years of near 0% money market fund returns may tip the scales in favor of stable value. Stable value delivers consistent and generally higher returns; an annual average of 2.48% above money market funds over the last 15 years along with lower standard deviation. Although intermediate term bonds are not a capital preservation option, they are included for return comparison purposes.

What Makes Stable Value Attractive - Stable Value (2)
What Makes Stable Value Attractive - Stable Value (3)

Diversification and Low Correlation

In addition to providing an attractive risk-return profile, stable value also provides a low and often negative correlation to stock and bond returns. Therefore, by adding stable value to the asset allocation model, plan participants can smooth the overall performance returns they experience. This should be particularly appealing to the risk-adverse plan participant.

What Makes Stable Value Attractive - Stable Value (4)

Low Rate Environment

During the three short years of rising interest rates from Q4 2015 through Q4 2018, money market funds experienced increasing yields at a faster rate than stable value, but the COVID-19 global pandemic quickly reversed those three years of gains as the Federal Reserve cut the Fed Fund target rate by 1.50% in March 2020. The following graph shows higher and smoother returns for stable value relative to money markets.

What Makes Stable Value Attractive - Stable Value (5)

As shown in the graphic above, stable value returns trend toward the current rate but migrate slower than other asset classes. In addition, stable value also benefits from the ability to invest in longer maturity bonds with higher yields, which money market funds are unable to do. Over the long term, stable value is designed to outperform money markets given their longer duration while still providing principal protection.

Stable Value Restrictions

Typically, the only restriction on a participant’s stable value transactions is a prohibition of transfers from stable value directly into another investment product that provides a similar low risk profile (which is deemed to be a competing fund) such as a money market fund. This restriction protects participants remaining in stable value by mitigating arbitrage, which would otherwise negatively impact their returns over the long term. Most recordkeepers are familiar with this restriction, and have implemented automated procedures for enforcing the restriction on individual participant transactions to competing funds.

Stable Value – There When You Need It

Stable value has always provided value – higher returns over the long term with lower volatility, with a 0% return floor. In 2020, which was a year where everything went crazy, stable value did exactly what it was supposed to do – not go crazy. It remained stable and is continuing to deliver stable returns that are very attractive relative to many other principal protected asset classes.

As demonstrated above, plan participants that rolled out of their retirement plans into an IRA, and from stable value into money market funds, have experienced significantly lower yields and total returns on those assets and higher volatility over a fifteen year time horizon.
Although the magnitude of the current stable value benefit will vary, stable value delivers a strong value proposition to risk averse plan participants. All of these reasons are what makes stable value attractive as it provides peace of mind when life throws you curve balls. Knowing your retirement money will be there when you need it is priceless.


For more information, we encourage you to access our library of educational content on a broad variety of stable value related topics. Visit the Stable Value Investment Association website at: https://stablevalue.org/ for more information.

“Stable Value” is a simulation of book value returns in a hypothetical fund holding intermediate bonds and stable value wrap contracts, with crediting interest rates reset monthly using the industry accepted crediting rate formula. The bond returns incorporated into the simulation are monthly market value returns from the Barclays Intermediate Government/Credit Bond Index, with gains/losses reflected in future crediting rates by amortizing market-vs.-book values over intermediate bond index durations. This simulation incorporates no ongoing cash flows into or out of the fund. Returns illustrated are gross before any fees.

“Money Market” is a simulation of money market returns from the iMoneyNet MFR Money Funds Index. Returns illustrated are gross before any fees.

”Intermediate Bonds” is a simulation of market value bond fund returns from the Barclays Intermediate Government/Credit Bond Index. Returns illustrated are gross before any fees.

“Stocks” is the S&P 500 Index with dividends reinvested: a widely used barometer of U.S. stock market performance; as a market-weighted index of leading companies in leading industries, it is dominated by large-capitalization companies. Returns illustrated are gross before any fees.

