What Is Level 2 Trading and Why Is It So Important? (2024)

Trading is all about getting information and knowing how to interpret this data to find successful trades. If so, then you can assume that the most crucial factor for success in trading is the reliability and the format in which a trader receives the information.


  • Level 2 trading provides a comprehensive insight into the market’s order book
  • Level 2 quotes offer an in-depth view into the market, beyond just the last bid and ask prices
  • Understanding the difference between Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 data is crucial for informed trading decisions
  • Accessing and interpreting Level 2 market data can elevate your trading strategy

Level 2 quotes are by far the ultimate market data source to get more detailed and complete information.

So, in this guide, we’ll explain everything you need to know about trading using the level 2 order book. We’ll also help you find ways to access level 2 data and explain the difference between level 1 and level 2 and level 2 and level 3.

What Is Level 2 Trading and Why Is It So Important? (1) Table of Contents

  • First, What is Level 2 Data?
  • How Does Level 2 Market Data Work and How to Read Level 2 for Day Trading?
  • The Benefits of Using Level 2 Trading Data
  • How to Trade with Level 2 Data – Tips and Strategies
  • Level 2 Trading in Different Markets
  • Level 2 Trading – Pros and Cons
  • Frequently Asked Quetions

First, What is Level 2 Data?

Level 2 market data is an order book that gives retail traders and institutional players a more detailed set of information about the traded asset. Unlike the level 1 order book that shows the last bid prices and ask prices, level 2 shows the complete list of bid and ask the market maker who placed the order, and the quantities (the size of the order).

In most cases, level 2 order boxes show around 5-10 best bid and ask prices, though, in some exchanges, you may get access to up to 40 bid and ask prices. To be able to use level 2 market data, a trader must have access to assets traded on an exchange. So, for example, when trading assets on a stock exchange, options, or futures contracts (commodities, forex, indices, etc.) – a trader can get access to level 2 data.

Trading with level 2 data is a necessary trading tool for active intraday traders and scalpers. Almost every proprietary trader uses a level 2 order book to analyze the markets and place orders. Many of these traders will tell you that it’s impossible to day trade without using the level 2 data service.

Below, you can check this bite-size video on the power Level 2 Trading with Level 2 Market data.

How Does Level 2 Market Data Work and How to Read Level 2 for Day Trading?

Level 2 is often perceived as a complex data service; however, knowing how to read and understand level 2 trading is actually very straightforward.

Simply put, a level 2 market depth order book shows the asset’s supply and demand offer in real-time. In addition, the vast majority of level 2 order books on different trading platforms look pretty much the same, so once you learn how to read and analyze level 2 data, you’ll be able to use it on any trading program.

As you can see in the image below, the list of buyers is on the left side of the screen, and the list of sellers is on the right side. In this example, the first buyer offers to buy 600 shares of Intel at 29.33 via the INCA market maker (Instinet). On the right side of the screen, the first seller is willing to sell 1000 shares at 29.36 via the NFSC market maker. This is, in a nutshell, how level 2 market data works on the NASDAQ stock exchange.

Moreover, the level 2 order book also shows a time sales box where you can see every transaction made on the specific market, including the price and quantity. If the transaction is displayed in red, it means that the order was made on the bid side. If the transaction is displayed in green, it then means that the order was made on the ask side.

Note that the time and sales screen is an extremely valuable asset for day trading. Because the market is highly manipulated by market makers who place orders and suddenly disappear or use various automated order types – the time and sales will help you get facts and see only the executed trades.

The Benefits of Using Level 2 Trading Data

Trading with level 2 data is a necessary trading tool for active intraday traders and scalpers. Almost every proprietary trader uses a level 2 order book to analyze the markets and place orders. Many of these traders will tell you that it’s impossible to day trade without using the level 2 data service.

Some of the key benefits of using level 2 trading data include:

1. More Information

The main benefit of using a level 2 order book is, obviously, the wealth of data and information related to the specific asset. While level 1 gives you the first buyer and seller, level 2 gives you much more information.

