What Is Distilled Water and Is It Safe to Drink? (2024)

What Is Distilled Water and Is It Safe to Drink? (1)

Distilled water isthe choice of laboratories and pharmacies because of its high purity. A water distiller removes 99.9% of dissolved inorganics, bacteria, and chemicals from water. Despite its high quality, whether or not distilled water is safe to drink isnot easy to determine. The effects of drinking distilled water remain an under-researchedand frequently debated topic. Essential minerals like calcium, magnesium, and sodium are removed from distilled water along with the harmful contaminants,leading some to worry about whether it's dangerous.

To understand the advantages and disadvantages of distilled water, it's necessary to consider water's role in the body, the sources of essential minerals, and how the body uses minerals. We are water filtration experts, not scientists or medical professionals, so we've researched common arguments and scientific facts to help you decideif distilled water is the best choice for your health.

Is drinking distilled water safe?

Yes, distilled water is safe to drink. However, you may find it tastes a little flat. Distillation purifies water in anatural process, similar to the earth's hydrologic cycle. Thereare no added chemicals or disinfectants in the water that can harm you. What's left out of the water is what causes worry.

A water distiller is so good at removing substances from water that nearly everything, including dissolved minerals,is removed. Some of these essential minerals, or electrolytes,are used by the body tocarry signals between cells. Our bodies obtainelectrolytes primarily through food. Water contains only trace amounts of minerals, but is it enough to makea significant impact?That depends on your health, nourishment, and level of physical activity.

Common arguments on drinking distilled water:

  1. Drinking distilled water creates health problems from the lack of essential nutrients and causes dehydration.
  2. Drinking distilled water is never a bad idea because the body cannot absorb dissolved minerals from water into the tissue.
  3. Drinking distilled water can be beneficial, but may not be the best choice for everyone, especially if the minerals are not supplemented by another source.

Water makes up 60% of the human body, so it's important to make sure that water is safe and beneficial. We want to provide you with the information needed to determine whether youshouldchoose distilled water or an alternative.

Distilled Water Facts⌄Health Effects⌄Alternatives⌄

What is distilled water?

Distilled water is water that has been purified by awater distillerby converting water into steam, leaving contaminants, bacteria, and minerals behind. As the steamcools, it condenses back into a liquid and drops into a collection container. Distillation mimics nature's process of recycling water, known as thehydrologic cycle. Home water distillers have one chamber where water evaporates and another where the steam is collected.

What Is Distilled Water and Is It Safe to Drink? (2)What Is Distilled Water and Is It Safe to Drink? (3)

Learn more about how a water distiller works.

What does a water distiller remove

A water distillerremoves total dissolved solids (TDS) from water, as does reverse osmosis (RO) and deionization (DI). A carbon postfilter is added to a water distiller to remove volatile organic compounds (VOCs) as well. Dissolved inorganic minerals and other contaminants make their way into the water supply as it flowsthrough rich soil, receives chemical disinfection, or travels through pipes. Some dissolved substances like calcium or potassium are harmless, but many like arsenic or lead are dangerous. In excess, even minerals are detrimental to your appliances and health. Water distillers remove dissolved substances from tap water before you're exposed to them, and they're used to convert seawater into drinkable water.

Contaminants removed

Electrolytes removed

  • Algae
  • Arsenic
  • Bacteria
  • Viruses
  • Chlorine
  • Copper
  • Cryptosporidium (Crypto)
  • Fluoride
  • Lead
  • Mercury
  • Nitrates
  • Pesticides
  • Rust
  • Salt
  • Sulfates
  • Bad tastes and odors
  • Sodium
  • Potassium
  • Calcium
  • Chloride
  • Bicarbonate
  • Phosphate

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sets regulations for the maximum level of contaminants in drinking water for it to be considered safe. Water that contains contaminants above the recommended levels needs some method of treatment, or it could make you sick. A water distiller provides clean drinking water without changing the chemical composition of water. Water without minerals may be more soluble and can absorb metals and other substances from old pipes, which is one reason why distillation is not used for city water treatment. Distillers for drinking water, however,purify water after it flows through pipes, so you're in no danger from chemical leaching.

The level of mineral content in water varies by region. Minerals are harmless, but sometimes even beneficialones need filtering. Too much calcium creates hard water, which is costly to your appliances. Too much sodium or chloride gives water a bad taste, harms plants, and corrodes plumbing pipes. If you have excessive mineral content in addition to contaminants, a water distiller is one of the best treatment options.

Here's how contaminants affect drinking water.

What is distilled water used for?

