What Is the Structure of a Private Equity Fund? (2024)

Although the history of modern private equity investments goes back to the beginning of the last century, they didn't really gain prominence until the 1980s. That's around the time when technology in the United States got a much-needed boost from venture capital.

Many fledgling and struggling companies were able to raise funds from private sources rather than going to the public market. Some of the big names we know today—Apple, for example—were able to put their names on the map because of the funds they received from private equity.

Even though these funds promise investors big returns, they may not be readily available for the average investor. Firms generally require a minimum investment of $200,000 or more, which means private equity is geared toward institutional investors or those who have a lot of money at their disposal.

If that happens to be you and you're able to make that initial minimum requirement, you've cleared the first hurdle. But before you make that investment in a private equity fund, you should have a good grasp of these funds' typical structures.

Key Takeaways

  • Private equity funds are closed-end funds that are not listed on public exchanges.
  • Their fees include both management and performance fees.
  • Private equity fund partners are called general partners, and investors or limited partners.
  • The limited partnership agreement outlines the amount of risk each party takes along with the duration of the fund.
  • Limited partners are liable for up to the full amount of money they invest, while general partners are fully liable to the market.

Private Equity Fund Basics

Private equityfunds are closed-end funds that are considered an alternative investment class. Because they are private, their capital is not listed on a public exchange. These funds allow high-net-worth individuals and a variety of institutions to directly invest in and acquire equity ownership in companies.

Funds may consider purchasing stakes in private firms or public companies with the intention of de-listing the latter from public stock exchanges to take them private. After a certain period of time, the private equity fund generally divests its holdings through a number of options, including initial public offering (IPOs) or sales to other private equity firms.

Unlike public funds, the capital of private equity funds is not available on a public stock exchange.

Although minimum investments vary for each fund, the structure of private equity funds historically follows a similar framework that includes classes of fund partners, management fees, investment horizons, and other key factors laid out in a limited partnership agreement (LPA).

For the most part, private equity funds have been regulated much less than other assets in the market. That's because high-net worth investors are considered to be better equipped to sustain losses than average investors. But following the 2008 financial crisis, the government has looked at private equity with far more scrutiny than before.


If you're familiar with the fee structure of a hedge fund, you'll notice it's very similar to that of a private equity fund. It charges both a management and a performance fee.

The management fee is about 2% of the capital committed to invest in the fund. So a fund with assets under management (AUM) of $1 billion charges a management fee of $20 million. This fee covers the fund's operational and administrative fees such as salaries, deal fees—basically anything needed to run the fund. As with any fund, the management fee is charged even if it doesn't generate a positive return.

The performance fee, on the other hand, is a percentage of the profits generated by the fund that are passed on to the general partner (GP). These fees, which can be as high as 20%, are normally contingent on the fund providing a positive return. The rationale behind performance fees is that they help bring the interests of both investors and the fund manager in line. If the fund manager is able to do that successfully, they are able to justify their performance fee.

Partners and Responsibilities

Private equity funds can engage in leveraged buyouts (LBOs),mezzanine debt,private placementloans,distressed debt,or serve in the portfolio ofafund of funds. While many different opportunities exist for investors, these funds are most commonly designed as limited partnerships.

Those who want to better understand the structure of a private equity fund should recognize two classifications of fund participation. First, the private equity fund’s partners are known as general partners. Under the structure of each fund, GPs are given the right to manage the private equity fund and to pick which investments they will include in their portfolios. GPs are also responsible for attaining capital commitments from investors known as limited partners (LPs). This class of investors typically includes institutions—pension funds, university endowments, insurance companies—and high-net-worth individuals.

Limited partners have no influence over investment decisions. At the time that capital is raised, the exact investments included in the fund are unknown. However, LPs can decide to provide no additional investment to the fund if they become dissatisfied with the fund or the portfolio manager.

Limited Partnership Agreement

When a fund raises money, institutional and individual investors agree to specific investment terms presented in alimited partnership agreement. What separates each classification of partners in this agreement is the risk to each. LPs are liable for up to the full amount of money they invest in the fund. However, GPs are fully liable to the market, meaning if the fund loses everything and its account turns negative, GPs are responsible for any debts or obligations the fund owes.

The LPA also outlines an important life cycle metric known as the “Duration of the Fund.” PE funds traditionally have a finite length of 10 years, consisting of five different stages:

  • The organization and formation.
  • The fund-raising period. This period typically lasts about 12 months.
  • The period of deal-sourcing and investing.
  • The period of portfolio management, about five years with a possible on-year extension.
  • The exiting from existing investments through IPOs, secondary markets, or trade sales.

