What Is a Good Salary in the UK? [+Average Salaries] (2024)

What Is a Good Salary in the UK?[+Average Salaries] (1)

How much will you earn in the UK? It’s a country of immigrants, millions of people of foreign origin live in the UK, and thousands of people come to study or build a career. But will your salary expectations met while working in the second-largest European country?

A net monthly salarybetween £2,500 and £3,000is considered a decent salary in the UK. This corresponds to a gross annual salary above £40,000. Everyone getting between £3,300 and £4,000 gross per month is a good earner.

The British capital London is a truly global city and a magnet for expats from all over the world. Read this article to learn what to expect in terms of costs and salaries when moving to the United Kingdom in 2022.

What is a good salary in the UK in 2022?

What Is a Good Salary in the UK?[+Average Salaries] (2)

In the UK, a monthly net income between £2,500 and £3,000 is considered to be a good salary. With that income, you can afford a decent life in a large British city, including renting a two-bedroom apartment, eating out, and spending weekends away.

Furthermore, most Brits feel that a salary of £2,000 a month after tax is the minimum income for a comfortable lifestyle (for a single person).

A gross salary of around £40,000 a year is what you need to live a comfortable yet not extravagant lifestyle in the UK.

A couple with children both earning £40,000 will be having a very good life.

With a monthly net salary of £2,500 or £40,000 gross, you are making enough money to finance a small flat or a car, go on holidays, and eat out regularly. At this point, you will start to enjoy life more.

With a monthly net salary of £3,000 or £48,000 gross, one can finance a better apartment, you will have a very nice lifestyle, go on holidays, or have a very decent car (Mercedes, BMW, etc.)

If you want to buy a house in the UK and don’t have wealthy parents, you will need to earn significantly more than £3,000 or have a partner with a good salary.

In London, a very good salary is around £70,000, but in other places, it’s £50,000.

Moving to the UK? Here are top reasons why you shouldn’t come to the UK.


What is the minimal good salary in the UK?

£35,000 is the minimal salary in the North, and £60,000 is considered to be the minimum in London. Ideally, you want to earn £45,000.

Whereas £30,000 is considered a decent salary in the UK overall.

Location is by far the biggest influencer on your salary in the UK. Employees working in London earn significantly more.

What will your life look like with a good level of monthly income (£3,000 net) in London, UK? £3,000 net per month averages in an annual gross salary of about £50,000. It’s a realistic salary for most academics with a few years of experience.

  1. Housing:You can rent a one-bedroom apartment in the city center (£1,500), utilities will cost you another £200 and £35 for the internet.
  2. Groceries and food: £500 – £600 – you can afford more expensive organic food.
  3. Disposal income per month: £665 for closing and shoes, personal items, eating out, entertainment, weekend trips, yearly holidays, etc.
  4. You can afford a more expensive hobby.
  5. You can go on holidays more often – 2 or 3 holidays a year, including a more long-haul destination or a week-long winter sports vacation.
  6. You also can spend many weekends away.
  7. Saving:you will be able to put away at least a few hundred pounds.

Before you accept a job offer in the UK, it’s essential to know current cost of living. Read it in our guide.


Gross vs net

Net salary is an amount without income taxes and deductions for social security contributions. Overall, taxes and social security contributions are around 25% of the employee’s gross salary in the UK.

The most common income tax rate is 20%, and social security employees pay between 0% and 12% of their salary, depending on the level and class of income. Employers also pay a share.

British social insurance includes unemployment, sickness, disability, occupational accidents, occupational diseases, maternity, widowhood, and pensions.

In the UK, the so-called “pay as you earn” (PAYE) system applies when it comes to income taxes. The tax-free amount is £12,570 per year. Generally, there are three income tax rates (slightly different rates apply in Scotland):

  1. 20% – for an annual salary between £12,570 and £50,270
  2. 40% – for an annual salary between £50,271 and £150,000
  3. 45% – for an annual salary above £150,001

Yet, the majority of people pay 20% in income tax and 12% for National Insurance. This will leave someone with a gross annual income of £40,000 with £30,864 after taxes or £2,572 monthly.