Distilled water is used in applications where water needs to be free from microbes, minerals, toxins, and taste-altering contaminants. The followingincludes some examples of applications that use distilled water:

  • Laboratory experiments
  • Medical uses
  • Automobile cooling systems
  • Cosmetic products
  • Canned foods
  • Vehicle batteries

Laboratories and hospitals must use distilled water to guarantee that water is sterile, while food processing plants use distilled water to ensure the consistency of products’ tastes. The automobile world uses distilled water in cooling systems and batteries to prevent mineral deposits in the radiator and contaminants in water from corroding the battery.

Learn more: Using distilled water for a PC water cooler

Is distilled water good for you?

Water contains trace amounts of dissolved minerals that may be absorbed in the body. If the body could not absorb inorganic minerals at all, then we would not bother filtering them out of drinking water. However, dissolved mineralsare not as easily absorbed as organic compounds, and wereceive most of our essential minerals through food. Distilled watermay not be a good choice during intense exercise or when you're sick or malnourished. But for most of the people in the U.S., distilled water is not unhealthy.

Why do you need water?

Drinking water benefits us in several ways:

  • Lubricates joints
  • Protects cells and vital organs
  • Keeps the body from overheating
  • Helps remove waste
  • Dissolves nutrients

Supplying you with essential minerals is not one of water's primary responsibilities. If your body is deficient in minerals or other nutrients, drinking water is not the first solution. The body can get trace amounts of minerals from water and some water from food. However, we don't drink waterfor more nourishment, just like we don't eat food to recover fromdehydration.Water's job is to dissolve the minerals you eat so they can easily flow to other parts of the body.

Water moves through cells and tissues to balance the concentration of solutes and maintain homeostasis, or equilibrium. Water is contained either inside of cells (intracellular fluid) or outside of cells (extracellular fluid).

  • Intracellular fluid (ICF): 2/3 of water in the body
  • Extracellular fluid (ECF): 1/3 of water in the body

Plasma contains 20% of the ECF and transports minerals including electrolytes.

Here's how: Hydrostatic pressurepushes plasma along with nutrients into cell membranes and tissues. Water flows unrestricted through a membrane, but solutes do not. Many ions, including electrolytes, must be forced through cells and tissues via active transport, which requires extra energy.Passive transport does not require extraenergy, but the moleculesmust be able to pass through the membrane ontheir own,which is more difficult for ions (Rice University, 26.1).

What does this tell us?Electrolytes, whether from food or water, don't pass through cell membranes and tissues as easily as water. This means that when you drink mineral water, onlya portion of that low mineral contentactually benefitsthe body.

What Is Distilled Water and Is It Safe to Drink? (4)

Why do you need minerals?

Electrolytes are essential minerals that carry signals between cells and transport fluids into your musclesand keep them from cramping. Fruits and vegetables are the best supplements for mineral deficiencies. Calcium, for example, is best supplemented with foods rich in vitamin D, like fish and eggs, and sunlight.

According to the World Health Organization:

"Individuals who would receive the greatest benefit from the presence of minerals in drinking water are those individuals with marginal intakes from food sources. In the United States, the 50th percentile dietary intakes from food appear to be adequate in most cases, with the exception of iron intakes by women" (2005, p. 88).

If you're malnourished, then you may not be able to replace minerals through food and rely on themineral content in water. But in the U.S., an excess of certain minerals is a greater problem than a lack of nourishment. For example, manypeople consume130-160mmol/day of sodium a day, but our bodies only require 1-2mmol/day, which is why high blood pressure (hypertension) is a common problem(Rice University, 26.3).

Recommended nutrient intakes from the National Institutes of Health.

What does the body do with extra minerals?

When the body takes in too many minerals, the kidney gets rid of them.Your kidneyfunctions better with the more water you drink. Hydration is important because water protects the kidney from exhaustion. Whenever our bodies have more minerals than we need, our brain signals us to drink more water. If you've spent the afternoon at the movie theater eating a large bucket of salty popcorn and feel parched, here's what's happens:

  1. Sodium collects in the ECF.
  2. The ECF takeswater from the ICF.
  3. The brain receives signals from the cells that there's an over-concentration of sodium.
  4. You feel thirsty and realize you need to drink more water. If you don't, you get dehydrated.

In this instance, distilled water would be a good option because you don't need extrasodium from water.It's possible thatif your water contains contaminants orexcess mineral content, filtering it helps reduce the work of your kidney. We believe it's better tofilter water than to be the filter.

Additional Resources

Should you drink distilled water?

Distilled water is one of thepurest forms of water you can drink. Bacteria and dissolved substances like lead or arsenic endanger your health if not removed. In such cases, the pros of distilled water far outweigh the cons. People trying to limit their sodium intake could also benefit from distilled water.

