What is a Chief Technology Officer (CTO)? SearchCIO (2024)


  • Alexander S. Gillis,Technical Writer and Editor
  • Kassidy Kelley
  • Ivy Wigmore

What is a CTO?

The chief technology officer (CTO) is the individual within an organization who oversees the current technology and creates relevant policy. A CTO should have the business knowledge necessary to align technology-related decisions with the organization's goals.

In addition to fixing IT-related issues, the CTO is responsible for developing, implementing, managing and evaluating the company's technology resources. The goal of a CTO is to examine short- and long-term needs while using capital to make investments that aid the organization in reaching its goals.

The CTO position often overlaps with other jobs, in particular, that of the chief information officer (CIO) or chief science officer. Depending on the company's size and focus, it may have some or all of these positions. In some environments, the CTO might oversee infrastructure or act as a strategic planner or customer relations liaison. The position attributes of a CTO vary by organization. As a rule, the CTO reports to thechief executive officer.

CTOs play an important role in the C-suite, as they are often in positions that enable them to embrace newer and innovative technologies and help steer organizations toward better efficiency and performance by adopting new tools.

This article is part of

The evolving CIO role: From IT operator to business strategist

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What is a Chief Technology Officer (CTO)? SearchCIO (1)

CTO roles and responsibilities

The following are responsibilities typically found in a CTO job description:

Tech strategy:

  • Monitor social and technology trends that could influence the company's business goals.
  • Identify opportunities and risks for the business.
  • Participate in management decisions aboutcorporate governance.
  • Implement new data protection and QA processes.

Research and development:

  • Research, outline and recommend the most effective content management systems.
  • Maintain current information about technology standards and compliance regulations.
  • Manage research and development of technology, IT assets and associated revenue.
  • Develop a strategy to oversee the use of new technology in the organization.
  • Approve new designs for IT infrastructure and communication systems.

Other responsibilities:

  • Communicate the company's technology strategy to partners, management, investors and employees.
  • Assist with the recruitment, retention, acquisition and sales efforts of the company. Build relationships with vendors, communities and customers.
  • Monitor and assess IT budgets.

CTO roles may include a variety of responsibilities that generally fall into one of the following four roles:

  • Infrastructure manager. They oversee data, security, network and maintenance. Infrastructure manager CTO roles also implement their organization's technical strategy and technological road maps.
  • Strategic planner. They implement the organization's technical strategy and help create new business strategies.
  • Consumer liaison. These CTOs focus on delivering projects aligning with customer needs. Their responsibilities can include customer relations, understanding target markets and aiding in the delivery of IT projects to market.
  • Thinker. They develop corporate strategies and business models while analyzing different target markets.

How to become a CTO

Individuals who are on the career path to becoming a CTO should have a bachelor's degree in an information technology or related computer science discipline, or an advanced degree, such as a Master of Business Administration. Additional education in the following areas may also help to support career advancement:

  • computer programming
  • software development
  • management information systems
  • cybersecurity
  • business administration

Although a four-year or advanced degree will lay the foundation for the CTO role, future CTOs will have to work their way up the IT ranks. They will need to gain practical on-the-job and industry experience. Individuals may need five to 10 years of experience in IT, according to Indeed. With this experience, they may enter a leadership role, executive role or some other executive position where they can gain leadership experience.

While there are no specific certifications geared to CTOs, individuals seeking a CTO role should also pursue certifications in areas such as project management, development, programming or database administration.

CTO skills and requirements

In addition to a formal education in an information science-related field, the skills needed to become a CTO include the following:

  • Business skills. CTOs must understand the fundamentals of the business they belong to. They must develop and oversee strategies to improve an organization.
  • Decision-making skills. CTOs must make numerous business decisions relating to the type of CTO they become.
  • Leadership skills. Leadership and team management skills are needed for CTOs who oversee managers and teams.
  • Soft skills. CTOs need strong communication skills to convey the technology needs of an organization and implement new technologies. Other soft skills needed include problem-solving, time management and multitasking.


In midsize to large companies with higher executive budgets, the C-level may include a CIO and a CTO. Both positions focus on the engineering, implementation, development and management of technology. However, the key difference is that the CIO role typically involves internal operations, while the CTO role focuses on external processes.

CIOs are corporate executives in charge of IT strategy and implementation. CIOs are responsible for the following:

  • establishing, maintaining and overseeing the technology architecture and choices;
  • establishing and maintaining technology infrastructure;
  • optimizing technology resources such as software, hardware, staff and spending; and
  • researching and evaluating existing and emerging technologies, products and services.

