What Is a Second Mortgage? (2024)

Key Takeaways

  • A second mortgage is a loan that uses your home as collateral, similar to the loan you used topurchaseyour home.
  • Second mortgages are often used for items such as home improvement or debt consolidation.
  • Advantages of second mortgages include higher loan amounts, lower interest rates, and potential tax benefits.
  • Disadvantages of second mortgages include the risk of foreclosure, loan costs, and interest costs.

How Does a Second Mortgage Work?

A second mortgage is a loan that uses your home as collateral, similar to the loan you used topurchaseyour home. The loan is known as a second mortgage because your purchase loan is typically thefirstloan in line to be repaid if your home goes into foreclosure.

This means that if a worst-case scenario occurs where you can no longer pay your mortgage and the lender sells your home, your first mortgage would be paid first. Your second mortgage would receive any remaining funds after the first mortgage is paid.

Second mortgages tap into your home equity, which is the market value of your home less any loan balances. Equity can increase or decrease, but ideally, it grows over time.

Equity can change in a variety of ways:

  • When you make monthly payments on your loan, you reduce your loan balance, increasing your equity
  • If your home gains value because of a strong real estate market or the improvements you make to your home, your equity increases
  • You lose equity when your home loses value or when you borrow against your home


Second mortgages, which can behome equity lines of credit (HELOCs) or home equity loans, are a way to use that asset for other projects and goals without having to sell your home.

Types of Second Mortgages

A Lump Sum

A standard second mortgage is a one-time home equity loan that provides a lump sum of money that you can use for whatever you want. With that type of loan, you'll repay the loan gradually over time, often with fixed monthly payments. With each payment, you pay a portion of the interest costs and a portion of your loan balance in a process called amortization.

A Line of Credit

It's also possible to borrow usinga home equity line of credit or a pool of money that you can draw from. With that type of loan, you're never required to take any money—but you have the option to do so if you want to. Your lender sets a maximum borrowing limit, and you can continue borrowing (multiple times) until you reach that maximum limit. As with a credit card, you can repay and borrow over and over. If you carry a balance, you'll have to pay interest.

Depending on the type of loan you use and your preferences, your loan might come with afixed interest ratethat helps you plan your payments for years to come.Variable-rate loansare also availableand are the norm for lines of credit.

What Can a Second Mortgage Be Used For?

Down Payment

Some people use a second mortgage to cover a down payment or even closing fees that they couldn't otherwise afford.Others take out what is known as a "piggyback" second mortgage to qualify for their main mortgage and avoid payingprivate mortgage insurance (PMI), even if they don't have enough cash on hand to make a down payment of 20% on their home.

You might qualify for a 10% down payment, 80% of the mortgage, and 10% with a piggyback second mortgage instead of paying 10% of the home value with a down payment and 90% of the remaining value with a mortgage that requires PMI.

A second mortgage or a piggyback second mortgage both come with higher interest rates. You could also end up underwater on your loan. Making a down payment of 20% will allow you to avoid paying PMI and qualify for lower interest rates on the first mortgage. You can start your home loan on better financial footing, and can avoid the chance that you might lose your home.

Pay Off Debt

Debt consolidationis a common strategy that involves combining multiple debts into one, often a lower-interest loan. People who have built up enough equity in their homes sometimes take out a second mortgage, so they use their home equity to pay off high-interest debt, but that doesn't pay off the first debt. Some people consolidate their debts, only to find themselves in debt again within a short amount of time.

Taking out a second mortgage to pay off debts puts your home at risk because you're moving unsecured debt to your home. The lender could foreclose on your property. You could lose it if you couldn't make your payments.

Taking out an extra loan against your home could be a major risk if your home's value declines to the point that it's worth less than the mortgage. You would beunderwater on your mortgageat this point. You might be more likely to default.

It's better not to tie extra debt to your home if you can avoid it. Speak with a debt settlement company instead to resolve the debt. You might consult a credit counselor to address the problems that caused you to go intodebt in the first place.Think about taking out a loan from a bank instead if you decide to consolidate your debt.

Home Improvements and Education

Home improvements and renovations are a common use for second mortgage funds because the assumption is that you'll repay the loan when you sell your home with a higher sales price. You can also get a tax break for home improvements if you make capital improvements like switching to central air or adding an addition to the house, or if you make energy-efficient improvements.

You may be able to set yourself up for a higher income by using a second mortgage for education. But as with other situations, you're creating a situation where you could face foreclosure. Standard student loansmight be a better option.

