What is the Difference Between a Campaign and an Appeal? - DonorSnap (2024)

What is the Difference Between a Campaign and an Appeal? - DonorSnap (1)

If you are looking at the best strategy to raise money for your organization, cause or event, you might have heard the terms “campaign” and “appeal” used seemingly interchangeably. However, there are some important differences between a campaign and appeal that you need tobe aware of.

On a very broad level, a campaign is the reason why you are asking for or collecting money, while an appeal is how you asked for that money. For example, your organization might be asking for money so you can expand certain services you provide, or go on a mission trip. Whatever the reason is, that is at the root of your campaign. It is the ultimate goal or objective you have for your organization’s fundraising, and the vision that you are selling to your potential donors.

Most organizations have more than one method they use to attempt to raise the funds needed to complete their campaign. These methods are your “appeals.” Using different approaches for your appeals allows you to go back at the end of the year to analyze the effectiveness of your appeals and compare them to each other or appeals you made in previous years. If a campaign is a set of all the fundraising activities you perform to achieve a particular objective, your appeals are those individual fundraising activities.

For example, let’s say you have an annual fundraising event, a Summer Appeal letter and drive, and several other smaller appeals scheduled throughout your year. By analyzing these appeals and comparing them year-over-year, you can get a better sense of how much money you can expect to raise, or what types of tweaks you may need to perform to make your appeals more successful.

Additional Ways to Categorize Donations

Generally, most donor management systems allow you to assign various categories to each donation. As we mentioned above you may want to use the Campaign and Appeal fields to help you run reports on your donations and compare from one year to the next. You may also want to use categories codes for:

  • Donation Type (such as soft credit, in kind or regular donation)
  • Accounting Code (typically a fund code tied to your accounting records)
  • Payment Method (check/credit card/PayPal/etc.)

You may use any or all of these codes or none of them. It depends on your organization and what you want to track. For example, if your organization doesn’t record donations into different General Ledger accounts (something the accountants sometimes want) then there is no sense using the Accounting Code field. Payment method can be used to reconcile deposits to your bank account from different sources (credit cards, PayPal, etc.). Donation Type is especially useful if you want to track non-monetary donations (in kind). It’s useful to know how much an individual or organization has contributed to your cause overall, but it’s important to know how much was in the form of money. This makes it clear what you can use for budgetary expenditures vs. material donations that are helpful in other ways.

DonorSnap provides all the aforementioned categories along with unlimited user defined fields. You are able to analyze and report on your contributions in any way that you need. If you have specific questions on tracking donation information, contact a DonorSnap representative at Sales@DonorSnap.com.

What is the Difference Between a Campaign and an Appeal? - DonorSnap (2024)


What is the difference between an appeal and a campaign? ›

On a very broad level, a campaign is the reason why you are asking for or collecting money, while an appeal is how you asked for that money. For example, your organization might be asking for money so you can expand certain services you provide, or go on a mission trip.

What is the difference between a fundraiser and a campaign? ›

The most high-level way to differentiate between a Campaign and a Fundraiser is this: Campaigns are pages that are created by you (the organization). Fundraisers are pages that are created by supporters, which are based on your Campaign.

What is a donor appeal? ›

A fundraising appeal is the way in which a nonprofit organization asks for financial support from its donors. Fundraising appeals are sent (either electronically or through direct mail) to supporters throughout the year encouraging them to donate.

What is a campaign in fundraising? ›

A fundraising campaign is fundraising that happens over an extended period of time and highlights a specific, predetermined goal. Nonprofits use fundraising campaigns to raise awareness about their missions, and more specifically, the program or initiative for which they are currently soliciting donations.

What is the difference between a campaign and an appeal in fundraising? ›

Campaigns are tracking tools that let you categorize donations and link them to specific appeals. Appeals are fundraising communications or events used to solicit donations. An appeal might be anything from a "Remember to Give" postcard to a fundraising golf tournament.

What is an appeal example? ›

The mayor made an appeal to the people of the city to stay calm. We made a donation during the school's annual appeal. She helped to organize an appeal on behalf of the homeless. My lawyer said the court's decision wasn't correct and that we should file for an appeal.