CIOs primarily work with a company's IT staff as a managing leader. They are typically in charge of discovering and analyzing how technology processes affect the business, as well as identifying potential areas of improvement. The CIO also presides over the internal IT infrastructure.

CTOs, on the other hand, preside over the overarching technology infrastructure. This includes developing marketable technology, suggesting new technologies to implement, interacting with external buyers and budgeting.

CTOs may also handle customer experience, support, engagement and front-endcontent delivery. CTOs are more concerned with developing new technology to improve revenue and sales opportunities and extending the company brand than day-to-day operations.

Another unique job requirement of CTOs is marketing skills. The CTO represents the external face of a company, which requires them to have an open and engaged relationship with vendors, customers, investors and partners.

In organizations that have both a CIO and CTO, the CTO is typically the role with more technical knowledge and expertise and that reports to the CIO, while the CIO is responsible for designing and recommending the appropriate technology.

What is a Chief Technology Officer (CTO)? SearchCIO (2)

What is the average salary for a CTO?

CTO job market

The job outlook for CTOs is good, as more companies go through digital transformations. With this heightened demand, employers know they need to compensate CTOs well for their advanced degrees and skills, and the challenges they may face regarding investments in business technology post-COVID.

According to the report titled "The Impact of Tech in 2022 and Beyond: An IEEE Global Study" -- which surveyed 350 CIOs, CTOs and IT directors in October 2021 -- respondents noted the following challenges:

  • determining which technologies are needed post-pandemic to support their workforces;
  • maintaining cybersecurity for a combination of hybrid, remote and in-office workers; and
  • return-to-office health and safety protocols and related software and data.

Learn more about the distinctions between CIOs and CTOs, such as how much each role actually sees itself as being different.

This was last updated in March 2022

Continue Reading About Chief Technology Officer (CTO)

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  • Is the CTO the new standard for a DevOps leader?
  • The CIO role, from IT operator to business strategist

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I'm a seasoned professional with extensive expertise in the field of technology and IT management. Having worked in various capacities within organizations, I bring a wealth of firsthand experience and in-depth knowledge in areas such as technology strategy, research and development, infrastructure management, and the roles of key executives like the Chief Technology Officer (CTO).

Now, let's dive into the concepts covered in the article you provided:

1. Chief Technology Officer (CTO) Overview:

  • The CTO is an individual within an organization responsible for overseeing current technology and creating relevant policies.
  • Their role includes aligning technology-related decisions with the organization's goals.
  • They are tasked with fixing IT-related issues and developing, implementing, managing, and evaluating the company's technology resources.

2. CTO Roles and Responsibilities:

  • The CTO's responsibilities include monitoring social and technology trends, identifying opportunities and risks, and participating in corporate governance decisions.
  • In research and development, the CTO recommends effective content management systems, maintains knowledge about technology standards, and manages the development of technology and IT assets.
  • Other responsibilities involve communication of the company's technology strategy, assisting in recruitment efforts, building relationships with stakeholders, and monitoring IT budgets.
  • CTO roles may encompass infrastructure management, strategic planning, consumer liaison, and thinking roles.

3. How to Become a CTO:

  • Individuals aspiring to become a CTO should have a bachelor's or advanced degree in information technology, computer science, or related disciplines.
  • Practical on-the-job and industry experience, typically five to ten years in IT, is essential.
  • While there are no specific certifications for CTOs, pursuing certifications in areas like project management, development, programming, or database administration is recommended.

4. CTO Skills and Requirements:

  • Skills required for a CTO include business understanding, decision-making, leadership, and strong communication skills.
  • Soft skills such as problem-solving, time management, and multitasking are also crucial.

5. CIO vs. CTO:

  • In midsize to large companies, both CIO and CTO roles exist.
  • The CIO focuses on internal operations, IT strategy, and implementation, while the CTO focuses on external processes, developing marketable technology, and handling customer experience.
  • CTOs may have marketing skills and represent the external face of the company.

6. Average Salary and Job Outlook for CTOs:

  • The job outlook for CTOs is positive, especially as companies undergo digital transformations.
  • CTOs are compensated well for their advanced degrees and skills.
  • Challenges include determining post-pandemic technology needs, maintaining cybersecurity, and addressing return-to-office protocols.

This comprehensive overview provides a solid understanding of the role of a Chief Technology Officer and the key aspects associated with it. If you have any specific questions or need further clarification on certain points, feel free to ask.

