What Is Earnest Money? (2024)

Choosing your new apartment isn’t an impulse decision. The choice you make will have an impact for a long time. There are many different things to consider as you tour one possible home after another. On top of that, landlords and management companies work hard to make them all seem perfect.

How can you tell which one’s the right fit for you? Here are 20 key questions to ask when renting an apartment. The answers can give you a better idea of what you’d get from each one.

How Much is Rent & the Security Deposit?

Any apartment hunter should ask themself this crucial question: “How much should I spend on rent?” Setting a budget ahead of the search helps narrow the possibilities. You’ll save time by eliminating options that are too expensive.

Still, relying on online listings alone may not be enough. It’s better to personally ask the landlord, whether by calling, emailing, or visiting. Make sure to also bring up the security deposit, as well as any other upfront costs they may ask of you. This will save you from unpleasant surprises before you sign anything.

How Much are Utilities and What Do I Cover?

Every apartment complex handles utilities differently. Water, electricity, air conditioning, heating, gas, and more may be split between landlord and tenant. Then there is the matter of which ones you’ll need to get yourself. Your apartment may come with cable and wi-fi, but you may be responsible for them on your own.

Only your landlord will know for sure, and they should be clear about what’s expected of you. Before leasing an apartment, you should ask what utilities are available and which ones are covered. Record the answers, factor the costs into your budget, and look for the place that offers the most for the least.

How Does Parking Work?

Some apartment complexes have their own parking lots, with many spaces reserved for tenants and a few set aside for guests. Others may give residents access to a dedicated structure, providing greater security — but possibly at a higher cost. Others still may only offer street parking, which can be expensive to maintain.

In short, parking may be a complex situation involving specific locations and extra costs. If you have a car, don’t just ask if parking is available. Get the details. As you weigh your options, consider what’s best for your car as well.

What’s the Pet Policy & Is There a Deposit or Fee?

The pet policy won’t matter to every apartment hunter. If you have a furry friend or might want one someday, make this one of their first questions to ask when touring an apartment. A “no” answer is no deal, no matter how great the other perks may be.

Some landlords may allow pets if you pay a one-time deposit or additional monthly fees. Make sure to keep that in mind during your search.

What Amenities are Included?

Utilities cover the most vital parts of a home — the things that make living there comfortable. Amenities are the complex’s welcome bonuses — the things that make living there enjoyable. Common examples include clubhouses, swimming pools, public kitchens, communal laundry machines, and fitness rooms.

Amenities are great for those who use them, but their presence can justify higher rent. As your landlord takes you through each selling point on your tour, ask them whether these perks are included with your price. Also, make sure to consider if you’ll even use them.

Do I Need Renters Insurance?

Home insurance is for houses. If you live in an apartment, you look for renters insuranceinstead. In fact, some places make it mandatory for all residents. Be sure to ask your landlord in advance so you can make any arrangements you need.

This practice is all about liability. Landlords have their own insurance, but it’s based on their duties and would only cover their share of the damages. Renters insurance offers protection for your living space and your belongings. Even if it’s not required, getting your own policy could bring you peace of mind.

Can You Describe the Application Process?

Applying for an apartment can be complicated and time-consuming. You might have to pay fees, undergo background checks and other screenings, and more just to see if you qualify. This may be preferable to the alternative: apartment listings that promise no credit check may be scams.

You could always learn about each step of the application process as you go. Still, it never hurts to know ahead of time, especially if there are any fees and risks. If anything is unclear, the landlord should explain it to you.

What Should I Know About Rent Increases?

A variety of factors can change the value of an apartment. Examples include market shifts, new installations, repairs and replacements of fixtures. Your rent will likely not change for the duration of your lease. Once the time comes to sign again, though, your monthly payments may very well go up.

This may not seem like a pertinent question when starting a lease. Still, making it one of your questions to ask when touring an apartment could be useful. How your potential future landlord approaches the matter can tell you what to expect. At the very least, it can help you choose whether to look for a new place well before your lease ends.

