What is the 3-Day Rule in Stock Trading? • Benzinga Answers (2024)

Have you ever felt the sudden urge to buy a stock as soon as you see it fall sharply? Many investors are often tempted to do so as their minds immediately begin to see an opportunity to buy the stock at a discount. Though it is true that sudden drops cause stock sales, the 3-day rule explains why investors should wait a full 3 days before buying shares of the underlying stock.

Table of Contents [Show]

  • What is the 3-Day Rule in Stocks?
  • Why Wait 3 Days to Buy a Falling Stock?
  • How Does the 3-Day Rule Benefit You?
  • What Should you do During the 3-Day Wait
  • Are There Exceptions to the 3-Day Rule?
  • Benzinga's Best Online Stock Brokers
  • Patience is a Virtue
  • Frequently Asked Questions

What is the 3-Day Rule in Stocks?

There are many written and unwritten rules regarding topics that different types of investors or traders often abide by. While most apply to select groups, the 3-day rule is one that anyone who participates in the stock market can incorporate into their strategy.

In short, the 3-day rule dictates that following a substantial drop in a stock’s share price — typically high single digits or more in terms of percent change — investors should wait 3 days to buy.

Why Wait 3 Days to Buy a Falling Stock?

Sudden drops in stock prices can trigger margin calls in accounts that either bought the stock using leverage or entered into options contracts using leverage. These margin calls can trigger additional sales the next day, driving the price down further.

Additionally, institutional investors that want to exit a position almost never dump their shares all at once, instead electing to spread their sales over the span of 2 to 3 days. The reason for this is because high sell volume will cause a stock to nose-dive, so instead of selling as fast as possible, they sell over the course of a few days to maximize their selling price. This continued selling forces the stock to drop more but not to the same extent as the initial drop.

Certain brokers allow you to see what percentage of a company’s shares are held by these institutional investors, a tool that can be helpful in determining how long or impactful an institutional sell-off may be.

Finally, volatility and options activity often come hand-in-hand. On large drops, many options traders look into contract pricing and execute orders. Because these trades are derivative contracts (see Beginner’s Guide to Derivatives Trading), orderflow does not directly impact the stock on that first day. Instead, option orders settle the next day.

How Does the 3-Day Rule Benefit You?

By waiting 3 days to buy into a position, you can grow your profits and lessen your losses. Considering that most stocks trend lower in the days following an initial drop, you can lock in a better purchase price if you are patient.

Waiting 3 days also gives you the opportunity to analyze and understand the underlying news or event that caused a stock to dip sharply — you would regret instantly buying into a stock that has dipped 50% if you later found out that the reason was because the company was going under.

What Should you do During the 3-Day Wait

If you are not familiar with the company, take some time to do the research.

First, make sure you understand why the stock dropped to begin with. Was it definitive news that is detrimental to the company’s future, news causing uncertainty around a company’s future, selloff related to another stock, or simply bad PR? Understanding why the stock dropped is crucial as you will not see future gains on shares if the company’s future is dead.

Second, read about the company you are buying. What do they do? How do they make money? How risky is the business? You would not buy a new pair of shoes if you did not know anything about them. Additionally, take a look at the price history. If the drop has brought the stock back to a price range it normally trades at, maybe the price it fell from was because of a period of volatility and the drop was just a correction.

Finally, learn about how the company fits into its industry and where it trades relative to peers. If the company is in a dying industry it may be safer to stay away from the stock. You can use different multiples such as P/E, EV/EBITDA to see how the stock is valued relative to its competitors.

When you’ve done your due diligence and have decided that the investment is sound, add the stock to a watch list so you can continue to follow its price movements. Adding the equity to your stock market watchlist can also help you to not forget the name.

Are There Exceptions to the 3-Day Rule?

In terms of the SEC 3-day settlement rule, there are no exceptions in that a share must be transferred and settled within 3 days of a sale.

When talking about the trading strategy, investors may want to be wary of trading with the 3-day rule in the following scenario.

