What is a plug-in hybrid and should you buy one? (2024)

If most of your journeys are longer motorway drives, a pure electric car with a long range could be suitable as long as you’re able to replenish its batteries after each long drive. If you’re not able to charge up cheaply and easily, a diesel-engined model is likely to be the most cost-effective option.

Do PHEVs make good company cars?

Plug-in hybrids are among the most affordable models to run as company cars because the rates of benefit in kind (BiK) tax payable on them are significantly lower than for petrol and diesel alternatives.

The company car tax rate for a car with up to 50g/km CO2 emissions and a pure electric range of 40 to 69 miles is just 8% and for cars with a shorter range (30-39 miles) it’s 12%. In contrast, the rate for petrol cars with 95-99g/km CO2 is 24%, and mostdiesels face a 4% surcharge on top of this.

Find out more about the best company cars

How many plug-in hybrid cars are there?

Manyof the UK’s 35 mainstream car manufacturers offer PHEVs as part of their line-up, and many more also offer some form of hybrid or electric vehicle.

What is a plug-in hybrid and should you buy one? (1)

There are some great models available, including the BMW 330e, which we voted our 2022 Executive Car of the Year, and the Ford Kuga,which is a great, affordablelong-distance PHEV. That's thanks to itspure electric range of 31 miles, combined with excellent fuel efficiency; in our tests, itachieved an impressive 52mpg running on its petrol engine.

Below is a full list of every plug-in hybrid car available right now - click on the car names to read our reviews of these models.

What is a plug-in hybrid and should you buy one? (2024)
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Name: Rubie Ullrich

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.