What is the Easiest Business to Start? (2024)

A reader from the Midwest sends this question:

“What is the easiest business to start? I always wanted to run my own business. I don’t have a lot of money and don’t have any business experience. But I really want to start controlling my own future and think starting a business is the best way. What kind of business should I start?” – J.L. from Iowa

That is a great question. The easiest business to start is a service business, especially for a beginner.

A service business is any kind of business where you sell services. In other words, you sell your skill, labor or expertise — instead of products or goods. Examples of service businesses are:

  • You become a consultant and sell your expertise.
  • You provide a service for homeowners such as house cleaning or painting.
  • Or you sell services online to other businesses — such as website design, social media marketing or virtual assistant services.

You might wonder how this differs from being an employee. It’s very different. Unlike being an employee, you call the shots. You are in control. You also are building a future asset that you own — your business.

Why a service business? Simple. Almost anyone can start and operate a service business. Everyone has some knowledge or ability to do something that others will pay for. There are also good financial and strategic reasons that a service business makes sense.

5 Reasons a Service Business is the Easiest to Start

Here are 5 reasons a service business is the easiest business to start, especially for beginner entrepreneurs:

1. Requires Little Startup Cash

Many service businesses can be started for little money or no money.

After all, you don’t have the expenses of renting office space – you can work out of your home at first. You don’t have to develop a product. There’s no factory, warehouse or inventory to invest in.

You don’t have the expense of hiring employees. Most service businesses start out as sole proprietorships. Later on you can hire help but it’s not essential at the beginning.

In fact, your expenses might be as little as the cost of a box of business cards, some flyers or a website.

Some entrepreneurs don’t even incur those expenses. Some entrepreneurs opt to use online marketplaces to sell their skills. Usually you can start with a free profile at such sites.

2. Is Fast to Start

A service business is the fastest type of business to start because you don’t need to do a lot of advance preparation. You can get your business off the ground right away. The speed makes it one of the easiest businesses to start.

  • Consumer service business: If you decide to start a local consumer service business, you can launch it by spreading the word in your neighborhood. Walk around and talk with people or distribute flyers. Set up a free profile at places like HomeAdvisor.com. Or join a site like Nextdoor — speak up when neighbors need services (be helpful but not overly promotional or your efforts will backfire). Don’t forget to set up a Google My Business page.
  • Consulting or services for other businesses: If you decide to perform a service for other businesses or do consulting, establish a profile on LinkedIn. Perhaps join LinkedIn ProFinder. And check out freelance marketplaces like Fiverr, Freelancer.com and Upwork. These marketplaces can be a great way to get early clients. You don’t even need your own website at first.

With any service business, it’s critical to find the right marketplaces and referral sites.

Once you get your first client or a few clients, be sure to ask them to leave an online review or recommendation. This will accelerate your growth.

3. Generates Money Quickly

Service businesses bring money in the door fast. In most cases you get paid within a few days or weeks, or immediately upon performing the service.

Contrast that with other types of businesses. Other types of businesses can take much longer before they pay off. For example, if you started a software business, you might have to spend months or years developing a product, marketing it, and ringing up sales. With a retail or ecommerce business, you first have to invest in a place to sell your items and buy inventory to sell. With a manufacturing business, you need to assemble raw materials and have some kind of factory or place to create your goods. All of those things take time and money.

However, with a service business none of those are essential.

Simply do the work and get paid. Rinse and repeat.

Easy peasy and uncomplicated! You can see why a service business is the easiest business to start.

Over time of course, you may decide to invest in better equipment, or open an office, or hire employees, or create a whiz bang website or put together a marketing campaign. But that all comes later. Remember, you can get by without those expenses in the beginning.

4. Offers a Good Profit Margin

Service businesses have some of the highest profit margins among small businesses.

That’s because overhead is low. You don’t need a lot of infrastructure or inventory to perform a simple service business.

As a result, more of your hard-earned cash drops to your bottom line. You don’t have large expenses.

That’s why businesses such as web design firms are among the most profitable. In fact, on this list of the most profitable small businesses, almost all are service businesses.

5. Can be Started on the Side

You can run a service business on the side while still employed or in school.

For those currently employed who are not ready to cut ties with a steady paycheck, this is a way to gradually build a business. You keep your financial risk low while moonlighting at a part-time business.

But what if your ultimate goal is to create a product? Service businesses are still a great way to start. Quite a few products have been created by service providers who spotted a need. For example, the Basecamp project management product famously grew out of a web design business.

In short, a service business will pay the bills while you’re readying a product for market. And because you’re already working in that market, your brand recognition and reputation may help launch the product.