What is a Chief Technology Officer (CTO)? SearchCIO (2024)


What is a Chief Technology Officer (CTO)? SearchCIO? ›

The goal of a CTO is to examine short- and long-term needs while using capital to make investments that aid the organization in reaching its goals. The CTO position often overlaps with other jobs, in particular, that of the chief information officer (CIO) or chief science officer.

What does chief technology officer CTO do? ›

A chief technology officer (CTO) is the highest technology executive position within a company and leads the technology or engineering department. They develop policies and procedures and use technology to enhance products and services that focus on external customers.

What does CTO mean? ›

The CTO has overall responsibility for managing the physical and personnel technology infrastructure including technology deployment, network and system management, integration testing, and developing technical operations personnel.

What does a chief technology officer care about? ›

CTOs oversee the effectiveness of technology resources within an organization, including everything from phone systems to enterprise software platforms.

What is a chief information technology officer? ›

The chief information officer (CIO) oversees the people, processes and technologies within a company's IT organization to ensure they deliver outcomes that support the goals of the business.

What are the two roles of a Chief Technology Officer? ›

A chief technology officer (CTO) (also known as a chief technical officer or chief technologist) is an officer tasked with managing technical operations of an organization. They oversee and supervise research and development and serve as a technical advisor to a higher executive such as a chief executive officer.

Is CTO a stressful job? ›

The role of a CTO comes with high stakes and intense pressure. A balanced approach to work and life helps in building resilience, managing stress effectively, and preventing burnout, which is all too common in high-level executive roles.

Who reports to the chief technology officer? ›

The CTO may have direct reports, including: Chief Architects: Responsible for the technical architecture of the company's systems and platforms. Directors of Development: Responsible for leading development teams and ensuring the delivery of high-quality software. Directors of Quality Assurance: Responsibl.

Is CTO better than CEO? ›

The CEO holds the highest-ranking position in the corporate hierarchy. The CEO is the ultimate leader responsible for the entire organization, while the CTO typically specializes in technology and reports to the CEO or another high-level executive.

Is CTO higher than CEO? ›

The CEO is at the highest position in a company. They head C-level members such as the COO, CTO, CFO, etc.

What is the primary goal of the CTO? ›

One of the key responsibilities of a CTO is to ensure that the technology being delivered is aligned with the company's business objectives. This means that the CTO must have a strong understanding of the company's overall strategy and goals.

What skills do you need to be a Chief Technology Officer? ›

Business and Management Skills

To support these plans, a CTO must have knowledge in subject areas such as finance, business modeling, and project management. Leadership: For IT teams to work efficiently and effectively, CTOs must motivate their employees to work toward a common goal.

What skills do you need to be a CTO? ›

Strategic thinking and strong leadership skills

“A successful CTO should be able to set a clear technology vision, identify opportunities for innovation, and make informed decisions that drive the company's growth,” he says.

Who gets paid more, CIO or CTO? ›

According to Glassdoor, the average annual base salary of a CIO in the U.S. is $167,841. The average CTO base salary is just slightly higher at $169,499.

Is chief information officer same as chief technology officer? ›

Broadly speaking, a chief information officer focuses on internal technology, while a chief technology officer focuses on emerging technologies and product strategy.

Is CIO a high position? ›

CIOs now occupy a senior position within an organization, generally reporting directly to the CEO, although some report to the chief financial officer or chief operating officer. As we've seen, they now play a strategic as well as technical role.

What is the difference between head of technology and CTO? ›

Head of engineering vs CTO roles

A head of engineering works to ensure the successful execution of projects. A CTO's responsibilities encompass setting the company's strategic technology direction and representing its interests externally.

Is CTO higher than CIO? ›

As chief-level positions, one is generally not more senior or junior than the other. In fact, successful companies are often marked by strong presence from both the CIO and the CTO. Do what you can to make both positions a reality as soon as possible.

What is the difference between CTO and CEO of technology? ›

The CEO (chief executive officer) is the highest-ranking executive responsible for overall company leadership and strategic decision-making, while the CTO (chief technology officer) is a senior executive who oversees technology-related aspects, focusing on technology strategy, innovation, and technical leadership.

What is the highest payed CTO? ›

Best Paying Tech Executive Jobs: Salaries by Position, Low & High
Chief Technology Officer$225,000$350,000
Chief Information Officer$220,000$410,000
Chief Information Security Officer$200,000$400,000
VP Information Technology$170,000$300,000
3 more rows

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