What Is A Good Salary in Amsterdam? [2023] | Russianvagabond (2024)

What Is A Good Salary in Amsterdam? [2023] | Russianvagabond (1)

Are you relocating to Amsterdam? How exciting! Despite Amsterdam being an incredible city to live in, it doesn’t provide the highest salaries in this part of the world. Many British and American expats can get disappointed by seeing their potential income. Before you seek or accept a job in the Dutch capital, informing yourself about local salaries is a crucial step.

A monthly net salarybetween €2,500 and €3,500 is considered a good wage in Amsterdam. This corresponds to an annual gross salary of above €40,000. Everyone getting between €3,300 and €5,000 gross per month in a Dutch capital is a good earner.

Amsterdam is a popular destination for expats and students. It’s a very culturally diverse place with many large international companies to work for. But salary is an essential aspect of relocation doesn’t matter what others say. Read this article to learn about wages and living expenses when moving to Amsterdam in 2023.

What jobs are in high-demand in the Netherlands in 2023? Read here.

What is considered a good salary in Amsterdam in 2023?

In Amsterdam, a monthly net income between €2,500 and €3,500 is considered to be a good salary. You can afford a decent life with that income, including renting a two-bedroom apartment, eating out, and spending weekends away.

Are you thinking of taking a job in the Netherlands? But what should you earn in the Dutch capital to have a good life? Amsterdam isn’t known for exceptionally high salaries, but they aren’t low either. In the end, it’s home to over 2,000 multinational companies. And you can get a chance to work in one of them.

To get to these numbers in Amsterdam, you will need to be making between €40,000 and €60,000 annually before tax.

According to various sources, a gross salary of €53,000 is what you want to strive for in Amsterdam. This translates to about €3,200/month after tax. Ultimately, everyone getting between €2,500 and €4,000 per month is a good earner.

What Is A Good Salary in the Netherlands?

While it’s a good salary for a single person, giving you a decent standard of living. A family will likely need two incomes to have a good standard of living.

Furthermore, a salary of €2,000 a month after tax is the minimum income for a comfortable lifestyle in Amsterdam (for a single person).

A gross salary of around €45,000 a year is what you need to live a comfortable yet not extravagant lifestyle in Amsterdam.

A couple with children, both earning €40,000 gross, will be having a very good life.

Read our guide on the cost of living for a family in the Netherlands.

With a monthly net salary of €2,500, you are making enough money to finance a small flat or a car, go on holidays, and eat out regularly. At this point, you will start to enjoy life more.

With a monthly net salary of €3,500, one can finance a better apartment; you will have a very nice lifestyle, go on holidays, or have a very decent car (Mercedes, BMW, etc.)

If you want to buy a house in Amsterdam, you will need to earn significantly more than €3,000 or have a partner with a good salary.

What gross salary in Amsterdam gets you in a month after tax? Below you can see the amount before and after tax (per month):

  • €30,000 – €2,100
  • €35,000 – €2,359
  • €40,000 – €2,583
  • €50,000 – €3,009
  • €55,000 – €3,222
  • €60,000 – €3,435
  • €70,000 – €3,857

*These numbers don’t include a 30% tax ruling for expats in the Netherlands.

You can check your after tax salary in the Netherlands here.

Working in Amsterdam

Many expats from the US and UK come for work in Amsterdam. They often get surprised that Dutch salaries are significantly lower than the US and slightly under the British average.

Nonetheless, expats, in particular, can boost their income by benefiting from some reasonable tax exemptions, e.g. 30% ruling for foreign employees.

The median salary for a foreigner in Amsterdam is €48,000 gross or €34,882 net. That translates to €2,907 monthly after tax. A comfortable lifestyle is easily manageable with that income.

Some facts about work perspectives in Amsterdam:

  1. Has more than 2,000 international companies.
  2. Has 475 international headquarters.
  3. 12% of total job listings are in English.
  4. Amsterdam has one of the lowest unemployment rates in Europe.
  5. There is increasing demand for highly skilled international workers.

Some of the common jobs and salaries in Amsterdam:

JobMonthly gross wage
Project Manager€4,188
Civil servant€2,671
Administrative assistant€2,877
Marketing manager€3K – €4K
Senior Manager€7k
Data analyst€4K – €5K
Business Analyst€3K – €5K
Senior Software Engineer€5K – €6K
Software Developer€3K – 5K
Customer service €1,990
Engineer €3K– 4K
Postal worker€1,900-2,400
Insurance broker€2,5K – 4K
Senior Associate€4K

Hourly rates for some casual jobs in Amsterdam:

Hospitality workers€10,45
Receptionists€11,50 – 12,50
Delivery drivers€8,50 – 11,00

Starting from 40,000, you earn well above average in Amsterdam. Salaries starting from €3,300 before tax are considered good.