You have paid £5,484 in income tax and £3,651 in National Insurance.

With that salary, you can live a good middle-income life enjoying your weekends and traveling short distances for getaways.

Also, check out our comparison of living in the UK vs Germany. Salaries are higher in Germany.


Salaries in the UK

What Is a Good Salary in the UK?[+Average Salaries] (3)

In the UK, an average employee earns between £30,000 – £35,000 per year.

The median monthly pay of the UK employees in October 2021 was £2,004 gross per month or £24,048 annually. At the same time, the average salary in the UK is £33,000 in 2022, according to Statista.

Someone with an annual salary of more than £70,000 is considered to be rich. Only 5% of all UK earners have this income and above.

Facts about UK salaries:

  1. In 2022, the average UK salary is£33,000, while in London, it’s £41,866
  2. The average full-time salary in the UKfell 0.6%to£31,285in 2021
  3. Part-time workers in the UK earn on average£11,310 a year
  4. Full-time male employeesget 18,05% morethan their female counterparts, averaging£5,109 each year
  5. Averagemale CEOsmake£24,999 morethanfemale CEOseach year
  6. Pub owners and managerssaw the biggest percentage decrease in earnings in 2021 at34.2%
  7. The highest earners are under agebetween 40 and 49, with income averaging£35,757

Compensation in the UK varies depending on job skills and positions and can range vastly.

Also, according to the latest OECD data, salaries in the UK are above the European average and rank at number 15 out of 36 countries.

Average salaries in London:

Financial analyst£40,042
Graphic designer£26,738
Mobile developer£41,431
Product manager£46,063
Software engineer£42,925
Web developer£32,664

In other British cities, numbers are lower. Read about the salaries in Manchester in this article.

The minimum wage in the UK

In 2022, the minimum wage in the UK is £9,50 per hour for someone above age 23.


Average salary in the UK

According to Statista, the average annual gross salary in the UK in 2022 is £33,000 or £26,209 after-tax.

At the same time, national sources, likeONS, have reported an average salary of £25,971 in 2021. This translates to a £1,777 net monthly wage.

However, in April 2020, the average earnings for full-time employees were around £31,461 a year, whilepart-time workers in the UK earn an average of £11,310. Other data confirm that the average salary in the country in 2021 is £29,600.

Hence, if you earn over £31,000 in the UK, you shouldn’t feel underpaid.

The average salary in the UK in 2022 for the most popular job positions:

  1. IT Technician–£31,731
  2. Administrator– £25,050
  3. Construction Project Manager– £40,549
  4. Business/Corporate Project Manager–£58,478
  5. Police Officer– £26,605
  6. Education Support Assistant– £16,700
  7. Business Development Manager–£52,500
  8. Laborer–£28,237
  9. Receptionist–£17,808
  10. Sales Executive–£26,302
  11. Account Manager–£52,500
  12. Quantity Surveyor–£42,511
  13. Care Assistant– £18,255
  14. Chef– £21,282
  15. Managers– £58,862 (although this varies widely depending on your field)
  16. Nurse– £32,338
  17. Electrician– £31,277
  18. Doctor– £41,494
  19. Lawyer– £63,771
  20. Writer– £33,887
  21. Teacher– £39,388
  22. Business Analyst– £49,079
  23. Finance Professionals– £42,578
  24. Customer Service Advisor–£21,494
  25. Engineer–£43,628


Is £130,000 a good salary in the UK if you are coming from the US?

£130,000 per year is a lot of money in the UK. With an income of £130,000, an employee belongs to the top 1% of UK earners.

With a gross annual salary of £130,000, as a single, you will get about £78,675 after tax. Every month, you will receive £6,556. It’s a good income for a single person.

The annual salary of £130,000 could be seen among pilots, surgeons, bankers, or top CEOs.

