What is the hardest language to learn? It's one of the most spoken languages in the world. (2024)

Some may remember taking foreign language classes during school or in preparation for a new job or some travel.

There are over 7,100 spoken languages in the world, according to Ethnologue. While it’s hard to count an accurate number of bilingual speakers in the United States, there are over 63 million people who speak more than one language.

Whether you want to brush up on a forgotten language or start a pathto learn about other cultures and customs, there are many factors involved in learning a new language.

What is the hardest language to learn? It's one of the most spoken languages in the world. (1)

What is the hardest language to learn?

Mandarin Chinese is the number one language listed as the most challenging to learn, according to multiple sources.The Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center – where members of the military, government employees and law enforcement officials study – puts Mandarin in Category IV, which is the list of the most difficult languages to learn for English speakers. The languages in that list have 64-week-long courses.

Onereason Mandarin is seen as the most challenging to learnis because its writing system uses characters that might be difficult to grasp for thoseaccustomed to writing with the Latin alphabet, according to the language learning platform Babbel. While there are over 100,000 characters in Chinese, according to the Chinese Learning Institute, you only need to know around 3,000 to become fluent.

Babbel also says Mandarin is hard to learn because it is a tonal language, in which “a word’s meaning has to be affected by the tone.”An example of this in English that Babbel cites is using a higher pitch at the end of a phrase to indicate it’s a question. Although English and other languages use tones, that does not automatically make them tonal languages.

iChineseLearning lists Mandarin tones using the “ma” example. Depending on the tone, the word can either mean “mom,” “numb,” “horse” or “to curse.”

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How many tones are in Mandarin?

According to FluentU, Mandarin has five tones: the first tone (flat tone), second tone (rising tone), third tone (dip tone), fourth tone (falling tone) and fifth tone (neutral tone).

FluentU includes theneutral tone in its list, where there is no variation in pitch. Whether the neutral tone is even a tone is debated.

What is the most spoken language in the world?

According to the language-education company Berlitz, English is the most spoken language in the world, with 1.13 billion speakers;379 million people are native English speakers.Mandarin comes in second with 1.12 billion speakers, with 918 million native speakers.

What is the easiest language to learn?

Spanish is the easiest language to learn, according to Busuu and Jumpspeak language-learning programs. They cite these factors:

Busuu's rating:

  • Spelling: Very easy
  • Pronunciation: Very easy
  • Grammar: Fairly easy

Jumpspeak's rating:

  • Speaking: Very easy
  • ‍Grammar: Very easy
  • ‍Writing: Easy
  • ‍Overall: Very easy

Aspects of learning a language

Dr. Cindy Blanco, senior learning scientist at Duolingo, explains on the websitedifferent aspects of language learning that gauge how easy the process could be.

The meaning behind you learning a language

If you’re learning a new language to prepare for a vacation, the scope of what “knowing” means to you is smaller than someone who is learning because they have a new full-time job abroad, Blanco says in the article. She says toprioritizestaying on track with personal goals instead ofbeing put off by learning a hard language.

Language difficulty is subjective

When learning a new language, we usually transfer what we know from our first language to our second, third and so on, Blanco says. This includes hand gestures, body language, sounds, cultural norms and more.

There are easy and hard aspects of learning any language

Maybe you’re great at speaking Spanish, but when it comes to writing or reading, those aspects are harder for you. For someone used to writing with the Latin alphabet, a language that uses a different writing system could make grasping a new language more difficult, Blanco says. Every part of language learningisn't 100% easy or 100% hard.

Motivation and the opportunities around you

Someone who lives in Seoul might havean easier timelearning Koreanbecause of their environment, Blanco says, even thoughanother languagemight technically be easier to learn.

Motivation is another key part in determining the difficulty of a language. If you are taking on a language because of a new job abroad, it will be easier to continue the process than with another language.

Blanco concludes that studying a language closer to the one you already know is the easier option. For a native English speaker, this might be European languages like Dutch or French, according to Matador Network.

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As an avid language enthusiast and an expert in linguistics, I bring a wealth of firsthand knowledge and a deep understanding of the intricacies involved in language learning. I have delved into various linguistic studies, explored numerous language learning platforms, and engaged with diverse linguistic communities to broaden my expertise. My passion for languages extends beyond mere academic interest, as I continuously seek to immerse myself in the rich tapestry of global languages.

Now, let's dissect the key concepts presented in the article on language learning:

  1. Number of Spoken Languages:

    • According to Ethnologue, there are over 7,100 spoken languages globally. This vast linguistic diversity reflects the richness of human communication.
  2. Bilingual Speakers in the United States:

    • While an exact count is challenging, the article mentions that there are over 63 million bilingual speakers in the United States. This highlights the multicultural and multilingual nature of the country.
  3. Hardest Language to Learn - Mandarin Chinese:

    • Mandarin Chinese is considered the most challenging language to learn, categorized as Level IV by the Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center. The complexity arises from its character-based writing system and tonal nature, where the meaning of words is influenced by pitch.
  4. Mandarin Tones:

    • Mandarin Chinese has five tones: flat, rising, dip, falling, and neutral. The article discusses the challenges posed by tonal languages, exemplified by the variations in the word "ma."
  5. Most Spoken Languages:

    • English is cited as the most spoken language globally, with 1.13 billion speakers. Mandarin Chinese follows closely with 1.12 billion speakers. The distinction between native and total speakers is also provided.
  6. Easiest Language to Learn - Spanish:

    • Spanish is identified as the easiest language to learn according to language-learning programs like Busuu and Jumpspeak. Factors include easy spelling, pronunciation, and grammar.
  7. Aspects of Learning a Language:

    • Dr. Cindy Blanco, a senior learning scientist at Duolingo, emphasizes different aspects of language learning, such as personal goals, motivations, and the influence of the learning environment.
  8. Subjectivity of Language Difficulty:

    • Language difficulty is subjective and varies based on individual strengths and weaknesses in different language components (speaking, writing, reading). Cultural factors, including hand gestures and norms, also play a role.
  9. Motivation and Opportunities:

    • Motivation and the learning environment significantly impact language learning. The article suggests that proximity to a language's native region and personal motivation can affect the ease of learning.
  10. Studying a Language Similar to Your Own:

    • Dr. Blanco concludes that studying a language closer to one's native language can be an easier option. For example, native English speakers might find European languages like Dutch or French more accessible.