What are the Lease Length Options?

How long are you looking to stay at your next apartment? One year, two years, longer, less? Not everyone has a plan in mind, which means the apartment’s available options may give you an idea of what to expect in the future.

Landlords always inform apartment hunters about the duration of their lease. However, you might need to probe them for other available options. Be sure to make this one of your questions to ask before leasing an apartment, even if they only mention one length that sounds good. They might have something better.

Can I Make Changes to the Rental Unit?

Your apartment may come pre-furnished, but it’s unlikely to be pre-decorated. Few people are content with blank walls and sparse spaces. Most prefer to personalize and beautify their home with art, decorations and other belongings.

Unlike houses, apartments usually only have temporary residents. The building’s owner may not allow certain kinds of changes, believing they may hurt the unit’s future value. Take the time to go over policies. That way, you can get a better idea of how you’ll make your space feel like a home.

How Do Maintenance Requests Work?

Besides rent, tenants might only interact with their landlord through maintenance requests. After all, it’s the complex owner’s duty to keep everything in their apartments running smoothly. If your shower stops pumping heated water or your lock gets sticky, maintenance will get it fixed.

Asking about the process of filing maintenance requests can give insights to how landlords view this responsibility. Does the process seem straightforward or complicated? Are approvals easy, or do they require a great deal of evidence and demonstration? The answers may reveal how long this landlord will let you live with inconvenience. Few questions to ask about apartments are more revealing than this.

What’s the Guest Policy?

In most cases, a guest policy doesn’t apply to someone who’s just visiting for a few hours. It covers situations where someone might want to stay at a tenant’s apartment for a few days or longer. Depending on the terms of the policy, you might even need permission for someone to spend the night.

Don’t just assume that any landlord would be okay with your best friend crashing on your couch for a while. Get the details on the guest policy before moving in. They’ll tell you what permissions they’d grant and how you can get them granted.

What’s the Neighborhood Like?

The oldest real estate myth holds that three factors must guide where you choose to live: “location, location, location.” There’s more to it than that, as this list of questions to ask when renting an apartment should make clear. Still, the area around the complex is important to consider.

Getting info on the neighborhood is valuable to any apartment hunt. Try to get your landlord’s perspective about any areas of concern. We also recommend exploring on your own, both by car and on foot. See if any useful places are close by, such as grocery stores.

How Soon are You Looking to Fill the Unit?

In most cases, you won’t be the only person viewing an apartment. Others have likely received a grand tour, and others may be waiting in line to see the place as well. Landlords might be screening you as much as you’re screening them.

Landlords are also usually interested in starting a new lease as soon as the current one ends. One way to get noticed is to strike quickly: ask when they’d want you to move in. You should still weigh your options, but don’t procrastinate.

Do I Need a Cosigner?

People with rental history have a record that landlords can review. If this is your first time paying rent, they won’t know if they can trust you to make payments on time and consistently. Adding a cosigner to the contract can make it easier. Their signature promises that even if you can’t pay rent, someone else can pay for you.

Many renters with no history may worry about background checks and credit checks. However, there are some landlords who won’t ask for them. While the answer will likely be a yes, it doesn’t hurt to have it on a list of first-time renter questions.

What Payment Methods are Accepted?

Rent payments can take a variety of forms. Before you make any assumptions, though, you should double-check what’s allowed. Each place will have its own policies. Some offer more payment method options than others.

You might be able to set up a regular automatic withdrawal from your bank account. You might have to do it online. The landlord might accept checks or cards (warning: anyone who only takes cash is likely a scammer). There’s only one way to know for sure.

What Furnishings & Appliances are Included?

Preparing for the big move is a big task. It’s not just deciding what to take, but also figuring out what you need to get. Each apartment is different: some come fully furnished with appliances, while others only have a bed.

Asking this question is important because the answer can impact your budget. It can even make or break your apartment options. Ask about beds and bedding, chairs, sofas, tables, kitchen appliances, TV sets and anything else that matters to you in a home.

How Much Notice Do You Give Before You or a Representative Shows Up at the Property?