Material News Impacting a Company’s Future or Core Business

In the event that stock market participants discover a drastic change in business fundamentals or the viability of a business and/or its goods or services, the drop in share price is not a discount for the stock, rather a repricing.

Let’s use Nikola in September 2020 as an example. Up to this point Nikola was one of the hottest names in electric vehicles. The company’s share price was surging all summer, at one point hitting a high of nearly $55 per share on September 8.

On September 10, short-seller Hindenburg Research released a scathing report exposing that everything the company had promised was a lie, from the fully electric trucks to its hydrogen fuel station network.

This caused the stock to plummet nearly 30% from market close on September 9 to market open on September 11. By the 3rd day after the initial drop, the stock had fallen nearly 35% to $32.83. If investors followed the 3-day rule, they would have seen that the stock hit continued to drop through that 3rd day, marking a buying point.

Since then, however, the stock has halved and lately hovers between $13 to $17, only passing the $32 mark in the final week of November 2020. Nikola will likely not return to its highs in the near future as the company is now worth significantly less than it was before the lies were uncovered, meaning that investors who bought in 3 days after the initial drop will likely need to sell for a substantial loss.

Benzinga’s Best Online Stock Brokers

Check out some of our favorite online stock brokers below.

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Patience is a Virtue

Everyone is always looking for a good sale. By having a little bit of patience and following our advice above, you will be able to get in on even greater stock sales than anticipated.

At this point, you are probably wondering how you are going to find and identify stocks offering the best discounted prices. Thankfully, Benzinga does the hard work for you and lists the top gainers and losers of the day on its Stock Movers page.

Frequently Asked Questions


Why does it take 3 days for stocks to settle?


After you trade a stock ownership of that share transfers, however, the shares themselves will not transfer until 3 days later. This is due to the SECs 3-day settlement rule or T+3 Settlement Cycle. The reason for this rule is so that people or computer algorithms at clearinghouses and brokerages can verify the trade, ensure both the buyer and seller account numbers are valid, and make sure other details such as who should receive a dividend payment for the shares are hammered out.

The SEC amended the rule in 2017 to 2 days to account for the speed of new technology and increased trading volume, yet it is still commonly referred to as the 3-day settlement rule.


Can you buy a stock and sell it the same day?


With the innovations in fintech bringing us new technology, trades and shares are being executed and transferred faster than ever before. It is possible to buy and sell a stock within 3 days, however it is vital that you make sure you’ve fully paid your purchase price at the time you wish to sell your stock. If you pay for part of your stock with unsettled cash and then sell the stock before you have fully paid, you could be committing a free-riding violation, which carries a 90-day account freeze. Trading stocks daily should not be an issue through most brokers, but your safest bet is to verify with your individual broker firm.

What is the 3-Day Rule in Stock Trading? • Benzinga Answers (2024)


What is the 3-Day Rule in Stock Trading? • Benzinga Answers? ›

In terms of the SEC 3-day settlement rule, there are no exceptions in that a share must be transferred and settled within 3 days of a sale.

What is the 3 day trading rule? ›

Essentially, if you have a $5,000 account, you can only make three-day trades in any rolling five-day period. Once your account value is above $25,000, the restriction no longer applies to you. You usually don't have to worry about violating this rule by mistake because your broker will notify you.

Can you make $100 a day day trading? ›

You're really probably going to need closer to 4,000 or $5,000 in order to make that $100 a day consistently. And ultimately it's going to be a couple of trades a week where you total $500 a week, so it's going to take a little bit more work. Want to learn more about trading?

What is the number 1 rule in trading? ›

The 1% rule demands that traders never risk more than 1% of their total account value on a single trade. In a $10,000 account, that doesn't mean you can only invest $100. It means you shouldn't lose more than $100 on a single trade.

What is the golden rule for traders? ›

Don't use leverage: This should be the most important golden rule for any investor who is entering fresh into the world of stock trading, never use borrowed money to invest in stocks.

Can I trade more than 3 times a week? ›

You're generally limited to no more than three day trades in a five-trading-day period, unless you have at least $25,000 of equity in your account at the end of the previous day.