Cost of Living for a Family in The Netherlands

Example of a good salary in Amsterdam

Base gross salary: €53,000, which comes to €3,200 monthly after tax. €53,000 is a realistic salary for most academics with a few years of experience.

Usually, in Amsterdam, expats spend around €1,500 on rent, around €500 on groceries, €200 on eating out, and the rest is spent on leisure and savings.

  1. Housing: You can rent a 1-2 bedroom apartment in the city (€1,500), utilities will cost you another €200 and €40 for the internet.
  2. Groceries and food: €400 – €500
  3. Transportation: €100
  4. Health insurance – €120
  5. Disposal income per month: €740 for closing and shoes, personal items, eating out, entertainment, weekend trips, yearly holidays, etc.
  6. You can go on holidays 1-2 times a year.
  7. You also can spend some weekends away.
  8. Saving: you might be able to put away a few hundred euros.

Gross vs net salary

Taxes in the Netherlands are pretty high. Income taxes and social security contributions will be deducted from your monthly salary. Overall, taxes and social security contributions are around 35-40% of the employee’s gross salary. However, an annual bonus will compensate for this high rate, lowering it to about 25%.

Moreover, some expats might be eligible for a 30% tax exclusion. Read more here.

If you earn €40,000 annually before tax in Amsterdam, you will see the following taxes to be deducted:

  • Gross salary: €40.000
  • Income tax: €5.127
  • Social security: €9.713
  • Additional allowances: +€ 5.648
  • Total tax annually: €9.192
  • Net salary: €30.808 or €2,567/month
  • Marginal tax rate: 49,1%
  • Average tax rate: 23,0%

If you earn €40,000 per year, living in the Netherlands, you will be taxed €9,192. That means your net salary will be €30,808 per year or €2,567 per month.

Here is the annual gross salary and the amount you receive after taxes per month:

€20,000 – €1,535€25,000 – €1,810€30,000 – €2,050€35,000 – €2,285
€40,000 – €2,500€45,000 – €2,700€50,000 – €2,920€55,000 – €3,135
€60,000 – €3,345€65,000 – €3,560€70,000 – €3,765€75,000 – €3,950
€80,000 – €4,135€85,000 – €4,320€90,000 – €4,505€95,000 – €4,690
€100,000 – €4,900€125,000 – €5,955€150,000 – €7,005€200,000 – €9,110

Bonuses, holiday pay and remuneration packages

In the Netherlands, in addition to your standard monthly salary, employees receive a holiday allowance in May, which is equivalent to 8% of annual earnings (roughly one month’s salary). It’s intended to coverexpenses for your summer holidays.

Furthermore, some companies also offer performance-based bonuses, which may be paid out monthly, quarterly, or annually. Other benefits can include a company car,a mobile phone,or the coverage of your monthlycosts fortransportation.

Salaries in Amsterdam

What Is A Good Salary in Amsterdam? [2023] | Russianvagabond (2)

In Amsterdam, an average employee earns between €36,000 – €40,000 per year. Of course, wages will vary significantly based on industry, education, and experience.

However, expats often earn more than average, where the median salary for a foreigner in Amsterdam is €48,000 gross or €34,882 net. A comfortable lifestyle is easily manageable with that income.

Generally, salaries in the Netherlands range from€1,480 (lowest average) to€23,400 (highest average). 50% of all employees earn less than €5,590 gross per month or 67,000 annually.

For university graduates, average starting salaries in Amsterdam by industry:

  • Legal sector between €2,500 and €2,800 gross
  • Economic sector between €2,500 and €2,800 gross
  • Technology sector between €2,200 and €2,500 gross

With an average salary of €36,500, Dutch wages still vary significantly depending on the employer, position, and experience.

For example, foreign software developers make between €45,000 and €65,000 gross per year.

Nonetheless, managing living expenses while earning below €25,000 in Amsterdam will be difficult.

Minimum wage in the Netherlands in 2023

In 2023, the nationalminimum wageis still at 2022 rate – €1,756.20 per month for adults over the age of 21 who works full-time.

Minimum salary for the residence and work permit

Everyone with a need for residence and work permit in the Netherlands must keep requirements for a minimal salary.

In 2022, the minimum monthly gross salary for a highly skilled migrant age 30 or older was€4,840. For candidates under age 30, the amount was €3,549.

Graduates of Dutch universities and highly educated migrants will need a lower income level to receive a residence permit. A monthly gross salary is €2,543 will be enough.

