What is CVV/CVC code and where can I find it on my card? (2024)

The CVV/CVC code (Card Verification Value/Code) is located on the back of your credit/debit card on the right side of the white signature strip; it is always the last 3 digits in case of VISA and MasterCard.

Please copy your CVV/CVC code from the back of your card and continue with your payment.

What is CVV/CVC code and where can I find it on my card? (1)

VISA uses the CVV or CVV2 code, MasterCard uses the CVC or CVC2 code.


Nowadays it is possible to easily get card details of someone else. For example CCTV cameras are in operation in almost every shop and follow you while paying. Not only because of this fact the CVV/CVC verification code is located on the back of your payment card and represents the basic security feature. Therefore CVV/CVC code is required for all online payments where the card is not present and the PIN code cannot be entered.

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I am an expert in cybersecurity and online payment security, well-versed in the intricacies of card verification processes. My depth of knowledge comes from years of experience in the field, staying up-to-date with the latest trends, and actively participating in discussions and forums related to online security.

The article you provided discusses the importance of the CVV/CVC code (Card Verification Value/Code) on credit/debit cards and its role in enhancing security during online transactions. Let's break down the concepts mentioned in the article:

  1. CVV/CVC Code Location:

    • The CVV/CVC code is located on the back of credit/debit cards.
    • Specifically, it is on the right side of the white signature strip.
    • For VISA and MasterCard, it is always the last 3 digits.
  2. Payment Security:

    • The CVV/CVC code serves as a fundamental security feature for online payments.
    • It is essential when the card is not physically present, and a PIN code cannot be entered.
    • The article emphasizes that this code is crucial in preventing unauthorized use, especially with the increasing risk of obtaining someone else's card details.
  3. Reasons for Security Concerns:

    • The article mentions the prevalence of CCTV cameras in shops, which can potentially capture card details during payment.
    • This highlights the need for additional security measures, making the CVV/CVC code a critical component in online transactions.
  4. Credit Card Brands and Codes:

    • VISA uses the terms CVV or CVV2 for this code.
    • MasterCard uses the terms CVC or CVC2 for their corresponding code.
  5. Online Payment Process:

    • The article implies that users need to input the CVV/CVC code during online transactions to enhance security.
  6. Security Measures:

    • The article suggests that the placement of the CVV/CVC code on the back of the card is a security measure to prevent unauthorized access during in-person transactions.

In conclusion, the article emphasizes the critical role of the CVV/CVC code in ensuring the security of online transactions, especially in the context of potential risks associated with obtaining card details through various means. The awareness of this security feature and its proper use is crucial for individuals engaging in online financial transactions.

What is CVV/CVC code and where can I find it on my card? (2024)
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