What happens if I do more than 3 day trades? ›

If you execute four or more round trips within five business days, you will be flagged as a pattern day trader. Here's where you might be dinged: If you're flagged as a pattern day trader and you have less than $25,000 in your account, you could be restricted from opening new positions.

Can you make $1000 per day on trading? ›

Intraday trading provides you with more leverage, which gives you decent returns in a day. If your question is how to earn 1000 Rs per day from the sharemarket, intraday trading might be the best option for you. Feeling a sense of contentment will take you a long way as an intraday trader.

Can you make 10% a day day trading? ›

Making 10% to 20% is quite possible with a decent win rate, a favorable reward-to-risk ratio, two to four (or more) trades each day, and risking 1% of account capital on each trade. The more capital you have, though, the harder it becomes to maintain those returns.

How much do day traders make in Canada? ›

How much does a Trader make in Canada? The average trader salary in Canada is $117,806 per year or $60.41 per hour. Entry-level positions start at $90,093 per year, while most experienced workers make up to $145,784 per year.

What is 90% rule in trading? ›

"90% of Newcomers lose 90% of their capital in first 90 days of trading" Is this Rule applies on you as well ? I don't think there is any such rule. Only part one of the rule- 90% of the newcomer traders lose money, in how many days or how much percentage is difficult to say.

What is the 80% rule in trading? ›

In investing, the 80-20 rule generally holds that 20% of the holdings in a portfolio are responsible for 80% of the portfolio's growth. On the flip side, 20% of a portfolio's holdings could be responsible for 80% of its losses.

What is the trading 5% rule? ›

It dates back to 1943 and states that commissions, markups, and markdowns of more than 5% are prohibited on standard trades, including over-the-counter and stock exchange listings, cash sales, and riskless transactions. Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA).

What is the 20% rule in trading? ›

The rule is often used to point out that 80% of a company's revenue is generated by 20% of its customers. Viewed in this way, it might be advantageous for a company to focus on the 20% of clients that are responsible for 80% of revenues and market specifically to them.

What is the 390 trade rule? ›

If you are a trader who averages 390 option orders a day in a calendar month, you could classify as a professional trader. Effectively, placing a new order each minute of the trading day, hence the 390 in the rule's title.

Does PDT rule apply in Canada? ›

The "pattern day trader" designation will require that you maintain a minimum of $25,000 (US dollars) to continue trading. For the SEC day trading rule, does the $25,000 need to be in Canadian Dollars or US Dollars? The funds may be in Canadian Dollars, so long as they are the equivalent of US$25,000, or more.

Is it legal to buy and sell the same stock repeatedly? ›

As a retail investor, you can't buy and sell the same stock more than four times within a five-business-day period. Anyone who exceeds this violates the pattern day trader rule, which is reserved for individuals who are classified by their brokers are day traders and can be restricted from conducting any trades.

Why is there a 3 day trade limit? ›

Daily trading limits are imposed by securities exchanges to protect investors from extreme price movements and discourage potential manipulation within the markets. Daily price limits are used in the forex markets as well, whereby a country's central bank imposes limits to reduce the volatility of its currency.

How do you avoid the 3 day trade rule? ›

Use multiple brokerage accounts to avoid the PDT Rule

If trading three times a week is too limiting for day traders, having more than one brokerage account may be another option. When a day trader opens multiple brokerage accounts, they can have an additional three trades for every five days.

How soon can you sell stock after buying it? ›

How soon can I sell a stock after buying? There is no time limit on selling a stock after buying, you can sell straight away. But remember, it is conditional on another investor being willing to buy those shares from you.

Can I buy and sell the same stock multiple times in a day? ›

There are no restrictions on placing multiple buy orders to buy the same stock more than once in a day, and you can place multiple sell orders to sell the same stock in a single day. The FINRA restrictions only apply to buying and selling the same stock within the designated five-trading-day period.

Can you make $200 per day in day trading? ›

A common approach for new day traders is to start with a goal of $200 per day and work up to $800-$1000 over time. Small winners are better than home runs because it forces you to stay on your plan and use discipline. Sure, you'll hit a big winner every now and then, but consistency is the real key to day trading.