What are campaign donations called? ›

Contributions are the most common source of campaign support. A contribution is anything of value given, loaned or advanced to influence a federal election.

What do campaigns do with donations? ›

Campaign funds may be used to make donations or loans to bona fide charitable, educational, civic, religious, or similar tax-exempt, nonprofit organizations as long as the donation or loan is reasonably related to a political, legislative, or governmental purpose.

What is an example of a fundraising appeal? ›

I'm writing to ask you to support me and my [cause/project/etc.]. Just a small donation of [amount] can help me [accomplish task/reach a goal/etc.] Your donation will go toward [describe exactly what the contribution will be used for]. [When possible, add a personal connection to tie the donor to the cause.

What is the difference between sponsor and donor? ›

Sponsorships and donations can be cash or in-kind (goods and services). But, there's a big difference. Sponsorships are more of a marketing tactic, putting a company's name on an event or ad to boost revenue. Donations are charitable in nature and purely benefit the organization at hand.

What is a direct appeal in fundraising? ›

Direct mail appeals are targeted letters, cards, and other tangible forms of communication tailored to individual supporters. Like with any fundraising method, its medium impacts its effectiveness, but so does the effort and strategy behind your approach.

What are the elements of a fundraising campaign? ›

Understanding your campaign's purpose, developing deep and committed relationships, and using time as your ally are three essential elements to any successful fundraising campaign.

How do you raise a fundraising campaign? ›

How to Start a Fundraiser & Plan a Successful Nonprofit Fundraising Campaign
  1. Step 1: Identify the Beneficiary.
  2. Step 2: Set a fundraising goal.
  3. Step 3: Set a campaign timeline.
  4. Step 4: Come up with a compelling story.
  5. Step 5: Identify key marketing channels.
  6. Step 6: Write your copy.
Feb 15, 2023

What makes a campaign appealing? ›

In a nutshell

Compelling marketing campaigns always tell a good story, and one in which the customer is the hero and you've shown up to give them the tools to defeat their enemy. The campaigns that stand out particularly well tell that story in a very unique way and then provide customers with an action plan.

What to do after a fundraising campaign? ›

Follow up with attendees after your fundraising event. The event might be over, but your work is not. Don't leave guests hanging after event doors close; follow up and thank your attendees for their support!

What are 3 examples of appeals? ›

There are different ways a speaker or writer can appeal to his or her audience: 1) logic or reason (logos), 2) emotion (pathos), and/or 3) ethics and morals (ethos).

What is the simple definition of appeal? ›

noun. an earnest request for aid, support, sympathy, mercy, etc.; entreaty; petition; plea. a request or reference to some person or authority for a decision, corroboration, judgment, etc. Law.

What are the 3 types of appeals? ›

Aristotle postulated three argumentative appeals: logical, ethical, and emotional.

How do you ask for donations for a campaign? ›

Starting a Fundraiser? How to Ask for Donations in 7 Easy Steps
  1. Inspire giving by truthfully telling your story. ...
  2. Tailor your message to who you're asking. ...
  3. Create a sense of urgency. ...
  4. Use email to your advantage. ...
  5. Make it easy to donate. ...
  6. Be specific in your ask. ...
  7. Get creative with how you ask.
Sep 15, 2022

What is a donor to a charity called? ›

donator. noun. someone who gives money or goods to an organization, especially one that helps people. The usual word is donor.

How are campaigns usually funded? ›

Although most campaign spending is privately financed (largely through donors that work in subsidized industries), public financing is available for qualifying candidates for President of the United States during both the primaries and the general election.

What do campaigns do? ›

A political campaign is an organized effort which seeks to influence the decision making progress within a specific group. In democracies, political campaigns often refer to electoral campaigns, by which representatives are chosen or referendums are decided.

Can you write off donations to campaigns? ›

If you're planning to donate money, time, or effort to a political campaign, you might be thinking to yourself, "Are political contributions tax-deductible?" No. The IRS is very clear that money contributed to a politician or political party can't be deducted from your taxes.