If we compare it to the normal couple earning £40,000 annually, they receive a net wage of £30,582.

Hence, a couple will have about £5,097 in disposable income every month. Meaning as a single with an income of £130,000, you are far above ordinary people.

However, if you are the sole earner in the family, don’t expect to be that much better off than a working couple.

It’s not uncommon for a software engineer in a top US location such as San Francisco to earn around $150,000-$160,000 (£112,347 – £119,837).

Whereas, for the same position, you can get about £105,000 in London. So, we don’t see a very significant difference there.

In fact, you might even get a better deal in the UK. Rents are lower, and so is health insurance.

However, you need to consider whether you are liable for US taxes (US citizen?) and how much your total tax burden will be. In the UK, employees with an income of £130,000 fall into the 40% income tax bracket.

Where life is better? The UK or the US?


Is £50,000 a good income in the UK?

In the UK, the salary of £50,000 is above the average. It’s a very decent salary in the UK.

The average total salary for a family with two working adults is £40,000. £50,000 gross will bring you 67% above average income. Hence, you are well off by at least 67% more.

Furthermore, an employee doesn’t pay high taxes on such income. They are still in the 20% bracket for income taxes.

The income tax and National Insurance you will pay on this salary will be about £13,000 per year – leaving you with around £37,000. If you are considering buying real estate, the mortgage repayments could easily take up well over £10,000 annually.

Highest-paying jobs in the UK

Here is the list of top earners in the UK:

JobAverage annual salary
Marketing and sales directors£69,779
Legal professionals£69,514
Train and tram drivers£59,189
Advertising and public relations directors£58,948
Senior police officers£58,734
Senior professionals of educational establishments£58,268
Financial managers and directors£58,028
Medical practitioners£56,869
Senior officers in protective services£56,135


Where the best fields to work in the UK are:

  • Accounting, banking and finance
  • Consulting and management
  • Healthcare
  • IT
  • Marketing, advertising
  • Sales
  • Education
  • Engineering
  • Recruitment and HR

The service sector dominates the UK economy. Banking, insurance, and business services are all key drivers of the country’s growth.

Other important British industries include metals, chemicals, aerospace, shipbuilding, motor vehicles, food processing, textiles and clothing, design, the arts, and electronic and communications equipment.

Apart from that, expats and foreign workers can find the most job offerings in areas with skill shortages:

  1. Business services – analysts, market researchers, HR officers
  2. Construction – surveyors, planners and project managers
  3. Education – primary and secondary school teachers (particularly maths teachers)
  4. Engineering – electrical, mechanical and chemical engineers, civil engineers and product and process engineers
  5. Healthcare – nurses, medical radiographers and pediatricians
  6. Hospitality – baristas, chefs
  7. IT – cyber security analysts, SEO marketers, software developers and systems engineers
  8. Social care – counselors, social workers

Occupations in demand include:

  • Bank clerk
  • Insurance clerk
  • Business economist
  • Social worker
  • Nurse
  • Doctor / Physician
  • Dentist

Lowest paying jobs

Yet, some jobs are extremely underpaid in the UK, among others:

JobMedian annual salary
Beauticians and related occupations£15,210
Hairdressers and related services£15,357
Bar staff£15,896
Leisure and theme park attendants£16,194
Kitchen and catering assistants£16,254
Smiths and forge workers£16,519
Educational support assistants£16,721
Launderers, dry cleaners and pressers£17,295

Top paying industries

The industry has a significant influence on your salary level in the UK. The most important sectors in the UK are:

  • Banks
  • Insurance
  • Commerce
  • Gastronomy
  • Tourism
  • Public administration
  • Information Technology

Average expenses in the UK with the average salary

In short, about the cost of living in the UK:

  1. Family of four estimated monthly costs: £3,564
  2. Single-person estimated monthly costs: £2,014
  3. Cost of living in the UK is more expensive than in 64% of countries in Western Europe (6 out of 14)
  4. Cost of living in the UK is more expensive than in 83% of countries in the World (12 out of 63)

You will spend significantly more money in London (at least 20%). In 2020, London was ranked among the 10 most expensive cities to live in in Europe. Cheaper locations include cities in northern England.