Why do traders make so much money? ›

Traders make money through their speculations about the price fluctuations of financial instruments. They then make trades to back their speculations. The trading analysis methods are fundamental, technical, sentiment and flow based trading methods.

How many traders actually make money? ›

The report shows that the top 1% and top 5% active profit makers accounted for nearly 51% and 75% of the total net profit earned by all active profit makers, respectively. Over and above the net trading losses, loss makers spent an additional 28% of net trading losses as transaction costs.

Why is there a $25,000 minimum for day trading? ›

One of the most common requirements for trading the stock market as a day trader is the $25,000 rule. You need a minimum of $25,000 equity to day trade a margin account because the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) mandates it. The regulatory body calls it the 'Pattern Day Trading Rule'.

What percentage of day traders are successful? ›

The success rate for day traders is estimated to be around only 10%. So, if around 90% of day traders are losing money in general, how could anyone expect to make a living this way?

How much average day trader makes? ›

Average Salary for a Day Trader

Day Traders in America make an average salary of $116,895 per year or $56 per hour. The top 10 percent makes over $198,000 per year, while the bottom 10 percent under $68,000 per year. What Am I Worth?

How much trading is too much in TFSA? ›

At one extreme, if you buy or sell a stock once a month there should be no problem. At the other extreme, if you are trading almost every day and holding stocks for only a few days at a time, that will be considered carrying on business and the TFSA will be taxed. So be careful about this!

Can I use TFSA for day trading? ›

Day trading in itself is not against TFSA rules. However, if you make huge profits doing it – to the point where you get a multi-million dollar account balance – you may end up getting taxed. The problem is that when you make a lot of money day trading, it looks like a business.

How is day trading taxed in Canada? ›

Day Trading Taxes In Canada As An Investor

If you're buying and selling securities for a source of passive income, you can report capital gains and losses on your taxes. 50% of your gains will be taxed at your typical tax rate.

What is 123 rule in trading? ›

The 123-chart pattern is a three-wave formation, where every move reaches a pivot point. This is where the name of the pattern comes from, the 1-2-3 pivot points. 123 pattern works in both directions. In the first case, a bullish trend turns into a bearish one.

What is rule 21 in stock market? ›

The relationship can be referred to as the “Rule of 21,” which says that the sum of the P/E ratio and CPI inflation should equal 21. It's not a perfect relationship, but holds true generally.

What are the 2% rules in trading? ›

One popular method is the 2% Rule, which means you never put more than 2% of your account equity at risk (Table 1). For example, if you are trading a $50,000 account, and you choose a risk management stop loss of 2%, you could risk up to $1,000 on any given trade.

What is the 40 60 rule in trading? ›

In its simplest form, the 60/40 rule means having 60% of your portfolio invested in potentially higher risk, historically higher return, assets such as stocks and the other 40% invested in lower risk, but also traditionally lower return, assets such government bonds.

What is 50 rule in stock market? ›

The fifty percent principle is a rule of thumb that anticipates the size of a technical correction. The fifty percent principle states that when a stock or other asset begins to fall after a period of rapid gains, it will lose at least 50% of its most recent gains before the price begins advancing again.

What is rule of 72 in stock market? ›

What Is the Rule of 72? The Rule of 72 is a simple way to determine how long an investment will take to double given a fixed annual rate of interest. Dividing 72 by the annual rate of return gives investors a rough estimate of how many years it will take for the initial investment to duplicate itself.

What is the 7 rule in stocks? ›

To make money in stocks, you must protect the money you have. Live to invest another day by following this simple rule: Always sell a stock it if falls 7%-8% below what you paid for it.

What is the 5 3 1 rule trading? ›

Intro: 5-3-1 trading strategy

The numbers five, three and one stand for: Five currency pairs to learn and trade. Three strategies to become an expert on and use with your trades. One time to trade, the same time every day.

What is the 10 rule in stock market? ›

The 10,5,3 rule

Though there are no guaranteed returns for mutual funds, as per this rule, one should expect 10 percent returns from long term equity investment, 5 percent returns from debt instruments. And 3 percent is the average rate of return that one usually gets from savings bank accounts.