What are the three C's of fundraising? ›

All 3 legs, or, the 3 Cs of fundraising – capacity, commitment and connection should be firmly in place prior to raising money for a building renovation or endowment campaign.

What is the rule of 3 for fundraising? ›

Generally speaking, your non-profit should be cultivating your donors a minimum of 3 times in between every ask. This means that after getting a solicitation, your donors should be hearing from you – without getting an ask – 3 different times before you make another ask.

What are the main 4 categories of fundraising? ›

4. Different types of fundraising
  • Capital investment. Capital campaigns are more than raising money to get a new building.
  • Crowdfunding. The digital giving marketplace is growing rapidly and can help you to raise much needed funds for your project.
  • Bid-writing skills. ...
  • Cultivating new donors. ...
  • Large donations and legacies.

What are the three most important elements of a fundraising appeal? ›

Table of Contents
  • Move your donors with empathy.
  • Connect donations to donors.
  • Use a donation deadline to create a sense of urgency.
Jan 12, 2021

How long should a fundraising appeal be? ›

The length should be ideally between 2-pages and 4-pages. But studies show that long fundraising letters outperform the shorter ones. So feel free to pour your heart out and share all the important details with your donors.

How do I appeal for funding? ›

10 steps to setting up a fundraising appeal
  1. 1) Make sure there is a need for your appeal. ...
  2. 2) Be specific. ...
  3. 3) Work with charities where you can. ...
  4. 4) Be aware of legal implications. ...
  5. 5) Don't go it alone. ...
  6. 6) Be transparent and gain trust. ...
  7. 7) Decide how long the appeal will run for. ...
  8. 8) Use a trusted payment system to receive money.
Mar 10, 2022

What are the six types of donors? ›

This article will explore 6 different types of donors and highlight how each one can contribute to non-profit organizations.
  • #1 Prospective Donors. ...
  • #2 Mass Donors. ...
  • #3 Major Donors. ...
  • #4 Corporate Donors. ...
  • #5 Legacy Donors. ...
  • #6 Foundation Donors.

Which is better as a donor? ›

Types O-negative (O-) and O-positive (O+) are best suited to donate red blood cells. O-negative is the universal blood type, meaning that anyone can receive your blood. And O- and O+ blood are both extra special when it comes to traumas where there is no time for blood typing.

What is a donor in fundraising? ›

Major donors are the people who give the most money to a specific nonprofit. The amount they must donate to attain that status varies, depending on the nonprofit's budget. If you gave US$500 to your neighborhood food pantry, you would probably become one of its major donors.

What does it mean to appeal money? ›

You can appeal if you went to the trial, the judge decided you owe money, and you want a new trial. A small claims appeal is a new trial where a different judge decides the case. You and the other side can have a lawyer at the court date.

What are examples of direct appeals? ›

Other legal grounds for a direct appeal include improper jury instructions, sentencing errors, lack of sufficient evidence to support a guilty verdict, jury misconduct, or misconduct by the prosecutor.

What does it mean to appeal directly? ›

In criminal law, a direct appeal simply refers to the standard process of appealing your conviction for a crime. Under federal law and the laws of every state, you have the legal right to appeal your case to a higher court if you do not agree with the decision of the court trying your case, or with the jury verdict.

What is the most important part of a fundraising campaign? ›

Charting a successful course forward for any fundraising effort (such as a capital campaign, funding initiative, or end of the year appeal) is important. It focuses you, engages your donors, and builds your broader constituency's ability to fulfill your mission.

What are the five major fundraising principles? ›

The following are truths you should incorporate into whatever fundraising you do:
  • Never ask a stranger for money. ...
  • Cultivate before asking. ...
  • Think of the needs of the donor. ...
  • Ask for support for what you need. ...
  • Personalize your solicitation. ...
  • Raise money from the inside out. ...
  • Raise money from the top down.

How long should a fundraising campaign last? ›

How long should your fundraising event be? For many schools and groups, we recommend planning a short-term fundraiser that runs for 2-3 weeks. Research shows that traditional product and online fundraisers typically see a greater amount of activity over a shorter period of time (Cause Vox).