Private equity funds typically exit each deal within a finite time period due to the incentive structure and a GP's possible desire to raise a new fund. However, that time frame can be affected by negative market conditions, such as periods when various exit options, such as IPOs, may not attract the desired capital to sell a company.

One of the most lucrative PE exits in 2020 came from Providence Equity's sale of their stake in Zenimax Media, the parent company of Bethesda Softworks, a game developer. The firm sold its stake, which it acquired in 2007, to Microsoft for $7.5 billion, not bad considering their initial investment was just $300 million.

Investment and Payout Structure

Perhaps the most important components of any fund’s LPA are obvious: The return on investment and the costs of doing business with the fund. In addition to the decision rights, the GPs receive a management fee and a “carry.”

The LPA traditionally outlines management fees for general partners of the fund. It's common for private equity funds to require an annual fee of 2% of capital invested to pay for firm salaries, deal sourcing and legal services, data and research costs, marketing, and additional fixed and variable costs. For example, if a private equity firm raised a $500 million fund, it would collect $10 million each year to pay expenses. Over the duration of the 10-year fund cycle, the PE firm collects $100 million in fees, meaning $400 million is actually invested during that decade.

Private equity companies also receive a carry, which is a performance fee that is traditionally 20% of excess gross profits for the fund. Investors are usually willing to pay these fees due to the fund's ability to help manage and mitigate corporate governance and management issues that might negatively affect a public company.

Other Considerations

The LPA also includes restrictions imposed on GPs regarding the types of investment they may be able to consider. These restrictions can include industry type, company size, diversification requirements, and the location of potential acquisition targets.In addition, GPs are only allowed to allocate a specific amount of money from the fund into each deal they finance. Under these terms, the fund must borrow the rest of its capital from banks that may lend at different multiples of a cash flow, which can test the profitability of potential deals.

The ability to limit potential funding to a specific deal is important to limited partners because holding several investments bundled together improves the incentive structure for the GPs. Investing in multiple companies provides risk to the GPs and could reduce the potential carry, should a past or future deal underperform or turn negative.

Meanwhile, LPs are not provided with veto rights over individual investments. This is important because LPs, which outnumber GPs in the fund, would commonly object to certain investments due to governance concerns, particularly in the early stages of identifying and funding companies. Multiple vetoes of companies may reduce the positive incentives created by the commingling of fund investments.

The Bottom Line

Private-equity firms offer unique investment opportunities to high-net-worth and institutional investors. But anyone who wants to invest in a PE fund must first understand their structure so they are aware of the amount of time they will be required to invest, all associated management and performance fees, and the liabilities associated.

Typically, PE funds have a10-year duration, require 2% annual management fees and 20% performance fees, and require LPs to assume liability for their individual investment, while GPs maintain complete liability.

What Is the Structure of a Private Equity Fund? (2024)


What Is the Structure of a Private Equity Fund? ›

Most private equity funds are established as a Limited Liability Company (LLC) or a Limited Partnership (LP). This has two key benefits for Limited Partners: They can only be held liable up to the amount they personally invest in the fund. Both LLCs and LPs are considered pass-through tax entities.

What is the structure of a private equity fund? ›

Most private equity funds are established as a Limited Liability Company (LLC) or a Limited Partnership (LP). This has two key benefits for Limited Partners: They can only be held liable up to the amount they personally invest in the fund. Both LLCs and LPs are considered pass-through tax entities.

What is the structure of a fund of funds? ›

A FOF may be structured as a mutual fund, a hedge fund, a private equity fund, or an investment trust. The FOF may be fettered, meaning it only invests in portfolios managed by one investment company.

How are private equity funds typically structured and what is the reason for this structure? ›

The private equity fund itself

The private equity fund is an entity in itself. Private equity funds are usually established as a Limited Liability Company (LLC) or a Limited Partnership (LP). The reason the fund is its own entity is the fact that it offers benefits for those involved in these limited partnerships.

What is the most common private equity fund structure? ›

Most venture and private equity funds use a limited partnership as their legal structure (Figure 2), which involves two main types of actors: (1) a general partner (GP) and (2) limited partners (LPs).

What is the structure of hedge funds and private equity? ›

Hedge fund managers prefer liquid assets so that they can shift from one investment to another quickly. In contrast, Private Equity funds are not looking for short-term returns. Their focus is on investing in companies which have the potential to provide substantial profits over a long-term time frame.

What are the three basic structures of mutual funds? ›

There are three basic types of mutual funds—stock (also called equity), bond, and money market. Stock mutual funds invest primarily in shares of stock issued by U.S. or foreign companies.

What is the structure of a managed fund? ›

A Managed Fund is a 'registered managed investment scheme', which is a type of unit trust. By using a managed fund, investors' money is pooled together and is used by the investment manager to buy investments and manage them on behalf of all investors in the fund.

