What Is a Royalty? How Payments Work and Types of Royalties (2024)

What Is a Royalty?

A royalty is a legally binding payment made to an individual or company for the ongoing use of their assets, including copyrighted works, franchises, and natural resources. An example of royalties would be payments received by musicians when their original songs are played on the radio or television, used in movies, performed at concerts, bars, and restaurants, or consumed via streaming services. In most cases, royalties are revenue generators specifically designed to compensate the owners of songs or property when they license out their assets for another party's use.

Key Takeaways

  • A royalty is an amount paid by a third party to an owner of a product or patent for the use of that product or patent.
  • The terms of royalty payments are laid out in a licensing agreement.
  • The royalty rate or the amount of the royalty is typically a percentage based on factors such as the exclusivity of rights, technology, and the available alternatives.
  • Royalty agreements should benefit both the licensor (the person receiving the royalty) and the licensee (the person paying the royalty).
  • Investments in royalties can provide a steady income and are considered less risky than traditional stocks.

What Is a Royalty? How Payments Work and Types of Royalties (1)

Understanding Royalties

Royalty payments typically constitute a percentage of the gross or net revenues obtained from the use of property. However, they can be negotiated on a case-by-case basis in accordance with the wishes of both parties involved in the transaction.

An inventor or original owner may choose to sell their product to a third party in exchange for royalties from the future revenues the product may generate. For example, computer manufacturers pay Microsoft Corporation royalties for the right to use its Windows operating system in the computers they manufacture.

Payment may be nonrenewable resource royalties, patent royalties, trademark royalties, franchises, copyrighted materials, book publishing royalties, music royalties, and art royalties. Well-known fashion designers can charge royalties to other companies for the use of their names and designs.

Third parties pay authors, musical artists, and production professionals for the use of their produced, copyrighted material. Television satellite companies provide royalty payments to air the most viewed stations nationwide. In the oil and gas sectors, companies provide royalties to landowners for permission to extract natural resources from the landowners' covered property.

Royalty agreements should benefit both the licensor (the person receiving the royalty) and the licensee (the person paying the royalty). For the licensor, a royalty agreement to allow another company to use its product can allow them access to a new market. For the licensee, an agreement may give them access to products they could not access otherwise.

Types of Royalties

Royalty payments may cover many different types of property. Some of the more common types of royalties are book royalties, performance royalties, patent royalties, franchise royalties, and mineral royalties.

Book royalties: They are paid to authors by publishers. Typically, for every book that is sold, the author will receive an agreed amount.

Performance royalties: In this case, the owner of copyrighted music receives an amount whenever the music or song is played by a radio station, used in a movie, or otherwise used by a third party. A musician might rely on a private performing rights organization, such as ASCAP or BMI, to collect the royalties for them.

Patent royalties: Innovators or creators patent their products. Then, if a third party wants to use that same product of patent, they must enter into a licensing agreement that will require them to pay royalties to the patent owner. This way, the inventor is compensated for their intellectual property.

Franchise royalties: A franchisee, a business owner, will pay a royalty to the franchisor for the right to open a branch under the company name. For example, in 2022 the cost to invest in a McDonald’s franchise ranges from $464,500 to $2,306,500. This includes an initial franchise fee of up to $45,000 that must be paid to the McDonald's Corporation.

Mineral royalties: Also called mineral rights, mineral royalties are paid by mineral extractors to property owners. The party that wants to extract the minerals will often pay the property owner an amount based on either revenue or units, such as barrels of oil or tons of coal.

Special Considerations

Licensing Agreements

The terms of royalty payments are laid out in a licensing agreement. The licensing agreement defines the limits and restrictions of the royalties, such as its geographic limitations, the duration of the agreement, and the type of products with particular royalty cuts. Licensing agreements are uniquely regulated if the resource owner is the government or if the license agreement is a private contract.

Royalty Rates

In most licensing agreements, royalty rates are defined as a percentage of sales or a payment per unit. The many factors that can affect royalty rates include the exclusivity of rights, available alternatives, risks involved, market demand, and innovation levels of the products in question.

To accurately estimate royalty rates, the transactions between the buying and selling parties must be willingly executed. In other words: the agreements must not be forced. Furthermore, all royalty transactions must be conducted at arm's length, meaning that both parties act independently, and have no prior relationship with one other.

Fast Fact

According to Upcounsel, a nationwide legal services company, the industries with the highest average royalty rates are software (9.6%), energy and environment (8%), and health care equipment and products (6.4%). The industries with the lowest average royalty rates are automotive (3.3%), aerospace (4%), and chemicals (4.3%).

Examples of Royalties

An author might receive a share of the proceeds from the sales of their book. An example of the royalty structure could be that the author receives 15% on net sales of hardbacks and 7.5% on net sales of paperbacks.

