What kind of place is a neighbourhood? (2024)

Children’s Neighbourhoods Scotland, Concepts, ideas and research

What kind of place is a neighbourhood? (1)

Most people use ‘place’ and ‘space’ to mean the same thing at times. For some researchers there is an important difference between these two words. ‘Space’ could be any location of any size at any time. A ‘place’ is like this, but it has one special difference.


Spaces are geographic locations you could forget about and never see again, and not really mind. Places are geographic locations you specifically remember because of the sights, smells, sounds, tastes, and feeling of it: you can discover a place with your senses.

Places are where you do things with people you care about and where you know people. Places have value to you and to others around you. Places are where you like to go and might feel sad to leave. Simply, spaces are locations without meaning and places are locations with meaning.

The word neighbourhood refers to a district or an area of a city. Sometime neighbourhoods are divided up so the city can group people and deliver public services more easily. Sometimes a neighbourhood has a special style of architecture or a special history that distinguishes it. When Children’s Neighbourhoods Scotland talks about neighbourhoods, we are really talking about places.

Instead of a neighbourhood being one big space that shares a name, we like to think about neighborhoods as somewhere full of places. Places where people can be active and curious. Places where people feel they belong and are safe. Places where people can enjoy time with friends and family. These kinds of places come together to make a neighborhood a place.

Taylor Sawyer
PhD student in Urban Studies

I'm an enthusiast with a profound understanding of the concepts related to the article titled "Children’s Neighbourhoods Scotland, Concepts, ideas and research." To establish my expertise, I'll delve into the key concepts introduced in the text and provide insights that demonstrate a firsthand understanding of the subject matter.

Firstly, the article explores the distinction between 'space' and 'place.' While many people use these terms interchangeably, the author emphasizes a significant difference. 'Space' is depicted as any geographic location of any size at any time, something easily forgettable and not necessarily impactful. On the other hand, a 'place' goes beyond mere geographic coordinates; it is imbued with meaning. Places are memorable due to the sensory experiences they offer—sights, smells, sounds, tastes, and feelings. This distinction underscores the concept that places are where meaningful activities occur, where connections are formed, and where people find value and belonging.

In the context of the article, the term 'neighbourhood' is explored. While commonly referring to a district or area of a city, the author suggests that a neighbourhood is more than a mere space defined by its name. Instead, Children’s Neighbourhoods Scotland envisions neighbourhoods as collections of meaningful places. These are places where individuals can be active, curious, feel a sense of belonging, and engage in activities with friends and family.

The article presents a nuanced perspective on neighbourhoods, moving beyond a simplistic geographical definition. Neighbourhoods are viewed as dynamic spaces filled with places that contribute to a sense of community and connection. The emphasis is on the value of these places to individuals and the collective, shaping the narrative around neighbourhoods as meaningful and purposeful entities.

In conclusion, the concepts discussed in the article highlight the intricate relationship between space, place, and neighbourhoods. As someone well-versed in urban studies, I appreciate the nuanced understanding presented by the author, Taylor Sawyer, who is identified as a PhD student in Urban Studies. The emphasis on sensory experiences, meaningful activities, and the sense of belonging provides a comprehensive view of the role of spaces and places in shaping the social fabric of neighbourhoods.

What kind of place is a neighbourhood? (2024)


What kind of place is a neighbourhood? ›

Neighbourhoods are typically generated by social interaction among people living near one another. In this sense they are local social units larger than households not directly under the control of city or state officials.

What type of area is a neighborhood? ›

The term neighborhood has many meanings and uses. For example, neighborhood can be used to refer to the small group of houses in the immediate vicinity of one's house or to a larger area with similar housing types and market values.

What is neighbourhood place? ›

the area of a town that surrounds someone's home, or the people who live in this area: There were lots of kids in my neighbourhood when I was growing up. They live in a wealthy/poor/friendly neighbourhood.

What describes a neighborhood? ›

A neighborhood is an area where people live and interact with one another. Neighborhoods tend to have their own identity, or "feel" based on the people who live there and the places nearby. Residents may have similar types of families, incomes, and education levels.

What is classed as a neighbourhood? ›

neighbourhood, immediate geographical area surrounding a family's place of residence, bounded by physical features of the environment such as streets, rivers, train tracks, and political divisions.

What are 5 characteristics of a neighborhood? ›

From an economic perspective, defining characteristics might include economic stability, average income, and population density. Additionally, physical characteristics like topography, housing density and green spaces can provide insight into the character of a neighborhood.

What are the four types of neighbourhood? ›

Suburban neighborhoods, urban neighborhoods, rural neighborhoods, and gated communities are just some of the options you'll have to choose from.

What are the examples of neighbourhood? ›

A neighbourhood is one of the parts of a town where people live. It seemed like a good neighbourhood to raise my children. The neighbourhood of a place or person is the area or the people around them. He was born and grew up in the Flatbush neighbourhood of Brooklyn.

What is an example of a neighborhood? ›

the area of a town that surrounds someone's home, or the people who live in this area: There were lots of kids in my neighborhood when I was growing up. They live in a wealthy/poor/friendly neighborhood. I wouldn't like to live in the neighborhood of (= in the area around) an airport.

Who lives in neighbourhood? ›

A group of people living close together in a small community is called a neighbourhood. Some neighbourhoods have many community organizations, where people volunteer and do charitable activities.

What are the main characteristics of a neighborhood? ›

5 Characteristics to Consider to Choose the Right Neighborhood
  • Safety. Safety is one of the biggest and most important factors to consider in a potential neighborhood, especially if you have children. ...
  • Schools. ...
  • Convenience. ...
  • Price. ...
  • Any Other Important Features (to You)
Mar 27, 2023

Why is it called a neighborhood? ›

The Etymology of “Neighborhood”

It emerged in Middle English as “neighbores” or “neighboures.” Its Old English roots are “neah” (meaning “near” or “nigh” in Modern English) and “gebūr” (signifying a “dweller” or “inhabitant”).

What is the difference between neighborhood and neighbourhood? ›

Neighborhood and neighbourhood are both English terms. Neighborhood is predominantly used in 🇺🇸 American (US) English ( en-US ) while neighbourhood is predominantly used in 🇬🇧 British English (used in UK/AU/NZ) ( en-GB ). In the United States, there is a preference for "neighborhood" over "neighbourhood" (98 to 2).

Is a neighborhood a community? ›

Share: While the words are often used interchangeably, neighborhoods and communities are vastly different. Whereas a neighborhood is defined by geography, a community is defined by a bond among people. Even the friendliest of neighborhoods can lack a sense of community, because it's about more than being nice.

Is a neighborhood urban? ›

An urban neighborhood is one located in the heart of a metropolis. Urban neighborhoods are usually made up of condominiums and apartments and offer a fast-paced, city lifestyle.

Is a neighbourhood a district? ›

Neighborhoods are urbanized areas with a balanced mix of human activity; districts are areas dominated by a single activity; corridors are connectors and separators ofneighborhoods and districts. A single neighborhood standing free in the landscape is a village.

What is a neighborhood in real estate? ›

According to the Dictionary of Real Estate Appraisal, a neighborhood is, “A group of complimentary land uses; a congruous grouping of inhabitants, buildings, or business enterprises.” A neighborhood is typically larger than a subdivision or builder's development; because, neighborhoods normally include supporting ...

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