Additionally, level 1 could be highly misleading as many traders use a unique technique known as AX trading. By using this technique, a trader is placing 100 shares to sell, but the order book shows just one share (yes, it’s possible to do that). In the level 1 order book, you would think that selling pressure is rising (as you’ll see one share on the bid side), while in the level 2 order, you can see how buyers are eager to buy more as you can see the full list of buyers and you can identify this trick.

In some scenarios, you can also know when a big institution enters a specific market. In commodity futures and bond futures markets, you can even identify when governments are entering and buying (or selling) in large amounts. In forex trading, this phenomenon is known as order blocks forex.

Furthermore, once you learn how to identify when a big player is entering the market, you can take a direction with the institution or big investors that have a significant position in the market or the other way. With level 2 data, there are many tricks and new ways to predict where the market might go next.

2. Easier to Know the Market Sentiment with Level 2 Market Data

Undoubtedly, as you have more information about the specific asset, you may better understand and feel the sentiment in the market. Just visualize it like a food market where buyers and sellers battle to get the best prices for their interests.

Well, that’s level 2 market data – the ultimate tool for centralized exchanges to present a real sense of a market. For that reason, many traders who utilize the naked trading strategy usually use level 2 market data to analyze the markets.

3. You Get the Best Prices

Another benefit of using level 2 data quotes is that you can negotiate to get the best available prices. In other words, you can change your orders, set subsequent orders, etc.

This is particularly important when you trade derivatives and options. For example, let’s assume you are trading the Apple stock 146 June call option contract with a level 2 market data, and the Apple share price (underlying asset) is trading at 146.14.

The orders placed in the market are based on the price movement of the AAPL share price, and thus, every price movement impacts the option price. In this case, let’s say the Apple stock price action is rising, and you placed an order to sell the option at 2.48 when the bid price is 2.41. Then, as soon as you noticed the price is rising, you can immediately change your order to 2.50, 2.55, or even higher to get the highest price.

To sum up, here’s a comparison table of all the different types of market data – level 1, level 2, and level 3.

Market Data LevelData
Level 1Best bid and ask price + quantity on each side
Level 2Market depth of typically up to the 5-10 best bid and offer prices + quantity + market maker
Level 3Market depth of typically up to the 10-20 best bid and offer prices + quantity + market maker

How to Trade with Level 2 Data – Tips and Strategies

As we have previously mentioned, the level 2 order book is a valuable and effective trading tool. So, you need to get familiar with several techniques and trading strategies when using level 2 market data. Those include:

1. Low Liquidity Can Be an Advantage

A common technique among day traders is to find markets with low liquidity and set orders on both sides or get an execution on one side and switch to the other. It’s a risky strategy, but it may generate consistent profit over the long run if you learn how to master this technique.

By being completely neutral when using this trading strategy, you basically wait in the queue on the bid or ask side. Then, once the order is executed, you can place another order on the other side and wait again in the queue.

2. Scalping Trading

Scalpers typically try to capture minimal price movements – a few ticks, cents, etc. They use one-minute or five-minute charts and often make many daily transactions to collect small profits.

To scalp trade, they must use level 2 trading data and various automated order types. As they usually buy and sell large numbers of shares, futures contracts, or forex lots – they use sophisticated market orders to open and close their traders without showing the number of shares they hold.

3. Trading Breakouts

Even though it is possible to trade breakouts with a level 1 order book, doing it with a level 2 data book is much clearer and more effective.

When you look at the price ladder with level 2 data, and you see the pressure building up or down to break the highest or lowest level of the day (or week/month, etc.), then you can easily find the right entry-level and make profits while trading the breakout. Ultimately, you can build a trading strategy entirely around this concept.