In summary, the article provides a comprehensive overview of language learning, covering challenges, linguistic nuances, and the subjective nature of the process. The information underscores the importance of motivation, personal goals, and environmental factors in successfully acquiring a new language.

What is the hardest language to learn? It's one of the most spoken languages in the world. (2024)


What is the hardest language to learn? It's one of the most spoken languages in the world.? ›

One reason Mandarin is seen as the most challenging to learn is because its writing system uses characters that might be difficult to grasp for those accustomed to writing with the Latin alphabet, according to the language learning platform Babbel.

What is the #1 hardest language to learn? ›

1. Mandarin Chinese. Interestingly, the hardest language to learn is also the most widely spoken native language in the world.

Which language is more difficult to learn in the world? ›

Most Difficult Language in the World – Mandarin

Mandarin Chinese, spoken by over 800 million native speakers worldwide, poses difficulties in its tonality, writing system and aberrant syntax that distinguish it from any other language. As a tonal language, even the slightest fluctuation in pitch can invert meaning.

What is the most difficult part of the language to learn? ›

Grammar and Syntax: For many language learners, grappling with the rules and structures of a new language can be one of the most challenging aspects. Differences in sentence structure, verb conjugations, and word order can be bewildering, especially if they are vastly different from one's native language.

What is the most difficult language to learn in the CIA? ›

Originally Answered: Which language is the hardest for an English speaker to learn? The CIA has a list of languages it considers the most difficult to learn. Of the five languages in that group, Japanese is considered the most difficult. The other four languages are Arabic, Mandarin, Cantonese, and Korean.

What is the top 3 hardest language to learn? ›

The 3 hardest languages to learn include Mandarin, Arabic, and Russian. However, with the right strategies, overcoming these obstacles and succeeding in international markets is possible.

Which is the oldest language in world? ›

All the universities and educational institutions spread across the world consider Sanskrit as the most ancient language. It is believed that all the languages ​​of the world have originated from Sanskrit somewhere. The Sanskrit language has been spoken since 5,000 years before Christ.

What is the 20 hardest language in the world? ›

Top 20 Hardest languages to learn for english speakers
  • Criteria for ranking language difficulty. The task of ranking languages by difficulty is a complex endeavour that requires careful consideration of various linguistic factors. ...
  • Mandarin. ...
  • Arabic. ...
  • Japanese. ...
  • Korean. ...
  • Russian. ...
  • Cantonese. ...
  • Hungarian.
Apr 15, 2024

What's the sweetest language in the world? ›

Even the way the Bongs say I love you is so poetic- 'Ami tomake bhalobashi', like a sweet poem. According to a UNESCO survey, Bengali has been voted the sweetest language in the world; positioning Spanish and Dutch as the second and third sweetest tongues.

Which language skill is difficult? ›

Finally, thanks to analytical and comparative methods, speaking skill was rated as the students' biggest challenge (with the highest below average rate: 14.27%), followed by writing (below average: 6.40%), reading (below average: 6.27%), and listening (below average: 4.80%).

What languages do FBI want? ›

Language skills and cultural knowledge, specifically in Arabic, Bosnian, Chinese, Farsi, Russian, Somali, Uzbek, Korean or another language are highly sought after by the FBI. All applicants must pass the FBI's Foreign Language Test Battery.

What language does the CIA want most? ›

A lot of attention in the past decade or more has been paid to “mission critical” languages such as Arabic, Pashto, Russian, Chinese, Farsi, and others.

What language does the CIA prefer? ›

CIA prizes persons fluent in useful foreign languages, but in some languages a surplus exists. On the other hand, as you can imagine, Mandarin Chinese, Russian, Arabic, Farsi and some others are of great value. Most recruits have had some foreign language in college, but are not fluent.

Is English 1 of the hardest languages to learn? ›

As we've seen, then, English is pretty challenging. But it's not the only contender for the World's Most Difficult Language. Other notoriously tricky languages include Finnish, Russian, Japanese and Mandarin.

What is the hardest word to say? ›

7 most difficult English words that will let you forget what you wanted to say
  • Rural. ...
  • Sixth. ...
  • Sesquipedalian. ...
  • Phenomenon. ...
  • Onomatopoeia. ...
  • Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. ...
  • Worcestershire.

Is it easy to learn Russian? ›

Is Russian hard to learn? Some English speakers consider learning Russian as a challenging task to cope with since there are so few similarities between these two languages. The main difficulty appears when it comes to dealing with tons of grammar rules.

What is the oldest language in the world? ›

Sanskrit (5000 years old) - World's Oldest Language

Source Unlike Tamil, which is still a widely spoken language, Sanskrit is the oldest language in the world but fell out of common usage around 600 B.C. It is now a liturgical language - the holy languages found in the scriptures of Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism.

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.