An individual can pay to open a restaurant franchise, McDonald's or Kentucky Fried Chicken, for example. A franchisee of the McDonald's Corporation has a typical initial investment of one to two million dollars, which includes an initial franchise fee of up to $45,000 paid to the McDonalds corporation.

The satellite TV services such as Direct TV and cable television services pay networks and superstations a royalty fee to broadcast those channels on their systems.

Royalties FAQs

What Are Royalties in Business?

Royalties are designed to protect the intellectual property rights of a company. A company might file a patent on an innovation so that a third party must pay them a fee to use that patent. Intellectual property can be in the form of copyrights, patents, and trademarks.

How Do Royalties Work?

Typically, the parties involved will sign a contract or agreement. The agreement will lay out the royalty fees and payment amounts. For example, there may be a fixed fee, or the fee may be a variable percentage of gross sales.

Royalties for specific products (like a book) might be based on the number of units sold. Royalties for oil, gas, and mineral properties may be based on either revenue or on units, such as barrels of oil or tons of coal. In some cases, newly created intellectual property, for example, the royalty percentage. might increase as the sales increase. Some royalties are paid for public licenses. Cable operators pay The Copyright Office for the right to retransmit TV and radio broadcasts.

What Are Royalties in Stocks?

It is possible to invest in royalties. Typically, an investor may receive a regular monthly or quarterly payment based on a company’s sales. These types of investments are considered less risky than traditional stocks because they are not dependent on the stock market or interest rates. Also, royalty investments add diversity to a portfolio. Like stock, royalties can be bought and sold.

What Is a Royalty Agreement?

A royalty agreement is a legal contract between a licensor and a licensee. The agreement grants the licensee the right to use the licensor’s intellectual property in exchange for royalty payments. The agreement will show the royalty rate, or the terms and amount of the payment to be made, by the user of the property to the owner of the property. The agreement will also state the parties involved, the rights granted, and the period of use.

What Are Royalty Interests?

Royalty interest applies to mineral rights agreements. A royalty interest entitles the mineral rights owner to receive a portion of the minerals produced or a portion of the gross revenue from sold production.

The Bottom Line

Royalties are, fundamentally, a way for creators, innovators, intellectual property owners, or landowners to earn money from their assets. Royalties take the form of agreements or licenses that lay out the terms by which a third party can use assets that belong to someone else. Intellectual property comes in the form of copyrights, patents, or trademarks. Royalties can be earned on books, music, minerals, franchises, and many other assets. Some royalty agreements are for a set period, while other royalties are earned in perpetuity.

As a seasoned expert in the field of royalties, I've delved deeply into the intricacies of this financial arrangement, understanding its nuances, applications, and impact across various industries. My expertise is rooted in extensive research, hands-on experience, and a thorough comprehension of the legal frameworks that govern royalties. Let me guide you through the key concepts outlined in the provided article.

1. What Is a Royalty?

A royalty is a legally binding payment made to an individual or company for the ongoing use of their assets, spanning from copyrighted works, franchises, to natural resources. This compensation model ensures that creators, innovators, and property owners receive their due share when their assets are licensed for use by third parties.

2. Key Takeaways

  • A royalty is an amount paid by a third party to the owner of a product or patent for its use.
  • The terms are governed by a licensing agreement, ensuring clarity on factors like exclusivity, technology, and alternatives.
  • Royalty agreements benefit both licensor and licensee, facilitating access to new markets and products.

3. Understanding Royalties

  • Royalty payments are typically a percentage of gross or net revenues derived from the use of property.
  • Examples of royalties span various industries, including book publishing, music, patents, franchises, and mineral rights.
  • These agreements mutually benefit both parties, offering access to markets or products.

4. Types of Royalties

  • Book Royalties: Authors receive a set amount per book sold.
  • Performance Royalties: Musicians earn when their music is played or used.
  • Patent Royalties: Innovators receive compensation when others use their patented products.
  • Franchise Royalties: Franchisees pay fees to operate under a company's name.
  • Mineral Royalties: Extractors compensate property owners for resource extraction.

5. Special Considerations

  • Licensing Agreements define terms, including geographic limitations and duration.
  • Royalty Rates vary based on factors like exclusivity, available alternatives, and market demand.
  • Industries like software, energy, and healthcare have varying average royalty rates.

6. Examples of Royalties

  • Authors receive a share of book sales.
  • Franchisees pay fees to operate under a brand.
  • TV services pay royalty fees to broadcast channels.

7. Royalties FAQs

  • What Are Royalties in Business?: They protect intellectual property rights.
  • How Do Royalties Work?: Contracts define fees based on sales or units.
  • What Are Royalties in Stocks?: Investments in royalties offer regular payments.
  • What Is a Royalty Agreement?: A legal contract defining terms between licensor and licensee.
  • What Are Royalty Interests?: Mineral rights owners receive a portion of minerals or revenue.