4. Follow the Prints

As we mentioned earlier, the time and sales screen is a vital tool to understand the flow in the chosen market. If you know how to read it correctly and avoid all the false order placements made by market makers, you can find many trade entry and exit points. That is why order flow analysis is one of the best methods on how to use level 2 data for day trading.

For example, if you notice print after print of sell orders on the bid side, that means sellers are willing to sell the asset at any given price on the bid side. There’s no doubt that the momentum is bearish in such a scenario, and you’ll enter a short-selling position (or exit an existing long position).

Level 2 Trading in Different Markets

Generally, you can trade almost any asset using level 2 market data. As long as the asset is listed on an exchange, you’ll be able to get access to level 2 trading. But the benefits of using level 2 market data have a higher impact on some markets than others.

Level 2 Option Trading

Level 2 options trading offers more flexibility in terms of how traders can trade options. In my view, if you are planning to trade options, the first thing you should do is to get access to level 2 options data. Even if you are not going to use level 2 as a trading strategy, it’s a must-have tool you need to trade options.

The main reason is that options are derivative instruments tied to the underlying asset. So, the option’s price often stays the same for several minutes or even hours. But the orders in the level 2 order book change constantly, and in many cases, you can use it to your advantage.

Level 2 Data in the Stock Market

As stocks and ETFs are traded on centralized exchanges, this is the easiest way to access level 2 trading. As a matter of fact, most banks and online brokerage firms offer level 2 stock trading as part of their basic packages. Furthermore, with a quick search, it is even possible to get stocks and ETFs level 2 data for free online.

Day trading stocks, ETFs, and especially penny stocks using level 2 data is highly recommended. Most active Penny stocks trade on the OTC and have a low trading volume, meaning it is fairly easy to manipulate prices. For that matter, level 2 can be incredibly useful. For instance, when you notice an important market maker placing a large bid and the order flow is changing – it would potentially be a successful trade.

Here’s an example of what level 2 data looks like on a web page. Source: OTCMarkets.com

What Is Level 2 Trading and Why Is It So Important? (3)

Level 2 Data Futures Trading

The futures market is the most important and developed financial market worldwide. This is where commodities, metals, global indices, interest rates, bonds, and FX currency pairs are traded and shipped worldwide. So, being the most developed market, it is not surprising that you get access to level 2 data, meaning you can trade any asset listed on the specified exchange with level 2.

However, take into consideration that this service is usually costly. Assuming you’d like to open a futures trading account and get access to level 2 data, you need to focus on one market. Otherwise, it could be expensive as brokerage firms charge a high fee for providing level 2 data.

Level 2 Data in the Forex Market

Getting access to level 2 data in the forex market is perhaps the most complicated of all. The reason is that the forex market is decentralized, where there’s no exchange or physical location where traders buy and sell currency pairs.

Yet, if you wish to trade currency pairs with level 2 data, you can do it in the following ways: trade FX currency pairs via future contracts or open an account with an Electronic Communication Network (ECN/STP) or Direct Market Access (DMA) forex broker. The first option requires a high initial deposit and typically high fees. The second option requires a lower initial deposit though you must check with the brokerage firm that they indeed offer access to level 2 data.

Level 2 Trading – Pros and Cons

Below, we mention some of the key advantages and disadvantages of using level 2 market data:


  • A level 2 market data shows more detailed information about what is happening in the market – easy to absorb the market sentiment
  • There are many strategies and trading techniques that are not available when using a level 1 order book
  • Easier to scalp trade assets with low liquidity – setting orders on both sides
  • Ideal trading tool for active day traders
  • The time and sales box is an extremely valuable tool


  • Less suited for long term investors
  • Many tricks of market makers may cause unexpected losses
  • Not available for all markets – CFDs, FX currency pairs (not futures), etc
  • Level 2 trading can be confusing when trading volatile assets

The Bottom Line

Most day traders incorporate level 2 market data into their trading setup as it gives them a clearer picture of what’s happening in the market. It is one of the most valuable tools as it provides more detailed real-time data for a given asset and ultimately can lead to various strategies and techniques to trade the markets.