On the other hand, mineral content in water canmake a difference forathletes, the malnourished, or those who are sick and suffer from mineral deficiencies. As intense athletessweat, they lose electrolytes rapidly. To stay hydrated, drinking water with minerals or a sports drink with added electrolytes may aid performance. If you're sick and vomiting frequently, then your body also needs help replacing electrolytes. If you're malnourished, then you need all the minerals you can get, and water may be your most available option.

Benefits of distilled water

  • 99.99% of harmful dissolved solids and bacteria removed
  • No chemicals added
  • No extra sodium
  • Prevents scale on appliances

Disadvantages of distilled water

  • Not energy efficient (takes 3 hours to produce a gallon)
  • Tastes flat (low oxygen)
  • No mineral content
  1. World Health Organization. Sustainable Development and Healthy Environments Cluster.(‎2005)‎.Nutrients in drinking water.World Health Organization.http://www.who.int/iris/handle/10665/43403
  2. Rice University. Anatomy and Physiology. (2013). Available fromhttps://opentextbc.ca/anatomyandphysiology/
  3. Institute of Medicine (US) Committee to Review Dietary Reference Intakes for Vitamin D and Calcium; Ross AC, Taylor CL, Yaktine AL, et al., editors. Dietary Reference Intakes for Calcium and Vitamin D. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US). (2011). Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK56070/ doi: 10.17226/13050
  4. National Research Council (US) Safe Drinking Water Committee. Drinking Water and Health Volume 3. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 1980. V, The Contribution of Drinking Water to Mineral Nutrition in Humans. Available from:https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK216589/
  5. Popkin, B. M., D'Anci, K. E., & Rosenberg, I. H.Water, Hydration, and Health. (2010). Nutrition reviews, 68(8), 439–458. doi:10.1111/j.1753-4887.2010.00304.x
  6. Kravitz, L. Ph.D. Water: The Science of Nature's Most Important Nutrient.(n.d). The University of New Mexico. Available fromhttps://www.unm.edu/~lkravitz/Article%20folder/WaterUNM.html
  7. Misner B. Drinking Distilled Water- Are the effects Positive or Negative? - An Opinion. WebmedCentral NUTRITION 2011;2(12):WMC002554
    doi: 10.9754/journal.wmc.2011.002554

What pH is distilled water?

Pure distilled water always has a pH of 7, but distilled water that comes into contact with air has a pH of slightly less than 7. Because water distillation purifies water so well, distilled water is pH neutral directly after purification. However, the water absorbs carbon dioxide from the air and reacts with it to form carbonic acid. The pH of water can drop to as low as 5.8 in about two hours of exposure to carbon dioxide.

Is bottled water distilled?

Bottled water is not distilled. Rather, it undergoes some form of filtration process, typically reverse osmosis. The differing tastes of bottled water brands stem from the minerals added to the water after filtration and can also be affected by where the brand sources its water from. The cost and time of water distillation at that scale renders water filtration far more favorable than distillation.

Does distilled water go bad?

When stored properly, unopened store-bought distilled water can last for at least five years. If the water does not come into contact with any contaminants, it can last indefinitely. An opened container of distilled water, on the other hand, is safe to drink for a few weeks and can be used for appliances for about a year. The biggest threats to contaminate distilled water are bacteria and chemicals absorbed through plastic packaging. To extend the water’s shelf life, ensure a proper seal, store it in the refrigerator, and store it in a glass bottle once opened.

How to store distilled water

The way distilled water is stored will greatly affect its shelf life. If your water is unopened, ensure that the seal remains firmly fastened and undisturbed. Whether opened or unopened, storing distilled water in the refrigerator can greatly extend its shelf life, especially when already opened. If you plan to store opened distilled water for an extended period of time, storing it in a glass bottle in the refrigerator will minimize the risk of chemical contamination via plastic packaging. If you are using distilled water for applications other than drinking, contamination may not be as important. However, if distilled water is affected by certain contaminants, it can defeat the purpose of using distilled water for that application in the first place.

Signs of bad distilled water

Distilled water can show multiple symptoms that are clearly noticeable when the water has been contaminated. These include:

  • Cloudiness
  • Algae growth
  • Chemical taste

If your distilled water exhibits any of these symptoms, your distilled water is not safe to drink or to use in other applications.

Alternatives to distilled water

If you don't think distilled water is the best choice for you, then a carbon filter, reverse osmosis system, or an ultrafiltration system may be a more suitable option.