An interesting agreement comes with living in an apartment. It’s your home, and you pay to stay there. But someone else owns it and covers many responsibilities related to it. Technically, they have at least some right to enter at any time for any reason.

Even so, many building owners respect their tenants by giving them advance notice. Depending on the person and situation, you may have days or hours or minutes to prepare. We recommend asking how much notice they usually give. It could save you some major headaches.

What’s Your Late Fee Policy?

Accidents can happen. Paychecks can come late. You might have temporary money problems. Most apartment contracts provide some leeway for late rent payments. But they might charge a late fee.

Given that it’s so common, there’s no problem with asking about late fee policies. You’ll want to know the terms just in case anything happens. You’ll also want to know the limits according to state law, so you can see if the fee is fair. Just try not to seem too eager, and don’t count on being able to do it often.

What’s Your Subletting Policy?

Subletting is when a renter temporarily moves out and lets someone else cover their lease. A landlord may refuse to rent to your candidate if they don’t meet their requirements.

Even if you don’t plan to leave during your lease, you may still want to know your apartment’s subletting policy. Life may surprise you. Being aware can save you some time and trouble in looking for someone to take over.

Know the Best Questions to Ask When Renting an Apartment

Any of these questions to ask when renting an apartment can help decide your future home. Having so many factors to consider may seem intimidating at first. As you gather information, though, you may find that each new detail narrows down the options. Soon enough, a few apartments will rise above the rest. No matter which of them you pick, you benefit. Ask away.

Renters Insurance from American Family Insurance

Even while you’re still apartment-hunting, it’s never too early to start thinking about renters insurance. If you have any questions about that, feel free to contact an American Family Insurance agent. Once you’ve learned what we have to offer, you can get a quote onlineand get protection for your next home.

This article covers a comprehensive set of inquiries crucial for anyone considering renting an apartment. Each question delves into different aspects of the rental process, from financial considerations to understanding the property's policies and neighborhood factors. Here's a breakdown of the concepts addressed:

  1. Rent & Security Deposit: Understanding the financial commitment involved.
  2. Utilities: Inquiring about what utilities are covered and their distribution of responsibility.
  3. Parking: Understanding the parking arrangements and associated costs.
  4. Pet Policy: Exploring the landlord's stance on pets and any associated fees.
  5. Amenities: Knowing what extra features are included and their impact on rent.
  6. Renters Insurance: Understanding the necessity and implications of having renters insurance.
  7. Application Process: Grasping the complexities and requirements of applying for a lease.
  8. Rent Increases: Anticipating potential changes in rent over time.
  9. Lease Length Options: Understanding the flexibility of lease durations.
  10. Changes to the Rental Unit: Knowing the extent to which personalization and modifications are allowed.
  11. Maintenance Requests: Understanding the process for reporting and addressing maintenance issues.
  12. Guest Policy: Knowing the limitations and permissions regarding guests staying over.
  13. Neighborhood: Evaluating the area surrounding the apartment for convenience and safety.
  14. Unit Fill Timeframe: Understanding the urgency of the rental process.
  15. Need for a Cosigner: Assessing the need for additional assurances in the absence of rental history.
  16. Accepted Payment Methods: Understanding the options for paying rent.
  17. Furnishings & Appliances: Knowing what comes with the apartment and what needs to be arranged.
  18. Notice Before Entry: Understanding the landlord's policy on entering the property.
  19. Late Fee Policy: Knowing the consequences and policies regarding late rent payments.
  20. Subletting Policy: Understanding the landlord's stance on subletting the unit.

These questions cover financial, logistical, policy-related, and personalization aspects crucial for anyone considering a rental property. They empower renters to make informed decisions about their future homes, considering both immediate needs and potential future changes.

For specific advice or insights on renters insurance, reaching out to an American Family Insurance agent can provide valuable information and guidance regarding protection for the rented property and belongings.