We leave you with these final thoughts: unless you have a fantastic business idea burning a hole in your brain, we recommend you start a service business as your first business. It’s the easiest business to start. You’ll gain valuable business experience. You’ll learn how to satisfy customers. In the process you might even discover a product to create. Meanwhile, you are earning money and can set aside a financial stake to fund a different kind of business later on, if you wish.

Still need ideas for the easiest business to start? See these hundreds of business ideas to choose from. Good luck!

All answers to reader questions come from the Small Business Trends Editorial Board, with more than 50 years of combined business experience. If you would like to ask a question, please submit it here.

Image: Depositphotos.com

What is the Easiest Business to Start? (2024)


What type of business is easiest to start? ›

Is Fast to Start. A service business is the fastest type of business to start because you don't need to do a lot of advance preparation. You can get your business off the ground right away. The speed makes it one of the easiest businesses to start.

What is the easiest most profitable business to start? ›

8 most profitable small business ideas
  • Fitness or physical therapy services. The pandemic seems to have permanently changed the fitness landscape. ...
  • App development. ...
  • Online consulting services. ...
  • Dropshipping. ...
  • Home improvement services. ...
  • Information security. ...
  • Event planning and virtual event planning. ...
  • Commercial cleaning services.

What are some of the most successful small businesses? ›

Most profitable small businesses
  1. Food trucks. ...
  2. Car wash services. ...
  3. Auto repair. ...
  4. Personal trainers. ...
  5. Newborn and post-pregnancy services.
May 3, 2022

What business can I start with no experience? ›

With a few hours of dedication each week, you can turn your dream of a side business into a reality.
  • Etsy Shop.
  • Dog Walking Business.
  • Home Landscaping.
  • Start a blog.
  • Personal trainer.
  • Catering or Bartending service.
  • Mobile Car Washing and Detailing.
Sep 1, 2022

What business can you start with $1000? ›

20 Businesses You Can Start with $1,000
  • Photographer.
  • Senior Home Care Aid.
  • Personal Trainer.
  • Author/Writer.
  • Virtual Assistant.
  • Auto Detailer.
  • Consultant.
  • Social Media Manager.
Sep 13, 2022

What business can I start with $500 dollars? ›

What Business Can I Start with $500?
  • Personal Trainer. ...
  • Mobile Notary Public. ...
  • Senior Home Care Aid (Non-Medical) ...
  • Holiday Decorator. ...
  • Transcriptionist. ...
  • Start a Small Rental Business. ...
  • Home Repair Business. ...
  • Sell Goods Online.
Jul 21, 2022

What business can I start with only $5000? ›

If you need a little more help brainstorming, here are six businesses you can start for under $5,000.
  • Tutoring or Online Courses. ...
  • Make a product and sell it online. ...
  • Open a consulting business. ...
  • Create an app or game. ...
  • Become a real estate mogul. ...
  • Virtual Assistant.
May 1, 2022

What are the 5 most successful businesses? ›

Most Profitable Business Ideas
  1. Business Consulting. If you're an expert in your industry and have been working at it for years, you should consider consulting. ...
  2. IT Support, Technology Consulting, and Repair. ...
  3. Cleaning Services. ...
  4. Accounting and Tax Preparation. ...
  5. Auto Repair. ...
  6. Real Estate.

What are cheap businesses to start? ›

If you want to start a low-cost business, these 25 ideas will help inspire your entrepreneurial passion.
  • Content creation. ...
  • Personal or virtual assistant. ...
  • Event planning services. ...
  • Errand/concierge service. ...
  • Professional reviewer. ...
  • Social media consultant. ...
  • Etsy shop. ...
  • Online courses and tutoring.

What business will make you millions? ›

  • Financial Services.
  • Eldercare.
  • Business Consultancy.
  • Investment Firm.
  • Education and Training Service.
  • Insurtech.
  • Cleaning Business.
  • Healthcare Consultancy.
May 11, 2022

What business grow the fastest? ›

Fastest Growing Industries to Start a Business
  • Travel & Hospitality – 201% aggregate growth rate.
  • Media – 198%
  • Energy – 174%
  • Security – 171%
  • Real Estate – 168%
Feb 14, 2022

What businesses will always be in demand? ›

  • Food. Food is required for life and this means demand will always be high. ...
  • Pharmaceutical. The pharmaceutical industry has experienced impressive growth globally. ...
  • Healthcare. ...
  • Education. ...
  • Sin Industry. ...
  • 6. Entertainment and Media. ...
  • Professional Services.