“Short Bonds” is a simulation of market value bond fund returns from the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Government & Credit 1-3 Year Index. Returns illustrated are gross before any fees.

“Ultra Short Bonds” is a simulation of returns from the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Treasury Bellwethers (3M) Index. Returns illustrated are gross before any fees.

Disclaimer:The performance data shown represents past performance, which is not a guarantee of future results. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data cited. The performance of an index is not an exact representation of any particular investment, as you cannot invest directly in an index.

What Makes Stable Value Attractive - Stable Value (2024)


What Makes Stable Value Attractive - Stable Value? ›

Stable value has a low correlation to other asset classes while providing a distinctive combination of benefits for plan participants: principal preservation; consistent, positive returns generally higher than money market funds; and liquidity for participant benefit payments.

What does it mean to be stable in value? ›

Stable value funds remain just that: stable. They don't grow over time, but they don't lose value either. In times of recession or stock market volatility, stable value funds are guaranteed.

What are the characteristics of stable value? ›

The primary characteristic of a stable value fund is that it is composed of fixed income investments such as bonds, mortgage, and other low-risk securities. These investments are chosen for their ability to provide a steady and predictable stream of income, with little risk of loss to principal.

What are stable value strategies? ›

Stable value strategies are capital preservation investments (typically separate accounts or commingled vehicles) available in 401(k)s and other retirement savings plans. They seek to provide steady, positive income and principal preservation.

What are the best stable value funds? ›

Top Performing Managers of Stable Value Fixed Income, 4th Quarter 2022
Stable Value Fixed Income1 year gross return1 year net return
Putnam Stable Value Fund: 35bps2.652.29
MissionSquare PLUS Fund Gross2.282.28
Putnam Stable Value Fund: 45bps2.652.18
Galliard Stable Return Fund Core2.112.13
6 more rows
Mar 9, 2023

Why is stability an important value? ›

Stability means that you feel satisfied with what you have. You might want more, but you perceive your current situation to be OK, to be workable, to provide you comfort and satisfaction. It provides fulfillment. Consider the main areas of your life – your work, your relationships, and your current situation.

What makes a stable life? ›

Personal stability is a lifestyle characterized by appropriate and well-thought-out decisions, consistent behavior and moderate mood swings. It's often overlooked. Yet it's a key component in professional and emotional success and well-being. Stable people tend to have long, satisfying relationships.

What has the most stable value? ›

Over centuries of experience, people have discovered that gold is the single best approximation of this “standard of absolute value,” the one thing in the world whose value is most stable. Not only is it better than other options, it is so close to the ideal that no great problems arise.

What is a stable value asset? ›

Stable value is an asset class that is designed to provide capital preservation and relatively stable returns. Capital Preser- vation means investors should expect to maintain 100% of their initial investment.

What is the stable value of money? ›

Stable value funds are designed to preserve capital while providing steady, positive returns. provides a guarantee of principal and accumulated interest. It is backed by the creditworthiness of the issuer. company separate account that provides a guarantee of principal and accumulated interest.

What is a stable value contract? ›

Stable Value Wrap contracts are financial instruments that provide limited guarantees on the portfolios and provide a contract value to help smooth the market value volatility for stable value participants. The Stable Value Wrap helps preserve the principal while providing steady, positive returns for participants.

What are the risks of stable value? ›

Investing in stable value is subject to many similar risks of investing in fixed income, including, but not limited to, credit risk, default risk, interest rate risk, issuer risk, liquidity risk, manager risk, market risk, regulatory risk, and tax and accounting risk.

What are the different types of stable value products? ›

There are four types of stable value funds: individually managed accounts, pooled funds, general account products, and separate account products. It is the responsibility of the plan sponsor to select the type of stable value funds that best fits the needs of their plan participants.