What Is Distilled Water and Is It Safe to Drink? (5)

Carbon filter

If TDS in your water is not a concern, then a water distiller may do more than you need.An activated carbon filtration system removes chlorine and other chemicals, as well as contaminants that cause bad tastes and odors. Some carbon filters are also rated to remove lead or cysts. Refrigerator filters utilize activated carbon cores, so they are also an effective solution if chlorine is your main concern.

Learn more about activated carbon filtersand refrigerator filters.

Reverse osmosis system with a remineralizing filter

Reverse osmosisdoesn't remove as many minerals as a water distiller, but it doesn't require extra energy. A reverse osmosis system removes VOCs in addition to dissolved solids. You can purchase a system with a remineralizing filter that replaces some of the essential minerals lost. If you're worried about using an RO system due to the amount of wastewater produced, then find one with a permeate pump. A permeate pump increases efficiency by 85%.

Learn how reverse osmosis works or how to select the best reverse osmosis system.

Ultrafiltration system

If you need to remove microscopic contaminants while retaining dissolved minerals, then an ultrafiltration system is the best option. The ultrafiltration membrane blocks particles 5,000 times smaller than a human hair, but the pores are not large enough to remove dissolved solids. An ultrafiltration system operates on low pressure and does not produce wastewater.

Learn how ultrafiltration works.

Water distillers for your home

If you think a water distiller is right for you, browse our water distillers or find one below.To maintain your water distiller, change the carbon postfilter regularly to reduce VOCs and clean the jug to prevent contamination.

I'm a water filtration enthusiast with extensive knowledge in the field, having delved into various aspects of water purification, treatment methods, and the impact of water on health. I've closely followed advancements in water distillation, reverse osmosis, and other filtration technologies. My expertise extends to understanding the role of water in the human body, the importance of essential minerals, and the nuances of different water treatment options.

Now, let's break down the concepts covered in the provided article:

  1. Distilled Water:

    • Distilled water is highly pure, achieved through a process where water is converted into steam, leaving behind contaminants, bacteria, and minerals.
    • The hydrologic cycle in nature, mimicked by distillation, ensures the removal of impurities.
  2. Safety of Drinking Distilled Water:

    • Distilled water is safe to drink as it undergoes a natural purification process without the addition of harmful chemicals or disinfectants.
    • Concerns arise from the removal of essential minerals like calcium, magnesium, and sodium during distillation.
  3. Advantages and Disadvantages:

    • Distilled water is 99.99% pure, removing harmful substances without chemical additives.
    • Arguments involve potential health problems due to the lack of essential nutrients, dehydration concerns, and the need for mineral supplementation.
  4. Water's Role in the Body:

    • Water, constituting 60% of the human body, serves various vital functions such as lubricating joints, protecting cells, and aiding in waste removal.
    • Essential minerals are primarily obtained through food, and the body's absorption of minerals from water depends on factors like health, nourishment, and physical activity.
  5. Contaminants Removed by Water Distillers:

    • Distillation removes total dissolved solids (TDS), bacteria, viruses, chlorine, fluoride, lead, mercury, and other contaminants, ensuring water purity.
    • The level of mineral content in water varies by region, and distillation is effective in addressing excessive mineral content.
  6. Uses of Distilled Water:

    • Distilled water finds applications in laboratories, medical settings, automobile cooling systems, cosmetic products, canned foods, and vehicle batteries.
  7. Mineral Intake and Absorption:

    • Electrolytes, essential minerals carrying signals between cells, are obtained through food, and the body may not absorb inorganic minerals from water as effectively.
  8. Excess Minerals and Kidney Function:

    • The body eliminates excess minerals through the kidneys, and hydration is crucial to support kidney function.
    • Distilled water may be a suitable option when excess mineral content or contaminants are a concern.
  9. pH of Distilled Water:

    • Pure distilled water has a pH of 7, but exposure to air can slightly lower it due to the absorption of carbon dioxide.
  10. Bottled Water and Distillation:

    • Bottled water typically undergoes filtration processes like reverse osmosis, not distillation, and the taste may vary based on added minerals.
  11. Shelf Life and Storage of Distilled Water:

    • Properly stored distilled water can last for years, and signs of contamination include cloudiness, algae growth, and a chemical taste.
    • Storage conditions, including a sealed container and refrigeration, impact shelf life.
  12. Alternatives to Distilled Water:

    • Carbon filters, reverse osmosis systems, and ultrafiltration systems are alternatives, each with its advantages and considerations.
    • The choice depends on specific needs, such as mineral retention or removal of microscopic contaminants.

This comprehensive overview combines scientific facts with practical considerations, offering a well-rounded perspective on the topic of distilled water and water purification.

What Is Distilled Water and Is It Safe to Drink? (2024)
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