How can I be successful with no money? ›

The first stage of starting a business is to develop an idea. If you're unsure on what that could be, here are six creative business ideas you can start with no money.
Sell your services
  1. Freelance writing.
  2. Virtual assistant.
  3. Social media marketing.
  4. Handyman services.
Nov 25, 2022

How to make money from home? ›

25 ways to make money from home
  1. Sell custom products.
  2. Create a print-on-demand business.
  3. Make a subscription box.
  4. Sell on marketplaces.
  5. Sell digital products.
  6. Sell your creative work.
  7. Monetize an audience.
  8. Become a freelancer.
Dec 8, 2022

What business can I start with 250$? ›

Businesses You Can Start With $250 Or Less
  • Direct Seller. Becoming a direct seller for companies such as Avon and Mary Kay involves you selling their products. ...
  • Consultant. ...
  • Tutoring. ...
  • Freelancer. ...
  • Vlogging. ...
  • Mechanic / Mobile Detailer. ...
  • Repairman. ...
  • Meal Planning and Preparation.

What to sell for small business? ›

21 Things to make and sell
  • Bath bombs and handmade soaps.
  • T-shirts and printed merchandise.
  • Jewelry.
  • Curated gift and subscription boxes.
  • Candles.
  • Sweets.
  • Art and prints.
  • Digital products.
Oct 12, 2022

What is a low risk business? ›

The businesses with the best chances of success tend to be service-based businesses, not product-based businesses. With a service-based business, such as lawn care service or dog-walking, your focus is generally local instead of national, which means there is less competition.

Can I start a business with $3000? ›

2. Estimate your costs. According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, most microbusinesses cost around $3,000 to start, while most home-based franchises cost $2,000 to $5,000. While every type of business has its own financing needs, experts have some tips to help you figure out how much cash you'll require.

What small business can I start with 10k? ›

The Best Businesses to Start With 10k
  • A Small Nest Egg Can Create Big Opportunities. Maybe you've been faithfully working your 9-to-5 job, and you've got some money in the bank. ...
  • Import/Export Business. ...
  • Online Store. ...
  • Framing Business. ...
  • Senior Care Business. ...
  • Hauling Service. ...
  • Home Staging Business. ...
  • Window Treatment Business.

What are the top 3 businesses? ›

10 Biggest Companies in the World
  • #1 Walmart Inc. (WMT)
  • #2 China Petroleum & Chemical Corp. (SNP)
  • #3 Amazon.com Inc. (AMZN)
  • #4 PetroChina Co. Ltd. (PTR)
  • #5 Apple Inc. (AAPL)
  • #6 CVS Health Corp. (CVS)
  • #7 Royal Dutch Shell PLC (RDS.A)
  • #8 Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (BRK.A)

How do I know what business to start? ›

How to decide which business to start
  1. Compare your options. ...
  2. Consider your lifestyle. ...
  3. Determine your budget. ...
  4. Think about starting small. ...
  5. Try to predict market trends. ...
  6. Find your specialization. ...
  7. Research sources for goods and services. ...
  8. Analyze potential competitors.
Apr 26, 2021

How do I start a business with no money? ›

Tips to Start a Business Without Money
  1. Establish a sole proprietorship business. You should first establish your business for it to be legally valid. ...
  2. Apply for Government Schemes. The government has launched many government schemes for startups and small businesses. ...
  3. Prepare a Business Plan. ...
  4. Sell on e-commerce platforms.
Jun 10, 2022

How to start a business with $100? ›

15 Easy Businesses to Start with Less Than $100
  1. Consultant. A consultancy business is easy to start and has a lot of potential for growth. ...
  2. Social Media Manager. ...
  3. Painting Contractor. ...
  4. Tour Guide. ...
  5. Cleaning Service. ...
  6. Blogger. ...
  7. Freelancer. ...
  8. WordPress Developer.

How do I start a business with almost no money? ›

Starting a business with no money might seem impossible, but it's often entirely doable with some clever planning.
Service businesses can include things like:
  1. Tutoring and training.
  2. Graphic design.
  3. Photography.
  4. Digital marketing.
  5. Consulting.
  6. Writing and editing.
  7. Translation.
Apr 29, 2021

How to get rich fast? ›

The 5 Fastest Ways To Become Rich, According To Experts
  1. Avoid (and Pay Down) Debt. Debt is not necessarily bad in all instances, but it is something to be avoided most of the time. ...
  2. Spend Intentionally and Minimize Costs. ...
  3. Invest as Much as Possible in a Diversified Portfolio. ...
  4. Work On Your Career. ...
  5. Find Extra Work.
Jan 19, 2023