What Is Earnest Money? (2024)


What is the purpose of earnest money? ›

When you find a home and enter into a purchase contract, the seller may withdraw the house from the market. Earnest money, or good faith deposit, is a sum of money you put down to demonstrate your seriousness about buying a home. In most cases, earnest money acts as a deposit on the property you're looking to buy.

Is earnest money refundable? ›

The good news for buyers is in most situations, as long as a buyer acts in good faith, earnest money is refundable. As long as any contract agreements are not broken or decision deadlines are met, buyers usually get their earnest money back.

Who keeps earnest money if deal falls through? ›

The purpose of earnest money is to provide the seller with compensation in the event that the buyer backs out of the deal through no fault of the seller and in violation of the agreements in the purchase contract. If that happens, the seller gets to keep the earnest money.

Is earnest money the same as a down payment? ›

While many inexperienced home buyers think that this is the down payment, it really isn't. The earnest money deposit is made along with your offer to show the buyer that you are a serious buyer and goes TOWARDS your down payment. The down payment, of course, is much larger and comes at the time of closing.

Is earnest money a good idea? ›

Sellers tend to favor these good faith deposits because they want to ensure that the sale won't fall through. Earnest money can act as added insurance for both parties in the transaction. Earnest money could also lower the amount you need at closing because it's applied directly to your down payment or closing costs.

Why is earnest money refunded? ›

If you back out of the contract for an approved contingency, you will get your earnest money back. You can expect your earnest money back if: The home doesn't pass inspection. The home appraises below its sale price.

Can I get my earnest money back if my loan is denied? ›

If the financing fails, the buyer can pull out of the contract with a full refund for earnest money as long as it's before the specified deadline.

Should I walk away from earnest money? ›

Backing out of an offer for a non-contingent reason means you risk losing your earnest money. Since you put that money down based on the promise that you would follow through with the contract, backing out for any reason that's not outlined in the agreement means the seller is legally permitted to keep your money.

Why would a seller want more earnest money? ›

In competitive markets and in cases where multiple similar offers are being considered, a higher earnest money deposit can sometimes help guide the seller to the most motivated and capable buyer. By accepting an offer, a seller is committing to pulling their property off the market for a period of time.

Can earnest money be lost? ›

You ignored the timeline outlined in the contract

Watch out for this phrase in your paperwork—it means the closing date for the sale is binding. If you can't make it to close the real estate transaction on time for any reason, you as the buyer have breached the contract and could forfeit your earnest money.

Who decides if earnest money is returned? ›

A seller that feels entitled to the deposit or a buyer that feels a refund is deserved will try to get escrow to release the deposit. Escrow cannot release the deposit without instructions signed by both the buyer and seller or a court order from one of the parties.

What happens to the buyer's earnest money? ›

Earnest money is typically held by a third party in an escrow account. The money remains in the account while both parties complete the terms of the contract. At closing, the funds are returned to the buyer and are often applied to the down payment or closing costs.

Does an earnest money check get cashed? ›

That money is collateral that guarantees your promise to purchase the house. So before you write that check, make sure you have the funds available to cover it, as it will be cashed within a few days of your offer being accepted.

What are the alternatives to earnest money? ›

There are different options for payment of earnest money. The most common way is to provide a check or wire transfer. However, some buyers may offer a promissory note or a letter of credit. These options may be used in situations where the buyer does not have the cash on hand to make the deposit.

What is an example of earnest money? ›

The amount of earnest money you'll need to pay is typically 1 percent of the home's purchase price, but it can depend on the type of transaction and the nature of the broader market. On a $355,000 home, for example, you'd put down $3,550 as an earnest money deposit.

Why do sellers care about earnest money? ›

Sellers want you to provide earnest money when they accept your offer because it shows you're serious about the purchase. In exchange, they will take the home off the market and assume you will move forward with the appraisal, home inspection and other steps toward closing on the home.

Is a contract valid without earnest money? ›

While a contract, to be valid, must have consideration, earnest money is not the only consideration included. Earnest money is a good faith deposit and may not be necessary to have a valid contract.

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Name: Aron Pacocha

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.