What assets hold value best? ›

Appreciating Assets: 9 Ultimate Examples
  • Real estate. They usually consist of land or buildings used for residential or commercial purposes. ...
  • Stocks. ...
  • Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) ...
  • Commodities. ...
  • Art. ...
  • Private Equity. ...
  • Saving Accounts. ...
  • Bonds.

Is stable value the same as cash? ›

Stable value funds serve as a happy medium between cash and money market funds, which have low yields, and bond funds, which have higher risk and volatility. These funds provide higher rates of interest with little or no fluctuation in price.

What is the most stable way to invest? ›

Here are the best low-risk investments in May 2023:
  • High-yield savings accounts.
  • Series I savings bonds.
  • Short-term certificates of deposit.
  • Money market funds.
  • Treasury bills, notes, bonds and TIPS.
  • Corporate bonds.
  • Dividend-paying stocks.
  • Preferred stocks.
May 1, 2023

What is an example of stability? ›

Stability is often used to describe buildings or structures that won't collapse or fall down. Good tires will help you maintain stability on snowy or icy roads. You can use the word more figuratively for a safe environment or a healthy mental state. Financial and political stability are to be desired.

How do you maintain financial stability? ›

Here are 7-step instructions.
  1. Invest in yourself. Having further education, more knowledge, and required skills for work can support your career advancement. ...
  2. Make money from what you like. ...
  3. Set saving and expense budgets. ...
  4. Spend wisely. ...
  5. Set emergency fund. ...
  6. Pay off debts. ...
  7. Plan for retirement.

What are the 4 factors of stability? ›

Common factors that affect this stability include temperature, light, pH, oxidation and enzymatic degradation. Special considerations are also required when dealing with chiral molecules, deuterated internal standards and large biomolecules.

What is an example of stable stability? ›

A system is said to be in stable equilibrium if, when displaced from equilibrium, it experiences a net force or torque in a direction opposite to the direction of the displacement. For example, a marble at the bottom of a bowl will experience a restoring force when displaced from its equilibrium position.

What is a stable mindset? ›

Signs that someone is mentally and emotionally stable: A sense of being in control of their personal thoughts and actions. A sense of (general) well-being. Friends and family are generally confident in the individual's ability to care for themselves physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Which one is most stable and why? ›

Iron is the most stable element in terms of structural stability and in terms of nuclear stability but not in terms of the chemical stability.

Which is one of the most following is most stable? ›

Hence Tl+is most stable.

Which of the following is most stable and why? ›

CH3−CH=CH−CH2−CH3 will be the most stable because greater the number of alkyl groups attached to double bonded carbon atoms, more stable is the alkene.

How stable are stable value funds? ›

Stable value funds have a level of risk and stability similar to that of money market funds but generate higher returns. Stable value funds are offered in approximately half of all 401(k) plans and some 529 tuition savings plans.

How are stable value funds insured? ›

A stable value investment is neither insured nor guaranteed by the U.S. government. There is no assurance that the investment will be able to maintain a stable net asset value, and it is possible to lose money in such an investment. Vanguard Retirement Savings Trust is not a mutual fund.

How do you evaluate a stable value fund? ›

Conduct an in-depth analysis, review and valuation of the underlying investments, including credit quality, asset allocation, risk and fund performance evaluation. Obtain a full understanding of the risk/reward characteristics that will result in any variance between the market value and book value of the fund.

Is stable value a money market? ›

Historically, money market and stable value funds both provide capital preservation and low volatility. However, stable value funds have had historically higher return and are designed to do so. So it's a more attractive risk-return profile for investors.

What is a stable income fund? ›

The Sta- ble Income Fund invests in a diversified pool of investment contracts issued by high quality financial institutions. The value of the contracts depends on the credit of the issuing financial institution and the value of the assets held under each contract. The value of these contracts is not assured.

What is a stable value annuity? ›

TIAA Stable Value, a fixed annuity providing capital preservation and income, is designed to provide safety, liquidity, competitive interest and the option to receive guaranteed income for life during retirement.