Which business will grow in next 5 years? ›

Q.1- What are the top businesses that will grow in the future?
  • Content Marketing.
  • Virtual education/online training.
  • 3D printing.
  • Mental Health and Marriage Counselling Business:
  • Automobile Charging Station.
  • Outlets For Fast Food and Delivery.
  • Internet of Things (IoT Industry)
  • Company for Biometric Sensors.
Sep 8, 2022

What industry will make you rich? ›

Other industries that make the most money
  • Information Technology. Average hourly rate – $45.17. ...
  • Healthcare and Education Services. ...
  • Manufacturing. ...
  • Construction and Real Estate. ...
  • Utilities (including renewable energy and electricity) ...
  • Mining and Logging. ...
  • Professional and Business Services. ...
  • Wholesale Trade.
Jun 10, 2022

What businesses will boom in 2023? ›

The Top 5 Fastest Growing Industries in 2023
  1. Shipping and delivery services. ...
  2. The healthcare industry. ...
  3. Travel and food industries. ...
  4. Online retail. ...
  5. The AI revolution. ...
  6. 7 Ways to Use ChatGPT at Work to Boost Your Productivity, Make Your Job Easier, and Save a Ton of Time.
Jan 23, 2023

What industry will boom in 2022? ›

For those looking to diversify your portfolio in 2022, here are the top 10 emerging industries to keep an eye on:
  • Cloud Computing. ...
  • Biotechnology. ...
  • Data Analytics. ...
  • Artificial Intelligence. ...
  • Real Estate. ...
  • Green Energy. ...
  • Pharmaceuticals. ...
  • Internet of Things.
Feb 16, 2022

Which industry will boom in future? ›

FMCG sector

Fast Moving Consumer Goods include products that will always be in demand. With the Indian economy set to grow at 7% per annum, FMCG sector is definitely here to stay and grow. The FMCG sector also has some of the largest and the most reliable names in the economy.

What is the safest small business to start? ›

Low-Risk and Safest New Business Ideas to Launch
  • Peform Consulting.
  • Offer Tutoring.
  • Become a Virtual Assistant.
  • Sell Your Services.
  • Start an Online Course.
  • Start a Podcast.
  • Peddle Your Unused Clothing.
  • Sell Your Unused Books.
Feb 14, 2022

Is there a business with no risk? ›

Although there's no such thing as a no-risk business, these businesses will be cheap to set up and are possible to do in your spare time while you keep your existing job and earn a bit extra on the side. If you like it and it's successful then you can look at making it full-time.

What business makes the most millionaires? ›

The financial service industry has created the most millionaires in modern times. The financial system manages the money of people worldwide. Behind the most successful ventures in the world are people developing and growing money.

How can I be a millionaire in 5 years? ›

Here's how you can become a millionaire in five years or less.
  1. Select your Niche. ...
  2. Put aside 20% of your income every month. ...
  3. Don't spend anything other than essentials. ...
  4. Get out of debt as quickly as possible. ...
  5. Start building Passive Income Streams.
Sep 28, 2022

What kind of online business is most profitable? ›

Top 12 Most Profitable Online Businesses: From Online Surveys To Affiliate Advertising
  1. Affiliate Marketing. ...
  2. Sell Your Own Products. ...
  3. Build a Membership Site. ...
  4. Sell Your Services. ...
  5. Buy and Sell Websites. ...
  6. Dropshipping. ...
  7. Become a Reseller. ...
  8. Online Surveys.

What is the number 1 side hustle? ›

Ridesharing. Yes, everyone talks about ridesharing - some people love it and some people despise it. However, it's our #1 pick for the best side hustle because it's one of the few jobs that you can literally do anytime, anywhere. Want to earn some extra money at 2am?

What is the highest paid side hustle? ›

Here is a list of 17 top-paying side hustle ideas that are categorized based on their hourly wage and earning potential:
  1. Online Tutoring. ...
  2. Personal Training. ...
  3. Managing Social Media and Digital Operations for SMEs. ...
  4. Freelance Graphic Designing. ...
  5. Party Planning. ...
  6. Driving for Uber. ...
  7. Freelancing on Upwork. ...
  8. Photography.