If you are planning to day or scalp trade, level 2 market data can open up a new door for you to the trading world. Of course, it does not guarantee success, but it will help you develop new ways to see the markets and understand how prices move and how market makers can push prices in a specific direction.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Here are the most frequently asked questions about level 2 trading:

What is included in level II market data?

Essentially, level 2 data providers show the highest bid and ask prices, the market participants who placed the offer, and the size of the order (the quantity). These bid and ask prices are displayed in a ranking list from highest to lowest, meaning the best bid and the best ask prices.

Is there Level 2 trading in the forex market?

Basically, there is no level 2 trading in the spot forex markets. As we mentioned earlier, only centralized exchanges can provide level 2 data as they have a list of all buyers and sellers. Yet, you can trade forex using level 2 market data if you decide to go via futures exchanges where they provide level 2 training data.

Do you need Level 2 data for day trading?

Not necessarily. Many traders have made consistent profits without using level 2 market data for an extended period. But in my view, it is a unique tool that may help you understand the sentiment in the market. For instance, when you are looking at the level 2 order book and see many buyers and a few sellers, you can assume that the price will rise soon, and vice versa.

How to find a level 2 trading platform?

Well, it’s not so easy, and some brokers charge a high fee for access to level 2 data. But first, to find a level 2 trading platform, you must find a brokerage firm that gives you direct access to a centralized exchange. Additionally, it’s better to focus on one market to reduce the cost of the trading platform.

That said, some of the most popular (and low-cost) brokerage firms offering level 2 market data include TD Ameritrade, InteractiveBrokers, FirstTrade, Robinhood, Fidelity, TradeStation, NinjaTrader, etc. Additionally, many online banks offer to trade with level 2 data.

Can I find a level 2 trading demo account?

Only a few brokerage firms offer a free demo account with access to level 2 trading. Still, from our research, some of the best online brokers offering level 2 data on a demonstration account include Sterling Pro, TD Ameritrade ThinkorSwim, and IG Markets.

What is the difference between level 2 and level 3?

Brokerage firms offer two types of DOM (depth of market) – level 2, also known as L2, and level 3, known as L3. There’s not much difference between the two except that level 3 shows a long list of buyers and sellers than what a trader will get using level 2. The most significant benefit of using level 3 is predicting and placing stop orders and taking profit orders.

Can you trade CFDs with Level 2 data?

Theoretically, it’s possible, but you cannot really trade CFDs with level 2. Some CFD brokerage firms give you access to level 2 data, although the CFD contract has level 1 data only. You can use the level 2 data to make trading decisions and analyze the market; however, you cannot place orders and see them in the order book. This is because CFDs are derivative contracts traded outside exchanges and usually involve just two parties (a trader versus the broker or other traders in the network).

What Is Level 2 Trading and Why Is It So Important? (2024)


What Is Level 2 Trading and Why Is It So Important? ›

Level II is essentially the order

An order is a set of instructions to a broker to buy or sell an asset on a trader's behalf. There are multiple order types, which will affect at what price the investor buys or sells, when they will buy or sell, or whether their order will be filled or not.
https://www.investopedia.com › terms › order
book for stocks that trade on the Nasdaq exchange. Orders are placed through many market makers and other market participants. Level II displays a ranked list of the best bid and ask prices from each of these participants. This gives you detailed insight into the price action
price action
Price action is a method of analysis of the basic price movements to generate trade entry and exit signals that is considered reliable while not requiring the use of indicators. It is a form of technical analysis, as it ignores the fundamental factors of a security and looks primarily at the security's price history.
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Price_action_trading

What does Level 2 mean in trading? ›

Level 2 stock data shows all of the orders that have been placed at prices below the best bid price or above the best ask price. These are limit orders that could be executed if the price of a stock were to fall or rise.