What is the capital structure of an investment fund? ›

Capital structure refers to the specific mix of debt and equity used to finance a company's assets and operations. From a corporate perspective, equity represents a more expensive, permanent source of capital with greater financial flexibility.

What is an example of a private equity deal structure? ›

A private equity deal structure example of this is when a company dealing with home appliances is willing to expand its business and has a 100,000-dollar cash flow every year. The company can be liable to get a loan of 180,000 dollars to support its development after being leveraged to its annual earnings.

What are the different types of private equity structures? ›

Types of Private Equity Funds

Private equity funds generally fall into two categories: Venture Capital and Buyout or Leveraged Buyout.

What are the three types of private equity funds? ›

There are three key types of private equity strategies: venture capital, growth equity, and buyouts.
Here's a closer look at each private equity strategy so you can have the full picture when building portfolios.
  • Venture Capital. ...
  • Growth Equity. ...
  • Buyouts.
Jul 13, 2021

How are private equity teams structured? ›

Private equity has a number of different levels and positions that look after the health and structure of the firm and overall deal flow strategies. Equity firms are usually managed by a hierarchy that starts at the bottom with analysts or interns and rises to the top with partners.

What is the best structure for a hedge fund? ›

Most hedge funds use one of the following organization structures: 1) a single entity fund, 2) a master feeder fund, 3) a parallel fund, or 4) a fund of funds. For purposes of this IPS unit, we will be focusing on master feeder funds as they are more common in International tax examinations.

What is the most common hedge fund structure? ›

The limited partnership model is the most common structure for the pool of investment funds that make up a U.S. hedge fund. In the limited partnership model, the general partner is responsible for selecting the service providers that perform the operations of the fund.

What is the hierarchy structure of a hedge fund? ›

The typical fund of fund organization has a CIO, CEO, COO, or CFO, a director of marketing or investor relations, a head of risk management, and a team of research analysts who are supported by the firm's legal, operations, and accounting staff.

What is the most common structure for mutual funds? ›

Structure. According to the Investment Company Institute (ICI), a mutual fund is typically organized under state law as a business trust (which is sometimes known as a statutory trust), or a corporation.

What are the 4 classes of mutual funds? ›

There are several types of mutual funds available for investment, though most mutual funds fall into one of four main categories which include stock funds, money market funds, bond funds, and target-date funds.

What are the 4 areas of mutual funds? ›

That's why we recommend splitting your investments evenly (25% each) between four types of stock mutual funds: growth and income, growth, aggressive growth, and international.

What is the difference between GP and manager in private equity? ›

General Partner (GP): The entity with the legal authority to make decisions for the fund. This entity also assumes all legal liability. Management Company (aka fund manager, investment advisor): The operating entity that employs the investment professionals responsible for allocating capital and managing investments.

What are the 4 types of capital structure? ›

One may use it to finance overall business operations and investment activities. The types of capital structure are equity share capital, debt, preference share capital, and vendor finance.

What is a typical investment structure? ›

The most common investment structures are OEICs (Open Ended Investment Companies), Unit Trusts, CIFs (Common Investment Funds) and Investment Trusts. As well as thinking about which investment structures are best for your organisation, you'll need to select a specific type of fund, such as: Single-asset funds.

What is the equity structure? ›

In a capital structure, equity consists of a company's common and preferred stock plus retained earnings. This is considered invested capital and it appears in the shareholders' equity section of the balance sheet.

What are the 4 P's of private equity? ›

These are People, Philosophy, Process, and Performance. When evaluating a wealth manager, these are the key areas to think about. The 4P's can be dissected further, but for the purpose of this introduction, we'll focus on these high-level categories.

What are the common type of private equity funds? ›

9 Types of Private Equity
  • Leveraged Buyout (LBO) A leveraged buyout fund strategy combines investment funds with borrowed money. ...
  • Venture Capital (VC) ...
  • Growth Equity. ...
  • Real Estate Private Equity (REPE) ...
  • Infrastructure. ...
  • Fund of Funds. ...
  • Mezzanine Capital. ...
  • Distressed Private Equity.

What is private equity model? ›

The business model of a private equity firm is as follows – raise capital from external sources, invest the capital in a se- ries of private equity deals, sell (or “exit”) those investments (often many years later), and return the proceeds from these exits to the external capital partners while holding back 20 percent ...

What is the typical private equity fund size? ›

Middle Market Private Equity Definition: Middle market private equity firms typically acquire companies for purchase prices between $50 and $500 million and use leverage in deals but tend to focus more on growth and operational improvements.

What are the two primary categories of private equity? ›

Private equity funds generally fall into two categories: Venture Capital and Buyout or Leveraged Buyout.

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