Consequently, non-EU workers moving to Amsterdam should pay extra attention to their future salaries. If they don’t meet the minimum salary requirement, a visa won’t be granted.

Average salary in Amsterdam

The average gross annual salary for expats in Amsterdam is €48,000.

When talking about the country in general, the average salary in the Netherlands is €33,161 per year or €17,01 per hour. Junior positions start from €24,964 per year, but more experienced employees earn up to €56,098 per year.

Amsterdam has some of the highest average salaries in the Netherlands.

The average gross salary in the Netherlands is €2,959 per month or €2,400 net. Overall, salaries range from €2,520 to €3,405 per month. A working person in the Netherlands typically earns between €2,400 –€3,000net per month.

The best-paid jobs in Amsterdam are in IT, education & research, medicine, and law. Depending on the education, the highest salaries received by people with a Doctorate Degree followed by Masters’s.

Besides that, employees with years of experience have a significantly higher than average salary.

The average salary among various cities in the Netherlands:

CityAverage salary
1Loosdrecht€ 4.374
2Well (GE)€ 3.955
3Zeeland€ 3.700
4Den Haag€ 3.411
5Utrecht€ 3.288
6Amsterdam€ 3.265
7Rotterdam€ 3.120
8Den Bosch€ 3.086
9Breda€ 3.049
10Eindhoven€ 3.034
What Is a Good Salary in Rotterdam, Netherlands?

Average expenses with an average salary in Amsterdam

Amsterdam is expensive. Not as expensive as Zürich in Switzerland, but still fairly expensive.

Expenses with gross income per year of €48,000 or €2,924 net per month in Amsterdam (€):

  • Rent 1,500
  • Health insurance 150
  • Other insurances 100
  • Telecommunications 150
  • Transportation 100
  • Other health costs 180
  • Food 450
  • Shoes and clothing 130
  • Household, hygiene articles 150
  • Entertainment, recreation, culture 300

Of course, the salary needed to live in Amsterdam in 2023 heavily depends on your lifestyle. One is clear, you need at least €1,700 per month to have a most basic life.

The average cost of living in Amsterdam is about €2,776 per person per month. Amsterdam’s total cost of living is about 25% lower than in London and 25% higher than in Berlin.


The average rent of a one-bedroom apartment in Amsterdam’s city center is €1,461 and €2,388 for a two-bedroom flat.

You can expect to pay an average of €120-200 per month for gas and electricity combined when it comes to utilities. Water supply costs around €15-30 per month. Internet bill ranges from €32 for a lower speed connection to €67 for a higher speeddepending on the package.

To stay connected, you will pay between €8 and €40 for your mobile bill.


You should budget at least €300 for monthly groceries. When cooking at home more, it can rise to €500.

Going out is pretty pricey in Amsterdam. Here are some average expenses:

Meal at an inexpensive restaurant€16.00€10.00 – 25.00
Meal for two in an average place with drinks€43.00€40.00 – 60.00
Meal for two people at a mid-range restaurant, three-course€75.00€60.00 – 120.00
Meal at a fast-food restaurant€8.50€8.00 – 10.00
Beer€5.00€3.00 – 8.00
co*cktail€12.00€8.00 – 15.00
Wine€4.00€3.00 – 6.00
Cappuccino€3.50€2.00 – 4.00

Public transport

The monthly pass for public transport costs €97,50 in Amsterdam. One ride on a bus or tram is €3,20. Owning a car in Amsterdam can be painfully expensive. The average cost of owning a vehicle in the Dutch capital can eat up €400 from your income. That’s why everyone uses a bicycle.


Dutch residents pay about €125 per month for basic health insurance. It includes a deductible of €385. You can increase your annual deductible to €885 to drop monthly costs to €85 up to €91.Optionally, you can take out expat health insurance.

Calculate your Dutch health insurance premium by using the online provider. You can also sign for a coverage starting from €114,9 per month.

Health insurance for expats in the Netherlands

Expats need a health insurance solution when moving to the Netherlands. We recommend Cigna Global for international coverage. For American expats company provides comparable to US health insurance packages.

Because Cigna insurance is international, you can use your policy not only in the Netherlands but almost anywhere in the world. With 74,000 employees, 200 years of experience, and more than 100 million customers globally, it’s one of the largest international insurance providers out there.

With that insurance, you can enjoy instant and easy access to healthcare facilities and professionals around the globe.

Visit their website to learn more and choose the optimal coverage for your situation.

