What is an Emergency Fund? Easy Tips to Start One (2024)

An emergency fund is essential to the foundation of personal financial stability. Is preparing for the future and be ready for whatever it may bring.

Here you will learn what is an emergency fund, why you need one, how much you need to save, where to keep it and how to start your emergency savings.

What is an Emergency Fund and Why is it So Important to Have One?

An emergency fund is money set aside in a savings account or a CD (certificate of deposit) for emergency purposes.

In other words, just money stash away for those crazy events that life throws our way.

Imagine if you lose your job. Do you have enough money set aside to pay rent/mortgage and utilities until you find your next job?

That is the purpose of an emergency fund. to keep you afloat until you get your bearings.

What is an Emergency Fund? Easy Tips to Start One (1)

Reasons to Start an Emergency Fund

  • Loss of employment, layoffs
  • Sickness or emergency room visits
  • How many people depend on you
  • Dental expenses
  • Emergency pet care
  • Unexpected home repairs
  • Failure of major appliances such as a refrigerator or stoves.
  • Car repairs
  • It helps you sleep at night knowing you have savings set aside.
What is an Emergency Fund? Easy Tips to Start One (2)

When Not to Use an Emergency Fund for “Fake Emergencies”

What is an Emergency Fund? Easy Tips to Start One (3)

Let’s not confuse emergency situations with relaxation and fun or the syndrome of “I want this” or “I want that”.

The purpose of the emergency fund is to be used ONLY if dire situations arise.

What are NOT emergency situations

  • Vacation or holiday
  • Weddings events
  • Latest hair cut and color
  • Plastic surgery or nip and tucks
  • The new TV you have been eyeing for quite some time
  • You just want to upgrade your car

More Save More Money

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  • What is an Emergency Fund? Easy Tips to Start One
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How Much Money Do You Need in an Emergency Fund?

What is an Emergency Fund? Easy Tips to Start One (4)

It is advised to have savings set aside for emergency funds from three to six months of monthly expenses.

I strongly suggest that if you are the sole family supporter that you have a more robust emergency fund since your entire family depends on you completely.

For example, if all your basic expenses add up to $2,000 a month.

Basic expenses such as mortgage (rent), water, gas, electricity, and food.

Then you will need as a minimum (3 months of emergency expenses) $6,000.

But like I mentioned earlier if you are the sole family provider it is optimal to have about 6 months’ worth of expenses as your emergency fund.

From the example above, it will be $12,000.

But my friends the most important thing to take away here is to start saving for an emergency.

It does not matter if you can only contribute just a tiny bit, anything is better then NOT starting.

What is important here is that you get started with whatever amount you are able to contribute.

DO NOT let the amounts of money you can set aside each month deter you from starting to build your safety net.

How Do You Start an Emergency Fund?

What is an Emergency Fund? Easy Tips to Start One (5)

After you have come up with a successful budget, now you know where the money is coming from and where the money is going to.

Tweak that budget and add an emergency fund expense every month.

Make sure you stick to your budget plan until you have reached your emergency fund goal.

As the money starts accumulating every month you will see how good it feels and these small successes are the little stepping stones that give you the motivation to stay in this savings path.

Here are some ideas where you can start grabbing money to add to your emergency savings. Find easy ways to spend less and save more money.


What is an Emergency Fund? Easy Tips to Start One (6)

When you get birthday gifts in cash money from your favorite aunt stash it immediately in your savings fund.

The money you get for anniversaries, for Christmas, put it all in your emergency fund.

This is money you were not counting on getting. So this is a win-win situation.

Tax Refund

What is an Emergency Fund? Easy Tips to Start One (7)

When you get your tax refund, use this money to beef up your emergency fund.

Don’t go out and buy the latest iPhone or the biggest TV set, instead use the opportunity to grow your emergency savings.

Sell Things You No Longer Use

This is the easy part. With this tip, you will declutter your home and at the same time get some cash out of it.

Use the proceeds of everything you sell and put it immediately on your emergency savings.

Use Spare Change

What is an Emergency Fund? Easy Tips to Start One (8)

Every beginning of the year get piggy banks for the entire family.

Get into the habit of emptying your pockets, purses, and bookbags.

Every month empty all piggy banks and deposit the money into your emergency fund.

You will be surprised how much money you accumulate in spare change.

Get a Second Job

I know you are probably thinking…

What? a side job? Well, yes that’s what I am suggesting.

This is just temporary, short term. Even if is just a few hours on the weekends. Or just for a few weeks or months.

With the money, you will be earning from the side job you will jump-start your savings.

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Where to Keep Your Emergency Fund

What is an Emergency Fund? Easy Tips to Start One (9)

Remember the purpose to have an emergency fund is to have a fully stocked pile of money available to you when things go bad.

Therefore having your money saved in a place where it is guarantee is the best option for you.

In my humble opinion, there are a few things you need to keep in mind when it comes down to where you want to park your emergency savings.

1. No Risks to Low Risk

What is an Emergency Fund? Easy Tips to Start One (10)

Opening a high yield savings account that is FIDC-insured.

Opening a no penalty Certificate of Deposit (CD) or Split the emergency fund between a CD and low-risk investments.

What is the FDIC?

The FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) is an independent agency of the United States government that protects you against the loss of your insured deposits if an FDIC-insured bank or savings association fails.

FDIC insurance is backed by the full faith and credit of the United States government.

2. Liquidity

It is important that the money is there for you at the time of the emergency. Just go to the bank and cash it out.

If you have the money in bonds you will have to sell and it can take a few business days for the cash to show in your bank account.

If you decide to split your emergency fund into two accounts.

1) Short term emergency fund and

2) Long term emergency fund.

You then can have the short term savings in the high yield savings account and the long term savings on CD’d or bonds since it takes a few days to cash out.

Once you reach your goal of fully funding your emergency savings, CELEBRATE!!! But just don’t stop saving. Start investing.

What is an Emergency Fund? Easy Tips to Start One (11)

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Final Thoughts

In closing, we all need an emergency fund.

When you have savings set aside for emergencies, you have peace of mind.

You can sleep better at night knowing that you are ready in case something happens. It gives us financial freedom.

Do you have an emergency fund? how did you build your emergency savings? Have you ever needed to use your emergency fund?

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What is an Emergency Fund? Easy Tips to Start One (2024)


What is an Emergency Fund? Easy Tips to Start One? ›

An emergency fund should cover three to six months' worth of expenses, but saving that amount takes time. To help get you started, begin with small goals, such as saving $5 a day. Then work your way up to a reserve to cover several months' worth of expenses.

What is emergency fund simple? ›

What is an emergency fund? An emergency fund is a cash reserve that's specifically set aside for unplanned expenses or financial emergencies. Some common examples include car repairs, home repairs, medical bills, or a loss of income.

What should be the emergency fund? ›

While the size of your emergency fund will vary depending on your lifestyle, monthly costs, income, and dependents, the rule of thumb is to put away at least three to six months' worth of expenses.

What is an emergency fund quizlet? ›

Emergency Fund. A savings account that is set aside to be used only for emergency expenses.

How can I get a $1000 emergency fund? ›

Choose a traditional savings account or a short-term certificate-of-deposit (CD), currently the most attractive accounts. (Early withdrawal penalties on a CD rarely lower the yield below that of a savings account.) Consider opening a new account or sub-account for this money so you're not tempted to spend it.

How do I start an emergency fund? ›

Goals-Based Planning: Stay on Track
  1. Consider using a basic savings or money market account. ...
  2. Look for an account that pays you back. ...
  3. Save enough to cover three to six months of expenses. ...
  4. Start small. ...
  5. Only tap the account for true emergencies. ...
  6. Replenish the account if you draw on the funds.

Do I need an emergency fund? ›

Emergency funds create a financial buffer that can keep you afloat in a time of need without having to rely on credit cards or high-interest loans. It can be especially important to have an emergency fund if you have debt, because it can help you avoid borrowing more.

What is the 50 30 20 rule? ›

The 50-30-20 rule recommends putting 50% of your money toward needs, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings. The savings category also includes money you will need to realize your future goals.

How much should you save a month? ›

How much should you save each month? For many people, the 50/30/20 rule is a great way to split up monthly income. This budgeting rule states that you should allocate 50 percent of your monthly income for essentials (such as housing, groceries and gas), 30 percent for wants and 20 percent for savings.

What is an emergency fund example? ›

An emergency fund is a dedicated savings account that's set aside for the proverbial rainy day, intended to cover unexpected costs that may pop up over time. This fund can be used to cover everything from unplanned car repairs to sudden medical expenses.

Why are emergency funds important ___? ›

Emergency funds are savings specifically set aside to cover unexpected costs, like medical bills or car repairs. They are important because they can keep you from falling into debt or being unable to pay your bills if something unexpected comes up.

What are the three basic reasons to save? ›

First, we save for an emergency fund. Second, we save for purchases. Third, we save for wealth building. Purchases and wealth building are fun, but we can't do any of that until we cover the basics—the emergency fund.

Can $1,000 last a month? ›

The harsh truth is that $1,000 per month is very hard to live on, even if you lower your costs to the bare minimum. With inflation causing the prices of goods and services to increase every year, $1,000 a month will become harder and harder to live on going forward.

Is $500 a good emergency fund? ›

But it's OK to start small—create a starter emergency fund—such as $500—and build up from there. Going back to our example, you have $1,000 in discretionary income each month.

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An emergency is an urgent, unexpected, and usually dangerous situation that poses an immediate risk to health, life, property, or environment and requires immediate action.

Why is emergency fund important? ›

Whether it's an unexpected illness or a major accident, an emergency fund helps you pay for big medical expenses that could otherwise hurt you financially. Even if you have medical or dental insurance, you could still have to pay for all or part of your care out of pocket.

Is $1,000 enough for emergency fund? ›

How Much Should I Save for My Emergency Fund? Let's talk about how much to save for an emergency fund. That answer depends on a few things. Starter emergency fund: If you have consumer debt, you need a starter emergency fund of $1,000.

What is the meaning of emergency expenses? ›

Emergency Expense means any Expense that Administrative Agent reasonably determines is reasonably necessary to prevent imminent risk of death, injury, or significant property damage or loss to the Collateral.

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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

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Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.