Pros and Cons of Second Mortgages


  • Potentially high loan amount

  • Potentially lower interest rates

  • Tax benefits when used for home improvements

Pros Explained

Potentially High Loan Amount

Second mortgages allow you to borrow significant amounts. Because the loan is secured by your home (which is usually worth a lot of money), you have access to more than you could get without using your home as collateral. How much can you borrow? It depends on your lender, but you might be able to borrow up to 80% of your home’s value. That maximum would count allof your home loans, including first and second mortgages.

Potentially Lower Interest Rates

Second mortgages often have lower interest rates than other types of debt. Again, securing the loan with your home helps you because it reduces the risk for your lender. Because the loans are lower-risk, lenders offer lower rates on second mortgages thanunsecured personal loanslike credit cards.

Tax Benefits If Used for Home Improvements

In some cases, you'll be able to get a tax deduction for using a second mortgage to "buy, build, or substantially improve your home," according to the IRS. There are some technicalities to be aware of, so ask your tax preparer before you start taking deductions.

Cons Explained

If Not Repaid, You Risk of Foreclosure

One of the biggest problems with a second mortgage is that you have to put your home on the line. If you stop making payments, your lender will be able totake your home through foreclosure, which can cause serious problems for you and your family. For that reason, it rarely makes sense to use a second mortgage for "current consumption" costs. For entertainment and regular living expenses, it's just not sustainable or worth the risk to use a home equity loan or line of credit.

Costs and Fees Required

Second mortgages, like your purchase loan, can be expensive. You'll need to pay numerous costs for things like credit checks,appraisals,origination fees, and more.

“Most of the time, a second mortgage—similar to a first mortgage—will come with closing costs,” Lauren Anastasio, a certified financial planner (CFP) with SoFi, told The Balance via email. “You could expect to pay for anappraisal, some type of application or underwriting fee, recording fees, etc. If you’re working with a different lender than the one who holds your first mortgage, you can also expect to pay an additional fee the lender will charge to be in a second lien position. This is like extra insurance for the lender if you default since the lender who holds your first mortgage will basically have first dibs on recouping their losses.”

Closing costs can easily add up to thousands of dollars. Even if you're promised a "no closing cost" loan, you're still paying—you just don't see those costs transparently.

More Debt and Interest To Pay

Any time you borrow, you're paying interest. Second mortgage rates are typically lower than credit card interest rates and unsecured loans, but they're often slightly higher than your first loan's rate. Second mortgage lenders take more risk than the lender who made your first loan. And remember, this is more debt that you'll have to repay. So now you have two mortgages to repay, which could make getting other lines of credit in the future harder.


If you stop making payments, the second mortgage lender won't get paid until the primary lender gets all of its money back.

Should You Get a Second Mortgage?

If you believe you can repay the money you borrow through a second mortgage, then it might be right for you. Second mortgages can help you with down payments and debt, but can also be used for home renovations and education.

Consider how you plan to use the funds from your loan. It's best to put that money toward something that will improve your net worth (or your home's value) in the future. That is because you'll need to repay these loans, they're risky, and they cost a lot of money.

Once you decide whether you can afford a second mortgage, take the time to plan out how you'll use the money. Home improvements may be the best option because you also get a tax break.


Beware of risky loan features likeballoon paymentsand prepayment penalties.

How To Get a Second Mortgage

Shop around,and get quotes from at least three different sources. Be sure to include the following in your search:

You can preparefor the process by getting your documents ready. That will make the processmuch easier and less stressful. You'll need information like income, mortgage balance, and more. Ask the lender what they would need before you apply for the loan.


A second mortgage, like any loan, will show up on your credit report, and if it's not repaid, it could hurt your credit score.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How hard is it to get a second mortgage?

Because your second mortgage will be subordinate to your primary home loan, your lender will likely have stricter requirements than those for your original mortgage. You might need a higher credit score, and your interest rate may be higher than your first loan (though it will still be lower than it would be for an unsecured loan). You'll also need to demonstrate that you can handle another loan payment.

How do I eliminate a second mortgage?

You have a few options if you need to get out of a second mortgage. If you've just closed on a home equity loan or line of credit, you have three days to cancel the transaction without penalty. After that, your options are to pay off the loan, refinance your second mortgage into your first mortgage, or declare bankruptcy. The latter option is a last resort, and only certain circ*mstances with Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcies will remove your obligation to pay the debt on a second mortgage. Be sure to discuss your options with a lawyer before you pursue bankruptcy.

What is the difference between a home equity loan and a second mortgage?

A home equity loan is one type of second mortgage, which is any loan secured by your home equity that's subsidiary to your primary mortgage.