Highest paying jobs in Amsterdam

What Is A Good Salary in Amsterdam? [2023] | Russianvagabond (3)

Some of the highest-paying jobs in Amsterdam are:

  1. Surgeons
  2. Judges
  3. Lawyers
  4. Bank managers
  5. Chief executive managers
  6. Chief financial officers
  7. Orthodontists
  8. College professors
  9. Pilots
  10. Marketing directors
  11. Engineers
  12. Workers in technical research and development
  13. Consultants

Professionals like doctors, ministers, and dentists get paid around€6,000-10,000 gross per month.

Is €60,000 a good enough salary in Amsterdam?

In Amsterdam, the salary of €60,000 is above the average. It’s a very decent salary in Amsterdam.

€60,000 gross annually gives you €3,700 net with a 30% tax ruling and €2,900 without it. Even if you aren’t eligible for a tax exemption, €60k is a pretty high income for a single person.

If you have a wife or/and kids to support, this salary would still be enough but not optimal. You won’t be able to afford many things.

Moreover, if you decide to get a car, it will automatically add at least €2,000 in spendings every year (tax, insurance, upkeep).

To sum up, if you would like to be more extravagant with spending, you would be spending your whole salary, but with a modest (but still good) lifestyle, you can easily save €500 per month.

Is €100k a good salary for a couple in Amsterdam, Netherlands?

A salary of €100,000 is considered to be very good in Amsterdam. It’s much higher than the average salary. This amount will leave you€59,339 annually or €4,945 monthly after-tax.

€100,000 annually puts someone in the top 1% or so of earners in the Netherlands. Most Dutch people would consider it an excellent salary. Even in the expensive Amsterdam, it would be regarded as an exceptionally good income.

Consequently, you and your partner can live a comfortable but not extravagant lifestyle with that income. For a family with kids, it’s still a solid income but doesn’t leave you much room for saving and leisure.

Your monthly expenses in Amsterdam might look as follows:

Rent for a 3-bedroom home€2,000–2,500
Health insurance€240 (2 people)
Public transport€200 (2 people)
Going out€400
Disposable income:€920
Savingsaround €500

Consequently, €100,000 annually gross is a pretty decent amount of money in the capital of the Netherlands, Amsterdam.

How much money do you need to live comfortably in Amsterdam?

The Netherlands is quite similar to other European countries regarding the cost of living. Amsterdam is the country’s most expensive city to live in, followed by Utrecht.

Here is some data on average living expenses in Amsterdam:

  • A family of four will need approximately €4,837
  • A single person’s estimated monthly costs are €2,776

Yet, according to our estimation, a single can live a modest lifestyle in Amsterdam on €2,100 a month.


  1. Cost of living inthe Netherlandsis higherthan in65% of countriesinWestern Europe(7 out of 17)
  2. Cost of living inthe Netherlandsishigherthan in82% of countriesinthe world(13 out of 67)
  3. Cost of living in the Netherlands is15% more expensive than in Germany
  4. Cost of living in Amsterdam is similar to Paris

To live comfortably in Amsterdam, a gross salary of around €40,000 is recommended. That translates to €2,567 net per month.

Keep in mind that living in Amsterdam’s central areasis particularly expensive, pushing residents to seek out accommodation in neighboring municipalities, such asAmstelveen. You will save a significant amount of cash by renting a place outside of central areas.

As an expat, you can expect to spend at least 30% of your salary each month on rent. Here is what you can expect:

  • Social housing: up to €737
  • Room flat share: €400-1,200
  • Studio apartment:€700-1,300
  • 1 bed apartment: €900-1,700
  • 2 bed apartment:€1,100-2,400
  • 2-3 bed house:€2,000-4,000
A 2-bedroom apartment in Amsterdam will cost you
Rent for an 85 m2 apartment in the city center€2,622
Rent for an 85 m2 apartment outside the center€1,975
Utilities for 2 people in an 85m2 apartment€168
A 1-bedroom apartment in Amsterdam will cost you
Rent for a 45 m2 apartment in the city center€1,536
Rent for a 45 m2 apartment outside the center€1,230
Utilities for 1 person in a 45m2 apartment€129


Food, whether it’s groceries or eating out, will eat up the second largest part of your income when living in Amsterdam.

According to the Dutch Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), the average Dutch family spends €492 per month on groceries, while the average single person spends €207 per month on their grocery bill.

Generally, the Netherlands has the most expensive food and non-alcoholic beverages than a neighbor Germany. Many Dutch people shop on the weekend in Germany because it’s more affordable.

Yet, there are many German discounters available too, such as Aldi and Lidl. By shopping there, you can save a significant amount of cash.

What Is A Good Salary in the Netherlands?


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What Is A Good Salary in Amsterdam? [2023] | Russianvagabond (2024)
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