What makes a successful fundraiser? ›

Great Interpersonal Skills

Building a good rapport with potential donors can make them more likely to contribute to your cause. This is particularly important for face-to-face fundraising, but it's also a key skill for online fundraising campaigns and telephone fundraising.

How do you motivate people to fundraise? ›

8 Ways to Motivate Your Peer-to-Peer Fundraisers
  1. Make sure they have the tools they need. ...
  2. Create fundraising teams. ...
  3. Highlight the progress meter. ...
  4. Post frequent updates. ...
  5. Reach out to inactive fundraisers. ...
  6. Get personal with a text, call, or email. ...
  7. Share tips from your top fundraisers. ...
  8. Celebrate their wins and milestones.
Oct 2, 2018

What is the purpose of an appeal? ›

An appeal is not another trial but an opportunity for the defendant to try to raise specific errors that might have occurred at trial. A common appeal is that a decision from the judge was incorrect – such as whether to suppress certain evidence or to impose a certain sentence.

What are the different types of campaign appeals? ›

The various types of advertising appeals are rational appeal, musical appeal, sexual appeal, humor appeal, emotional appeal, scarcity appeal, and fear appeal.

What does it mean when a party appeals? ›

An appeal is when someone who loses a case in a trial court asks a higher court (the appellate court) to review the trial court's decision. In almost all cases, the appellate court ONLY looks at two things: Whether a LEGAL mistake was made in the trial court; AND.

Is an appeal a good thing? ›

An appeal can be an opportunity to obtain justice when it was earlier denied. However, an appeal may not always make sense even if you believe that the trial court was in error. The first step in the appeals process is to decide what you hope to get out of it and whether the benefits justify possible drawbacks.

Who may appeal? ›

In a civil case, either party may appeal to a higher court. In a criminal case, only the defendant has a right to an appeal in most states. (Some states give the prosecution a limited right to appeal to determine certain points of law. These appeals usually occur before the actual trial begins.

Why a campaign is important? ›

Campaigning helps to demonstrate that it is not just your organization that is concerned about the issue but also members of the public, voters and consumers. A successful campaign is one that demonstrates the concern of large numbers of the public.

What is a campaign example? ›

Coca-Cola's Share a co*ke Campaign

Because of its low price point, it was easy to encourage customers to buy a bottle for themselves and one for their friends or loved ones. Share a co*ke became a way to tell someone you were thinking of them.

Why create a campaign? ›

Well, campaigns make companies memorable. They promote a focused effort that guides consumers towards the desired action. They also give brands an identity, personality, and emotion.

What are the 3 types of campaign? ›

There are several types of marketing campaigns you can use to achieve various marketing goals within an organization:
  • Traditional media campaign. ...
  • Seasonal push campaign. ...
  • Product launch campaign. ...
  • Brand awareness campaign. ...
  • Rebranding campaign. ...
  • Brand launch campaign. ...
  • Contest marketing campaign. ...
  • Email marketing campaign.
Feb 24, 2023

What is appeal strategy? ›

+ Follow. Advertising appeals refers to the approach used to attract the attention of customers or to influence their feelings towards a brand, product or service.

What are the two types of appeals? ›

Logos appeals to reason. Logos can also be thought of as the text of the argument, as well as how well a writer has argued his/her point. Ethos appeals to the writer's character. Ethos can also be thought of as the role of the writer in the argument, and how credible his/her argument is.

What are the 4 steps in the appeal process? ›

Step 1: File the Notice of Appeal. Step 2: Pay the filing fee. Step 3: Determine if/when additional information must be provided to the appeals court as part of opening your case. Step 4: Order the trial transcripts.

What are the 7 appeals? ›

The seven major types of advertising appeals include musical, sexual, humor, fear, emotional, rational, and scarcity, which all have the common goal of influencing the way consumers view themselves and the benefits of the products or services being advertised.

How many appeals can you file? ›

So in the state level, you can appeal a conviction definitely twice, but perhaps three times. The first time is called the direct appeal.

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.