What is a stable value market value adjustment? ›

An MVA is a monetary adjustment, or fee, stated within a stable value fund contract. This fee is paid as the result of the plan sponsor's withdrawal before the provisions outlined in the contract are met. MVAs exist to ensure stability and help protect all investors in the fund when one plan leaves.

What is book value of a stable value fund? ›

For a stable value investment contract, the value of initial deposited principal, plus accumulated interest, plus additional deposits, minus withdrawals and expenses.

Are stable value funds liquid? ›

Stable value funds pay interest and offer a fixed NAV. In addition, stable value solutions offer more competitive yields, have limited volatility, and have historically outperformed money market funds.
Money Market Vs. Stable Value: How They Differ (and How They Don't)
Money Market FundsStable Value Funds​
Liquidity​Highly liquidHighly liquid, but with potential restrictions
5 more rows

Can I withdraw from stable value fund? ›

Stable value products are designed to provide same-day liquidity for participant-initiated withdrawals.

What is yield on stable value fund? ›

2.03% Interest is determined daily and credited to participant accounts at the end of each month, and/or when the entire balance from the Stable Value Fund is withdrawn or transferred.

What is Lincoln stable value fund? ›

The Lincoln Stable Value Account is designed to provide plan participants with a guaranteed return of principal, along with attractive crediting rates and liquidity.

What is the difference between guaranteed investment contract and group annuity contract? ›

The main differences between a GIC and a group annuity contract is that there is no maturity date of the contract and rates are reset on a periodic basis (quarterly, semi-annually or annually). The underlying investments and the wrap provider are usually managed by the insurance company.

What is stability of value in money? ›

We talk of “price stability” when the price level only changes a little over time, even if individual prices rise or fall. Price stability: the price level should remain stable. An increase in the price level is called inflation (from the Latin “inflare”, meaning “blow into”, “puff up”).

What does stable mean in business? ›

Financial stability is a condition in which an economy's mechanisms for pricing, allocating, and managing financial risks (credit, liquidity, counterparty, market, etc.) are functioning well enough to contribute to the performance of the economy (as defined above).

What is the real meaning of stable? ›

: not changing or fluctuating : unvarying. in stable condition. : permanent, enduring.

What is stable value of money in one sentence? ›

Stable value is an asset class that is designed to provide capital preservation and relatively stable returns. Capital Preser- vation means investors should expect to maintain 100% of their initial investment.

What is stable value of money in one word? ›

Explanation: The fix value of the currency in the particular area without having the increasem*nt or decreasem*nt is said to be stable value of currency. A stable value fund is a portfolio of bonds that are insured to protect the investor against a decline in yield or a loss of capital.

What affects currency stability? ›

Currency fluctuations are a natural outcome of floating exchange rates, which is the norm for most major economies. Numerous factors influence exchange rates, including a country's economic performance, the outlook for inflation, interest rate differentials, capital flows and so on.

What is an example of stable? ›

They have a stable relationship. Children need to be raised in a stable environment. The economy is stable.

What does stable enough mean? ›

marked by the ability to withstand stress without structural damage or distortion the observation tower is stable enough to withstand the strongest winds without collapsing. Synonyms & Similar Words. Relevance. sturdy.

How do you know if something is stable? ›

The stability of atoms depends on whether or not their outer-most shell is filled with electrons. If the outer shell is filled, the atom is stable. Atoms with unfilled outer shells are unstable, and will usually form chemical bonds with other atoms to achieve stability.

What does a stable person mean? ›

adjective. If someone has a stable personality, they are calm and reasonable and their mood does not change suddenly. Their characters are fully formed and they are both very stable children. Synonyms: well-balanced, balanced, sensible, reasonable More Synonyms of stable.

Who can invest in stable value? ›

Stable value funds are a good choice for conservative investors, workers nearing retirement, and anyone looking to stabilize their portfolio during times of market volatility.

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