What is the cheapest side hustle to start? ›

15 Inexpensive Side Hustle Ideas
  1. Selling an Online Course. ...
  2. Narrating Audiobooks. ...
  3. Tutoring. ...
  4. Selling Handmade Items on Etsy. ...
  5. Building Websites with WordPress. ...
  6. Renting Your Clothes Out to Others. ...
  7. Flipping Furniture. ...
  8. Get Paid for Your Social Media Posts.
Sep 21, 2022

What can I sell to make quick money? ›

The 20 Best Things to Sell for Quick Money Right Now
  • Jewelry and watches. ...
  • Video game consoles. ...
  • Old phones and accessories. ...
  • Purses, wallets, and backpacks. ...
  • Yard equipment. ...
  • Jeans, workwear, and designer clothing. ...
  • Furniture. ...
  • Baby gear.

What business can I start with $5,000 dollars? ›

If you need a little more help brainstorming, here are six businesses you can start for under $5,000.
  • Tutoring or Online Courses. ...
  • Make a product and sell it online. ...
  • Open a consulting business. ...
  • Create an app or game. ...
  • Become a real estate mogul. ...
  • Virtual Assistant.
May 1, 2022

What is the cheapest business type to start? ›

If you want to start a low-cost business, these 25 ideas will help inspire your entrepreneurial passion.
  1. Content creation. ...
  2. Personal or virtual assistant. ...
  3. Event planning services. ...
  4. Errand/concierge service. ...
  5. Professional reviewer. ...
  6. Social media consultant. ...
  7. Etsy shop. ...
  8. Online courses and tutoring.

Is $1,000 enough to start a business? ›

Yes, many business and consumer services can be offered with very little upfront cost. Even some product-based businesses don't require much capital. Most successful business owners that start with under $1,000 do so with online business ideas, like VA services, affiliate marketing sites, or dropshipping businesses.

What business has the least risk? ›

Businesses With Low-risk and High-reward Potential to Consider
  • Affiliate Marketing. ...
  • Freelance Writing. ...
  • Consulting. ...
  • Career Coaching. ...
  • Dropshipping. ...
  • Social Media Marketing. ...
  • Organization-Based Businesses.
Feb 2, 2021

What are some unique business ideas? ›

17 unique small business ideas for first-time entrepreneurs
  • Be the head chef of your own food truck. ...
  • Become a virtual interior designer and sell home decor products. ...
  • Start a dog-walking and pet-sitting business. ...
  • Become a virtual teacher and sell memberships to an online course.
Oct 17, 2022

What business can I start with $100? ›

15 Easy Businesses to Start with Less Than $100
  • Consultant. A consultancy business is easy to start and has a lot of potential for growth. ...
  • Social Media Manager. ...
  • Painting Contractor. ...
  • Tour Guide. ...
  • Cleaning Service. ...
  • Blogger. ...
  • Freelancer. ...
  • WordPress Developer.

What are the 5 most profitable businesses? ›

Most Profitable Business Ideas
  1. Business Consulting. If you're an expert in your industry and have been working at it for years, you should consider consulting. ...
  2. IT Support, Technology Consulting, and Repair. ...
  3. Cleaning Services. ...
  4. Accounting and Tax Preparation. ...
  5. Auto Repair. ...
  6. Real Estate.

How can I start a large business with no money? ›

The easiest way to start a business with no money is to sell your services. Even if you haven't mastered a specific area, being better than the average person at something means you can start a business that helps them.
Sell your services
  1. Freelance writing.
  2. Virtual assistant.
  3. Social media marketing.
  4. Handyman services.
Nov 25, 2022

What is the most profitable business to start in 2022? ›

Top 10 most successful businesses to start
  • Social media management. ...
  • Cleaning service. ...
  • Business consulting. ...
  • Copywriting. ...
  • Graphic design. ...
  • Real estate brokers. ...
  • Online courses. ...
  • Pet services. For those who love our furry friends, starting a pet service business may sound like a dream job.
Mar 4, 2022

Which business will never fail? ›

Industries that will never go away are those that cater to basic human needs and thus have continued high demand. Food is considered one of the safest industries for investment and is comprised of diverse sectors including agriculture, ranching, processing, preservation, preparation, and packaging.

What type of business fails the most? ›

Business failure rate across industries
IndustryBusiness failure rate within 1 yearBusiness failure rate after 10 years
Health care and social assistance14.1%60.8%
Retail trade12.4%60.6%
Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting12.3%48.1%
15 more rows
May 2, 2022

What is the best business to get rich fast? ›

  • Financial Services.
  • Eldercare.
  • Business Consultancy.
  • Investment Firm.
  • Education and Training Service.
  • Insurtech.
  • Cleaning Business.
  • Healthcare Consultancy.
May 11, 2022

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Article information

Author: Dan Stracke

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Views: 5511

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (63 voted)

Reviews: 94% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.