What Is a Second Mortgage? (2024)


What is the purpose of a second mortgage? ›

The purpose of a second mortgage is to allow homeowners to tap into their home equity when they need money. A second mortgage can be used to: Cover large expenses (like emergency medical bills or vehicle repairs, for example) Fund home renovations or repairs.

What is the downside to a second mortgage? ›

You could lose your home if you don't pay back a second mortgage. Interest rates can be higher than refinancing. You might not qualify if you don't have enough equity or appraisal value. Second mortgages can be costly with appraisal fees, credit checks and closing costs.

How much can you borrow on a second mortgage? ›

You can typically borrow up to 85 percent of your home's value, minus your current mortgage debts. If you have a home worth $300,000 and $200,000 remaining on your first mortgage, for instance, you might be able to borrow as much as $55,000 through a second mortgage: ($300,000 x 0.85) – $200,000.

How hard is it to get a second mortgage? ›

To be approved for a second mortgage, you'll likely need a credit score of at least 620, though individual lender requirements may be higher. Plus, remember that higher scores correlate with better rates. You'll also probably need to have a debt-to-income ratio (DTI) that's lower than 43%.

Are 2nd mortgages a good idea? ›

A second mortgage can be a good option to access extra money that you can put back into your home. Interest on second mortgages can also be tax-deductible in some cases when used for home improvements.

Does a second mortgage hurt your credit? ›

And if you need a second mortgage to pay off existing debt, that extra loan could hurt your credit score and you could be stuck making payments to your lenders for years.

Do you need 20% for a second mortgage? ›

But it takes a 10% down to buy a vacation home — and that's if the rest of your application is very strong (high credit score, low debts, and so on). If you have a lower credit score or higher debt-to-income ratio, your mortgage lender may require at least 20% down for a second home.

Why would borrower need a second mortgage? ›

These include medical bills, tuition, home remodeling, debt consolidation, vehicles, or big events like a wedding. You can take out a second mortgage after you've built equity in your home, usually through paying down a portion of the outstanding principal on your first — or primary — mortgage.

How much does a second mortgage cost? ›

You receive funds in a lump sum and pay the balance in even installments over terms ranging between five and 30 years. You'll typically pay closing costs equal to 2% to 5% of your second loan amount and can use the cash to buy or refinance a home.

What is the 2 2 2 rule for mortgage? ›

One Spouse's Income Doesn't Meet Requirements

Many lenders use the 2/2/2 rule to evaluate loan eligibility, which typically requires: 2 years of W-2s. 2 years of tax returns. 2 months of bank statements.

What are the rules for getting a second mortgage? ›

Lenders usually require an income verification, credit check, and home appraisal to determine whether or not a borrower qualifies for a second mortgage. Homeowners can usually borrow up to 85% of their home's current value, minus their first mortgage balance.

How long does it take to get a second mortgage approved? ›

The approval time to process and close a second mortgage is typically at least 30 days as it takes time to provide the required documentation for a home equity loan or HELOC.

Can you pull equity out of your home without refinancing? ›

Yes, you can take equity out of your home without refinancing your current mortgage by using a home equity loan or a home equity line of credit (HELOC). Both options allow you to borrow against the equity in your home, but they work a bit differently.

What is an example of a second mortgage? ›

A second mortgage or junior-lien is a loan you take out using your house as collateral while you still have another loan secured by your house. Home equity loans and home equity lines of credit (HELOCs) are common examples of second mortgages.

How many people have a second mortgage? ›

Homes With a Second Mortgage in the U.S.
GeographyYearOwner-occupied housing units with either a second mortgage or home equity loan
United States20215,764,608
United States20206,105,481
United States20196,196,012
United States20186,516,767
8 more rows
Jul 31, 2023

When should you get a second mortgage? ›

That said, there are occasions when taking out a second mortgage might make sense for you: Debt consolidation: If you have higher interest rate debt, such as credit card balances or medical bills, using a second mortgage for debt consolidation can help you save money.

What is the downside to Rocket mortgage? ›

Cons. Getting a customized interest rate requires a credit check, which can affect your credit score. Origination fees are on the high side compared with other lenders, according to the latest federal data. Doesn't offer home equity lines of credit.

What's the difference between a HELOC and a second mortgage? ›

A second loan, or mortgage, against your house will either be a home equity loan, which is a lump-sum loan with a fixed term and rate, or a HELOC, which features variable rates and continuing access to funds.

Can a second mortgage be forgiven? ›

You would have to get the lender to agree to let you pay a portion of the outstanding balance. The lender would then forgive the remaining balance. What Are the Tax Implications of Settling a Second Mortgage? If you settle the debt for less than you owe, you might face tax consequences.

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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

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