What is the 6 rule in trading? ›

Rule 6: Risk Only What You Can Afford to Lose

Before using real cash, make sure that money in that trading account is expendable. If it's not, the trader should keep saving until it is.

What is the 45 rule in stock market? ›

If an index rises or falls by 15% anytime between 1:00 pm and 2:30 pm, it results in trading activity being halted for 45 minutes. If it rises or falls by 15% before 1:00 pm, a 1 hour 45-minute halt in trading activity is enforced.

What is the 100 rule in stock market? ›

The 100-age rule of asset allocation is a guideline that investors use to determine how much of their investment should be allocated to each asset class based on their age. The rule states that an investor's portfolio should contain 100 minus their age in stocks and the remaining amount in bonds.

What is day trading rule 431? ›

Summary of Rule 431:

Pattern Day Trading accounts with less than $25,000 in account value will not have any buying power until the minimum account value of $25,000 has been met. The sale of an existing position from the previous day and subsequent repurchase is not considered a day trade.

What is rule of 16 trading? ›

According to the rule of 16, if the VIX is trading at 16, then the SPX is estimated to see average daily moves up or down of 1% (because 16/16 = 1). If the VIX is at 24, the daily moves might be around 1.5%, and at 32, the rule of 16 says the SPX might see 2% daily moves.

Can I sell my stock after 3 days? ›

To sell these stocks, you will have to wait till they get delivered to your Demat account as per the SEBI regulation which takes 1 trading day, from the date you place a successful buy order.

Do I have to wait 3 days to sell a stock? ›

For most stocks, the standard period to receive the proceeds of a stock sale is two days. This is known as the T+2 settlement period.

How many times can you legally day trade? ›

As a retail investor, you can't buy and sell the same stock more than four times within a five-business-day period. Anyone who exceeds this violates the pattern day trader rule, which is reserved for individuals who are classified by their brokers are day traders and can be restricted from conducting any trades.

How soon can I sell a stock I just bought? ›

Most stock trades settle two business days after the order executes. (Traders call this T+2, or the trade date plus two business days). An investor can trade on margin, but they'll pay interest on those borrowed funds during the settlement period.

How soon can you buy back a stock after selling it? ›

The wash-sale rule prohibits selling an investment for a loss and replacing it with the same or a "substantially identical" investment 30 days before or after the sale.

How quickly can you buy and then sell stock? ›

How soon can I sell a stock after buying? There is no time limit on selling a stock after buying, you can sell straight away.

What is the 3 5 7 rule in trading? ›

The strategy is very simple: count how many days, hours, or bars a run-up or a sell-off has transpired. Then on the third, fifth, or seventh bar, look for a bounce in the opposite direction. Too easy? Perhaps, but it's uncanny how often it happens.

How many times can I buy and sell a stock in a week? ›

In general, as long as you adhere to the rules of the Financial Industry Regulation Authority (FIRNA), you can buy and sell stocks as frequently as you like.

Can I sell the stock I bought yesterday? ›

Brokers refer to the day after the transaction day as T+1 day. On T+1 day, you can sell the stock you purchased the previous day. If you do so, you are making a quick trade called “Buy Today, Sell Tomorrow” (BTST) or “Acquire Today, Sell Tomorrow” (ATST).

How do I get more than 3 day trades? ›

Opening Multiple Brokerage Accounts

The common approach recommended by many day trading educators is to open multiple brokerage accounts. For each additional brokerage account you open, that's another three day trades per rolling five-day period.

How many trades should you do a day? ›

To be honest, there's no set rule on how many trades you should make. There is no fixed number. It will depend a lot on you, your trading style, your risk-taking ability.

Can I make more than 3 day trades with a cash account? ›

Defining a day trade

Pattern day trading restrictions don't apply to cash accounts. They only apply to margin accounts and IRA limited margin accounts. This means you can trade stocks, ETPs, and options in a cash account without worrying about your number of day trades.

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Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.