What is the level 2 trading course? ›

Equities market and Forex trading are two popular yet tricky businesses where you may invest if you want to earn money within quick time. The Level 2 Certificate in Stock Market & Forex Trading course provides the essential foundation for the stock market and forex trading.

Do you need Level 2 data for futures trading? ›

Level 2 data in futures markets shows real-time bids and offers at various price levels, beyond just the best bid and best offer. This depth-of-market view enables traders to understand where the supply and demand are concentrated, giving insights into potential price movements.

Can you day trade without level 2? ›

The speed of execution is immediate along with the ability to mask order transparency with hidden orders and reserve/iceberg orders through ECN limit books. Most active day traders will need level 2 + time & sales for precision entries and exits.

Is Level 2 worth it? ›

Level II stock data can give you unique insight into a stock's price action, supply and demand, and levels of support and resistance. But there are also a lot of things that market makers can do to disguise their true intentions. The average trader shouldn't rely on Level II quotes alone.

What can I do with Level 2 options trading? ›

Level 2 trading lets you access long puts and calls. Puts are contracts that gain value when the underlying stock's price decreases, while calls gain value when a stock experiences bullishness. The premium and strike price contributes to the investor's break-even price point.

What is the difference between Level 1 and Level 2 trading? ›

Level 1 data only shows the current best bid and ask prices – the trading equivalent of seeing just the tip of an iceberg. Level 2 data shows all of the outstanding orders around the current stock price.

What is level 3 trading? ›

A level III quote includes the real-time bid price, ask price, quote size, price of the last trade, size of the last trade, high price for the day, and low price for the day. Level III allows institutions to enter quotes, execute orders, and send information.

What is the difference between Level 2 and Level 3 trading? ›

Level 2 shows market depth typically up to the 5-10 best bid and offer prices. Level 3 quotes add greater market depth by providing up to 20 of the best bid and ask prices. Users can also input data directly. These are primarily used by brokers and market makers.

Can I trade futures with 200 dollars? ›

For instance, micro contracts on foreign-exchange futures can carry margins of as little as $200 to $400. If your margin falls below the minimums required, then you'll have a limited amount of time to make up the difference in additional deposits.

How much is level 2 trading? ›

Understanding Level 2 will also give you the necessary skills to use Direct Market Access (DMA) via your broker to trade on the other side of the spread. Level 2 is provided free in ShareScope Pro and SharePad Pro. You can also add it to ShareScope Plus for £17 per month (or £182 per year).

Do you need 25k to day trade futures? ›

You can day trade without $25k in accounts with brokers that do not enforce the Pattern Day Trader rule, which typically applies to U.S. stock markets. Consider forex or futures markets, which have different regulations and often lower entry barriers for day trading. Swing trading is another option.

What is the 25k rule for day trading? ›

First, pattern day traders must maintain minimum equity of $25,000 in their margin account on any day that the customer day trades. This required minimum equity, which can be a combination of cash and eligible securities, must be in your account prior to engaging in any day-trading activities.

Can you day trade with $2000? ›

You must follow the same margin requirements if you're an occasional day trader, meaning you must have a minimum equity of $2,000 to initially buy on margin and meet the Regulation T requirements . You must have: 50% of the total purchase amount. Keep at least 25% equity in your margin account.

How much money is needed to day trade? ›

The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) requires at least $25,000 in your brokerage account to allow day trading. Otherwise, the broker will restrict your trading ability. You may need more capital depending on how many trades you plan on making.

What is level 1 vs level 2 trading? ›

Level 1 data only shows the current best bid and ask prices – the trading equivalent of seeing just the tip of an iceberg. Level 2 data shows all of the outstanding orders around the current stock price.

How do you use Level 2 data in trading? ›

Reading Level 2 market data requires a good understanding of market terminology, and an ability to interpret the data in the context of current market conditions.
  1. Identify the market depth.
  2. Look at the bid-ask spread.
  3. Identify the dominant market makers.
  4. Pay attention to order sizes.
  5. Monitor changes in the data.

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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

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