  • In London, the rent of a one-bedroom apartment will be £1,662
  • Meal for 2 – £60
  • Transportation (monthly pass) – £158

Moving to the UK? Here are top reasons why you shouldn’t come to the UK.


No surprise that rent is our biggest expense when moving abroad. It contributes to at least 30% of our monthly budget.

In London, the closer you are to the center, the higher the rent.

Renting a one-bedroom apartment close to the city center in London would cost you about £1,600 a month, but you can choose one outside the city center for about £1,100.

On the other hand, renting a family home costs about £3,100 a month on average in the city center and about £1,900 for one outside the center.

However, rents in other English cities are lower. For instance, in Manchester, you will get a one-bedroom apartment for about £700 a month.

Housing in LondonAverage monthly cost
One-bedroom apartment (city center)£1,662
One-bedroom apartment (outside of the city center)£1,272
Three-bedroom apartment (city center)£3,188
Three-bedroom apartment (outside of the city center)£2,081
Utilities (gas, electric, and water for an 85m2 apartment)£171
Council Tax£80

Consequently, more and more people are unable to afford to live in London. Hence they are moving to cities nearby. This fact has driven prices high in those cities as well. Thus, the cost of living in any town near London has skyrocketed.

Overall, the average rent for a small studio apartment in the UK is £708.

Public transport

Public transport prices are high in the UK. A London monthly pass for subway+train can cost you £360 per month.

Cost of living in London

The average cost of living in London is about £2,892 per person per month. The Price Index for the city of London is 222. This score indicates that food, rent, and other necessities are more than twice as expensive in London than in the average global city.

The total cost of living in London is about 38,5% higher than the Central European average.

People with children need more money. The cost of living for a couple with a one-year-old is around £49,714 annually or £4,142 monthly. Childcare is expensive in London.

Example of cost of living in London:

  • Rent: £2,219 per month (Average across London for the beginning of 2021)
  • Basic public transport monthly ticket: £146
  • Taxi fare for a 5-mile journey on a business day: £26
  • Dinner for two in a pub: £37
  • 2 theatre tickets: £171
  • 1 co*cktail in a club: £11
  • 1 pint of beer: £5,20

See more on the cost of living in the UK in this article.


Taxes in the UK

In the UK, you will pay significantly fewer taxes than in many other European countries – just about 24,90%. With an average annual salary of £35,000, you will take home £27,464. Hence, you just paid around 22% in taxes.

Income tax – between 20% and 45% (20% is the most common). You can see rates for 2021 – 2022 below.

England/Wales/Northern Ireland tax bandTaxable incomeIncome tax rate
Personal allowanceUp to £12,5700%
Basic rate£12,571–50,27020%
Higher rate£50,271–150,00040%
Additional rate£150,001+45%

Social security – employee pays 12% of the salary; 2% for income above £4,189 per month. At the same time, the employer contributes another 13,8% (15,05% from April 2022) to the national insurance. Expats can sign up for private health insurance, which will save them money.

For example, if you earn £4,000 a month or £48,000 a year, you pay:

  • nothing on the first £9,568
  • 12% on the next £38,432
  • total in social security £4,611
Your annual salaryClass 1 National Insurance rate
Less £9,5680%
£9,568 – £50,27012%
Over £50,2702%

Alternative to the national insurance in the UK

Read more about healthcare in the UK in this article.


How much money do you need to live comfortably in the UK?

How much money you need to live comfortably comes to the cost of living. Generally, you can live comfortably on between £2,000 – £3,000, depending on the location and your personal situation.

London is the most expensive city; hence, expect higher expenses. Yet, with this income, you will cover all things related to accommodation, general expenses, and leisure activities.