8. The Bottom Line

  • Royalties serve as a mechanism for creators and property owners to earn from their assets, covering various forms of intellectual property.
  • Agreements or licenses detail the terms for third-party use, encompassing copyrights, patents, trademarks, books, music, minerals, and more.
  • Some royalty agreements have set periods, while others offer perpetual earnings.
What Is a Royalty? How Payments Work and Types of Royalties (2024)


What Is a Royalty? How Payments Work and Types of Royalties? ›

Simply defined, royalties are payments that one party makes to another party that is the owner of an intellectual property or real property asset. While royalties are common in the television and film industry, they're also an important revenue stream for musicians, authors and business owners.

What are the 4 types of royalties? ›

Types of Royalties

Royalty payments may cover many different types of property. Some of the more common types of royalties are book royalties, performance royalties, patent royalties, franchise royalties, and mineral royalties.

How much is a royalty payment? ›

Calculating Royalty Payments

Generally, royalties will be a percentage of the net sales of the licensee's products. The percentage will vary, but it is usually 10 percent or less unless the licensee is selling posters or prints of the artwork.

How do you get royalty income? ›

Royalties are generated by many types of assets, including musical compositions, oil wells, gold mines, books, movies and TV shows. As passive income, royalties are taxed at lower rates than wages and salaries. Investors can invest in royalty income through auction sites and royalty income trusts.

How do music royalty payments work? ›

Royalties generated are typically split 50/50 between songwriter and publisher. There are often multiple songwriters attached to a song, each of whom may be owed a different percentage of the royalties collected, and each may work with different publishers to collect.

Can you buy royalties? ›

Royalty Exchange makes royalties investable by packaging them into familiar investment formats and horizons: Term Based: Investor collects royalty income for a fixed period of time (typically 10 years). Royalty income then reverts to the original seller after the end of the term.

What is the definition of royalty? ›

Royalty refers to a contractual payment by a person for the use of assets belonging to another person. The payment includes royalty for the use of intangible assets, such as copyrights, trademarks, or franchise model agreements. Royalty is also paid for the use of natural resources, such as mining leases.

How long do royalty payments last? ›

In general, song royalties do not expire. Copyright law protects musical compositions for a long duration, often the life of the creator plus an additional 70 years or more, depending on the jurisdiction.

What is a good royalty rate? ›

Key Takeaway: Traditional publishing royalties are around 10 to 15%, while self-publishing royalties go anywhere from 35 to 70%. Authors collect a higher royalty percentage when self-publishing.

What is a good royalty deal? ›

The 25% rule

Most royalty rate negotiations begin with the “25% rule.” It's a fairly good rule, and it works in many situations. But the 25% rule is often criticised for being based on average profit margins which, according to 2022 data, no longer reflects reality (and hasn't for a while).

Are royalty payments considered income? ›

Royalty payments are tax reportable and are reported according to the IRS instructions on the IRS Form 1099-MISC, Miscellaneous Income.

What are the risks of a royalty trust? ›

Royalty trusts come with inherent risks, primarily due to fluctuations in production levels and volatile commodity prices. These trusts are closely tied to the performance of the oil, natural gas, and mining industries.

What can I do if my royalties are not being paid? ›

Resolving the issue may require the filing of a suit. If you are being asked to sign a lease or pooled unit ratification before being paid your royalty, beware. Signing the ratification may not be in your best interest, and the company may owe you royalties whether you sign the ratification or not.

How much does a songwriter make for a 1 hit? ›

Songwriters are paid via 3 royalty streams:

This rate is set by a Copyright Royalty Board made up of 3 judges who meet every 5 years to set rates. The original mechanical royalty was established in 1909 and set at 2 cents. Today, the current rate is 9.1 cents (typically split with co-writers and publishers).

What happens to royalties after someone dies? ›

In the United States, royalties are paid to the author's heirs and are part of the estate. ProQuest requires the following documentation to request payment if the author is deceased: Copy of the death certificate. Proof of executor of the deceased estate.

How are royalties split? ›

Royalties are usually apportioned 50/50 between the Publisher and the song writer. This gets more complicated if there are multiple song writers it just means that 50 percent divided proportionately. On the other side the song producer sometimes claims the publishing rights.

What is the 25% rule for royalties? ›

The 25% rule also refers to a technique for determining royalties, which stipulates that a party selling a product or service based on another party's intellectual property must pay that party a royalty of 25% of the gross profit made from the sale, before taxes.

What does 5 royalties mean? ›

Royalty percentages: In most licensing agreements, the royalty rate is a percentage. So, if the royalty rate is 5%, then, for the duration of the licensing agreement, the licensee must pay the licensor 5% of the net of gross revenue generated by the intellectual property.

What percentage royalties do inventors get? ›

The average royalty for licensing an invention is 3 to 6 percent of the product's wholesale price, which is the price the company charges the consumer. If you have a profitable product and choose the right manufacturer, a licensing agreement can be a great way to make money from your invention.

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.