What Is a Good Salary in the UK? [+Average Salaries] (2024)


What Is a Good Salary in the UK? [+Average Salaries]? ›

The National Demographic

What is considered a good salary UK? ›

What is a good salary in the UK? Between £2,500 and £3,000 is considered to be an ideal monthly net income in the UK.

What is a comfortable salary UK? ›

How much money do you need to live comfortably UK? To live comfortably in the UK with some financial freedom and luxuries, you need £33,600 as an individual, £49,670 as a couple and £67,554 per year for a family of four with two young children.

Is 75k a good salary UK? ›

Earning a 75k salary in the UK is generally considered a good income that provides the means to cover living costs, including housing, utilities, transportation, and leisure activities.

Is 100k a good salary UK? ›

Yes, you should be able to live comfortably off a 100k salary. You are in the UK's top 5% of wages at this salary level, which you should be proud of. There are, however, many variables that affect each individual differently when it comes to living expenses.

What is middle-class UK salary? ›

What was middle-class income in the UK in 2022? According to tastingbritain.co.uk, the middle-class salary in the UK for 2022 was £26,800 per annum. Of course, the figures swing wildly depending on geographic region. While £35,000 was considered the minimum in the North, £60,000 was the minimum for London.

Are US salaries higher than UK? ›

Salaries in the US are higher than in the UK. The UK has wider social protections which protect workers but also keep wages lower. UK workers are legally entitled to more time off, so they work less than their US counterparts. UK workers also have access to free healthcare through the National Health Service.

What is a realistic Living Wage UK? ›

The real Living Wage, set by the Living Wage Foundation and based on the true cost of living, is £10.90 in the UK, and £11.95 in London. A UK worker earning the National Living Wage would need an extra £936 each year to bring their income in line with the real Living Wage.

What is a decent Living Wage UK? ›

The calculation

The London Living Wage is currently £11.95 per hour. This covers all boroughs in Greater London. The UK Living Wage for outside of London is currently £10.90 per hour.

Is 70k a good wage in the UK? ›

Earning a 70k salary in the UK is generally considered a good income that provides the means to cover living costs, including housing, utilities, transportation, and leisure activities.

What is UK average US salary? ›

Highlights And Key Takeaways: The average salary in the UK is £30,978 ($39,301) per year while the average salary in the USA is £45,925 ($58,260) per year. The average pay in New York is £55,468 ($70,460) per year while the average pay in London is £40,288 ($51,185) per year.

What is the top 10% income in the UK? ›

Who's in the top 10%? In the UK, the threshold for the top 10% of personal income before tax is £59,200, according to the HMRC's latest statistics. This is over twice the median wage, which is generally under £30,000.

What is a decent salary in London? ›

From personal experience and opinion, a salary of around £50,000 can be considered a benchmark for living comfortably in London. This income level often provides the means to afford your own place, cover daily expenses, and even indulge in some luxuries or plan for holidays.

Is 200k a year a good salary UK? ›

Conclusion. Earning a salary of £200,000 in the UK provides a substantial income that can support a comfortable lifestyle, cover living costs, and facilitate financial security.

Is 200k a good salary in UK? ›

Yes. The average income in London is in 35k-40k range. So it's very well above average, assuming we are all talking in GBP terms.

How many people earn over 120k in the UK? ›

There are about 540,000 people in the top 1 per cent income bracket across the UK and that requires £120,000 a year, the IFS said.

Is 70k a good salary in England? ›

Earning a 70k salary in the UK is generally considered a good income that provides the means to cover living costs, including housing, utilities, transportation, and leisure activities.

Is 50000 a good salary UK? ›

However, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS), the average salary in the UK is £33,000 per year. So with a salary of 50K, you can afford a comfortable lifestyle in most parts of the UK.

Is 80000 a good salary in UK? ›

£80k is a great salary for a single person and is enough to cover an entire household – provided you know how to budget your money correctly! As a single person, you should have enough money to cover your rent or mortgage, your debts and expenses, and still have money left over to invest or have fun with.

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